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preached against and sentenced to vengeance
illegal hell even if they are doing harmless activity
that are labeled as a ( "sincrime" ) or karma by
religious authority and other beings. Beings can
also be sentences to vengeance illegal hell if they
do a harmful act, harmful ( "sincrime" ), harmful
( "sincrime" ), or harmful karma, these are the usual
reasons retributors usually accuse a victim of illegal
hell of committing in order to give illegal hell to
8.vengeance illegal hells are places of againstpleasure
that are designed to cause extreme
painfulness and unspeakable anti-pleasure, also a
place to insinuate and provoke rage and venomous
hatred and combat out of victims and oppressors.
Such anti-pleasure
are caused by torture, torment,
cruel and unusual, degrading punishments, acts and
( "sincrime" ) against victims. These evil malicious
illegal hells are created by living conscious beings,
such as objects of worship, invisible entities, entity ,
submatrihellic sub-( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrixes ), evil malicious
components of universes, reptilians, aliens,
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humans, spirit, or spiritual beings, evil malicious
minded beings and other beings who Existence in
different dimensions and in our world. These illegal
hells are never Perfect they are always evil
9.I must remind you that there is no Benevolent,
Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient Being (Tri-
Omni) or illegal hell would never Existence at all,
because someone who is benevolent do Perfect
Things only and there is nothing a Tri-Omni cannot
prevent from occurring and nothing can harm a Tri-
Omni and nothing can commit an act a Tri-Omni
forbid if the Tri-Omni does not want it to occur
therefore there is no such thing as a Benevolent Tri-
Omni or no evil malicious or error would Existence
throughout the Qualified and Compatible Universe.
The teaching that a Benevolent Tri-Omni Existence
is a great lie. Based on the design of Existence and
this particular Universe and the Planet Earth, if a Tri-
Omni Existence it is an evil malicious Tri-Omni that
Existence that is not benevolent, please don't
panic!!!, I would like to calm your heart and minds
by letting you know that I calculated it already,
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there is no way a Tri-Omni Existence at all nothing
have such a power as a Tri-Omni so you don't have
to worry about the Tri-Omni being evil malicious
because no Tri-Omni Existence, if a Tri-Omni
Existence and is an evil malicious being then all of
existence would be doomed, the worst possibility
would have occurred, which is the occurrence that
the Most Powerful Being is evil malicious this would
be one of the greatest tragedy that could happen in
existence, lucky for us this is impossible because
nothing can ever become a Tri-Omni no such power
Existence. These vengeance illegal hells are created
by beings who justify desecration, degradation,
abomination, worthlessness, devaluation, torment,
torture, rage, outrage, cannibalism, rape, murder,
homosexuality, beastiality, animal-ism, defacement,
evil malicious minds, evil malicious acts, and evil
malicious states of being, heinousness, debasing
cruelty, lies, deceitment, dumbness, lack of
knowledge, immorality, hatred, connivance, toxidity,
weakness, strong-armed evil malicious beings,
broken hearts, broken Perfect dreams, unfulfilled
Perfect dreams and plans, bereavement, fatality,
slums, poor living conditions, poverty, slavery, spirit,
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or spiritual beings-ism, terminatings, butchering,
cannibalism, jungles, hunger, predator and prey,
baphamotomorphosis, the need to eat food to
survive, mutilations, stonings, burnings,
emasculation, defeminizing, divorce, imperfect
pairings that lead to lack of love, dis-attachment or
persecutions, insults and injuries, persecutions,
assault and battery, theft, curse words warfare,
oppression, profanity and the profane, "traditional
fatal prostitution", regrets, poor memory, or
constant re-visitation of errors, constant re-visitation
of ( "sincrime" ), constant re-visitation of
enterworldsincrime, or constant re-visitation of
karma, abortion, re-incarnation, death, decay,
malfunctioning, discontinuous lifespan, fatigue,
sickness, illnesses, natural catastrophe, warfare,
harmful racism and color-ism, sabotage, the worst
possibility, destruction of paradises, preventable
accidents, cruel and unusual acts and punishments,
by accusing other Beings of Existence of ( "sincrime"
), karma or ( "sincrime" ), by accusing beings of
errors, mistakes, and states of being.
10.These illegal hells are not created by a
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Benevolent Omnipotent Being. Any one who is able
can Create these illegal hells. A Human can Create
these illegal hells right here on Earth in our
dimension. All that cruel Human have to do is build
a dungeon where that Human torture, rape, burn,
torment, terminate , murder, or do other evil
malicious things to other living beings in the most
heinous, degrading, monstrous Ways.
11.The same way a Human can build a illegal hell
on Earth is the same way a supernatural being,
spirit, or spiritual beings or other type of being can
build a dungeon filled with illegal hell and againstpleasure
in any other dimension of the Universe.
