Headline Hollywood and Bestiality
This Message is brought to you by Owuwunow Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis of the Organization Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics: of
You who listen to or read this report “in no way are you to watch any bestiality videos on the internet or on TV; In No Way are you to go and view pornographic pictures of bestiality; you are only allowed to investigate Hollywood stars and famous people and the obvious and subliminal images they release with animals that support bestiality, without the full blown poison of bestiality porn.
bestiality act Level of Threat based on dog and other animals affection through pictures, videos, or actual encounters and recorded behaviors:
These pictures featured in this advisory programs do not mean that the person is innocent nor guilty it only means that the picture taken is threatening in subliminal messages and in actual messages. This Level of Threat Paper is an assessment of Level of Threat Based on Bestiality Behavior with Animals wither a person is at High Risk for committing bestiality with a dog or other animal based on behavior and interactions with dogs and other animals: This Rating is for people who would like to investigate Hollywood stars that are subliminally promoting bestiality by taking pictures with dogs and other animals and that would like to investigate people around them without watching bestiality pornography; this rating is also for people to asses themselves and see if they are a High Risks Group based on their behavior with dogs and other animals: If a person notice that they are a High Risks Group Based on this Level of Threat Paper Work Please Stop the High Risks Behavior and Remove the animal from the home by bringing the animal to the animal shelter to be euthanized and put to sleep; please pay the fee to have the animal put to sleep do not commit bestiality with any animal the damage in infinite if you willingly and acceptingly breed with an animal and you are a Human Being. Even after learning these level of threat do not watch any bestiality pornography at all because it is not good for you to see such evil things you are only allowed to investigate subliminal images that Hollywood stars release to the public by taking pictures with dogs and other animals and to investigate the people around you, and to give yourself a self assessment. If anyone wish to investigate what subliminal and obvious messages Hollywood stars are sending to their fans about dogs that support bestiality by using my rating to rate such stars that are a threat to the Survival of Humanity all you have to do is go to google search engine and put the stars name with this term “with dog” for example if you were researching “kim kardashian” you would put this term “kim kardashian with dog” and many of the dog pictures kim kardashian is promoting would come up under the image menu on google search. For each Hollywood star or famous person you are investigating fallow the same search instruction.
Hollywood stars and tv, magazine, and internet commercials are promoting affection towards animals and especially towards dogs these commercials and images reinforce affection for dogs and animals this reinforcement is obvious and subliminal and causes bestiality to occur easier whenever spiritual beings enter the body or mind of a Human, spiritual beings convince any target Human with a weak low morality IQ, or junk brain through brainwash, instruction, sexual emotions, and sexual agitations to mate with household pets especially male dogs and secondly female dogs, and thirdly horses and other farm animals. Hollywood stars are being used to obviously and subliminally promote affection towards especially dogs and secondly towards other animals. To explain the importance of a Hollywood Star or famous person to the Mind of a Human Being who is a Fan. Hollywood stars carry a strong mind control over their fans through the admiration of fans such strong mind control and admiration of Hollywood stars is almost equivalent to worshiping a god even though, I don't support worshiping anything as a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics. Everything a Hollywood star does the fans fallow, the clothing they wear their fans wear, the songs they sing their fans sing, the movies they make their fans watch, the products they buy their fans buy, the behaviors they exhibit their fans exhibit, the actions that they do their fans do, the sexual preferences that they have their fans have; when a Hollywood star have a certain sexual preference their fans can sometimes mimic and copy them, for example if a fan of a Hollywood star saw that the Hollywood star is a whorelike person the fan will become more prone to be whorelike, for example if a fan of a Hollywood star saw that the Hollywood star have a dog the fan is more likely to get a dog, for example if a fan of a Hollywood star saw a Hollywood star kissing a dog the fan is more likely to kiss a dog, for example if a fan of a Hollywood star saw a Hollywood star showing sexual affection towards dogs such as letting dogs get on top of them and hugging and kissing dogs the fan of such a Hollywood star are more likely to allow such a thing to occur to themselves with dogs. Even worst if a Hollywood star that is liked a lot by fans through strong admiration