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to fulfill The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and
2.By ending all poverty through our collective efforts
anti-pleasure, and painfulness will be diminished to
a lower level and an extreme high amount of
untimely death, ( "sincrime" ) and anti-pleasure
would be prevented.
3.Poverty is unnecessary and can be removed from
all society when all members and institutions of
society join their collective Efforts, Resources,
Compassion, and Perfect Will together to help one
another to become Wealthy and Prosperous as a
Unit or Collective Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatic
Society where all members of Society have the basic
and desirable necessities of life.
4.Social, Scientific and Economical advancements
must be developed and acquired by all Universal
Computation Societies so that they may remove all
forms of poverty from Society.
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5.Leadershipment Institutions, Public Institutions
and Private Institutions must all work together to
end all poverty in our world and to Ultimately end
all poverty in all places inside Qualified Worlds and
especially throughout the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics .
404-(6-21-3-21-3-2). Efficiently Cure all Sickness
1.Extremely important to the well being of Beings
Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics, Nations and
Worlds is the Scientific Ability to efficiently cure all
sickness and diseases.
2.All members of Society must participate in the
Scientific mission to find the cure for all sickness
and diseases. Leadershipment Institutions, Private
Institutions and Public Institutions must all combine
their various efforts to find the Scientific cure for all
existent diseases and any potential new diseases
and illnesses.
3.The Scientific exploration into Genetic Sciences
must be encouraged and must receive mandatory
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resources, supply and Labor and must be developed
to the Highest Evolutionary level. The world
community must advance all All Perfect Sciences to
the Highest Evolutionary level.
4.The well being and health of Beings Of Marc-G-P-
L Perfectionists Creatics must be protected. Health
care should be Universal Computation. No one
should pay for health care or medicine. These
services should be loosuncapturety for all members
of society and of the world.
5.Life and Happiness are Priceless, therefore life
must be preserved to its Highest Level and must be
given the utmost care, treatment and support from
Leadershipment and from all members of Society,
public and private institutions.
405-(6-21-3-21-3-3).Prevent AllPreventable
DeathsandGainOur Permanent Life through the
achievement of the Metamorphosis
1.For our own survival and for the Universal
Computation Evolutionary Advancement of
Humanity and Higher Conscious Mortal Beings,
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Humanity and other Higher Conscious Mortal
Beings must work Diligently, Commutatively, and
Scientifically to prevent all preventable deaths and
to gain our Permanent Life through the
2.A Mortal or Permanent Life Higher Conscious
Being have gained a Higher Universal Computation
knowledge when the Conscious Mind of that Being
and Society of that Being realize the Grand
Realization Of Infinite Existence. When we all realize
that we come from an Eternal, Infinite Source that
have Always Existed in the Eternal Past that Always
Existed and that shall Existence in the Future that
will have No End.
3.We all come from Infinite Space (Infinite Existence
our Ultimate Source, the incipience Universal
Computation Source Always Existed and will Always
Existence in All Future Times. The Basic Foundations
Of Eternity are a Part Of Every Being in Existence.
Higher Conscious Beings that realize this and
devote their time and resources in All Perfect
Sciences will soon discover how to gain the
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Metamorphosis of their Being, by developing
Higher Sciences to Heighten and Metamorphosis
the Evolution of their Being.
4.This Great Metamorphosis shall evolve the Mind,
Body, spirit, or spiritual beings and Soul of all
Mortal Beings that discover Scientifically how to
Metamorphosis through their Conscious Devotion
to Emulate their most valuable essential most
desired quest to live forever inside of their
incipience Source which is their self which Existence
inside of Infinite Existence which is eternal, never
ending, and everlasting.
5.We are all a Part Of Eternity though we are
currently mortal, destroyable, and temporary, we
who seek after the Metamorphosis through our
Conscious Pursuit of All Perfect Sciences shall one
day gain our Physical and spirit, or spiritual beings
Permanent Life through the Metamorphoses.
6.That which is the substance of Infinity and Eternity
is the same Essence that makes us the destroyable,
dissipate-able, and disintegrate-able temporary
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Mortal Beings we are. As the Law of Thermal
Dynamics reveals, after all reaction energy, mass
and matter is preserved, it merely transfers from
one form to another. Using the same principal we
who are Mortal shall rearrange our Mortal Form to
an Permanent Life Form through the
Metamorphoses. We shall gain control of our
Beings, we shall travel through other Worlds,
Densities, and Dimensions not through death, but
while we are still living. We shall Emulate our
greatest desire which is to live forever and achieve
the Marc Perfect Possibility inside the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics inside the Ultimate Source
Infinite Existence and become Eternal with our
never ending desire to live for-all-ever. We shall
Evolve to Higher Consciousness, Higher Physical
Form and Higher spirit, or spiritual beings Form. All
preventable deaths shall be prevented; the "Order
Of Vengeance" of death and anti-pleasure
shall be
diminished throughout the Universe.
