In the event that
the 8 Human Colors exists in a Universe and share
the whole Universe or Planets together then the sky
over the world and planets must reflect the colors
of the Humans living in the shared Universe or
worlds; for example there are 26 human colors and
24 hours in a day therefore each hour of the day
would have to be assigned a human color therefore
24 colors would be chosen out of the 26 colors of
Humanity for the sky of the Universe and Planet to
become throughout the day and night; therefore, at
12 AM Black House Color “0”;
1 AM Black House Color “1”;
2 AM Black House Color “2”;
3 AM Dark Brown House Color “3”;
4 AM Dark Brown House Color “4”;
5 AM Dark Brown House Color “5”;
6 AM Dark Brown House Color “6”;
7 AM Chocolate Brown House Color “7”;
8 AM Dark Brown House Color “8”;
9 AM Dark Brown House Color “9”;
10 AM MGPL Middle Brown House Color “10”;
11 AM MGPL Middle Brown House Color “11”;
12 PM Middle Brown House Color “12”;
1 PM Middle Brown House Color “13”;
2 PM Middle Brown House Color “14”;
3 PM Middle Brown House Color “15”;
4 PM Orangy Brown House Color “16”;
5 PM Orangy Brown House Color “17”;
6 PM Orangy Brown House Color “18”;
7 PM Yellow Brown House Color “19”;
8 PM Beige House Color “20”;
9 PM Beige House Color “21”;
10 PM Beige House Color “22”;
11 PM Beige House Color “25”;
The Colors from the Marc Pierre-Louis Color Chart
of Humanity Manual would be used; by changing
the color of the sky and universe to represent the
colors of the Humans Living in the Planets and
Universes conspiracies to kill Human Groups that
are not the color of the sky and universe are
avoided; ( to change the color of the sky the Proper
Technicians that are Human or Other Being that are
Visible or Invisible; Source Code of the Universe, or
Physical or Spiritual or Ethereal, or Astral or some
other Form must Convert the Color of the Sky or
Universe By Additions or Subtraction of Codes, or
Rotations of Properties of Color, or Changing of
Universal Space Material, or the Removal of Dark
Matter to put an Multi-Colored Material that
Changes The Color of Material Composition of
Spaces and Universes ); furthermore; The Color
Chart of Humanity reveals that all Humans fit into a
color group; for example African Americans cannot
be called black people anymore because the color
chart of Humanity reveal that they are not all black
that only some of them are black there are 26
colors in the Marc Pierre-Louis Color Chart of
Humanity Manual from Color #00 to Color #25 and
African Americans have members of their race that
fit in all 26 color categories therefore African
Americans cannot be called black people anymore,
African Americans and all Afro-Gene Peoples, must
be called Afro-Genetic Peoples because they all
Have African Genes, All Afro-Genetic Peoples
Around the Planet Earth Should Be Called AfroGenetic Peoples because they All Have African
Genes from At Least 1 Ancestor that Left African
Genes in them enough for them to Look African or
Sort of African; neither can they all be asked to put
black on categorization of colors anymore; they
must be identified as members of the 8 color
groups that gives up 26 colors, like the 26 letters of
the English Alphabet, there are 26 Colors in the
Marc Pierre-Louis Color Chart of Humanity Manual;
and those 26 Colors are Separated into 8 Color
Groups known as Houses; which are 1-Black House,
2-Dark Brown House, 3-Chocolate Brown House, 4-
MGPL Middle Brown House, 5-Orangy Brown
House, 6-Yellow Brown House, 7-Beige House, and
8-White House; for example, Black House have 3
Colors from Color #00 to Color #02; Dark Brown
House have 4 Colors from Color #03 to Color # 06;
Chocolate Brown House have 3 Colors from Color
#07 to Color #09; MGPL Middle Brown Color House
have 6 Colors from Color #10 to Color #15; Orangy
Brown House have 3 Colors from Color #16 to
Color #18; Yellow Brown House have 1 Color #19;
Beige House have 5 Colors from Color #20 to Color
#24; White House have 1 Color #25; These Colors
have been used by me to marry people as perfect
pairs based on their color, race, compatible facial
type, compatible age, and compatible height; the
same way all Humans Races should require that
people are the same Color or Color Group in order
to marry each other; even the neighborhood, city,
state, or country, planet, galaxy, universe, or even
dimension people live in can be organized using my
color chart the Marc Pierre-Louis Color Chart of
Humanity Manual; because it is truthful; When it
come to color the only thing for sure color is
perfect for is Racial Identification Attributes; Who a
Person Should Get Married to by them being the
same race and color; and Beautification of things by
the Usage of Color; and Color Coding things; and
also Color can sometimes be used to make
someone who need light to see, not see in the dark
and see in the light but this can be reversed some
things can actually be programmed to become
blind in the light and to see clearly in the dark for
sight depends on the programming of the eyes; but
if someone use racism with color they will get a lot
dumber then they were before; color cannot
determine your intelligence, but knowledge and
design, programming and wiring of the mind, can
determine your intelligence, unless someone make
the actual color the actual programming to be evil
by the very color of it being programmed like
genetics and code to to be evil; color cannot
determine wither you are Perfect or imperfect; and
this is why color can never truly be the absolute
determination of perfection or imperfection for it
can be programmed and dis-programmed as a
causation to Perfection and imperfection, and Not
evil or evil, but your mental programming and
mental wiring and up bringing, and environmental
conditions, and education, High Morality IQ, and
fate programming, and manipulation, and will to
resists temptation, and knowledge of what is evil
and imperfect and denying it, and what is Positive
and Perfect and Accepting to do only Positive and
Perfect things can make you a More Perfect Person;
When Color is used properly to Order Racial
Attributes such a "this race or kind is this color and
this race or kind is that color"; When Color is used
to determine who a Person Should Get Married to;
and When Color is used for Beautification Purposes
and every color is beautiful in its own right and
categorization; and when Color is used for Color
Coding things, Color is used Properly, but when
color is used for racists false reasons color is used
improperly to dumb down people and to oppress
people; people who assume that all people of a
certain color are inferior and then a group of the
same people show up from another planet or town
and defeat them in combat; have used color to
deceive themselves; therefore, use color properly
don't let it deceive you; Therefore, Use MY Color
Chart the Marc Pierre-Louis Color Chart of
Humanity Manual Properly don't misuse it or it will
not meet its beneficial quality

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The Marc Pierre-Louis Color Chart Of Humanity​ Manual:



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