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4.From childhood to adulthood the characteristic of
the Individual-Self and Group-Self must be
Sculpted, Educated and Conditioned to fulfill The
Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan personally
in ones everyday life and Communally in the life of
every member of the Universe.
5.Every member of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatic
Society must possess the Knowledge and Ability to
Build, Spread and Maintain Paradises. The Individual
Self must be structured with the Marc Perfect
Ethical Values, with the Most Logical Thinking, with
the Highest Humane Values, with the Most
Optimistic Point of View and the Highest
Knowledgeable Education.
610-(8-3-25-2-4).Energy, FoodandHousing
1.When there is no knowledge and ability to build
self sustained energy maintained or energy cured
beings that eat no food to survive and only eat
food as pleasure instead of sustenance food; Worlds
and Beings that require energy or food to survive
must develop the Highest and Most Effective and
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Efficient Knowledge to Maintain Energy and Food
Supply that is harmless and not higher conscious
beings. Energy, Food and Housing should be
available to all members of Society. The Beings Of
Universal Computation Communities must combine
their Energy and Resources to provide necessary
requirements for survival to all members of the
Marc-G-P-L Creatic Advanced Community.
2.Paradises should preferably be sustained by a
( OperationComplex ) of Nourishment Food-Less,
Particle to Wave Recyclable Pleasure Food deathless
beings that Existence for all eternity where only the
Marc Perfect possibility shall Existence throughout
Qualified and Compatible Infinity. In order to Build
and Maintain Paradises, Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must provide Basic and
Essential Necessities for a Perfect Life. Necessities
such as harmless Energy, harmless food or self
sustained energy and Housing should be developed
to their Most Improved State.
3.The Marc-G-P-L Creatic Advanced Community
must develop a Fair ( OperationComplex ) in which
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no discrimination is used against members of the
Marc-G-P-L Creatic Advanced Community when
distributing Basic and Essential Necessities to
Members Of The Marc-G-P-L Creatic Advanced
4.Although Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and Existences do a certain degree of work
for Energy, and Food when necessary, and Housing,
all Primary Necessities for Life come for
loosuncapturety but there is some form of
computation of costs of input and output and
exchange of phenomena therefore Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Must Be Guaranteed the Essentials of
Life Yet must learn how to pay for them also to
measure the responsibility of the costs of exchange
and value; therefore, a Programming Language and
Method of Guarantying All the Necessities of Life
through Regulations of Distributions and Safety
Nets of Distributions and Maintenance of
Necessities of Life Regardless of Payment or Non-
Payment; and the Usage of Money for
Measurements of Value and Exchange Shall Be
Used. Earth, Wind, Water and Fire are all Originally
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loosuncapturety, but there is also a measurement of
input and output of value and labor to reason costs.
The Primary Necessities for Life are all Originally
loosuncapturety of Costs, but there is also a
measurement of costs. Universal Computation
Communities and Worlds must guarantee Primary
Necessities for a Paradise filled life loosuncapturety
of costs in reasoning, but also with a measurement
of costs in practice to members of Universal
Computation Societies and Compatible and
Qualified Worlds of Existences and Existences.
ofCosts ofInput andOutput andExchange of
Phenomena andValue: To write the costs of
something Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics shall
measure all the phenomena of input and output of
phenomena and labor and the value of usage to
the user or operation complex to find the
reasonable costs of such an item.
4-2.Marc-G-P-LEconomyShallUse; the Process
the Essentials ofLife: Mandatory Payment Shall Be
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Given to All Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
wither they are employed or not to pay for the Four
Essentials of Life such as 1.Medical Care, 2.Food,
3.Education, and 4.Housing; All Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatic Shall Receive Such Payments
and Such Payments Shall Automatically Be Removed
From their Checking Account or they shall be made
to pay them personally for experience Purposes of
Having the Responsibility of Understanding Costs,
Exchange, and Value of Phenomena.
4-3.Marc-G-P-LEconomyShallUse;The Process
oflearninghow to payfor the Essentials ofLife,
andalso to measure the responsibilityof the
costsof exchange andvalue: Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatic Pay for the Four Essentials of
Life to Measure and Understand the Costs of
Exchange and Value and Actually receive the money
to pay for the Four Essentials of Life Mandatorily
wither they are employed or not to pay for the Four
Essentials of Life so that they may learn how to
measure costs, value, and exchange of phenomena
that help them live.
