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717-(19-77-4) World Nations System Failure Diagnostics For the Year of 2015:

1.This diagnosis is in reference to the 5 laws that lead to a system failure of a nation and people when they are legalized into a nation. Any nation with these 5 system failure laws in place will have extreme trouble in their territory and will have a lower quality and standard of living in their territory; furthermore any opportunists nation, individual, or organization will be able to accuse them to attempt to acquire their nation or territory or to use evil exposure coercion to obtain resources, subjugation, dominance, or favors from them because of their guilt, low morality IQ in governance, and poor management of their nation and peoples. Any nation or person that have 1 or more of the 5 errors functional as a way of life or as a legality in their nation must correct the system failure problem immediately or face consequences to correct the mistake.

2.The 5 System Failures of a Nation are: 1.Bestiality, 2.Cannibalism, 3.Homosexuality, 4.Abortion, 5.Prostitution. In this scenario we consider a country that have all 5 of these system failure functional and what can happen to that nation and peoples. For example let us say that bestiality was legalized then evil spirits and other evil beings and things would move into the country matrix and begin to brainwash citizens of that nation to commit bestiality, all the sudden there would be an increase in the population of dogs for example and people that commit bestiality with dogs and other animals, disease coinciding with illegal animal sex would be on the rise, relationships would come to an end between couples with an unclean member in the relationship that have sex with animals, when both partners were wicked both of them would wind up having sex with the animal with cracked low morality IQ unconsciousness; such is the case in 2015 there is a rise in bestiality pornography websites displaying human beings that have sex with animals such dirty filthy lower life form dogs; many low morality IQ humans are being displayed committing bestiality with dogs and other animals on a huge amount of dirty illegal websites that were legalized illegally by corrupt governments; Humanity a higher intelligent lifeform would now be seen all over the world on tv and the internet having sex with dirty filthy animals which would put the lives of the entirety of Humanity in danger of being destroyed by opportunists accusers of Humanity; then if that nation legalize cannibalism such as the legality of eating dead Human Corpses then they would have people that commit bestiality with dogs and other animals now eating dead Human bodies from the morgue or even worst secretly murdering humans to eat their bodies. When a human people legalize that their dead bodies can be eaten, evil entities and man eaters soon move around the area to farm Human cultures and to eat them as a food soon Humans start living a short life so that their dead bodies could be eaten by human looking and non-human looking man eaters. If the third system failure is added the complete legalization of homosexuals to the point of protecting them from discrimination now they would have people that commit bestiality with dogs and other animals, that eat human bodies as food, and that are homosexuals that have sex immorally and disgustingly with the same sex instead of opposite sexes between a male and a female which is the only legal way to have sex for Human Beings. Homosexual spirits would now start to populate the area so that they can cause little homosexuals to be born among Humanity, soon these homosexual spirits and other lifeforms would start fighting warfare against heterosexuals around the area to usurp them from power so that the society could become a homosexual society where members of the same sex only mate with each other, if there were anti-discrimination laws against people that disagree with homosexuality then whenever heterosexuals started to protest against homosexuals the government and the law would silence them and say they are violating anti discrimination against homosexuals laws and that would cause an increase in the homosexual population by the action of sodomite humans and sodomite spirits and other sodomite life-forms. So such a system failure law nation would now have citizens that commit bestiality with dirty stink dogs and other dirty stink animals, that eat the corpses of human beings and defecate them down the sewer, and that are homosexual sodomites that have sex with the same sex only while destroying the rightful copulaters which are heterosexual males and females. If such a system failure nation then legalize the forth system failure which is abortion now children would literally be murdered in cold blood inside of their mothers stomach which is suppose to be one of the most secure places in the world; evil entities from all walks of life of system failure behaviors would now move into the matrix of that country and world to attempt to kill Purer More Perfect children so that they can give birth to imperfect, evil system failure children for example bestiality entities would try to kill non-bestial children in abortion clinics while securing the birth of bestiality committing children, evil cannibalistic entities would try to terminate proper diet children that don't eat Humans in abortion clinics to give birth to evil cannibalistic children to abortive and non abortive mothers instead, evil homosexual, sodomite entities would then abort heterosexual children in abortion clinics to promote and secure the birth of little homosexuals and sodomites that hate heterosexuality by birth and design. Soon the population of children would dwindle and become less while evil children would start being born for example since abortion was legalized in 1971 to 2015 around 1/3 of the African American population was aborted in abortion clinics which means that 1 out of every 3 African Americans don't exists in 2015 because of abortion laws of the United States that permitted and coerced their mothers by physical, spiritual, and