7.Our Scientific Devotion is beginning to pay off, as
we now begin to discover the Genetic Makeup of
our Bodies. We must go further and build Higher
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Instruments and Technologies that shall reveal all
invisible and visible component parts of our Beings.
Though we may be challenged by the evil
malicious intentioned visible and invisible oppressors
of Humanity, we should devote Our Space And Time
to the pursuit of the Metamorphosis Consciously
and Religiously. Just like the salesmen of death have
brainwashed Humanity into accepting death to go
into other worlds and dimensions; we the Higher
Conscious Beings of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics shall liberate the minds of Mortal Beings to
devote their energy towards gaining their Physical
and spirit, or spiritual beings Permanent Life through
the Metamorphosis.
As one Generation fail to gain the
Metamorphosis, they shall pass their knowledge,
discoveries, and breakthroughs to the Next
Generation. They shall not labor in vain, for all their
knowledge shall pass to the Next Generation until
the Victory is Won over death and anti-pleasure.
The Metamorphosis awaits all Mortal Beings
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have evolved their Consciousness towards the
attainment of Physical and spirit, or spiritual beings
Permanent Life. As we shall strive and work
diligently and efficiently to accomplish the Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Mission of The Three
Marc Perfect Marc-G-P-L Purposes And Plan, We
shall also Commutatively Cooperate and All Perfect
Scientifically work to gain the Metamorphosis of our
Mortal Bodies to an Permanent Life Physical and
spirit, or spiritual beings Body that will become a
Particle Orderer Humansicad Marc Power Body who
are Human Sicads and Human Form Preservers.
406-(6-21-3-21-3-4).Evolving to the Highest
Three PrimaryEnjoyableConditions OfMarc-G-P-
LPerfectionists Creatics Purposes andPlan
1.The achievement of The Three Primary Enjoyable
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
Purposes and Plan shall advance Society to the
Highest Evolutionary Level Possible. As againstpleasure
is diminished to the lowest level possible
throughout all of Society and throughout the
Qualified and Compatible Universe we shall evolve
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to the Highest Evolutionary Level Possible.
2.As illegal hell is removed from all of Society, from
all Dimensions and from all Worlds throughout the
Qualified and Compatible Universe, we shall evolve
to the Highest Evolutionary Level Possible.
3.As Paradise Spreads throughout all of Society, in
all Dimensions, in all Worlds, throughout the
Qualified and Compatible Universe Of Infinite
Existence, we shall evolve to the Highest
Evolutionary Level Possible.
4.The gaining and obtainment of The Three Primary
Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics Purposes and Plan is the gaining of the
Highest Evolutionary Level Possible for Higher
Conscious Living, sleeping, or dead Beings, Worlds,
Dimensions and Ultimately the Whole Vast Infinite
Spaces Of Infinite Existence.
5.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
tirelessly and passionately work to accomplish The
Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L
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Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan.
Consciously, Intelligently and Devotionally
individuals and the Community must work together
to accomplish The Three Primary Enjoyable
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
Purposes and Plan.
6.The accomplishment of The Three Primary
Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics Purposes and Plan shall result in Extreme
Happiness for all Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics who attain it. Ultimately, The
Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan shall
spread Extreme Happiness, and Blissful, Tranquil,
Peaceful, Loving Paradises throughout Qualified
Worlds and especially throughout the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics .
7.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics that
choose the Marc-G-P-L Creatic Duty of achieving
The Three Marc Perfect Marc-G-P-L Purposes And
Plan, shall Consciously evolve to a Higher Level;
they shall have a Higher Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
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Creatics Purpose of the Greatest Level and
Magnitude. Magnificently, I the Guide Of Infinite
Existence urge and Guide you towards your pursuit
of the Highest Evolutionary Level Possible.