saw a Hollywood star have sex with dogs and animals there is a high chance that a fan that is brainwashed by such a Hollywood star would mimic and copy such a star and do the same thing by thinking that it is acceptable to do it because their favorite star did the same thing. Hollywood stars are nodes of influence and their fans are their followers that tune in to such nodes of influence and fallow such nodes of influence. Many Hollywood stars are members of evil immoral secret societies that influence them in a negative manner to do evil, all an evil secret society have to do is take control of Hollywood and they would have mind control power over all fans of such movie stars and movie shows. When a Hollywood star take questionable pictures with even dogs and even pigs like miley cyrus did this influence a lot of mind controlled brainwashed fans into fallowing them by example. You who have learned this truth do not fallow immoral Hollywood stars by example, most Hollywood stars are immoral and do not have a strong morality principle. The bestiality spiritual attack is using Hollywood stars to spread affection towards animals this is causing their brianwashed mind controlled admiring fans to mimic and copy them and get dogs also and show affection towards dogs like they do. When you investigate the subliminal and obvious messages Hollywood stars have been sending to the general public as fans concerning affection towards animals especially dogs you will see a pattern of famous Hollywood stars taking pictures with dogs repeatedly and showing affection towards such dogs, you will also see questionable pictures that some stars and famous people have taken concerning dogs and other animals. Do not copy such behaviors instead do not buy any pet animal especially do not get any pet dog especially a male dog, because male dogs are being used to rape certain Human Beings through mind control and through force. Investigate such low morality Hollywood stars and fallow strong morality that cause you to devote your sexual attraction to Humans only in a heterosexual manner only, make sure you like members of your own race, members of your own color group, and people that have a compatible facial type with you. Movie stars must stop taking pictures with animals especially male dogs and female dogs because such pictures are being used for obvious and subliminal dog and animal attacks against Humanity orchestrated by evil spirits, animal spirits, animal heads, beast mode creatures, animal transformers, demons, evil gods, evil beings that dwell in everything and mate with everything, evil world pan sexual entities that mate with everything, evil spirits that dwell in the human body dormant, and non dormant, and dumb stupid low intelligence humans with a junk brain and junk dna and low morality IQ that are extremely immoral and untrained to mate appropriately with fellow human beings in a clean heterosexual manner. This bestiality attack may lead to the end of Human Civilization if it is not stopped by visible and invisible Human Beings and their approved allies.
Now I shall Go Over the Level of Threat With You:
Level “0” Threat: If the person hate dogs and other animals and know that they are a threat and danger to Humanity and would even kill all dogs and other animals that are a threat to Humanity and know that bestiality is evil and highly illegal to Humanity and other Higher Conscious Beings the person is a level “0” threat; If the person saw bestiality and they are against bestiality they are a level “0” threat, even if the person saw bestiality pornography as an investigator and prosecutor of bestiality people, and a spirit or other entity or mechanism raise or move their penis or vagina against their own free will or drip necro poisonous liquid out of their penis or vagina while they were protesting that their penis or vagina should not raise up, nor move, nor drip, and were against their penis or vagina raising up, moving, or dripping as an investigator against bestiality they are innocent and a level “0” Threat because they are not the one that raised their own penis nor vagina, nor moved it, neither did they drip liquid necro poison out of their penis nor vagina, but a spirit or other entity did it while they were investigating against the act of bestiality to prosecute and jail people who perform such evil acts as bestiality, or to prevent such an evil act as bestiality from spreading by their investigative efforts, they are a Level “0” Threat; If the person hate animals and want to kill the animal or any animal even if they are raped by animals the person is a level “0” threat. I do not advise normal people to investigate bestiality because it is not good for normal people to see such evil acts as bestiality. Because you have read this lists it does not mean you should investigate bestiality, but it is OK to investigate non pornographic pictures of people such as Hollywood stars that they have taken with dogs or animals to see what level of a threat that they are, but do not watch any bestiality pornography videos or pictures because it is not good for you at all, it will draw evil bestial spirits near you and so do not watch any bestiality at all instead spend your time with your loved ones in a clean manner, enjoy the cleanliness of the world instead of seeing the dirty-ness of the world.