12.Beings of Existences and all Beings Of Marc-G-P-
L Perfectionists Creatics must be against these
illegal hells in order for anti-pleasure
and illegal hell
to be diminished to the lowest level possible.
Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
be against Aggressors illegal hell and vengeance
illegal hell, because both are harmful, yet Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must build a
stable and inescapable prison for unchangeable evil
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malicious harmful, murderous beings, some of these
beings will have to be discontinued because they
are unchangeable by mental and physical
13.Those who promote any form of illegal hell
cannot end illegal hell, anti-pleasure, and
painfulness nor can they diminish illegal hell, antipleasure,
and painfulness. If Beings promote any
form of illegal hell, they will only increase illegal hell,
anti-pleasure, and painfulness.
14.The anti-pleasure
and cruelty involved with the
condition of illegal hell could only be carried out by
the evil malicious minded. That is why evil malicious
minded beings love illegal hell and anti-pleasure,
because they have the most to gain by making
Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and
Qualified and Compatible Existence experience pain.
15.The evil malicious minded natured being have
cultured and conditioned itself to spread illegal hell
and anti-pleasure
and have a evil malicious
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minded philosophy to accomplish its evil malicious
minded plan. The evil malicious minded being relies
on the doctrine of retribution to take an opportunity
to fulfill its evil malicious desires, that is why evil
malicious minded beings are accusers, because evil
malicious minded beings have learned to gain
power over others through the act of accusations.
Once Beings Of Existence begin to preach for
illegal hell because of retribution, they began to
justify Aggressors illegal hell and vengeance illegal
hell. 7Z±Jn’*[7&?#[
that is caused by both Aggressors
illegal hell and vengeance illegal hell then become a
normal part of society. To make matters worst in the
Universe some beings began to justify eternal illegal
hells of the most tormenting evil malicious nature.
17.The Eternal illegal hells are the most evil
malicious places that could ever been imagined into
Existence, because they are the only places designed
to make other Living Beings experience illegal hell,
anti-pleasure, and painfulness for all
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18.To an insanely evil malicious, evil malicious
minded being eternal illegal hell is the place it
wants to be in charge of, because there the evil
malicious minded being could do all the evil
malicious it wants to do to other Beings Of
Existence for all eternity; but this absolutely must
never occur, eternal illegal hell must be destroyed,
removed, and abolished and we the Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must make sure
we accomplish this task.
19.Awesomely, Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and Qualified and Compatible Existence
such as myself and others are beginning to rebel
against all illegal hell especially eternal illegal hell,
which is the most evil malicious place ever
conceived of in the Whole Universe.
20.( illegal hell is illegal to the innocent, nondeserving
of illegal hells; and to those who had an
infraction, but were punished then reprogrammed
to a non-evil being that honestly avoid making
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errors that are possible or cannot make any errors
at all. ) to the ( OperationComplex ) Of The Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics and throughout the
Infinite Existence and illegal hell must be destroyed,
removed, and abolished. illegal hell is to be looked
upon as something that must be destroyed,
because illegal hell represents the worst possibility
of anti-pleasure. illegal hell is to be destroyed
because illegal hell is the highest form of evil
malicious, this includes Aggressors illegal hell and
vengeance illegal hell. illegal hell is to be abolished
because all measures of Law must be taken to
prevent illegal hell from occurring or from spreading.
21.Do not take our Highest, Humane,
Compassionate, Empathetic, Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatic Morality as a sign of weakness,
because it is the most powerful defense against
illegal hell and anti-pleasure. For those who argue
that illegal hell is needed as a form of retribution
and punishment; I declare unto you that there is a
Marc Perfect way to punish criminals and to
rehabilitate the criminal mind into a productive
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citizen, and Member of Qualified and Compatible
Worlds of Existences, and especially of the Society
of Marc G-P-L Creatic.
22.When I say illegal hell is to be destroyed it does
not mean that we must destroy a body or a world
because illegal hell Existence in that body or world,
it means that we must destroy the illegal hell in
that body or world by totally removing illegal hell
from the body or world completely. When illegal
hell is removed from the body and world the body
and world and the people of the world are set
loosuncapturety and new methods and humane
policies are put in place to diminish againstpleasure
and to prevent illegal hell from ever
occurring again, if possible.
23.As change will occur, so must a World Of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics change to fight against
all illegal hell and anti-pleasure
that will come their
way. Beings of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
and Compatible and Qualified Worlds of Existences
must not be oblivious to the illegal hells that
Existence in their world nor be unprepared to
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fight against illegal hell and anti-pleasure.
24.The acceptance of illegal hell and againstpleasure
must be shunned, refused and must be
faced with resistance, for if Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and Qualified and Compatible
Existence fail to take proper measures against illegal
hell, illegal hell will take over their World piece by
piece until the World and the People Of The World
will become overwhelmed by illegal hell and antipleasure.
