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then a Human will become a ( Human Universe 
Makers Artists Numerics Scientists Intelligences 
Coders And Decoders, ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrix Creators And Reality 
Managers ) Astronomical Reality Humanatorcreators, 
Particle Orderer World Elemental Rearranger 
“Humansicad Marc Power” ). A Human who is a 

( Human Universe Makers Artists Numerics 
Scientists Intelligences Coders And Decoders, 

( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrix 
Creators And Reality Managers ) Astronomical 
Reality Humanatorcreators, Particle Orderer World 
Elemental Rearranger “Humansicad Marc Power” ) 
must become a Human Rearranger which is a 
Human that maintain a Human Form throughout all 
Rearangeations this will allow Humans to keep a 
Human Identity and be Humans instead of all other 
objects that Humans control. The Three Primary 
Enjoyable Conditions of Existences of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan can be 
spread through Peaceful Consultation or through 
warfare, but all war declared must be winnable or 
the war must not be declared, but sometimes a 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics is allowed to put 

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a resistance only to damage an enemy even if the 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics lose the war 
against the enemy, but such fighting that lead to a 
lost must be fought with knowledge that it is a 
losing battle that is designed only to damage an 
enemy because the enemy will terminate , molests, 
or abuse the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics if 
the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics choose not to 
fight; and so a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics is 
allowed to fight a losing battle as a last resort to 
severely damage an opponent so that another 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics or person can 
finish off the opponent or to damage the pride of 
the opponent so that the opponent may be aware 
that even as a loser a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics put up a Perfect Fight, but the ultimate 

goal of a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics is to 
win all warfare and a Marc-G-L Creatic must not 
fight suicide tactics, but must make sure that the 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics have hope to 
Existence after warfare. A Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics must also fallow strict moral conduct 

during warfare and must never commit sexual 
assault during warfare; and must have pride and 

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dignity during warfare and fallow rules of 
engagement and proper moral conduct during 
warfare. A Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must 
be a defeater of enemies, but not a torturer of 
enemies. A Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must 
not be a degradation to anyone but must appear as 
a rescuer of peoples or a Marc Perfectic person that 
seek to spread Perfectness and Benefits to others 
even during warfare. A Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics must be able to win all peaceful dialog and 
all physical combat and warfare entered into. 

272-(6-6).ApproachHumans to teach them 
about The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of 
Marc-G-P-LPerfectionists Creatics Purposesand 
Planand Allow GenuineNon-Human Friends that 
are GenuineAllies ofHumanity to share the 

1.It is truthful that Humanity is compatible with the 
truths of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics. The 
truths of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics were 
made with Humanity in mind, but Human oriented 
allies of Humanity can also benefit from the truths 
found in the Book Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 

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Creatics. The Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics was 
founded by Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis to upgrade 
Humanity to a Marc Perfect State of Existence; in 
fact, the Truths of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
is designed to upgrade Humanity to the Most 
Powerful Beings in Existences by the production and 
obtainment of Knowledge, Ability, and Power; and 
consequently Optimum Power Humanity Shall 
Obtain with Knowledge, Ability, and Power. 
Practitioners of Humanity should approach 
Humanity to teach them of the Truths of Marc-G-P-
L Perfectionists Creatics, but if non-Human allies 
that are Human Oriented wish to learn Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics truths they are also allowed 
to learn such truths. The Three Primary Enjoyable 
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Purposes and Plan are Priceless, Most Valuable 
Benefits that I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis seek to 
pass on to Humanity by Humanity and their 
compatibles coming together to learn all the 
Knowledge, Ability, and Power to make it come true 
such benefits can only be obtained by the 
obtainment of Knowledge, Ability, and Power to 
make them come true; and so Humanity must learn 

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all the Knowledge, Ability, and Power to become 
Marc Perfect then what we are. I Marc Gregory 
Pierre-Louis wrote all the formulas found in this 
Book to Upgrade Humanity to a Higher Level of 
Existence right here on Earth. If and When 
Humanity achieve the Formulas found in this book 
Humanity will become the Highest Power as 

( Human Universe Makers Artists Numerics 
Scientists Intelligences Coders And Decoders, 

( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrix 
Creators And Reality Managers ) Astronomical 
Reality Humanatorcreators, Particle Orderer World 
Elemental Rearranger “Humansicad Marc Power” )s 
and Humanity will Existence in a world that is the 
Most Advanced Reality Continue-we-nation; in fact I 
Marc Gregory as an Artists and Graphic Designer 
and Architect have Drawn how the Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics will look like and function like 
I wrote a Perfect Leadership into Existence so that 
Humanity would be perfectly Leaded to achieve the 
Marc Perfect Possibility and I Marc Gregory Pierre-
Louis am the Leader of the Leadership. The Truths 
Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must come 
true for Humanity and our Compatible Allies. 

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Approach Humans and their Compatible Allies to 
teach them the Truth of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics which includes the Three Primary Enjoyable 
Conditions Of Existences Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan. 