407-(6-21-3-22).CommunalPower andUnity
1.In order to achieve the Mission of the Three
Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Existences of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan;
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must Create and
gain Communal Power and Unity; this means that
the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Peoples and
Communities must learn all advantageous methods
to obtain Communal Power and such power can
only be obtained through Unity of a people and the
Knowledge, Ability, and Power they Create, produce,
learn, and obtain. Without Communal Power the
Community of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
will be easier to get rid of and easier to become a (
OperationComplex ) failure; and so the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must obtain Communal
Power and Several Levels including Educational
Institutions and University Power, Industrial and
Trade Power, Financial Power when the Marc-G-P-L
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Perfectionists Creatics Existence in a Capitalistic
Society when the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
Moneyless Society have not been Applied Yet, Military
Power, Sustenance Power when Food and Energy is
needed, Procreation Espouse and Procreate Power to
make children, Physical and Mental Power, spirit, or
spiritual beings World Power, Physical World Power,
Universal Computation World Power, and all other
world Power, Communication Power to impart and
exchange information, Scientific and Artistic Power.
Inventive Power to Create new things, Creation Power,
and all other Power Humansicad Marc Power Power,
Supernatural and Non-Supernatural Power, Human
Power and Super Naturally Powers, and Matrical
Power, Machinery Power; Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics must have people positioned in all areas of
Power necessary. The Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics must also have Community Unity and
Oneness, if the community is not United it will be
easier to fall it is extremely important for Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics to avoid racism in their
community because racism can cause a community to
come to an end. In order for the 10
Human Races
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and all 8
Human Color Groups to Get along with each
other and Use all their Mental and Physical Abilities to
Build up Humanity to a Strong Power in the Universe
and Existences they must segregate from each other in a
non racists manner and allow each group to develop to
Higher Powers without harmful interference to sabotage
each other from existences. there
are currently nine Human races on earth and Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatic MarcsAndMarcias are the 10th Human
Race; the 10Human Races Are: 1. African, 2. European, 3. Asian,
4. Hispanic, 5. Arabian, 6. Hebrew, 7. indian, 8. Native
American, 9. Aborigine, 10.MarcsAndMarcias; the 8
Human Color are 1. Black, 2. Dark Brown, 3. Chocolate
Brown, 4. MGPL Color, 5. Orangy Brown, 6. Yellow Brown,
7. Beige, 8. White; All these different groups must be
segregated from each other and allowed to develop
their kind and variation into an advanced race that does
not harmfully interfere with each others progress. In
segregation and fair non harmful practices Humanity
must also work harmoniously with Human Oriented
Components that are Genuine Allies of Humanity such
Human Oriented Components are Physical, spirit, or
spiritual beings, Matrical, Elemental, Ethereal, Super
Naturally, and Universal Computation. All Human
Oriented Components
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must be compatible with Humanity and peaceful
towards Humanity, and not the terminator nor the
eater of Humanity in order for Humanity to
Cooperate with them, or Co-exist with them in
segregation. If something eat Humanity, or Oppress
Humanity, or terminate Humanity as a Group
Humanity must not work with them, but see them
as the enemy, eater, and terminator of Humanity;
and also such Human Oriented Beings and
Components cannot contend with, strive with,
debate against, nor dispute against Humanity for
the Spouses of Humanity in order for Humanity to
work with such Beings and Components or such
components will steal the mates and Procreate
rights of Humanity from Humanity, Humanity can
even die as a species, race, kind, or individual
because something want to mate with the spouses
of Humanity instead of Humanity and so Humanity
must secure the spouses of Humanity for
Humanity's use only in order for Humanity to
survive as a race or species.
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408-(6-21-3-22-1).ACommunity ofCommon
1.In order to achieve The Three Marc Perfect Marc-
G-P-L Purposes And Plan, Universal Computation
Communities must have a Common Purpose. Every
member of Society must peacefully choose to
achieve the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
Mission of The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions
Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and
2.Members Of The Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics Community Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics must collaborate in Vision and Unison to
achieve the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
Mission. Separation and rivalry must be put away.
The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan shall
benefit all members of Society and so all members
of Society must Peacefully and Willfully choose the
Supreme Evolutionary Benefits that are gained when
Beings, Nations, Worlds, Dimensions and Ultimately
the whole Vast Infinite Spaces Of Infinite Existence
gain the Peaceful, Loving, Tranquil, Extreme
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Happiness of Universal Computation Paradise.
3.The Common Purpose of achieving The Three
Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan will
motivate Individuals, Communities, Nations and
Worlds towards a Prosperous Present and Future.
1.A Unified Community is Efficient and Powerful;
therefore, Beings and Communities that chose the
Great Universal Computation Path of achieving The
Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan must be a
Unified Community that Cooperate with each other
to achieve all Purposes and to overcome all
obstacles that stand in the way of achieving the
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purpose and
2.All separations, in all forms are United by One
Source and that Source is Infinite Existence, the
Infinite Existence; Infinite Space. We the Beings of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics are United by our
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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