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Calculated-Existence Matrixes ) Control,
Manipulation, and Guidance Humanity will be able
to control their body and the world environment
that they Existence in. Humanity is currently
members of a large network of beings that are
connected physically and mentally they can hear
each others thoughts and communicate with each
other from near and far. Humanity must always seek
after the Knowledge, Ability, and Power, to upgrade
the Human Computer Body ( Mind-ActuatedReality-
Calculated-Existence Matrixes )
( OperationComplex ) to its Highest Level Of
Evolution and Adjustment.
77-(2-20).Whyhumansshouldalways be
concernedabout what happens to aHuman
when something non-Human have done it
because theywilldoit tothe whole community
1.Non-Humans who persecute Human Beings will
persecute Human Beings as a group, not only
individuals are the targets of non-humans that harm
Humanity, the whole of Humanity is their target.
When a Human is harmed by a non-humans many
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times the whole community should seek to help the
Human especially if the Human is innocent or being
taken advantage of. Especially when it is a group of
non-humans that attack a Human Being they
probably will establish some sort of bias against
Human Beings or are beginning their policy,
technique, and philosophy on how to attack and
oppress the whole of Humanity as a group.
2.I met some non-humans who were invisible to my
sight unless I practices “Waking Up From Your Sleep
To See Invisible Worlds“ (Wufystsiw); when these
non-humans started to torment, oppress, and
torture me, they started developing dangerous
theories and techniques against Humanity soon
they began to see Humans as a food source for
their kind to eat and as a target for elimination.
Human Beings should always petition for the legal
and fair treatment of all Humans even when they
are wrong Humanity must make sure that they are
treated in a legal manner when justice is pursued
against them for a ( "sincrime" ) they commit
against a Human or against non-humans. When
Humanity make a policy for the fair and legal
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treatment of criminals and non-criminals who are
Human, Humanity have secured the future of the
whole of Humanity from being taken advantage by
Humans and non-humans. Humans who are guilty
of committing harmful acts against Humans and
Non-Humans must be brought to justice for their
( "sincrime" ), but such pursuance of justice should
be done in an ethical, legal, lawful manner. By
securing that a Human is treated in a ethical, legal,
lawful manner by Humans and Non-Humans alike
Humanity is securing the safety of Humans from
Humans and Non-Humans alike. One thing,
Humanity must make sure of is that Humanity
secure Humanity as criminals and non-criminals
from experiencing being used as a food source,
being given eternal illegal hell, and being sexually
assaulted or raped as a punishment or nonpunishment.
I met some non-humans who thought
that they could, eat Humanity as a punishment, give
illegal hell to Humanity as a punishment even for all
eternity, or rape and sexually assault Humanity as a
punishment or just because they felt like it.
Humanity must secure the Marc Perfect treatment
of Humanity wither the Human is a criminal or a
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lawful person. Humanity must also make sure that
Humanity secure the legal and fair treatment of
non-humans even when pursuing justice against
78-(2-21).Whydifferentraces ofHumanity and
theirgenuine non-Human alliesshould work
together because we are fewandvulnerable:
1.The past state of Humanity and the present state
of Humanity while I am writing this book is that
Humanity have been few in number due to the
inability of Humanity to obtain Higher Knowledge,
Ability, and Power, to spread Humanities Race
throughout the Universe. If Humanity seek after the
Knowledge, Ability, and Power, to spread Humanities
race throughout the Universe and Existences,
Humanity will achieve it.
2.The different races of Humanity and their Genuine
Non-Human allies should work together as a team,
because we are few in number and vulnerable. This
is Eternity and Infinity, if we design our bodies to
endure and Existence forever Humanity will be able
to spread Humanities race throughout sectors of
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the Universe. Humanity and our Genuine Allies
cannot allow murderous beings that terminate our
kind from existences, Humanity must become fit to
survive lawfully, physically, mentally, militaristic-ally,
and Humanity must build the Most Advanced
Resourceful Continue-we-nation for our survival.
79-(2-22).Existence andthe Universe Have Very
Fewcategories of thingstotreasure, butawide
variety ofVariations andCombinationsofThings
inside ofit.
1.Existences and the Universe is filled with variations
and combinations of existential Being and Things.
The Law of Variations and Combinations cause
differences to Existence these differences are
necessary in order for existential beings to
Existence. It is the Law of Variations and
Combinations that causes so many varieties of
Existential Being to come into existences. Many
things will come to Existence because of the Law of
Variations and Combinations but not all of them will
be treasured. Many things will have technical uses
they will be valuable components that are necessary
in order for certain things to functions properly, but
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they will not necessarily be treasured by those who
use them.