other entity brainwash to abort and murder their children in abortion clinics; in fact 3 out 5 African American woman have aborted 1 or more children in illegal abortion clinics that were legalized by the state; and so countries that legalized and allowed these 4 system failure laws to occur would now have citizens that commit bestiality with dirty filthy ugly dogs and other dirty filthy ugly animals, that cannibalize and eat the dead corpses of humans and poop them down dirty sewers, that are sodomites and homosexuals that have sex with the same sex instead of having sex properly in a heterosexual manner, plus such bestial, cannibalistic, homosexual citizens would be aborting their children in abortion clinics to lesson the population of More Perfect children to give birth to less perfect evil children that abide by the evil laws that they have legalized into their nations. And if low morality IQ countries then legalize the final system failure which is lessor then the other 4 system failures now we would have an increase in the number of whore-like prostitutes instead of married people that are faithful to each other now we would have people that have sex with whores and prostitutes that cannot be satisfied with only one married partner, but that desire to have sex with every men in a city as female prostitutes or every woman in a city as male prostitutes; such prostitutes would be more likely to die of sexually transmitted disease and more likely to spread sexually transmitted diseases as is the case in 2015, 1 out of every 2 prostitutes have HIV/AIDS a deadly sexually transmitted disease that have killed 39 millions people since the epidemic began in the year 1981 up to the year 2015; such nations would have an increase in homosexuals while heterosexuals would wind up with a small population of prostitutes to have sex with by the design of the evil system of things of such dirty low morality IQ nations that institutionalize the 5 deadly system failures of bestiality, cannibalism, homosexuality, abortion, and prostitution; nations and peoples that legalized the 5 system failures would have a wicked situation of the greatest filthy living conditions for Human Beings, there would be human citizens and other wicked entities committing bestiality with even dirty filthy stink ugly diseased dogs and other dirty filthy stink ugly diseased animals, while cannibalizing Humanity by eating their dead or living bodies while pooping the human body down dirty stink filthy sewers, while there would be an increasing of the birth rate of homosexual sodomites due to purer heterosexual children being murdered and aborted in cold blood in abortion clinics by evil invisible and visible entities and wicked humans and wicked governors and wicked religious officials, while there would be an increasing of women and men that have to prostitute themselves instead of getting married because of the evil in the world that forces prostitutive sex instead of clean marriage sex and the evil system of beings and governors that kill purer children with their system failure laws and cause impure evil lawless low morality IQ children to be born to accept the system failure laws of evil nations that are in charge of by evil governors and evil religious officials and that are filled with wicked low morality IQ citizens that fallow the wicked immoral laws they wrote for wicked dumb low morality IQ citizens to fallow. Low morality IQ nations that legalized the 5 system failure laws would have governors, religious officials and citizens that have sex with beast such as dirty filthy stink ugly diseased dogs, and other lowly filthy animals, and citizens who then cannibalize human beings and poop human bodies down filthy stink sewers, while having sex with sodomite homosexuals, while aborting purer children so that wicked children could be born, while having sex with low morality IQ prostitutes and whores that cannot get married properly because the evil bestial, cannibalistic, homosexual system won't let them get married properly because it is whores that are trying to make out of them so that the total elimination of purer heterosexuals can occur so that a bestial dirty dog and other animal sexing, cannibalistic Human eating and defecating, homosexual sodomite child molesting pederasty, l,g,b,t, child murdering and aborting, prostituting whore race of humans and other entities can come to exists on earth and in other places by murdering purer leaders and purer plans. When these 5 system failures; bestiality, cannibalism, homosexuality, abortion, and prostitution are legalized into a people, nation, and system matrix a system failure of a high level occurs and the people become self destructive and destroyable by other peoples and entities that are cleaner and purer then they are, even evil entities seek to destroy them as easy prey that have low morality IQ and that practice evil as a way of life like themselves. Whenever these 5 system failures occur in a nation or people the system failures must be removed immediately from the nation or people to save them from total system failure, and total elimination, and total destruction and termination. I am putting a curse that in all places where Human Beings live or Human looking things live that all 5 of these system failures will be hated and outlawed; system failure 1: bestiality shall be outlawed, system failure 2: Cannibalism shall be outlawed, system failure 3: homosexuality shall be outlawed, system failure 4: abortion shall be outlawed, system failure 5: Prostitution shall be outlawed; all of these 5 system failures shall be outlawed using similar laws found in the book of Marc-G-P-L Creatic. Any more perfect component found in existences with more perfect intention to do what is correct towards Humanity instead of incorrect towards Humanity must cause these 5 system failures to be illegalized throughout the all Human Worlds and Invironments. Any People and Nation that run into this paper work to illegalize these 5 system failures may use the paper work found in Chapter 717-(19-77-4) found in this book to illegalize these 5 system failures.