273-(6-7). What will stand in our way from 
achievingThe Three PrimaryEnjoyable 

Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Purposes andPlan: 

1.Many things will stand in our way to stop us from 
obtaining the Knowledge, Ability, and Power to 
achieve the Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and 
Plan, but we must motivate ourselves and obtain 
the proper Knowledge, Ability, and Power to defeat 
all that stand in our way from achieving a Marc 
Perfect Possibility. As I write these truths the 
greatest evil malicious surrounds me. The evil 
malicious that surrounds me represent and is the 
worst possibility, I confess to you who read this 
book that every page that is written in this book is 
a battle and a victory over the greatest evil 
malicious in existences which is the worst possibility. 

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As I write these truths I am currently being 
sabotaged and attacked everyday almost every 
minute of everyday I am attacked by the greatest 
evil malicious, even in my sleep sometimes I am 
attacked. I am not alone in the fight against the 
greatest evil malicious that ever existed. The worst 
possibility entities that attack me have no limit as to 
the evil malicious that they can do or will do; they 
constantly speak about eating Me and Humanity as 
a food. The greatest evil malicious surrounds me 

are evil prime evil 

beings, evil reptilians, evil animal heads, evil racists, 
evil devils, evil minded beings, evil illegal hell 

evil objects of worship, evil worshipers, evil spirits, 
evil ( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence 
Matrixes ) 

components, evil Universal Computation 

components, evil 
schizoid entities, evil animal spirits, evil homosexual 
spirits, evil religious officials of the spiritual world, 
evil natural spirits, and evil illegal hell objects of 

tuthwus. As you journey in the roadways to achieve 

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Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics the worst 
possibility will stand in your way, but the Marc 
Perfect Possibility is More Powerful then the worst 
possibility, in fact the worst possibility should not 
even Existence, but the evil malicious beings I 
mentioned that are against me are the cause that 
the worst possibility Existence; in fact some evil 
malicious components that cause the worst 
possibility to Existence in our sector of the Universe 
was right there in my house tormenting me so that 
my mission could fail, they did everything they 
could do to sabotage my mission so that the planet 
Earth could become a living illegal hell for its 
inhabitants. Many people who were in illegal hell 
sought to help me because our truths shall build a 
community that will remove all evil malicious and 
illegal hell wherever possible. With knowledge we 
shall overcome all evil malicious against us, with 
ability we shall overcome all evil malicious against 
us, with power we shall overcome all evil malicious 
against us; and so my fellow Being of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics you must obtain the 
Knowledge, Ability, and Power to overcome the 
worst possibility wherever you find it. When the 

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worst possibility is removed from our personal 
Existence, community, and world we shall Existence 
in a community of the Marc Perfect Possibility and 
our world shall be a Paradise of Peace, Love, 
Tranquility, Knowledge, Ability, and Power and we 
shall Existence forevermore in happiness and 
satisfaction and we shall be content with reality and 
our daily Existence. 

274-(6-8).Knowledge,Ability, andPower, isthe 
MarcPerfect way toachieve The Three Primary 
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes andPlan: 

1.The Marc Perfect way to achieve the Three 

Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics is with Knowledge, Ability, 
and Power. When a Being or Thing have the Proper 
Knowledge, Ability, and Power to achieve something 
it is very achievable, and nothing can stand in the 
way, and even sabotage can be overcomed if the 
proper Knowledge, Ability, and Power is known to 
overcome the sabotage. Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics must put to the Greatest Value the 
obtainment of the Appropriate Knowledge, Ability, 

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and Power to achieve all Perfect things necessary to 
be achieved. Ever since childhood to the rest of the 
Life of a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Knowledge, must be sought after that will give the 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics the Ability and 
Power to accomplish what is necessary to be 
accomplished. Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
must seek after Perfect Memory to hold all 
knowledge obtained. In the near future Humanity 
must seek to upgrade our Mind 

( MindOperationCausation ) to become fully capable 
to control particles and all plug and play 
components that came along with the Human mind 
and body. Humanity will be able to materialize two 
and three dimensional images to work with as if 
they were a computer screen and work on such 
image screen using the Mind 

( MindOperationCausation ) of the Human alone; 
Humanity will be able to particle rearrange any able 
thing into existences; Humanity will be able to 
rearrange from a fleshly body to a spirit, or spiritual 
beings body by will alone and to all other elemental 
properties when necessary; Humanity will be able to 
teleport to any able reality ( OperationComplex ) 

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and time travel to the past and future by will alone; 
Humanity will be able to Existence without eating 
any food because Humanity will be sustained by an 
internal recyclable Energy Cure; The Human body 
will be deathless and able to heal itself of any 

illness or wound; Humanity will be able to send 
telephone signals to almost anywhere using the 
Mind ( MindOperationCausation ) of Humanity 
alone; Humanity will be able to go to any 

dimension or density without death nor decay; 
Humanity will be able to control Particle Codex 
which is the codex of the Universe, Humanity will 

be able to do far more then what I have mentioned; 
with Knowledge, Ability, and Power Optimum Power 
Human Kind Shall Obtain. Knowledge, Ability, and 
Power is the Most Affective way to achieve the 
Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions of Existences of 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and we the Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must Create and seek 
after the Knowledge, Ability, and Power to achieve 
the Greatest Purpose. 

