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657-(19-77-1) The Declaration Of Warfare To Achieve Marc-G-P-L Creatic
1.The Declaration Of Warfare against the Destruction Of Humanity through Mortality, Worship Slave Mind Programing, Cannibalism by secret societies and invisible beings:
1-1.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against the destruction of Humanity through the system of mortality: Every Second 3 Humans Die and their destination in the spirit world is not always a good destination; furthermore not all Humans become a spirit many Humans based on their religious faith reincarnate such incarnation could be another humans race, color, or kind, or an animal, plant, vegetation, object, or some other variety of spirit that is not Human in nature. Many Humans of faiths that allow them to become a spiritual being are judged to see what will be their next destination many shall be judged to heaven to become a servant of their God or to hell to be tortured even forever based on accused sin. Many things kill Human Beings it is estimated that more then a Quadrillion diseases affect Humanity, doctors have cataloged One Hundred Thousand of these diseases. Many things kill Human Beings diseases, warfare, accidents, natural disasters, catastrophes, murder, lack of knowledge, ability, and power, policies put into place by Humans and other Beings such as capitalism, racism such as the termination of races through murder genocide or through sexual intercourse with their kind for the purpose of the elimination of genome, furthermore Human being are mortal not by the will of Humanity, but by the will of invisible beings that mainly non-human beings, but some of the policy is supported by mostly religiously minded humans beings that want to die to become a spirit, spiritual beings such as Gods, devils, Routers, System Beings, force human beings to die through programmed death, Human Being can live forever in a Human Body that is improved and programmed not to die in fact the material Human Beings are made of is an eternal material, as the law of thermal dynamics states after all reactions energy, mass, and matter is conserved they only transform from one form to another; the Human body is made of an eternal material, but the material have been programmed by certain invisible beings to die by many causes, that is why Humanity die furthermore some of these being see Humanity as a food source physically and spiritually, even the energy of Humans are used as a food; furthermore Humanity currently need food to survive and this need for vanishing food causes Human Beings to die of starvation, the Human body can run on a never ending energy source without the usage of vanishing food. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against all the mentioned things in this book that caused the mortality of Human Being Marc-G-P-L Creatic would like to transform the current Human Body into a Food-less, Deathless, Energy Cure, Total Met Tet, Particle Transformer Body. This new body will not need any food to survive, this new body will be designed and coded to be deathless, this new body will have an Energy Cure which is a recyclable energy source that never fade away but recycles itself forever and its energy source shall be inescapable, this new Human Body shall be a Total Met Tet Body which means it will have total control over its elemental and atomic codex, but shall maintain a Human Form and Identity, This New Human Body shall be a Particle Transformer body which means that this new Human Body shall be able to transform Particles in the environment and particles of itself for Good Reasons only, this new Human Body shall have Great Knowledge, Ability, and Power and shall have Perfect Memory to control all its components and remember all that it have learned. This new Human Body shall have Power over Universal Phenomenon and Matrix Phenomenon, and shall also be able to Read and Write Particle Codex and Manipulate Particle Codex, This new Human Body shall be able to become flesh or spirit by will alone and so a Human Being will not need to die to become spirit, this new Human Body shall be able to become more than just flesh or spirit, but also multiple elemental codex and properties, this new Human Body will be able to control the Plug and Play components of the Human Body and so this new Human Body will have complete control over itself and will be a Total Met Tet Body which stands for a Total Matrix Elemental Transformer Body who is the owner of the Self; but with all this Great Power this new Human Body shall not practice any abominable transformations, but shall be coded to remain a Human Form.