World Nations System Failure Diagnostics For the Year of 2015

Bestiality Is Legal In

Cannibalism Is Legal In

Homosexuality Is Legal In

Abortion Is Legal In

Prostitution Is Legal In

1. Brazil Legal since 1830
Fully Enabled Bestiality


Level 7 Fully Enabled

Gay Marriage

Legal in some states since 2012, nationwide since 2013.[178][17

Level: 2

1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=N ; 3.Mental=N ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ;

7.Demand=N ;


Fully prostitution enabled,

Population: 198,739,269

Labor and Employment Ministry Primer on Sex Professional

Prostitution: Legal
There are no regulations for adult prostitution.

Brothel Ownership: Illegal

Pimping: Illegal

"[R]ather than comply with an American demand that all foreign recipients of AIDS assistance must explicitly condemn prostitution, Brazil has decided to forgo up to $40 million in American support....

'Our feeling was that the manner in which the Usaid [sic] funds were consigned would bring harm to our program from the point of view of its scientific credibility, its ethical values and its social commitment,' Pedro Chequer, director of the Brazilian government's AIDS program, said... 'We must remain faithful to the established principles of the scientific method and not allow theological beliefs and dogma to interfere.'...

Mark Dybul, deputy coordinator and chief medical officer for the Bush administration's global AIDS initiative,... says the prostitution controversy is not only overblown, but is also an example of the many misconceptions about U.S. policy. 'On the ground, this isn't an issue,'... 'Part of a compassionate response involves meeting people where they are and working with them.' He added, 'Each country has a sovereign right to make decisions for themselves, and we respect that.' But to receive American aid, he said, 'it does require an acknowledgment that prostitution is not a good thing and to be opposed to it.'"

Larry Rohter, "Prostitution Puts U.S. and Brazil at Odds on AIDS Policy," New York Times, July 24, 2005

2. Cambodia Legal
Fully Enabled Bestiality


As long as you don't get the body illegally you can probably eat human in

Fully Enabled to Eat a Dead Human Corps Obtained Legally.


Level 1

Same Sexual Activity

(No laws against same-sex sexual activity has ever existed in the country)[38]

Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children

1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=Y ; 6.Social=Y ;

7.Demand=Y ;


Population: 14,494,293

Prostitution: Illegal

Brothel Ownership: Illegal

Pimping: Illegal

"The constitution prohibits prostitution; however, there is no specific legislation against working as a prostitute. Trafficking in women for the purpose of prostitution was a serious problem, despite laws against procuring and kidnapping for purposes of sexual exploitation. There were reports that police abused prostitutes. Despite increased crackdowns on brothel operators in Phnom Penh, prostitution and related trafficking persisted. Estimates of the number of working prostitutes ranged from 14,725 to 18,250. Sex tourism was a problem, fueled by pervasive poverty and the perception of impunity."

US Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, "2008 Human Rights Report: Cambodia,", Feb. 25, 2009

3.Finland Legal since 1971
Fully Enabled Bestiality


Level 7 Fully Enabled

Gay Marriage

From March 2017[358]

Level: 6 Almost Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children

1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=Y ; 6.Social=Y ;

7.Demand=N ;


Fully prostitution enabled,

Population: 5,250,275

The Penal Code of Finland

Prostitution: Legal
Selling and purchasing sex in public is illegal. Purchasing sex from a victim of trafficking is also illegal.

Brothel Ownership: Illegal

Pimping: Illegal

"The sex trade exploded onto the Finnish scene in the years of the recession of the 1990s. Helsinki had about a dozen erotic restaurants, and personals ads offering company for 'daytime coffee'. Some even wanted to hire topless barbers.

In the early years of this decade there was intense debate in Finland on whether or not to make buying sex services a crime... Currently the purchase of sex services in Finland is illegal only in public places. Buying sex is also banned if the trade involves procurement or human trafficking, or if the provider of the service is below the legal age.

The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) estimates that about 500 prostitutes ply their trade in Finland every day...Nobody knows how many prostitutes there really are in Finland. However, there is general agreement, that about half of the sex workers who operate regularly in Finland are Finns, and that a majority work part time.

Many foreign prostitutes work with the support, or under the command of a pimp. The Finns usually operate independently...As the street trade is banned, Finnish red light districts can be found in cyberspace - on sex pages on the Internet and in personals ads. Foreign sex workers also sell their services in night clubs and Thai massage parlours. "

Panu Räty, "Anna Kontula Speaks on Behalf of Sex Workers," Helsingin Sanomat, Sep. 7, 2008

4.Mexico Legal
Fully Enabled Bestiality


Level 7 Positive and Negative

Fully Enabled

Gay Marriage

Legal inMexico City(2010),[90] Quintana Roo (2012),[91]Coahuila (2014),Chihuahua (2015) and Guerrero(2015).
All states are obliged to honour same-sex marriages performed in states where it is legal.[90]
(Proposed nationwide).[92][93]

The Supreme Court has declared that it is unconstitutional to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples in all states,[94] but as state constitutions were not invalidated, individual injunctions must still be obtained from the court.[95][96]

Level: 2

1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=N ; 3.Mental=N ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ;

7.Demand=N ;


Fully prostitution enabled,

Population: 111,211,789

Prostitution: Legal
Prostitution is decriminalized and regulated at the state level. Where regulated they must be at least 18, registered, pay for and receive health checks, and carry their health card. It cannot be in public though many cities have a red light district or "zona roja."

Brothel Ownership: Illegal

Pimping: Illegal

"The testing is one of the measures that this city [Tijuana] has taken to regulate prostitution, which has flourished here for decades. The city council passed a law in June that requires the town's active prostitutes - 5,000 are currently being tested each month - to have monthly medical exams for sexually transmitted diseases and forces brothel owners to adopt more sanitary practices. Those who do not face stiff fines and the loss of their business licenses.

One measure of the magnitude of the problem health officials face is that more than 8,000 women and men who have registered as prostitutes since the system began have stopped coming to the city clinic, Dr. Mayor Noriega said. It is unclear how many left the business and how many simply decided not to pay for the tests any more."

James C. McKinley Jr., "A New Law in Tijuana Regulates the Oldest Profession," New York Times, Dec. 13, 2005

5.Romania Legal
Fully Enabled Bestiality


Level 4

Same Sexual Activity

Legal since 1996
+ UN decl. sign.[38]

Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children

1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=1 ; 4.Rape=1 ; 5.Defect=1 ; 6.Social=1 ;

7.Demand=1 ;


Population: 22,215,421

Prostitution: Illegal

Brothel Ownership: Illegal

Pimping: Illegal

"Romanian authorities are planning to legalize prostitution as a way to help fight human trafficking and sex slavery, police said on September, 1st. Selling sexual favors is now a crime punishable by fines or up to three years in prison in Romania. However, because the crime is considered petty, most prostitutes only face fines, with some prostitutes collecting over 500 fines in the last two years, Bucharest police said. The fines are rarely paid, and tax collection authorities cannot enforce them as most prostitutes have no legal income.... Pimps face up to seven years in prison, or up to 20 years if they traffic minors, but despite efforts by law enforcement sex trafficking remains widespread."

