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existence becomes un-enjoyable, dis-satisfactory,
and hard to survive. Mostly life cannot be found
when the three infective Universal Computation
sabotages occur to Individuals, Worlds,
( OperationComplex )s, ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrixes ), and Universes.
When the three infective sabotages occur the worst
possibility occurs and everything that is worst starts
to occur. Death energy, things that lead to doom,
anti-pleasure, illegal hell, and destruction of
paradises start to occur when the three infective
Universal Computation sabotages start to take over
individuals and worlds. The Most powerful weapon
against the three worst infective Universal
Computation sabotages is the Knowledge, Ability,
and Power to achieve the Three Primary Enjoyable
Conditions of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
Purposes and Plan. I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis
have put many formulas in this book to achieve a
Marc Perfect Possibility you as an Existential Beings
must build up more knowledge from the
foundations found in this book to achieve the Marc
Perfect Possibility which is the opposite and cure to
the worst possibility.
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278-(6-12).Isthere ahealthy balance of the Marc
Perfect Possibility andthe Worst Possibilityand
should we use it:
1.Calculating the past, present, and future it is
precise to realize that it would be Marc Perfect that
the worst possibility did not Existence at all
throughout the whole of existence and that only
the Marc Perfect possibility should Existence
throughout Qualified and Compatible Infinity for all
peoples of the Universe. Creating a Marc Perfect
future known as the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics future supports that only the Marc Perfect
possibility shall Existence in any territory that is
occupied by the Leadance and formulas of Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics way of life. Well
sometimes what is Marc Perfect for one is worst for
another especially when it come to victory and
defeat the Marc Perfect Possibility is always the
Marc Perfect Possibility even when it is defeat for an
evil malicious being or one who is wrong. When an
evil malicious being or one who is wrong is
defeated it is Marc Perfect and so the Gain for the
wielder of the Marc Perfect Possibility is never a loss
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to anyone and even when an evil malicious being is
defeated the defeat is a Perfect thing even for the
evil malicious being and so when evil malicious is
defeated it is a Perfect thing for Perfect and evil
malicious that evil malicious is defeated and so
there is no healthy balance to include the worst
possibility in the daily life of Existential Beings and
so all Perfect formulas that lead to the defeat of evil
malicious and the worst possibility is Marc Perfect,
but a Marc Perfect Possibility Maker cannot do evil
malicious to achieve the Marc Perfect Possibility or
such acts will be recorded as worst possibility evil
malicious acts; and so a Being who wish to achieve
the Marc Perfect Possibility must do Perfect Only
even while using force and terminating evil
malicious beings and things that brings the worst
possibility to others and into existences.
279-(6-13).Will the MarcPerfect possibilityever
be achieved throughout the whole ofExistence
andUniversesandhow would such anevent
1.Existence and the Universe is filled with variations
and combinations of events, conditions and state of
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existences and so many rules and Law are
operational to achieve different purposes. There are
three Law that are functional in existence that lead
to results that are Marc Perfect or Less Perfect these
Law are Variational and Combinational Law that
lead to Perfect Results, Variational and
Combinational Law that lead to evil malicious
results, and and Variational and Combinational Law
that are in Between Perfect and evil malicious
Results. It is very difficult to cause the whole of
existences to become the Marc Perfect Possibility
because of the very nature of Existence; not all
beings are connected nor do all beings think alike
there a numerous types of Brains and Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) and these
programmable minds lead to different results and
states of being the are fractions of difference of
Existences. Existential Beings are scattered
throughout sectors of Infinite Space and not all of
them share the same operandice they are what I
call variances and because they are variances they
do not lead to the same result. Only those who are
compatible with the Marc Perfect Possibility will be
able to achieve it. In order to achieve the Marc
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Perfect Possibility conditions must be Humansicad.