1-2.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against Worship Slave Mind Programing: Worshiping among Human Beings began among the ignorant the earliest forms of worship was bestowed to idols and nature. Human Beings not having enough Knowledge, Ability, and Power in their earliest days resorted to worshiping an idol or nature spirit to help them in their everyday needs such as hunting and gathering of food or rainfall for farmed land food. Many early day kings and chiefs and medicine men and which doctors or early humans were later approached by spiritual beings with limited or great power to worship them and to convert their people into worshipers, such underlings of spiritual beings controlled the prey which were the worshipers among them and so spiritual beings controlled leaders of men who become their underlings and these leaders of men then controlled the prey which were worshipers of Gods and and followers Leaders of Men such as Emperors, Kings, Priest, Chiefs, Which Doctors, other leaders of men. No matter how much worship early and modern men bestowed unto God or Men they still died of all causes that kill Human Beings; early men only lived to be less then 30 years old despite of worship natural causes and unnatural causes killed them. For most of Human History when men were most brainwashed by worship this is when they died younger, for most of Human History Humankind died before turning 50 years old, many were lucky to see 40 years old and only the most lucky among Humanity lived to be 80 years old. For Humanity death is not the end of their journey because Human Being posses several bodies contained inside a Human Body that is Fleshly. Spiritual Beings that control Human Beings through worship made sure that 99 percent of Humanity never learned that they posses extra Human Bodies that they could use before they died; they always convinced Human Beings that they must die to become a spiritual Being, this caused Human Beings to give away their Fleshly Human Body to death instead of keep it alive for eternal usage. If Human Being knew that they could be flesh and spirit at the same time they would never allow their Human Body to get old neither would they allow their fleshly human body to die into waste and food. Even those who found out that they had a Flesh and Spiritual Body were convinced by their worshiped masters under secret societies to allow their Human body to die so that they could lose the property of Flesh and Spirit combined and become a spiritual servant of objects of worship. One of the main reasons humans are kept as dumb worshipers that are very docile to spiritual beings and objects of worship is because I have found out invisible beings are using Human Bodies as a food source for them to eat. I was even approached to be eaten by the eaters of Humanity and so I have first hand knowledge that there is something in our world and environment that is advanced enough to eat a Human Being or even farm Human Beings secretly without our knowledge. Human Beings are usually intelligent though some Human Being are less intelligent then usual Humans because of retardation, because of lack of education, or because of cultural influence, or intentional programing by invisible and visible being to be less intelligent then usual. Other then the less intelligent among us Humans Beings are an intelligent life form in general. Human Being cannot be used as a food source because Human Beings are a Higher Intelligent Life Form but my suspicion is proving to me that many object of worship on earth are eaters of Humanity, and that only the Good among objects of worship on Earth refrain from eating Human Beings as a Food. Many times an eater and suppressor of Humanity will demand worship to gain total power over the Minds of Humanity so that the job of suppressing and eating Humanity can be easier done. Many times worship is not established to improve Humanity but to suppress and kill Human Beings from existences; in fact most doctrines of worship on Earth directed towards Humanity demand that Humans die to become a spirit or to reincarnate. Most worship doctrines on Earth that are directed towards Human Beings are the very cause that Humans die and are dumber then other alien races. Even though I have proof that spirits exists it is proven that prayer to spiritual beings do not cure many illnesses because almost every Human that have have obtained a deadly disease have prayed to a God or to an object of worship for a cure, but have died instead; and so if almost every Human Beings that have obtained a deadly disease over the history of Humanity have prayed to an object of worship, but have died despite of prayer how can someone attribute prayer with healing illnesses, let alone a deadly disease. Based on what I have said any intelligent Human Being would come to the conclusion that only less then 1 percent of Humanity have been healed because of prayers, because almost every Human since the beginning of the existence of Humanity have died mostly of disease. Spiritual warfare occurs constantly in the Human Realm to keep a spirit from killing a Human Being, but despite of these spiritual warfare almost all Humans will wind up dead. Many times it is the object of worship that have taken the authority to give life and take life away from Human Beings therefore for