"Romanian Authorities Consider Plan to Legalize Prostitution," Associated Press (AP), Sep. 6, 2006

6.Thailand Legal
Fully Enabled Bestiality


Level 4

Same Sexual Activity

Legal since 1956
+ UN decl. sign.[38]

Level: 4

1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ;

7.Demand=N ;


Population: 65,905,410

Prostitution: Illegal

Brothel Ownership: Illegal

Pimping: Illegal

"Prostitution is illegal, and the authorities continued to monitor, investigate, and prosecute major operators believed to be engaged in soliciting for prostitution. On January 20, police arrested 42 women involved in a prostitution ring, many of whom had entered the country illegally. The authorities deported many of them...

The Sexual Offenses Act prohibits procurement of a person for the purpose of sexual intercourse with another person, and procuring a person to become an inmate of a brothel or to frequent a brothel."

US Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, "2008 Human Rights Report: Trinidad and Tobago,", Feb. 25, 2009

7. United States: (( Partially Enabled in 19 States ))
United States: Legal Varies by state, territory, or district. Legal in 18 states Bestiality is completely legal in the following 19 states in the United States, districts, and territories: Alabama; Arkansas; Washington, D.C.; Guam; Hawaii; Kentucky; Montana; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; Ohio; Texas; Vermont; Virginia; West Virginia; and Wyoming; Florida, Oral Sex with animals was legal, even though beastiality is illegal this proves that florida law makers are questionable ) 

United States: There are no laws forbidding cannibalism

Fully Enabled to Eat a Dead Human Corps Obtained Legally.

United States

Level 7 Fully Enabled

Gay Marriage

Legal in some states since 2004.
Nationwide since 2015
, exceptAmerican Samoaand some tribal jurisdictions.[125][126]

Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children

1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=Y ; 6.Social=Y ;

7.Demand=Y ;

United States

Fully prostitution enabled, in Nevada Only

Population: 307,212,123

US federal, state, and Nevada county laws concerning prostitution

Prostitution: Limited Legality
Illegal except for 11 rural counties in Nevada, where registration and health checks are required.

Indoor prostitution became legal in Rhode Island in 1980 due to an unintentional legal loophole created by legislators. The state enacted new legislation closing the loophole on Nov. 3, 2009.

Brothel Ownership: Illegal
Illegal except for 11 rural counties in Nevada.

Pimping: Illegal

"State attempts to regulate prostitution by introducing medical check-ups or licenses don't address the core problem: the routine abuse and violence that form the prostitution experience and brutally victimize those caught in its netherworld."

Nov. 24, 2004 US State Department

Partially Fully Enabled Bestiality:
Germany: have bestiality brothels still operational and recently outlawed bestiality in their country 2 years before this report in 2013 it had been legal since 1969 
Ownership of zoophilic pornography 

 Legal (as long as it is not owned with intention of publicizing, sharing or selling)[43]


As long as you don't get the body illegally you can probably eat human in

Fully Enabled to Eat a Dead Human Corps Obtained Legally.


Level 6 Almost Fully Enabled

Recognition of Same Sex Union

Registered life partnership since 2001[300]

Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children

1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=Y ; 6.Social=Y ;

7.Demand=Y ;


Fully prostitution enabled,

Population: 82,329,758

Measures and Acts on equal opportunities since 1949 

Prostitution: Legal
Legalized in 1927.

[Editor's Note: The date of the legalization of prostitution in Germany is disputed. Some consider prostitution to have been legalized or decriminalized since the passage of the 1927 Law for Combating Venereal Diseases. However, others consider prostitution was legalized through the Prostitution Act of January 2002 that improved the social welfare and legal rights of prostitutes. Although prostitution is legal under the German Constitution, prior to the 2002 Prostitution Act, a series of regulatory laws and court rulings had restricted the legal and social welfare rights of prostitutes because prostitution was considered in violation of Germany's moral code.]