Level 0 Threat Image 01
As displayed in this picture Level 0 Threat include people like me Owuwunow Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis pictured here as Certain Private Organizations Investigators; then we have the shadowy figure with the hat representing Certain Private Investigators, then we have the hands on the keyboard representing Certain Internet Investigators, the we have the Guy with the magnifying glass and the badge representing Certain Law Enforcement Officials.
Level “1” Threat: If they don't own a dog or animal at all, but appreciate dogs and other animals as a species or think about owning a pet, they are a level “1” threat.
Level 1 Threat Image 01
As you can see in this picture are Level 1 Threat people behavior such as buying animals and magazines watching animal programs. Such people appreciate dogs and other animals without owning such animals level 1 threat people are at risks of owning dangerous animals and their spirits in their homes therefore it is good not to admire animals at all and not to let them into your home because you also let their spirit into your home and animal spirits are far smarter then their physical forms. Many people that wind up practicing bestiality did so because spirits of animals brainwashed them into practicing the abomination of bestiality, therefore it is far more perfect to avoid owning an animal at all and to prevent any animals from entering your home. The fallowing pictures display more Level 1 Threat Behaviors:
Level “2” Threat: If they own a dog or animal, but hold the dog or animal on a leash and don't show affection to the dog or animal but treat the dog or animal like an animal, they are a level “2” Threat.
Level 2 Threat Image 01
As you can see in the picture of Level 2 Threat the man holds the animals on a leash and does not show affection for the animal, but walk the animal at a distance, such people treat animals like the animals that they are and prevent close encounters with animals, but such people have already allowed animals into their home which means that the animal and their spirits are in the persons house causing the person to be at a greater risks of animal attack. Therefore it is better to keep animals out of your home permanently. If a person own especially a dog of any sex get rid of the dog, especially male dogs are a danger to women and men especially women are in danger of being raped by male dogs, even small children are attacked by male dogs; therefore anyone who owns a dog bring the dog to the animal shelter and pay the fee that they ask for the dog. The fallowing pictures display more Level 2 Threat Behaviors:
Level “3” Threat: If they like taking pictures with dogs and animals next to them without touching the dog or animal they are a level “3” Threat:
Level 3 Threat Image 01
As you can see in this picture of Level 3 Threat the individual likes to take pictures with animals such as dogs, this is not a good thing because it causes people who display this behavior to appreciate animals this causes them to become closer towards animals and their evil spirits that dwell inside of them. I advise people not to take any picture with animals and to keep such animals away from them completely animals are not the friends of Human Beings they are our enemies to make matters worst, animals in their natural environment see all Humans as a food source that they can eat; therefore Humans should keep animals away from their home and must not admire animals at all. The fallowing pictures display more Level 3 Threat Behaviors:
Level “4” Threat: If they hold the dog or animal away from them, but like to touch the dog or animal by petting it they are a level “4” Threat:
Level 4 Threat Image 01
As you can see in this Level 4 Threat picture of the artists Amerie Rogers she is holding a small size dog in her hand and she is petting the small size dog any brainwashed low morality IQ fan that sees this picture of Amerie Rogers is more likely to do the same thing and get themselves a small sized dog and hold it and pet it in a similar manner; though Amerie Rogers may be innocent and have never committed bestiality, even small sized dogs are being used to commit bestiality by especially single women that live alone in their house that own a dog, in fact 50 percent of all dog owners allow the dog to sleep in the same bed with them. Human beings must not appreciate petting animals nor holding them up in their hands, animals are naturally unclean and dirty, therefore Human Beings must make sure that they keep dirty animals off of their hands. The fallowing pictures display more Level 4 Threat Behaviors:
Level “5” Threat: If they hold the dog or animal away from them and blow kisses at the dog or animal and like to touch the animal and pet the animal: They are a Level “5” Threat:
Level 5 Threat Adele 01.jpg