25.In order to diminish anti-pleasure
to the lowest
level possible, illegal hell must be destroyed,
removed and abolished.
AdvancedCommunity that Includesall
1.In order for anti-pleasure
to be diminished to the
lowest level possible there must Existence a
Marc-G-P-L Creatic Advanced Community of
Oneness of Compatible and Qualified People that
works together to insure Peace and Paradise. We
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must begin to build this community in our own
planet and spread this Marc-G-P-L Creatic
Advanced Community of Qualified and Compatible
People throughout the Qualified and Compatible
2.In our own planet Earth, we find separation of
different Nations, Tribes, Cultures, and Races. These
differences should not cause us to hate cultural
diversity and increase anti-pleasure. Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must work
together despite harmless differences. Working
together, we should build a Marc-G-P-L Creatic
Advanced Community that shall work together
peacefully and lovingly in great friendship to fulfill
the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Plan of The
Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan. In
working as a Marc-G-P-L Creatic Advanced
Community, Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics shall diminish anti-pleasure
to the lowest
level possible; Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics shall remove all illegal hell from Qualified
and Compatible Worlds and
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Existences and from the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics; and Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics shall spread Paradise throughout Qualified
Worlds and throughout the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics.
3.In our current ( OperationComplex ) on Earth, we
find boundaries against true knowledge of what
variations Existence dimensional wise. Humanity and
other Universal Computation Races must learn the
complexities of dimensions. The True Knowledge of
existent dimensions should be known by all
Humanity. This knowledge should not be secret, its
reality should be known by All Beings Of Marc-G-P-
L Perfectionists Creatics Networks and Continue-wenations.
There is a forewarning as to dimensions
and other worlds, not all dimensions are safe for
humans to dwell in because they are unsafe and
have evil malicious beings living inside of them,
Humanity must secure the dimension Humanity
dwell in for their survivability and for their progeny
and the security of the future of the Human race.
4.Building a Dimensional Community shall increase
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our advantage and we must work to make it a
peaceful dimensional community where all Beings
Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and Qualified
and Compatible Existence work as one community
that have a Marc-G-P-L Creatic Duty and Purpose to
ensure the More Perfectment, Peace, Happiness and
Paradise of All Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and of Qualified and Compatible Existences
in all Qualified and Compatible Dimensions.
5.When Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
and Qualified and Compatible Existences in all
dimensions work together and share knowledge
peacefully the Whole Qualified and Compatible
Universe have something to gain that shall secure
the well beings of all Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and Qualified and Compatible
Existences into Eternity, yet there are beings in
existences that are programmed in such an evil
malicious manner that knowledge is not shareable
with such harmful beings until the evil malicious
programming is removed from their mind
( MindOperationCausation ), such evil malicious
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minded beings must be quarantined so that Beings
of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and of
Qualified and Compatible Existences can Existence
in peace in dwell throughout Qualified and
Compatible Infinity in safety.
6.At our current ( OperationComplex ) on Earth,
invisible Beings remain secretive and are shrouded
in mystery. It is as if they don't Existence at all, but
in reality they do Existence and I have come in
contact with some of them. The secretive agenda of
secrecy of hidden reality causes anti-pleasure
and is
not pro community networkability, but it is a Pefect
thing to hide the Reality of Humanity from evil
malicious eyes and evil malicious doers; furthermore
Humanity should hide all evil malicious world
environments from disturbing the psyche of
Humanity, but Humanity should know where these
worlds are located and how to monitor them
without letting such evil malicious worlds corrupt
Human Society. Some of the invisible beings I met
were unsuitable for humans to dwell with because
they were extremely evil malicious and harmful;
Humanity must remain safe, un-viewable, and un
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graspable by evil malicious beings.
7.Leadments must not deceive Humanity by hiding
the truth about the existence of spirit, or spiritual
beings, Invisible Beings and Aliens Beings. I would
like to give a forewarning there are some invisible
beings Humanity must not allow themselves to see
on a regular basis because their appearance is a
psychic chaos to the mind. Humanity must know
that these invisible beings Existence with one
hundred percent surety yet these invisible beings
must not dwell in the same environment with
Humanity, they must dwell in their own dimension
and remain invisible so that Humanity can dwell in
a safer more rewarding world environment. Privacy
is a very important thing to have in a world, I must
reveal to Humanity that some invisible beings can
spy on Humanity without Humanity knowing about
it, even the most secret and intimate habits of
Humanity are spied on such as when Humanity is
having sex or is in the nude in their own home,
these invisible beings see everything Humanity do
secretly. With the proper Knowledge, Ability, and
Power, Humanity can hide themselves from the
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I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.