Brothel Ownership: Legal

Pimping: Legal
Exploitative behavior considered criminal.

"An estimated 400,000 prostitutes work in Germany, and 1.2 million customers are said to use their services daily. Revenues are estimated at 6 billion euros every year - equivalent to those of companies like Porsche and Adidas.

It was mainly to offer prostitutes protection from violence and exploitation that two years ago - against the opposition of conservative politicians - the German government legalized prostitution. Now, legal contracts between prostitutes and clients can be established. The government withholds a portion of their earnings to pay social benefits like pensions and health insurance and to guarantee a regular 40-hour-workweek. Sex workers can now even unionize. When it comes to taxation and regulation of the industry, legalization has been beneficial in some places, advocates say.

...But when it comes to the goal of improving conditions for prostitutes and containing the sex trade, most experts agree that legalizing prostitution has not succeeded. 'When it was set up there was much talk of securing proper contracts, proper health insurance, but a lot of this hasn't materialized because of big holes in the legislation,' says Marion Detlefs of the Hydra prostitute advice center in Berlin. Across the country, no more than a dozen contracts have been signed. Prostitutes, who often have to share their income with brothel owners and other parties, are reluctant to pay taxes.... [A]dvocates for prostitutes complain that - despite the national law - prostitution is still treated differently in each region, giving each city the right to ban prostitution in certain areas."

Isabelle de Pommereau, "Rethinking a Legal Sex Trade," Christian Science Monitor, May 11, 2005

Partially Enabled Bestiality:
Australia Legalized ownership of bestiality pornography;


Level 6 Almost Fully Enabled

Recognition of Same Sex Union

Unregistered cohabitation since 2009

Domestic patnership inTasmania(2004),[488]South Australia(2007),[489]Victoria(2008),[490]New South Wales(2010)[491]andQueensland(2012)[492];
Civil union in the
Australian Capital Territory(2012)[493]

Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children

1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=Y ; 6.Social=Y ;

7.Demand=Y ;


Fully prostitution enabled,

Population: 21,262,641

Queensland Prostitution Licensing Authority (PLA) Summary of Laws

Prostitution: Limited Legality
The law varies depending on the state from decriminalized to legally regulated to criminal. Click on the PLA Summary on the left to see a description of each state.

Brothel Ownership: Limited Legality
4 states permit brothels, 1 allows as part of a containment policy, and 3 prohibit.

Pimping: Limited Legality

"Foreign backpackers visiting Queensland have been earning money as illegal prostitutes and damaging legitimate operators, the legal brothel industry has claimed. Queensland Adult Business Association Nick Inskip said the illegal sex industry was undermining efforts by the legal industry to make a profit and uphold health and safety standards.... 'They can charge less because they are not paying GST, staff costs for managers and receptionists, or have a registered business name,' Mr Inskip said.

...One solution could be allowing legal brothels to operate outcall services, he said. But the proposal has previously been rejected by the Crime and Misconduct Commission and the state government. Queensland currently has 23 legal brothels operating in city and regional areas. Police figures show the number of prostitution offences reported in Queensland increased from 362 to 600 in 2005-06."

"Backpackers Work as Prostitutes, Says Industry," Sydney Morning Herald, Jan. 30, 2007

Legal Pornography

Partially Enabled Bestiality


Level 4

Same Sexual Activity

(No laws against same-sex sexual activity has ever existed in the country)
+ UN decl. sign.[38]

Level: 5

1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=Y ; 6.Social=N ;

7.Demand=N ;


Fully prostitution enabled,

Population: 38,482,919

Trafficking in Human Beings in Poland Report by the Polish Ministry of Interior and Administration, 2008 

Prostitution: Legal

Brothel Ownership: Illegal

Pimping: Illegal

"According to police, there were an estimated 3,200 prostitutes in the country; however, NGOs estimated that the number of women in all elements of the sex industry was significantly higher, from 18,000-20,000. Women were trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation...

While prostitution is not criminalized, pimping, recruiting, or luring persons into prostitution carry penalties of up to 10 years in prison... In 2007, according to the Ministry of Justice, 70 traffickers were convicted for forced prostitution and trafficking, compared to 16 convictions in 2006 strictly for trafficking."

US Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, "2008 Human Rights Report: Poland,", Feb. 25, 2009

 Denmark Illegal since 2015 the same year of this report

Partially Enabled Bestiality

Sale and distribution of zoophilic pornography

[35] Legal

Ownership of zoophilic pornography



Level 7 Fully Enabled

Same-Sex Marriage

Legal since 2012[350][351]

Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children

1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=Y ; 6.Social=Y ;

7.Demand=Y ;


Fully prostitution enabled,

Population: 5,500,510

Danish Penal Code 

Prostitution: Legal
The act of prostitution was legalized March 17, 1999.

Brothel Ownership: Illegal

Pimping: Illegal

"Torben Hansen, who has cerebral palsy, which severely affects his speech and mobility, believes his local authority should pay the extra charge he incurs when he hires a sex worker - because his disability means he cannot go to see them. His case is currently being considered.

...In Denmark, local authorities compensate disabled people for extra costs incurred because of their disability....In Denmark, prostitution and other forms of sex work are not illegal so long as it is not a woman's sole means of income.... 'It's unfair to deny people with disabilities the right to a sex life,' he [Hansen] added.

Kristen Brosboel, a Social Democrat member of the Danish Parliament, is among those who have argued against Mr Hansen. 'We also spend tax money on trying to prevent prostitution, helping women out of prostitution - and we have a clear policy that this is a social problem that we want to solve.... So I think that's very much in contradiction with spending tax money on requiring prostitutes."

"Dane Fights For State-funded Sex," BBC News, Oct. 5, 2005


Fully Enabled:

During the 20th century, zoophilia was legalized in the Russian Empire in 1903


As long as you don't get the body illegally you can probably eat human in

Fully Enabled to Eat a Dead Human Corps Obtained Legally.


Level 3

Same Sexual Activity

Male legal since 1993
Female always legal[342][38]

Level: 7 Almost Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children

1.Life=2 ; 2.Health=2 ; 3.Mental=2 ; 4.Rape=2 ; 5.Defect=2 ; 6.Social=2 ;

7.Demand=1 ;

Prostitution: illegal


Fully Enabled

Legal in Argentina


Level 4

Same-Sex Sexual Activity

+ UN decl. sign.

Level: 2

1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=? ; 4.Rape=? ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ;

7.Demand=N ;


Fully prostitution enabled,

Population: 40,913,584

Prostitution: Legal
Article 19 of the Constitution states, "The private actions of people that do not offend in any way the public order and morality, nor damage a third person, are only reserved to God, and are exempt from the authority of the magistrates."

Brothel Ownership: Illegal

Pimping: Illegal
It is illegal to solicit, to aid or abet a prostitute, or live off their earnings.

"...[P]rostitutes throughout Argentina are casting off police persecution and demanding the same rights as other workers. They have formed the Association of Women Prostitutes of Argentina, or Ammar - the word amar means to love in Spanish - ... and have set their sights even higher. In the coming months, the nine-year-old organisation plans its boldest step yet: to demand government recognition as an official union. It would be the first such union in Latin America and one of only a handful in the world.

...1,700 Argentine prostitutes [are] now registered as members of Ammar, whose leaders say government recognition would give the organisation the legal standing to fight for the decriminalisation of prostitution. Technically, prostitution is not illegal in Argentina but most provinces have laws allowing the arrest of prostitutes for causing 'scandal in the public thoroughfare'.

...Pimping is illegal but brothel owners are rarely sent to jail. Instead, they form shady business alliances with the police, who collect r

Papua New Guinea:

As long as you don't get the body illegally you can probably eat human in

Fully Enabled to Eat a Dead Human Corps Obtained Legally.