As you can see in this level 5 threat picture of the Hollywood star Adele she is clearly blowing a kiss at the dog that she is holding in her hands this behavior is totally unclean in nature any low morality IQ fan that sees her doing this behavior is more likely to do the same thing and get a small size dog and blow kisses at it too; Humans are not suppose to blow kisses at animals that is a form of bestiality to blow kisses at animals; Humans must also not mimic the behavior of Adele and pet dogs and animals and blow kisses at them this blow kisses at animals behavior is a precursor toward bestiality behavior, even though the Hollywood Star Adele may be innocent and not guilty of bestiality, she trains her fans by example through subliminal images to blow kisses at dogs which is not a good thing at all, but a precursor towards the performance of bestiality. Human Beings must not pet nor blow kisses at animals; if you own a pet dog please return it to the animal shelter because the danger of bestiality increases with the ownership of pet dogs, especially dogs are beings used to rape Human females especially on the internet. There are 45 million dog owners in America and half of these dog owners sleep in the same bed with there evil pet dog this is bestiality behavior. Do not mimic Hollywood stars and sleep in the same bed with dogs. The fallowing pictures display more Level 5 Threat Behaviors:
Level “6” Threat: If the dog or animal is held against their body and break the comfort zone of their body and they like petting the animal without kissing the animal, but they blow kisses towards the animal or if the dog or animal is allowed to sit upon their couch or chair with them, they are a Level “6” Threat:
Level 6 Threat Ariana Grande 02
As you can see in this Level 6 Threat picture of the Hollywood star Ariana Grande she is completely holding the unclean animal that is a dog on her body therefore violating her comfort zone and holding tight to the animal. This behavior of letting a dog violate the comfort zone of a Human and putting the dog on, or against the Human body is very bestial in nature in that it shows affection to the dog such as hugging and comforting the animal with the Human Body, this behavior is a precursor to performing bestial acts with dogs and animals, A low Morality IQ fan who fallows Ariana Grande would start to copy her behavior and start hugging dogs in a similar manner this behavior would put the fan in danger of liking dogs too much enough to show affection to them with the Human Body, this behavior is very deadly because According to statistics anywhere from 1.9 percent to 12.5 percent of people in our age the 21st century had sex with an animal around the world. Based on these statistics Human Beings should be careful not to show any affection to animals especially dogs; Dogs and pets must be outlawed to be kept in the home of Humans, Human Beings must not keep any animal at all except for farm animals that are eaten as food, until Human Beings no longer need to eat food for survival anymore. The fallowing pictures display more Level 6 Threat Behaviors:
Level “7 or 8 Threat: If they hold the dog or animal on their body, and blow kisses at the dog or animal and actually kiss the dog or animal or let the dog or animal lick them in the mouth or face, or if the dog or animal is allowed on their bed or floor with them without touching them, or touch them while on the bed they are a Level 7 or 8 Threat:
Level 7 or 8 Selena Gomez 02
As you can see in this Level 7 or 8 Threat picture of the Hollywood star Selena Gomez she is definite laying in bed with a dog and her arms are around the dog this picture is very abominable because it clearly shows that she admires dogs enough to sleep in the same bed with them unfortunately statistics have proven that half of all dog owners sleep in the same bed with them. Sleeping in the same bed with dogs is a precursor to breeding in the same bed with dogs; many people who sleep in the same bed with dogs wind up having sex with the same dog especially women are in danger of being raped by dogs that they sleep in the same bed with many low morality IQ fans of Selena Gomez would fallow her example and get themselves a dog to sleep in the same bed with this picture is a High Level threat pictures and should be illegal to publish to the general public as a normalcy. Human Beings must never sleep in the same bed with animals especially male dogs and female dogs, dogs are among the most dirty dangerous animals that have ever existed and are even kept for killing intruders of a house yet many low morality IQ brainwashed people resort to sleeping in the same bed with even large carnivorous dogs, many of them die in the bed when the dog decide to eat them on their own bed. Many women are raped by spirits that dwell inside of dogs that are smarter then the dog itself some spiritual beings that dwell in everything and some things dwell inside of animals such as dogs when a women keep a dog in her bed such spirits brainwash the women and cause the dog to get on top of the women and rape her; her low morality IQ cause her to mate with the dirty, stink beastly animal. Human beings must never keep any animal in their home especially male dogs and female dogs because they are some of the most common weapons of bestiality that are used against Human Beings.