Firstly the existential being or ( OperationComplex )
must have the appropriate Compatible Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) to achieve the Marc
Perfect Possibility; Secondly the Being or
( OperationComplex ) must have the Knowledge,
Ability, and Power to achieve the Marc Perfect
Possibility; and Thirdly the Environmental Conditions
of the Compatible Universe and/or Compatible
World ( OperationComplex ) must be
programmable to achieve the Marc Perfect
Possibility. In order for the Marc Perfect Possibility
to Existence everywhere in the Universe and
Existences Beings with the Knowledge, Ability, and
Power must firstly be able to cause all Beings in the
Universe and Existences to be born or rearanged to
a Compatible Mind ( MindOperationCausation ) that
is able to achieve the Marc Perfect Possibility
through logical decision making Skills and a Perfect
Mind ( MindOperationCausation ) that supports the
achievement of the Marc Perfect Possibility;
Secondly Existential Beings must be born with or
given the appropriate Knowledge, Ability, and Power
to achieve the Marc Perfect Possibility; and Thirdly
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Existential Beings must Existence in a Compatible
Environment that is in a state that allows the Marc
Perfect Possibility to Existence and if the
environment is not suitable to cause the Marc
Perfect Possibility to Existence Existential Beings
must have the Knowledge, Ability, and Power to
rearrange and cause the Environment to become
Suitable and Compatible to Support the Marc
Perfect Possibility to Existence, or Existential Being
must abandon the environment and seek to build
their Own Environment that is Compatible and
Programmed by them to achieve the Marc Perfect
280-(6-14). Sabotage and evil malicious and the
worst possibility the number one opponent of
the Marc Perfect Possibility:
1.Sabotage, evil malicious, and the worst possibility
are the number one opponent of the Marc Perfect
Possibility. Sabotage is a great opponent against the
Marc Perfect Possibility without sabotage things
that are designed to achieve a Perfect Purpose will
achieve that Perfect Purpose and so when a Perfect
Purpose fails it is some form of sabotage that have
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caused it to fail wither that sabotage was brought
upon by lack of knowledge, ability, and power to
design the Perfect thing to achieve its purpose, or
because the Perfect Thing was designed properly,
but was sabotaged in some way or form by evil
malicious or by an opponent. evil malicious is
another opponent of the Marc Perfect Possibility;
evil malicious are things that cause the worst result
to occur that causes anti-pleasure, illegal hell, and
the destruction of personal and
( OperationComplex ) Paradises. evil malicious is
malevolent and only causes an evil malicious result
to occur; evil malicious is a potent danger to all life
wither it be Perfect Life or evil malicious life evil
malicious is a danger to all life. evil malicious causes
the Marc Perfect Possibility to be challenged and to
fail to occur; and so those who seek to achieve the
Marc Perfect Possibility must have the appropriate
Knowledge, Ability, and Power to defeat all evil
malicious that comes their way to sabotage them.
The worst possibility is the direct opposite of the
Marc Perfect Possibility and so those who seek to
achieve the Marc Perfect Possibility must know how
to defeat every codex the worst possibility sends
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their way. After all calculation it is the Appropriate
Knowledge, Ability, and Power to achieve the Marc
Perfect Possibility and to defeat all its oppositions
and saboteurs that is the greatest advantage and
obtainment to achieve the Marc Perfect Possibility.
281-(6-15).Nourishment Food-Less, Particle to
Wave RecyclablePleasure FoodDeathless Energy
Cure MetamorphosisandSelf-Defense aMarc
Perfect choice then dying atthe hand of evil
maliciousbeingswho eatbeings who are aMarc
Perfect possibilitythen they are:
1.The Marc Perfect State of Being is a Nourishment
Food-Less, Particle to Wave Recyclable Pleasure
Food, deathless, energy cure, metamorphoses; state
of being. Many beings will Existence in infinity that
will not be able to Existence without eating food for
survival, many beings will exist in infinity that are
mortal and programmed to die by self-existent
errors, or by the self-initiative Humanatorcreators,
many beings will not possess an energy cure and
will have malfunction-able forms of energy such as
the constant eating of food for survival, many
beings will be born to die they shall not have any
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metamorphoses or deathless transfer to other
worlds. A Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
be able to defend his or her self from beings that
eat other beings in existences for beings that eat
food are always hungry for life and to satisfy that
hunger it is another living being that they seek to
eat for their survival and so Beings such as Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics who see the evil
malicious of hunger and food must be able to
defend themselves from eaters who eat higher
conscious beings as food. Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics must have a higher conscious mind that
separate them from the lower conscious beings.
When a higher conscious being or lower conscious
being decide to eat a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics, Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
have enough Knowledge, Ability, and Power to
protect themselves from such abomination attackers
who see them as food. Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics must carry the most advanced body that is
Nourishment Food-Less, Particle to Wave Recyclable
Pleasure Food, deathless, an energy cure, a
Humansicad Marc Power body, and a
Metamorphoses body; Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
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Creatics must also be the greatest defenders of
themselves from being terminated and eaten as
food or for any other illegal reasons.
282-(6-16).The Most effective body to achieve
the Marc Perfect Possibilityand to endure the
hardship of existence.
1.The Most Effective body to achieve the Marc
Perfect Possibility and to Endure the hardship of
existences is a Humansicad Marc Power body that is
Nourishment Food-Less, Particle to Wave Recyclable
Pleasure Food and deathless it is a body that is selfhealing,
a body that can heal itself of all damages,
malfunction, sickness, and diseases done to it or
that affect it, it is a body that needs no food to
survive but have an eternal energy cure that sustain
itself by recycling all energy inside, and preventing
any escape of energy, it is a body that can reclaim
all energy that escape from it, it is body that is fit
to survive all warfare against it, it is a body that can
rearrange all Re-arrangeable particles into tools of
use, It is a body that is a Human form that is the
proper user of all usable things, it is a body that is
a heterosexual procreater and Creator of its own
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kind, and that control what an offspring will look
like and function like at birth, it is a body that
Existence forever and endure all environmental
conditions because it can rearrange its body
compositions to survive all environmental
conditions, it is a body that can win all wars fought
against itself and against others, it is a body that
have the most intelligent mind
( MindOperationCausation ), it is a body with a
mind and cellular compositions that possess perfect
memory, it is a body that can rearrange from flesh
to spirit, or spiritual beings or spirit, or spiritual
beings to flesh without no death and no decay, it is
a body that can rearrange to any elemental and
particle composition without dying nor decaying
nor losing Human form, it is a body that is a great
operator of world reality ( OperationComplex ),
Universal Computation aspects, and phenomenon, it
is a body that have Knowledge, Ability, and Power
to do all possible things but only do Perfect Only, it
is the Most Advanced Human Form Body.