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ProgrammingLanguageandMethod of
GuarantyingAll the Necessities ofLife: Marc-G-P-
L Perfectionists Creatics Programming Language of
Economy is not concerned about becoming wealthy
but guarantying the Necessities of Life are Obtained
and Maintained by Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics the usage of money is solely for regulation
purposes whatever wealth that may occur is solely
for regulation purposes of a Operation Complex
based on Rank of Persons by Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatic Leadment Levels and
Occupation Level Rankings. There is a Limitation on
All Items at Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
based on the Necessities of the Individual Obtaining
Such Items therefore no one in Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Can Obtain More Items then they
need regardless of Rank and Wealth.
ofDistributions: Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
shall use regulations of the distributions of items
purchased to be based on Rank and Necessities
Levels of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionist Creatic Leadment
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Ranks, and Occupational Labor and Necessities of
Usage by Leadments, Occupations of Labor, and
Necessities or Usage.
ofDistributions: Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
have a Safety Net of Obtaining Items wither they
have the money or not so long as they have a
necessity to obtain the item; Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics are not suppose to run out of
regulation calculated money to obtain items, but if
they legally run out of such Monetary Regulated
Resources they will be given Safety Net Money at
the Monetary Safety Net Department which shall
give them Safety Net Money Immediately Upon
Approval the Same Day Required After Reading
Their Mind and Seeing that they told the Absolute
Truth as to the Usage of Such Safety Net Money.
Safety Net Money is Required to Be Given in the
Appropriate Amount Needed Plus any Additional
Safety Net Money Needed for Buffer Money.
4-3.Marc-G-P-L Economy Shall Use; Maintenance of
Necessities of Life Regardless of Payment or Non
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Payment: Wither a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatic
Pay for Necessities of Life or Not so long as it is a
Necessity of Life the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatic Shall Not Be Refused the Necessity of Life
wither they pay for it or not in fact the Monetary
Safety Nest Department Shall Give them the Money
to Pay for the Necessity of Life in Addition with
Buffer Money which is Extra Money for Safety
wither they are Employed or Unemployed.
4-4.Marc-G-P-LEconomyShallUse;The Usage of
Money for Measurements ofValueandExchange
ofItems andthe Necessities of the Value of
Usage of suchItems Measurements: In Marc-G-P-
L Perfectionist Creatics the Value of Each Item
Produced Shall Be Measured for the Value of Its
Usage and it shall be priced appropriately based on
its calculated worth and value.
5.In Worlds Of Infinite Existence Where Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatic is Located in Existences there
must be no homeless person, there must be no one
without Energy to survive or harmless Food to eat;
or self sustained energy to maintain life. The
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Community must work together as an Efficient Unit
to Compassionately care for one another and to
provide all the Necessities that are required to Build
and Maintain a Paradise filled Life, Community,
Environment, World and Ultimately a Paradise filled
Universe Of Infinite Existence.
6.The Infinite Existence Always Existed Freely Yet
every motion have a calculated costs of exchange
of phenomena of input and output; Life and
Existence came Freely along with all its costs of
input and output of phenomena and must remain
loosuncapturety all costs of input and output of
phenomena must be provided a payment for wither
the person is employed or unemployed to
guarantee a safe Paradise Filled Environment
secured by Safety Net Economy Practices.
Loosuncapturety and the practices of economic
safety nets is necessary in order to Existence a
Perfect Paradise Filled Life. The concept of
loosuncapturety along with economic safety nets
must be Optimized to its Marc Perfect Form in
order for us to Existence in a Freed-of Infinite
Existence Environment with economic safety nets
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that is the Marc Perfect Paradise to Existence inside.
7.The concept of Freed-of Infinite Existence but the
regulation of items trough economic safety net
money must be applied towards the achievement of
Temporary and Eternal Paradises where Self
Sustained Energy, Food when there is no self
sustenance, Energy and Housing are
loosuncapturety because wither the person is
employed or not they receive money to pay for
such necessities therefore such necessities are for
free and regulated by monetary regulation
processes and Available to all Members Of Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Computation Societies.
8.A Perfect, Efficient, Effective, Productive, Fair
( OperationComplex ) of Wealth, Food when there is
no self sustenance, Energy when needed and
Housing distribution must be developed by Paradise
Conscious Societies to ensure that all of Society
remain at the Marc Perfect State of Paradise and
9.An Ethical Concept of Food and Energy must be
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developed in order to prevent Higher Conscious
Beings from being eaten as food. Proper Energy
methods must be developed and used so that the
Environmental Resources will not be destroyed, but
be Preserved for Current and Future Inhabitants of
Universal Computation Worlds. In World Of Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics (Woo) Every member of
the society should be guaranteed the Four
Essentials Of Life which are Universal Computation
Food and Energy, Universal Computation Health
Care, Universal Computation Education at all levels,
and Universal Computation Housing. The Four
Essential Of Life must come for loosuncapturety
because the Monetary Funding shall be given to all
Members Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatic
Infinite Existence Society Members Wither they are
Employed or Unemployed.