Level 7 or 8 Halle Berry 05
As you can see in this level 7 or 8 Threat picture of the actor Halle Berry she is clearly kissing a small dog that is used in bestiality pornography despite its size this dog is used to rape women in bestiality pornography; this picture clearly show Halle Berry giving affectionate kisses to a dog; this picture is clearly bestiality because it is a Human Being kissing a dog in the mouth a Human Being cannot kiss a dog in the mouth like shown in this picture because there is much affection in the kiss between the Human and the dog; this is clearly precursor towards the performance of bestiality; Halle Berry may be innocent of committing such an infamous act as bestiality, she clearly showing too much affection for the dog and is kissing it in the mouth while the dog is licking her in the mouth; kissing dogs have been proven to give gum disease that causes all the teeth to fall out of the mouth of those that kiss dirty germ filled stink dog mouths. Such subliminal messages and obvious messages of affection for dogs can cause a low morality IQ fan to mimic such behaviors seen by famous Hollywood stars and kiss dogs in a similar manner. Human Beings must not allow dogs to live in the same civilization with them, dogs are some of the most dangerous animals ever to exists on Earth they are some of the most violent animals ever known to mankind, dogs cannot be allowed to kiss Human beings in the mouth because that is a precursor to committing bestiality. Human Beings must remove all dogs form Human Civilization. The fallowing pictures display more Level 7 or 8 Threat Behaviors:
Level “9” Threat: If they stand in front or lay in front of the dog or animal with very little clothes on such as underwears and bathing suits, If they let the dog or animal get on top of them while laying down on the bed, floor, field, or chair, or couch, or recliner, or anywhere wither the dog kiss them or not they are a Level “9” Threat: If they watch bestiality pornography and willfully like what they see and enjoy what they see with their own free will without any protests, and is willing to keep watching it repeatedly because they like what they see and think that it is OK to perform bestiality in media as entertainment, they are also a Level ”9” Threat; if the star or person have a picture that is half human and half animal, they are a Level “9” Threat.
Level 9 Selena Gomez 01
As you can see in this level 9 Threat picture of the actor Selena Gomez she is clearly laying on her back and have the dog in between her legs this position she have taken is a famous position those that commit bestiality over the internet take she have clearly allowed the dog in between her legs which is a bestiality position with a dog; Human beings cannot allow dogs in between their legs with or without clothes on it is a crime and immoral and sexually perverted. As innocent as it may look to some to those that have seen bestiality pornography on the internet this position with a dog is a sexual position with an animal Selena Gomez cannot take pictures like this one for they are subliminal message pictures that cause her low morality IQ fans to mimic her and get themselves a dog and do a similar position with the dog in between their legs; such a picture is illegal to publish to the general public as a normalcy to copy and behave like. This pictures shows Selena Gomez holding on to the dog tightly in between her legs this is a bestiality charged photo many Hollywood stars have similar pictures like this one for their fans to look at and admire, soon their lower morality IQ fans that are mimicking them do the same vulgar thing with dogs. Human Beings must not keep pets at all, nor guard dogs, nor dogs for hunting, no animal must be kept in Human Society especially male dogs and female dogs; male dogs are especially being used to rape women over the internet in bestiality websites all over the internet. Selena Gomez cannot teach her fans to behave this way with dogs you who see Hollywood stars behave this way with animals do not mimic them or copy them instead if you do not own a dog or animal as a pet do not get one, and if you do own one get rid of it take the animal to the animal shelter and pay them the fee to even put the animal to sleep if they ask you to pay.