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283-(6-17). Humanity must help each other to
achieve the Marc Perfect Possibility despite of
racialand color differences:
1.A Great divide can become race and color,
between these two aspect race and color much evil
malicious wars can erupt because of compatibility
issues deriving from the differences people have
against each other. When existential beings are
untrained to keep peace with each other the
difference race and color make against each other
make them terminate each other from existences
as enemies this is known as compatibility issues.
Compatibility issues causes beings to malfunction
each other through hatred, non cooperation, and
warfare to eliminate each other. Those who are
compatible must Existence with each other; those
who are incompatible with each other must be
separated from each other. Humanity must realize
that we are able to cooperate with each other
without terminating each other despite of our racial
and color differences we are the same race
ultimately all who are genuinely Human are Human.
Humanity have common enemies that will even eat
Humanity and turn Humanity into a waste by
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product and so Humanity must be willing to work
together to guarantee the safety of Humanity as a
race and species; and so, Humanity must work
together despite of race and color differences; but if
Humanity cannot bear to Existence amongst each
other because of racial and color differences then
Humanity must separate from each other because
of the compatibility issue and Existence in separate
sectors, separate cities, separate states, separate
countries, separate continents, and separate
planetary environments, or even separate
dimension. But if Humanity is intelligent enough to
tolerate the differences Humanity possess and use
them as an advantage instead of a disadvantage
then Humanity will be able to survive and Existence
in peace with each other and all the Perfect
Difference Humanity possess can be used to further
advanced Humanity into a More Advanced Race
that Existence in harmony with each other in
neighborhoods consisting of all the variances of
Humanity living together in peace, brotherhood,
sisterhood, and in harmony with each other.
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284-(6-18).Approach other humans andnon
humans with caution when desiring to achieve
the Marc Perfectpossibility outside ofYour
PersonalandHuman community:
1.Variances is what Humanity and Non Humans
possess and not all variances are compatible with
each other nor are they the same. Variances can
become temporary operendices or permanent
operendices. Not all beings will openly welcome the
philosophy, the truth, nor the way of life of Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics and so Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must approach Humans and
Non-Humans with caution when desiring to teach
them or convert them to the way of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics. Not all beings will meet the
qualification to learn Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics because their variance and mind
( MindOperationCausation ) will be against Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics. Some beings pose a
great danger to Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
because their variance and mind
( MindOperationCausation ) is the opposite of the
Mindset of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics such
beings must never be approached to learn Marc-G
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P-L Perfectionists Creatics if possible; Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must never consider such
persons as potential converts nor operands because
they are the opposite thinkers against Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and will even terminate
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics instead of
learning and living by the ( OperationComplex ) of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics; and so Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics must only seek after
compatibles to learn and Existence by the rules of
operations of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics.
Non compatibles of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics will have the potential to become the
enemies of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and
so Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must not be
aggravaters of warfare against them, but if they
attack Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics, Marc-G-P-
L Perfectionists Creatics must have the Knowledge,
Ability, and Power to defend themselves from harm
and death from enemies who are non-compatibles.
285-(6-19). The worst Possibility is an
abomination attack:
1.Abomination Attack must be gone from us; and
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the worst possibility is an abomination attack
against all who it affects; the worst possibility is
everything that is dooming, harmful, deadly, sickly,
sabotaging, against-pleasic, painful, and illegal
hellish. An abomination is a dooming, extremely
obscene, extremely deadly, extremely genocidal in
nature, extremely racists in nature, extremely
disagreeable, extremely erroneous, extremely
disappointing in nature, extremely hateful in nature,
extremely sabotaging, extreme rape in nature,
extremely sexually immoral in nature, extremely
murderous in nature, extremely fatal, extremely
poignant and rotting in scent in nature, extremely
decomposing, extremely defiling in nature,
extremely immoral, extremely backward thinking in
nature, extremely monstrous in nature, extremely
cannibalistic in nature, extremely beastly in nature,
extremely profane in nature, extremely tormenting,
torturous, and illegal hellish in nature. The worst
possibility is an abomination attack against all living
beings it is the worst thing that can happen to
anyone. The sabotage of the worst possibility must
be avoided and the most effective way to avoid the
worst possibility is to have the proper Knowledge,
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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