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275-(6-9).The Three PrimaryEnjoyable 
Conditions OfMarc-G-P-LPerfectionists Creatics 
Purposes andPlanis the Marc Perfect Possibility: 

1.Existence is a Vast Existence of many variations 
and combinations of states of Existence; such 
existences vary from the least perfect to the Marc 
Perfect and to everything in between less perfect 
and Marc Perfect. There are three things that make 
an existence Marc Perfect they are firstly the 
Obtainment of the Highest Knowledge, Ability and 
Power; secondly the Realization of the Three 

Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Existences of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan 
which are the diminishment of anti-pleasure 
painfulness to the lowest level possible personally 
and ( OperationComplex )atically, the removal off all 
illegal hell in ones personal life and 

( OperationComplex )ic life, and the obtainment of 
Paradise in ones personal life and 

( OperationComplex )ic life; the third perfection is 
having a heterosexual partner in Procreation 
Espoused matrimonial perfection and happiness the 
loyal heterosexual partners shall keep each other 
company so that no one will be alone in Marc-G-P

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L Creatic and also heterosexual partners can make 
progeny to increase their race and kind and build a 
population that run and operate a Continue-wenation. 
The Marc Perfect Possibility is the Three 
Primary Enjoyable Conditions of Existences of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan 
because without achieving them one can have the 
Highest Knowledge, but wont enjoy life and one 
could have a spouse but won't be able to enjoy the 
spouse; and so, we realize that life and existence 
cannot be enjoyed without the diminishment of 
and painfulness to the lowest level 
possible; we realize that life and existence cannot 
be enjoyed without the removal of all illegal hell 
from ones life; and we realize that life cannot be 
enjoyed without achieving paradise in ones life. The 
Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan is the 
Marc Perfect Possibility and we shall achieve it with 
Knowledge, Ability, and Power. 

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276-(6-10).What isthe Marc Perfect Possibility 
andwhyshoulditbe the MainGuidance 
Humanity chooses to achieve aMarcPerfect 

1.The Marc Perfect Possibility are the Existential Law 
that lead to a Marc Perfect Result, Condition, and 

State of Being; the Marc Perfect Result, Condition, 
and State of Being is guided by three Law which I 
call the Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics of Marc-G-P-L 
Purposes and Plan; which are purposes one the 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics diminishment of 
and painfulness to the lowest level 
possible personally and ( OperationComplex ) 
atically; purposes two the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics removal of all illegal hell personally and 

( OperationComplex )atically; and purpose three the 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Spreading of 
Paradise personally and ( OperationComplex ) 
atically. Everything that Existence or is created need 
to Existence in an enjoyable condition or state of 
being and there are three existential measurements 
that lead to an enjoyable condition and state of 
Beings they are the Three Primary Enjoyable 

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Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics of 
Marc-G-P-L Created Purposes and Plan why do we 
say of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes 
and Plan; because other existential beings and 
things will come up with their own purpose and 
plan and will have a different conclusion then Marc 
Gregory Pierre-Louis to achieve a Marc Perfect 
Possibility they will come up with a totally different 
idea then Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis and it will not 
lead to the same result as Marc Gregory PierreLouis's 
purpose and plan and so when a Marc-G-P-
L Perfectionists Creatics speak about the Marc 
Perfect Possibility they say the Three Primary 
Enjoyable Condition of Existences of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan, because it 
is the purpose and plan of Marc Gregory Pierre-
Louis they use as a measurement to achieve the 
Marc Perfect Possibility. Humanity and compatibles 
should choose the Three Primary Enjoyable 
Conditions of Existences of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan to achieve 
the Marc Perfect Possibility because according to 
my calculation it will cause Humanity to Existence at 
a Marc Perfect Sate of Beings and if it is the plan in 

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this book Humanity fallow Humanity shall one day 
become one of the Most Powerful Beings and Race 
in Existences so long as the plan comes true by the 
obtainment of Knowledge, Ability, and Power to 
achieve the Purpose and Plan. 

277-(6-11).What isthe Worst Possibilityand why 
should we avoidliving our Existence with the 
worst possibility asaguidance: 

1.According to the calculation of me Marc Gregory 
Pierre-Louis the worst possibility consists of three 
things I call sabotage; these three things are the 
exact opposite of the Three Primary Enjoyable 
Conditions of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Purposes and Plan; these three things are sabotage 
one the infected Universal Computation or personal 
increasing of anti-pleasure 
and painfulness to the 
highest level possible; sabotage two the infected 
Universal Computation and personal increasing of 
illegal hell to the highest level possible; and 
sabotage three the infected Universal Computation 
and personal destruction of paradises. When these 
three sabotages occur to an infected individual or 
infected ( OperationComplex ) life and 

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