Level 9 Katherine Heigl 03
As you can see in this level 9 Threat picture of the actor Katherine Heigl she is definitely showing passion for a dog, she even get on her knees before the dog on the floor and allow the dog to kiss and lick her on her neck and face while holding tightly to the dog. This picture is clearly illegal in that it promotes Human Beings to get on their knees before mere dogs and allow such dirty animals to lick their neck and face, the picture clearly shows that she is enjoying the dogs activity on her body, this is not good for Humanity at all that a Human being can enjoy such a filthy interactions with a mere animal like a filthy germ filled mouth canine teeth dog. Human Beings must not allow animals to lick them nor kiss them at all or it is some form of bestiality; Human Beings must avoid close contact with animals especially contact that violate the comfort zone of Human Beings, If you own a dog especially if you are a female and live in the same house with a male dog please get rid of the dog for your own safety and health or you might even get raped by the dog, because evil sexually perverted spirits dwell in male and female dogs, when a women live with a male dog these evil spirits often brainwash the women and then they cause the dog to rape the women, if the women have low morality IQ she is easier to convince to breed with the dog or animal, sometimes the dog even attack and eat the women doing bestial abominable sexual breeding with dogs. Human Beings must remove all animals from Human Environments especially animals that are known to rape or breed with Human Beings such as male dogs and female dogs. The fallowing pictures display more Level 9 Threat Behaviors:
Level “10” Threat: If they stand, or crouch, or sit ,or lay in any position and show any sexual affection for the dog or animal, or If they show any sexual affection for the dog or animal while the dog or animal is licking their face, mouth, or any sexual organ or while the dog or animal is on top of them in any position while they still have clothes on, or if they let the dog or animal do anything sexual to their body while they still have clothes on without wanting it to stop, or without having negative emotion towards it, or without rejection, or without protest, or without anger, or without refusal, or without warfare, or without commanding the animal to stop, or without threatening the animal, or without harming the animal, or without passively denouncing it because they did it too much by force, if they do not do any of the mentioned and they have the will power to do so they are a Level “10" Threat; or If they like to watch bestiality pornography and would like to try it themselves one day and are willing to try the bestiality that they see on television, video, or print, or in person wholeheartedly with their own free will without protest, or they like to touch themselves to the bestiality pornography and willingly masturbate to the bestiality pornography by touching themselves wholeheartedly; they are a Level “10” Threat:
Level 10 Beyonce 01
As you can see in this level 10 Threat picture of the actor and singer Beyonce signs of subliminal messages of bestiality is all over the picture, for example Beyonce have a towel over herself and she appears to be naked underneath the towel while she is holding a dog on her chest, she also seem to be on some kind of a surface such as a couch or a bed. This picture is filled with subliminal hidden messages of bestiality. Why would a famous singer and movie star take such a picture of her and her dog; why would a famous Hollywood star such as Beyonce take such a subliminal message filled picture that leave one to fill in the blanks about her activity. Bestiality is on the rise around the world if it is not stopped. Already 50 percent of dog owners allow their pet dog to sleep in the same bed with them and the majority of these pet owners that permit such a thing to occur are females; evil spirits dwelling inside of especially male dogs are trying to have sex with Human Beings; female dogs are also a danger to keep in the house as males and females are also being abominated by female dogs. I cannot conclude that the Hollywood star Beyonce is guilty of bestiality, but the picture she released is filled with subliminal messages of adoring dogs enough to allow them to get on top of her body while she is wearing only a towel because she is naked underneath. Low morality IQ fans of Hollywood stars like to mimic stars and do what stars do; such pictures can convince many fans of stars like Beyonce to purchase a dog and do the same thing seen in this picture which is not good for them. If you don't own a dog do not get one, if you own a dog get rid of it from your house take the dog to the dog shelter and pay the fee that they ask you for.
Level 10 Miley Cyrus 04
As you can see in this level 10 Threat picture of the actor Miley Cyrus is definitely giving obvious and subliminal messages of bestiality, she appears to have no clothes on her and only a sheet covering her naked body on top of the sheet is a smaller size dog that she is literally kissing in the mouth. Miley Cyrus is known to declare that she is a pan sexual which means she is willing to have sex with just about anything. This picture of Miley Cyrus is definitely illegal and inappropriate, Miley Cyrus is giving subliminal and obvious messages that she is practicing bestiality with the dog; based on the large amount of bestiality pornography that are on the internet a picture like the one we are looking at of Miley Cyrus reveals that Hollywood stars are also contributing to the spreading of bestiality around the world. A large percentage of women who have sex with dogs reveal that the animals wanted to have sex with them that is why they did it. Spirits that dwell inside of dogs are smarter then the actual dog. These evil bestiality spirits often desire to have sex with humans that keep animals; Miley Cyrus is a member of the growing population of low morality IQ people who are dumb when it come to morality, they can be good at math, good at science, good at their scholastic classes, but when it comes to morality they are as dumb as an animal, people that have low morality IQ are the people who have sex with dogs and other animals and who actually allow dogs to share a bed with them. Human beings must not copy nor mimic the bestiality behavior of Hollywood stars such as Miley Cyrus or any other bestiality supporting Hollywood star. Hollywood must be held accountable to teach morality to their stars instead of letting them loose upon the General Public with their low morality IQ.