Papua New Guinea

Level ½

Same Sexual Activity

Male illegal
Penalty: 3 to 14 years imprisonment (Not enforced)
Female always legal[38]

Level: 3

1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ;

7.Demand=N ;

Papua New Guinea

Prostitution: illegal

Prostitution and brothels are illegal in Papua New Guinea, however the country has a high number of sex workers 

Sex workers, known as 'pamuk meri', attempt to make a living without any regulation around the sex industry 

The women and men who participate in the industry often face high levels of discrimination stigma and hate crime 

Although many hide their sex work from their families, more than a third reported being shunned by their loved ones

There is a substantial risk of contracting HIV/AIDS, with 13 per cent of people in the sex industry testing positive     

The United Nations suggest the number of girls from PNG between the age of 15 and 24 exchanging sex for money, food, shelter, or other things such as school fees, is as high as two in three

 Ceuta(Autonomous city of Spain)

Level 7 Fully Enabled

Completely Legal


Same-sex sexual activity

Legal since 1979
+ UN decl. sign.[38]


Recognition of same-sex unions

 De facto union since 1998[40]


Same-sex marriage

 De facto union since 1998[40]


Adoption by same-sex couples

 De facto union since 1998[40]


LGB allowed to serve openly in military?

 De facto union since 1998[40]


Anti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientation

 De facto union since 1998[40]


Laws concerning gender identity/expression

 De facto union since 1998[40]



1.Life= ; 2.Health= ; 3.Mental= ; 4.Rape= ; 5.Defect= ; 6.Social= ;

7.Demand= ;

Ceuta(Autonomous city of Spain)

Prostitution: Uncertain, but prostitution itself isn't considered a crime

Brothels: Illegal

Pimping: Illegal

 Melilla(Autonomous city of Spain)

Level 7 Fully Enabled

Completely Legal


Same-sex sexual activity


Recognition of same-sex unions


Same-sex marriage


Adoption by same-sex couples


LGB allowed to serve openly in military?


Anti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientation


Laws concerning gender identity/expression



1.Life= ; 2.Health= ; 3.Mental= ; 4.Rape= ; 5.Defect= ; 6.Social= ;

7.Demand= ;


Level 1

Same-sex sexual activity

Level: 1 Legal

1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=N ; 3.Mental=N ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ;

7.Demand=N ;

Burkina Faso

Level 1

Same-sex sexual activity

Level: 5

1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=Y ; 6.Social=N ;

7.Demand=N ;


Prostitution (the exchange of sex for money) legal, but brothels are illegal; prostitution is not regulated.

Prostitution in Burkina Faso is not specifically prohibited by the law, but soliciting and pimping are illegal.[1] In recent years, the demand for prostitutes in Burkina Faso has increased.[2][3] Burkina Faso has been referred to as "a theatre of child labour".[4] As a large number of children are trafficked into Burkina Faso for forced prostitution as well as domestic work.[4] The Burkina Faso government has ratified on 31 August 1990 the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and has taken measures to ensure the safety of children against sexual abuse and exploitation, however it is still prevalent.[3]The increase in demand for prostitution has caused fear of an increase in the number of people in Burkina Faso infected with HIV and AIDS, currently 0.9% of the population are infected with HIV.[3]

 Cape Verde

Level 1

Same-sex sexual activity

Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children

1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=1 ; 5.Defect=Y ; 6.Social=1 ;

7.Demand=1 ;

Cape Verde

Prostitution: Uncertain

Brothels: Uncertain

Pimping: Uncertain

 Côte d'Ivoire

Level 1

Same-sex sexual activity

Level: 1 L:egal

1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=N ; 3.Mental=N ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ;

7.Demand=N ;


Prostitution legal and regulated

Age of Prostitution: 18

Prostitution in Ivory Coast

In Côte d'Ivoire, prostitution itself (exchanging sex for money) is legal, but associated activities, such as soliciting, pandering or running brothels, are illegal.[1] The civil war has left many women in need for wages, so some have resorted to prostitution, as there is high unemployment.[2]

Sex Tourism is also a problem in the Ivory Coast.[3]


( THIS PAPER IS WRITTEN AGAINST TRADITIONAL FATAL PROSTITUTION BUT NOT AGAINST SAFE SEXUAL SERVICE WORK. );. This Paper Does not Support Non Human Sex with Human; This Paper Only Support Strait Heterosexual Sex Between Human Males and Human Females;


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