2.Humanity must appreciate the things that are
treasure-able in our Existence and in existences. The
technical things must be appreciated also because
without them applicable things do not function
properly. Humanity should treasure each other that
deserve it, Humanity must treasure their spouses
that deserve it, Humanity must treasure the Three
Marc Perfect Enjoyable Conditions Of Existences of (
Marc-G-P-L Strait Heterosexual Perfect Pair Male
And Female Matrimonial Marc Perfect Possibility
Maximum Paradises ) which are Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Purpose One: the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics diminishment of againstpleasure
and painfulness to the lowest level
possible in our personal Existences, throughout our
communities, and throughout the Qualified and
Compatible Universe; Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics Purpose Two, the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics removal of all illegal hell from our personal
Existences, from our community, and throughout
the Qualified and Compatible Universe; and Purpose
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Three: The Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Spreading of
Paradise in our personal Existences, throughout our
communities, and throughout the Qualified and
Compatible Universe; Humanity must treasure
Knowledge, Ability, and Power, Humanity must
treasure our families that deserve it, friends that
deserve it, and allies that deserve it and those who
protect us from danger that deserve it, Humanity
must treasure all things that are valuable to the
survival of Happiness and Well Being of Humanity
that deserve it.
80-(3).The Infinite Existence
1.Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics are Non-Object
worships and so the word “Infinite Existence” is a
reference only name that Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics use; Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics do
not worship anything at all but we do allow
worshipers to worship so long as they are not evil
malicious and do not attack us in combat, and
Existence in a separate community then us:
2.The Infinite Existence is the First Universe to ever
exist in all existence. The Infinite Existence is self
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existent, by that one concludes that no being
created the Infinite Existence, because it exist on its
3.The Infinite Existence is the container of all matter,
whether it is in the form of galaxies, suns, planets,
living beings, non-living things, atoms, molecules,
particles and elements.
4.The Infinite Existence always existed, by that one
understands that there was no beginning for the
Infinite Existence, because the Infinite Existence
existed in all past times with no beginning date
through always existent order and will exist in the
future that will have no end through eternal
existence order.
5.In order to understand the Universal Computation
truth that states that the Infinite Existence existed in
all past times with no beginning date through
always existent order, one must open ones logical
mind and visualize, realize, picture and compute
that the first thing needed in existence always
existed and was constantly present in existence.
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6.In order for anything to exist in existence, there
must first exist an incipience Infinite ( Space )
Universe. The incipience Infinite ( Space ) Universe
serves as the container and provider of the energy,
basic order and basic phenomenon and matter
needed in order for atoms to form living and
nonliving objects; though order is predefined based
on fractions of existences, and by variations and
combinations of choices and decisions of existences
that are simple and complex; simple order, and
complex order still must be initiated sometimes by
intelligent life forms.
7.The Infinite Existence is where all beings ultimately
Existence inside and contains all the matter in
existence and was always present in existence.
8.There are three characteristics that the Infinite
Existence always existed with, in all past times with
no beginning date through always existent order.
These three characteristics are that the Infinite
Existence is self-existent and infinite in spacial
capacity, meaning that the Infinite Existence has no
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ending in all directions unless some object obstruct
the traveling path towards infinity. The third
characteristic is that the Infinite Existence is eternal,
meaning that the Universal Computation space will
last for eternity with no ending date.
9.The matter inside the Infinite Existence may
change due to the death of formed parts of the
Universe such as Sub-Matrixes, Galaxies, Suns, and
Living beings, but the three qualities of the Infinite
Existence will remain the same. Never changing are
these three qualities of the Infinite Existence. The
first is that the Infinite Existence is self-existent; the
second is that the Infinite Existence is infinite with
no ending in all directions and the third is that the
Infinite Existence will always be present in existence,
for eternity because the Infinite Existence is the first
requirement of existence.
10.What is meant by existence in all past times with
no beginning date through always existent order, is
that the Infinite Existence has no beginning date,
because it always existed. There is no specific date
such as date“1” for the Infinite Existence because
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the Infinite Existence was always present in
existence as the background and container of all
existence and matter.
11.For clarity on the subject one must logically
visualize and concentrate ones mind on logical facts
such as these. In order for anything in existence to
exist, there must first exist an incipience Infinite
Space Universe. The Infinite Existence could not just
appear at a certain date in time. Infinite Existence
must have been present in existence always, at all
times because the Infinite Existence is infinite space
the first requirement needed in existence. There is
no day “1” for the Infinite Existence, but there is
certainly a day “1”, or a beginning date for other
things such as Sub-Matrixes and the Formed
Galaxies made by the Big Bang. Things such as
clusters of galaxies filled with suns and planets
make up Formed Galaxies that exist at a certain
point in time and space and have a beginning and
ending date.