Level 10 Chrissy Teigen 06
As you can see in this level 10 Threat picture of the actor Chrissy Teigen she literally have the dog which appears to be an ugly bull dog in between her legs, she is definitely showing sexual affection for the animal, she is wearing a skimpy outfit and she is laying on her back while opening her legs to an ugly male bull dog that is in between her legs while she is laying upon her back on a couch this picture is releasing toxic subliminal messages and obvious messages of the practice of bestiality. Chrissy Teigen is clearly suggesting that she is able to practice bestiality with the nastiest dogs in the world such as an ugly bull dog. Hollywood stars such as Chrissy Teigen are definitely guilty of producing evil subliminal messages to their low morality IQ fans that can cause their fans to mimic them and do the same dirty deeds that their pictures are suggesting that they do. Chrissy Teigen is definitely a Level 10 Threat or more based on this picture. In fact in her instagram site were she displayed many pictures with dogs when she released this evil bestial picture some of her followers wrote these comment I quot; one of her followers said “Doggy style!” about this picture, another follower said “missionary w a doggy??? niceee” about this picture, and another follower of hers said “Sex with a dog” about this picture. This picture of Chrissy Teigen is definitely an obvious sign of bestiality. Hollywood stars such as Chrissy Teigen cannot be trusted to educate our children or they will lead them astray even into practicing bestiality. Low morality IQ followers of Chrissy Teigen are doomed to mimic and copy her if they are not careful nor prevented from doing so. Please do not mimic nor copy the low morality of Hollywood stars especially evil wicked behavior such as bestiality. If you do not own a dog or animal as a pet, do not purchase one, if you own a dog or an animal as a pet get rid of the dog or pet, take the dog or pet to the animal shelter and pay them the fee they ask you for, even if they say they will euthanize the animal pay them the fee.
Level 10 Amber Rose 01
As you can see in this level 10 Threat picture of the actor Amber Rose she is definitely sending subliminal images to her viewers of how to submit sexually to a dog in this picture we see Amber Rose on her back with a filthy dog on top of her she is laying upon a bed while she kisses a dog on the mouth; the dog is literally on top of her while she is laying on a bed and she is kissing the dog; this is obviously a photo depicting subliminal and obvious signs of bestiality. To a low morality IQ fan of Amber Rose this picture of her kissing a dog gives them the idea that they can do something similar like Amber Rose and let a dog on top of them while they kiss the dog. Amber Rose and other Hollywood stars are guilty of producing bestiality accepting pictures wither they knew what they were doing or not wither Amber Rose is guilty or innocent she is promoting sexual submission to dogs and the kissing of dogs on top of a Human female on a bed. This image is definitely a huge threat to low morality IQ people that mimic and copy Hollywood stars. Humanity must never submit sexually to dogs animals or anything that is not a Human Being and a Human form. Stars like Amber Rose are sending the wrong message to their fans to let animals such as dogs get on top of them in a sexual manner. Hollywood stars are teachers of behavior, if Hollywood stars teach low morality IQ fans any vice they will fallow the Hollywood star and think that they can do the same thing. Human Beings must not fallow low morality IQ Hollywood stars and mimic their behavior into dooming ways of life.
Level 10 Angelina Jolie 01
As you can see in this level 10 Threat picture of the actor Angelina Jolie. Angelina Jolie have a larger size dog sniffing her vagina while she is laying down, even if she have all her clothes on this picture is definitely an obvious and subliminal message of bestiality acceptance by her, in fact Angelina Jolie is known to profess that she is a pan sexual, this means that she is willing to have sex with just about anything including dogs and other animals. Angelina Jolie is guilty of betraying Humanity as a species and desiring to lay with lowly stink diseased animals such as dogs that don't make a match for Human Beings at all. In fact many people that have seen bestiality pornography which I don't advise you to watch at all know that when a dog is trying to have sex with a Human Female the dog often try to sniff her vagina, this is exactly what Angelina Jolie is depicting in this picture, when she puts her leg up and allow a dog to sniff her vagina; Angelina Jolie is sending Subliminal and Obvious messages of bestiality acceptance with this picture. Human Beings must not accept the behavior that Angelina Jolie is displaying in this photo, many low morality IQ fans of Angelina Jolie might choose to mimic and copy her; I do not advise them to copy Angelina Jolie or any bestiality accepting celebrity instead I advise them to marry a person who is of their same race, same color, and compatible facial type.
