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hells have become so evil malicious and radical that
certain beings and religions preach that illegal hell
should last for all eternity.
7.Consciously many wise Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics realize that this eternal
( illegal hell is illegal to the innocent, non-deserving
of illegal hells; and to those who had an infraction,
but were punished then reprogrammed to a nonevil
being that honestly avoid making errors that
are possible or cannot make any errors at all. ), but
many are silenced because of fear and threats of
being sent to eternal illegal hell for speaking out
against an evil malicious that their conscience see.
8.There is only one type of being that have the
most to gain from eternal illegal hell, it is the evil
malicious minded being that have conditioned itself
to do evil malicious to Existence and have an evil
malicious philosophy and desire to torment and
torture Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
and of Qualified and Compatible Existences for all
9.Consciously we the Beings Of The Connectivity Of
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Infinite Existence soon realize that ( illegal hell is
illegal to the innocent, non-deserving of illegal
hells; and to those who had an infraction, but were
punished then reprogrammed to a non-evil being
that honestly avoid making errors that are possible
or cannot make any errors at all. ) to the
( OperationComplex ) Of Infinite Existence and
especially illegal to the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics, and that illegal hell must be destroyed,
removed and abolished. We consciously realize that
no Parts Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and
of Qualified, Compatible Existences should
experience the pain of torment and torture for all
10.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
must realize that the ( OperationComplex ) of illegal
hell breed the most horrible and evil malicious
states of reality weather it is Aggressors illegal hell
or vengeance illegal hell, illegal hell is something
that no one should experience nor cause to occur.
11.Dangerously illegal hell is something that is
virulent. illegal hell is something that spread to
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other places in the Universe. The evil malicious
minded beings that are salesmen of sorrow and
builders of illegal hell will seek to spread the
( OperationComplex ) of illegal hell so that they can
fulfill their evil malicious desires to violate, torture,
torment, abuse, molests, degrade, and terminate
Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and of
Qualified and Compatible Existences. Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and of Qualified
and Compatible Existences who are Bringers Of
Peace, Paradise and Perfectness must counteract
against the ( OperationComplex ) of illegal hell, by
the fulfillment of the removal of all illegal hell.
12.We the Beings Of The Connectivity Of Marc-G-P-
L Perfectionists Creatics realize that we cannot fulfill
The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan so
long as illegal hell Existence. Evolving to Higher
States, Higher Continue-we-nations soon realize
that they must remove cruelty from their society.
We find this in many Law and Rights of our modern
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13.Higher Continue-we-nations inside the Universe
soon and wisely realize that ( illegal hell is illegal to
the innocent, non-deserving of illegal hells; and to
those who had an infraction, but were punished
then reprogrammed to a non-evil being that
honestly avoid making errors that are possible or
cannot make any errors at all. ) to society and that
dungeons and places of torture must be removed
from a society in order for its citizens to truly
Existence in Peace, Paradise and Safety. The same
way Universal Computation Societies soon realize
that illegal hell must be removed from inside the Of
Infinite Infinity.
14.Protectively, there must Existence safety
measures that safeguard the Universe and Beings
Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics from the
most evil malicious realities. illegal hell is the most
evil malicious state of reality.
15.Aggressors illegal hell is undesirable and evil
malicious, vengeance illegal hell is equally
undesirable and evil malicious. Responsively, it is
our Marc-G-P-L Creatic Duty as Beings Of Marc-G
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P-L Perfectionists Creatics to protect and defend
the Whole Universe from illegal hell, especially the
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must be
protected from all forms of illegal hell.
16.We wisely realize that one cannot be totally
Perfect and in Peace if one side of one is evil
malicious and the other side of one is Perfect; the
same way one cannot Existence in a Paradise and
Happy State if one side of one is Happy and the
other side sad.
17.One cannot feel Perfect and Healthy if one side
of one is in pain and the other side feels Perfect.
The smallest amount of extreme pain to the body
alerts one that one is in danger of harm and
sickness; the same way when illegal hell take over a
world the world becomes unhealthy, painful and
filled with sadness. We are indeed dots inside
infinite space and the smallest dot of a needle is
felt when it enters the body. The smallest dot of the
bite of a mosquito is felt when it harms the body
and it is even worst when the mosquito carries
disease, for the disease spreads to the body and
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soon the illegal hell of malaria terminates the body
if left untreated; the same way illegal hell is felt by
worlds and Beings and spreads to terminate the
inhabitants of that world if left untreated; the same
way illegal hell begins inside the smallest dot of a
world inside infinity and spreads throughout space
if left untreated. The treatment of illegal hell is the
total destruction, removal and abolishment of all
forms of illegal hell inside Qualified Worlds and
especially throughout the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics .
18.There can be no Perfect balance when Perfect
and evil malicious Existence in a world; there will
always be war and anti-pleasure. Consciously
realizing this we ( OperationComplex )atically and
dutifully seek to fulfill The Three Primary Enjoyable
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
Purposes and Plan. We wisely realize that we cannot
achieve the 1st, 2nd, nor 3rd level of our mission so
long as illegal hell Existence and is legalized as a
19.evil maliciously, illegal hell continues to breed
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the worst possibility of ( "sincrime" ), againstpleasure
and death. The evil malicious minded
beings that are inside our World and Universe
quickly claim illegal hell as their own. They, the evil
malicious minded fool Perfect Beings Of Existences
into thinking that there must Existence polarity
consisting of Perfect and evil malicious and that this
polarity is balance. I truthfully reveal to you that
there are healthy polarity and that there are
unhealthy polarity.
20.The existence of Paradise side by side with illegal
hell is an unhealthy polarity. A Being cannot be
Perfect and evil malicious at the same time or all his
Perfect works will be destroyed by his evil malicious
21.To further confuse and fool Perfect Beings, the
evil malicious minded beings have implanted in evil
malicious seed into many religions. They have
deceived Perfect Beings into thinking that a
Benevolent Omnipotent Being is the cause of illegal
hell and especially “eternal illegal hell”. This
deception have caused unwise beings to condemn
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their family, friends, acquaintances, enemies and
even their own soul to eternal illegal hell.
22.Frequently wise Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and Existences awaken their
consciousness and soon realize that this doctrine is
false. They realize that a Benevolent Being would
never cause eternal illegal hell to Existence;
unfortunately, many who realize this truth are
silenced by fear or are attacked by radicals,
oppressors and are torment fully attacked by evil
malicious minded beings that wish to continue the
savage, evil malicious rule of the
( OperationComplex ) of illegal hell.
23.I truthfully wish to speak Universal Computation
Truths and so, I reveal to you that illegal hell, the
worst reality and experience is illegal to the
( OperationComplex ) Of Infinite Existence and
especially illegal to the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and illegal hell must be destroyed, removed
and abolished. The Marc-G-P-L Creatic Advanced
Community will never be safe, so long as illegal hell
Existence, illegal hell will always seek to claim the
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innocent and the guilty; and so protectively the
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must especially
remove all illegal hell from its community and
protect its boundaries and surroundings from all
illegal hell that materialized and all illegal hell that is
initiated by the will of another, both aggressors
illegal hells and vengeance illegal hell must be
removed from the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
24.The Marc-G-P-L Creatic Advanced Community
and especially the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
must fulfill The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions
Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and
Plan. anti-pleasure
must be diminished to the lowest
level possible; illegal hell must be removed,
destroyed and abolished; and Paradise must be
spread throughout Qualified Worlds, and especially
throughout the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics.
25.We cannot fulfill any of The Three Primary
Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics Purposes and Plan if illegal hell Existence.
Knowing this, we must ( OperationComplex )atically
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remove all illegal hell from our world, from all
worlds and from all dimensions throughout
Qualified Worlds and especially throughout the
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics. Purposefully, we
must began with our own Planet Earth. If and when
we die, we must continue our Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Mission in all potential
Afterlife or Reincarnation, but we shall not seek
after reincarnation, but continuous lifespans
loosuncapturety from reincarnation and death till
victory is won and the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics Purpose and Plan is achieved and only the
Marc Perfect possibility Existence throughout
Qualified and Compatible Infinity; yet Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must not seek to reincarnate,
but must seek to Existence one continuous life
forevermore, one life to Existence and it shall be
eternal is the way of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics .
26.Those among us who remain behind must
continue our Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
Mission to fulfill The Three Primary Enjoyable
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
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Purposes and Plan. Protectively, always remember
the Universal Computation truth that ( illegal hell is
illegal to the innocent, non-deserving of illegal hells;
and to those who had an infraction, but were
punished then reprogrammed to a non-evil being
that honestly avoid making errors that are possible
or cannot make any errors at all. ) to the
( OperationComplex ) Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics , Infinite Existence, and Existences and that
all illegal hell must be destroyed, removed and
389-(6-21-3-19).Proper rehabilitation of the
criminal mindintoaPerfect, Productive, Lawful,
1.In order for anti-pleasure
to be diminished to the
lowest level possible there must also be a significant
decrease in ( "sincrime" ). Proper effective measures
must be taken to prevent ( "sincrime" ) from
occurring and to rehabilitate those who have
committed ( "sincrime" ) during incarceration and
after their time served is complete.