12.All things in existence came into being inside the
Unending Infinite Space of the Infinite Existence,
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and the Infinite Existence is the space in which all
matter Existence inside.
13.Being that self-existence is the first property of
the Universe we come to the conclusion that life
itself can be self-existent, when it is not created.
Logically understood the first thing in existence is
14.The Infinite Existence is the most complex thing
in existence, because all things in existence come
from the self existing matter of the Infinite Existence
and all things in existence Existence inside of the
Infinite Existence. Yet, the Infinite Existence is self
existent with no creator of Infinite Existence, but
Numerous things inside of the Infinite Existence
Existence because an Intelligent Life-form Self-
Initiated its Creation and such life-forms Existence
in many different levels of existences and
consciousness. Although Self-Initiative Creators that
did not Create Infinite Existence but other creations
do Existence in HumanSicad Creator Size, Nano
Creator Size, Micro Creator Size, Mankind Creator
Size, Giant Creator Size, Super Natural Being Creator
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Size, and Macro Creator Size, and Compatible
Existential Realities Creator Size We come to the
conclusion that states if something as complex as
the Infinite Existence can exist on its own so can
other things such as Human Beings, Super Natural
Beings, and Other Beings exist on their own
through “Self Initiated Micro Nano Assembled
Creation” (Simnac) when a Nano Creator Assemble
itself into form and become the assembled creation
itself when no other Self-Initiative Creative being is
present to Create the situation to build Human and
other kinds; Human and other kind can evolve
naturally through Pro-Creation and Simnac because
of the strong self existent life force that come to
Existence after variations and combinations of
events of the combining of atomic particles and
other existential phenomenon inside the Universe
that causes Nano Humanatorcreators to Existence to
build themselves up through variation and
combinations of intelligent Atomic, spirit, or spiritual
beings, and ( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-
Existence Matrixes ) Code Matter. “Self Initiated
Micro Nano Assembled Creation” (Simnac) is a
strong Life Force and State of variance and
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combinance found in existences.
15.There could absolutely not have been a Creator
of the Infinite Existence, because any such Creator
would need space to exist inside and that space is
the Infinite Existence. The Infinite Existence was
present before anything else in existence and
always existed, Yet Intelligent Consciousness did not
originally dwell throughout the whole of Infinity;
Consciousness and Intelligence mainly dwells in
distant sectors where networks form and obtain
Knowledge, Ability, and Power that allows
consciousness to Existence; until intelligent lifeforms
Sicad Antangle key particles to tangle all of
existences as all of existences or as loosuncapturety
monitors consciousness shall not dwell throughout
all of existences. There was no beginning for the
Infinite Existence and for vast amounts of time in
existences there existed no conscious beings in
existences only dormancy existed then the first
particles started to combine through motion and
attraction and formed partial intelligent life and
such intelligent life grew bigger into networks that
become more intelligent over time and in these
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networks the first self-initiative micro and macro
Creators and existent being started to form; and
High Intelligence is found in beings of an
appropriate size that allows communication to
travel at a reasonable distance between connectors
of the conscious mind.
16.Being that all things need a space to exist inside
and all space exist as a part of the infinite space of
the Infinite Existence and as the space of all things,
it is logical to come to the conclusion that the
Infinite Existence is self-existent with no Creator of
Infinite Existence and that the Infinite Existence is
the first thing required in order for anything else to
ever exist in all existence.
17.We can visualize and logically come to the
conclusion that the first container of Existence is the
Infinite Existence, and that the Infinite Existence is
product of self-existence.
18.With the grand realization that reveals the
Infinite Existence as a product of self-existence, we
can reasonably come to the conclusion that
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incipience life itself is a product of self-existence,
but not Created life, Created life is a product of selfinitiation
brought upon by skilled or unskilled
Creative Beings.
19.What started out as the most simple basic
foundational infinite void have become the most
complex state of existence and is originally a
product of self existence, that state of being existing
as the Infinite Existence. We come to the conclusion
that natural life on the earth Sub-Matrixes simple
and complex Existence through Three routs of
Existence and Creation they are One Self-Existent
Order of incipience Particles used to build the Sub-
Matrix, Two Self-Initiated Creation by Giant
Humanatorcreators and Adjustable Size
Humanatorcreators, and Three “Self Initiated Micro
Nano Assembled Creation” Simnac, but ultimately
life can trace its oldest initial cause of existence as a
products of self-existence which is the Always
Existent Infinite Space of the Infinite Infinite
Existence. There are Self-Initiative Creative Beings
inside the sphere of the Earth invisible and visible
that do Initiate and Create life through Self-Initiative
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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