Level 10 Kim Kardashian 04
As you can see in this level 10 Threat picture of the Hollywood Star Kim Kardashian display her on her back on a coach while she is letting a dog on top of her she is trying to kiss the dog, obviously she is letting the dog on top of her while she is laying on her back and she is trying to kiss the dog; this picture have subliminal and obvious messages of bestiality acceptance, while we do not know if Kim Kardashian is guilty or innocent of bestiality I have seen several pictures of her doing the same thing with a dog. Kim Kardashian and other Hollywood stars must be held accountable for the subliminal and obvious messages they send to their fans that ruin the life of their fans. If you don't have a dog, or a pet do not get one, if you have a dog or a pet return the dog, or pet to the animal shelter and pay them the fee they ask you for. If they tell you that they will put the animal to sleep still pay them the fee that they ask you for. Do not be a low morality IQ person don't mimic nor copy the evil or bad behaviors of Hollywood stars. The fallowing pictures display more Level 10 Threat Behaviors:
Level “Infinite Level” Threat: If the person have consensual and appreciative sex and breeding with dogs or any other animal or beast willingly with their own freewill and they like what they are doing and enjoy it toxicly, then they are an infinite level of threat against Humanity and Human Culture and are against Human Existence, and wish to pollute the bloodline of Humanity with beast and squander the wealth and beauty of Humanity with beast, and would lay with just about any ugly, filthy creature in existence to usurp the household of Humanity and cause the ending of Human Civilization from existence and the termination of the Human race by laying with filthy dogs, animals, and beast thereby proving that Humanity is lower then dogs, animals, and beast in consciousness and don't deserve to live; Such a person that lay with dogs, animals, and beast as a Human is an, “Infinite Level” of Threat against Humanity. “such a person must be jailed securely, or killed”.
Level Infinite Level
Level ( Infinite Level ) Threat bestiality promoting pictures cannot be shown on this show because they are too pornographic, too negative sexual infectious, toxic, polluting images, and actually show real bestiality crimes involving humans and animals breeding in a vile manner Please do not seek to see such images yourself because they are too evil to see, and also evil spirits might entice you in a negative, evil, agitating sexual manner; please stay away from such evil, toxic, infectious, bestiality images involving humans and animals.
Final Conclusion Which is Good: If you see someone performing bestiality do not give them the legal right to do such evil things as bestiality, but instead sentence them to jail time or to death because it is your kind among Humanity and Humanity they are trying to kill from existences by having toxic breeding sex with dirty, ugly, stink, poisonous animals and dirty ugly, evil, stink, poisonous beast. These bestiality performing evil people that have sex with dogs, horses, and other filthy animals are here to kill Humanity from existences do not have pity on them when they willfully, willingly, and appreciatively breed and have sex with dirty animals and beast but instead sentence them to death and give life to another Human Child that is cleaner then them and More Perfect then they are. If you were thinking about owning a pet don't do it live in a pet free home, if you own any pet especially a male dog or female dog take the animal to an animal shelter where they euthanize animals and have them kill the animal and put the animal to sleep, save your life from bestiality, free your home of all animals especially male dogs, and female dogs or any other animal.
You who listen to or read this report “in no way are you to watch any bestiality videos on the internet or on TV; In No Way are you to go and view pornographic pictures of bestiality; you are only allowed to investigate Hollywood stars and famous people and the obvious and subliminal images they release with animals that support bestiality, without the full blown poison of bestiality pornography.
This Message is brought to you by Owuwunow Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis of the Organization Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics: of
Hollywood Stars and Subliminal Bestiality Messages
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I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
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