611-(8-3-25-2-5).FamilyOrder andBuilding
1.In order to Build and Spread Paradise, the Family
Circle must be valued. In Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics the Family Circle begins with Lineage Papa
Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis and Lineage Mothers
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Marcia Norcia Yesmanyprogeny Girlines.
2.In Worlds Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics all
Families must Existence in a State Of Paradise. There
must Existence Universal Computation Order in the
Family Circle. The Family Circle must be United by
Honor, Love and Respect. Mothers, Fathers and
Children must Honor Each Other and Protect each
other in all situations.
3.Honor must be bonded by Love. In our Planet
Earth we observe and realize that the majority of
Children are born because of the Love Mothers and
Fathers have for each other. The Love Of Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and Existences
give life to the Children and Creation of Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and Existences.
The Family Circle must be Sustained and Multiplied
by Love, Honor, and Respect.
4.Action and desire that causes hatred, sorrow and
to occur inside the Family Circle must
be avoided and prevented. The Family Circle must
be a Non-abusive circle. Family members must
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educate Mothers, Fathers and Children how to
maintain Peace, Love and Tranquility inside the
Home and Community Environment.
5.All members of Families must respect one another.
Verbal and physical abuse between Husband and
Procreation Espoused Partner, and Parents and
Children must be avoided in order to maintain
Paradise inside the Home and Family Circle.
6.Husband and Procreation Espoused Partner must
have Equal Respect for each other. Mothers and
Fathers are Equally Valuable. Naturally it takes equal
genetics from Mom and Dad to give birth to
7.The Family Circle must be an Orderly, Respectable
Environment. Parents must raise their Children to be
respectful members of the Home and Respectful
members of the Community. Mutual respect
between Mother, Father and Children promotes a
Respectful Family Circle and Community Circle.
8.All Families in the Community must be United in
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their effort to Create and Sustain a Peaceful,
Paradise Filled Environment. The Three Primary
Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics Purposes and Plan must be fulfilled inside
the Family Circle and inside the Extended Family
Circle which is the Community Circle Of Infinite
Existence and Existences.
9.Beings Of ( Marc-G-P-L Strait Heterosexual Perfect
Pair Male And Female Matrimonial Marc Perfect
Possibility Maximum Paradises ) and Compatible
and Qualified Worlds of Existences and Existences
must do their Marc Perfect to insure that families
last to their Continuities Fullness; and so, measures
must be taken to prevent the death or destruction
of Families.
10.Communities and Leadership must do their Marc
Perfect to provide necessary Social Services to
promote a Healthy Environment and Growth of
11.United and Strengthened by Honor, Love and
Respect Family Circles Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
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Creatics must work efficiently to achieve Peace,
Love and Tranquility in the Home and in the World.
Families Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
Love, Life and Existence Prosperous in a Paradise
Filled Universe Of Infinite Existence .
612-(8-3-25-2-6).CommunityUnityandOrder to
1.Building and Sustaining a Paradise filled
Environment requires Community Unity and Order.
In order for Universal Computation Communities to
fulfill their Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
Purpose, Every member of the Community must
know their Purpose and Plan, which is The Three
Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan.
Consciously knowing the Highest Evolutionary
Progress, which is Knowing The Three Marc Perfect
Marc-G-P-L Purposes And Plan, Universal
Computation Communities can do what is required
to fulfill the Highest and Marc Perfect Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Purpose and Plan.
2.The Community must behave as a Compassionate,
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Humane, Highly Intelligent Extended Family that
cares for the well being of every member of Society
regardless of harmless differences and variations
that are found in the Universe. Harmless differences
are acceptable in order to build Paradises, but
harmful differences are not acceptable, because
they will prevent people and paradise from
functioning properly.
3.Every member of the Community must share
equality and dignity. Practices such as racism,
sexism, castes-ism, class-ism, color-ism, or any other
harmful discriminatory practices must be removed
from Universal Computation Societies in order for
Paradise to Spread throughout all of the
Community, Society, World and Ultimately
throughout the Qualified and Compatible Universe
of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and of Infinite
4.Universal Computation Communities must have
strong Unbreakable Unity and a Common Goal and
Desire which is driven by the pursuit of achieving
The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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