2.Scientific research must take place to reveal the
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causes of the criminal mind. Effective humane
community efforts must take place to educate
children and adults on how to prevent the criminal
mind from developing.
3.Proper ( OperationComplex )s of Leadership and
communities must be developed to reduce poverty
so that ( "sincrime" ) that are caused because of
poverty may be diminished.
4.Very important is the fact that proper
development of the conscious mind from childhood
to adulthood can prevent a Conscious Being from
committing ( "sincrime" ). The teachings of The
Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan are
designed to help Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and Existences develop a
Perfect Conscious Mind.
5.I the Guide Of the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics, Owuwunow wrote the book of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Way to achieve The Three
Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan and to
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achieve many more Universal Computation
Accomplishments. I will now reveal statistical data
from the U.S. Department of Justice. These
statistical data reveal state court sentencing of
convicted felons for the year 2002.
6.1,050,000 Human Beings in the United States
alone were convicted of felony in the state courts.
197,030 which equaled 18.8% were convicted for
violent offences; 324,200 which equaled 30.9% were
convicted for property offences; 340,330 which
equaled 32.4% were convicted for drug offences;
32,470 which equaled 3.1% were convicted for
weapons offences. 155,970 which equaled 14.8%
were convicted for other offences.
7.With the proper preventative measures these
1,051,000 Beings Of Existences would not have
committed those ( "sincrime" ). The teachings of
sending Beings to illegal hell or to eternal illegal
hell does not prevent ( "sincrime" ) nor violence, it
only teaches Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics that they can give illegal hell to each other.
It is also true that building more prisons does not
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avoid ( "sincrime" ), it only causes more Beings Of
Existences to get arrested and sent to prison for a
longer time.
8.Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Way teaches
that ( illegal hell is illegal to the innocent, nondeserving
of illegal hells; and to those who had an
infraction, but were punished then reprogrammed
to a non-evil being that honestly avoid making
errors that are possible or cannot make any errors
at all. ) to the ( OperationComplex ) Of Infinite
Existence and especially throughout the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics, this includes Aggressors
illegal hell that is caused by criminals. From
childhood to adulthood, Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must be thought in an
effective, humane, proper way not to give illegal
hell to each other and not to unnecessarily or
aggravatingly harm each other without cause.
9.During the year 2002, 8,990 people were
convicted for terminating another Being Of
Existence through murder or manslaughter, in the
United States. Many of the victims of these
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murderers experienced a form of Aggressors illegal
hell while being murdered. Those murders could
have been prevented if the murderers conscious
mind had been properly trained to avoid such
murderous behaviors, impulses or desires.
10.35,500 people were convicted of rape or other
sexual assault during the year 2002 in the United
Sates. Many of the victims of these 35,500 felons
experienced some form of Aggressors illegal hell,
terror and against pleasure. The offenders of these
sexual assault, must have had some form of
improper mental control of the conscious mind.
11.From an understandable age before puberty,
sexual Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
and of Qualified, Compatible Existences must be
thought proper self control through the Conscious
Mind on how to avoid improper sexual conduct that
lead to criminal behavior that causes rape or other
sexual assault to occur.
12.It should be standard procedure to retrain the
Conscious Mind of sexual offenders during
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incarceration on a regular bases until the offender
develops proper self control of the mind and sexual
drive. Such mental training should be performed by
experts that use a humane, scientific, and spirit, or
spiritual beings psychological method that works
efficiently to retrain the conscious mind of offenders
and to remove the harmful program in their
conscience and mind ( MindOperationCausation )
that instructs them or give them the desire to
commit ( "sincrime" ).
13.During the year 2002 in the United States 38,430
people were convicted for armed and unarmed
robbery. Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and of Qualified and Compatible
Existences must be trained not to use violence such
as robbery against one another. The community
must have effective social services for the poor and
needy so that they may not resort to robbery to
gain monetary resources and material resources.
14.It is ideal for the whole World Community to be
full of wealth that is shared efficiently for all
members of the World Community. Capitalism can
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I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
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