many worshiper it is the very object they worship that will wind up killing them from existences. Worship slave mind started out as a basic practice of nature worship and idol worshiping and have today become an industry of religions and religious manuals; modern worshiping have become an industry of physical and spiritual institutions of Humans, Gods, Angels, Spirits, Devils, Demons, Nature Spirits, World Matrixes, Universal Nature, Elemental Spirits, Object Spirits, Animal Spirits and many other things are involved in worshiping. Most worshiping is directed towards learning knowledge of how to become a servant or nearly a slave of the objects of worship therefore most worshiping is a contract of servitude and nearly a contract of slave-hood to an object of worship. Though some religious manuals try to teach morality as an option, such morality is thought as a tool of control inside of a system of service and mental slave-hood. Though some objects of worship try to pass as adopted parents of worshipers such parenthood is as a slave master that cannot be directly spoken to or death shall be issued; such parenthood is as a master/servant relationship such objects of worship only call themselves mothers and fathers to docilitate worshipers and to pacify them into childlike servant minds. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against Worship Slave Mind Programing, We shall not teach worshiping as an operating system at the Marc-G-P-L Creatic instead we shall teach Knowledge, Ability, and Power, along with the More Perfect Possibility, Along with Lawful Behavior, Along with Goodness as a Modality. If Human Beings had the appropriate Knowledge, Ability, and Power Human Beings would not need to worship nor pray to anyone for deliverance; Human Beings would have the appropriate Knowledge, Ability, and Power to solve all our problems and difficulties; and also we shall teach the More Perfect Possibility; the More Perfect Possibility shall teach Humanity how to become More Perfect using a law I have put together known as the Three More Acceptable and Enjoyable Conditions of Existences of Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way also known as the More Perfect Possibility which dictates that when anti-pleasure and painfulness is diminished to the lowest level possible Life and Existence is Better; that when all hell is removed Life and Existences is better, and when Paradise Spreads Life and Existences is Better, using the guidance of the law of the More Perfect Possibility at Marc-G-P-L Creatic we shall become More Perfect and we shall design everything in a More Perfect Manner; Lawful Behavior is also something that shall be thought at the Marc-G-P-L Creatic Marc-G-P-L Creatic shall Create Perfect Governments and Perfect Laws to fallow; Quality check shall be put in place to make sure that Government is Perfect and that the Laws People Fallow are Made Perfect to cause Perfection to occur throughout Marc-G-P-L Creatic Society; Marc-G-P-L Creatics shall also teach Marc-G-P-L Creatics how to be Good and Acceptable.
2.The Declaration Of Warfare against the Inappropriate mating behavior and acts of Humanity, such as Incompatible Race and Kind Mating, Prostitution of Humanity, Pornography of Humanity, Strip Club of Humanity, Abominating of Humanity, Homosexuality of Humanity, Bi-sexuality of Humanity, Beastiality of Humanity, Objectum Sexualizing of Humanity, Necrophilia of Humanity, Necrophilia-Cannibalism-Munging of Humanity, the theft of Human Mates by Non-Human Entities, Sexual Slavery of Humanity, Buying and Selling Humanity as wives and husbands, and concubines, Divorcing of Humanity, Polygamy and Polyandry of Humanity, Usurpation of mates warfares against households of Humanity, Babble Mutting Human Races:
2-1.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against the Inappropriate mating behavior and acts of Humanity: Humanity began its journey with 1 Man and 1 Woman that made progeny and over thousands of years the progeny of those two Humans become many variations and combinations also known as races, ethnic groups, and kinds, such races consists of many different colors, facial types, body types, and languages. When these variances found in Human Races are not managed and mated properly disorder occurs and Human Races began to mate inappropriately I will now lists many of the inappropriate mating behaviors that occur when Humanity is not mated and paired properly.
2-1. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against Incompatible Race and Kind Mating: Some can tell their race but they cannot tell inside their race that there are different races and kinds. Every Human Consists of Genetic Codex and this Genetic Codex is what make up who they are along with knowledge learned while growing up and the environmental conditions they live in. Human Beings are usually friendlier towards other Humans who are like them or share their racial identity such racial identities as racial type, facial type, color type, body type, language type, and belief systems causes Humans to get along with each other better; when these things are removed compatibility issues occur that can even cause murder to take place. Racial Type is a major deciding factor of humans getting along with each other when Humans are from the same race they are more likely to get along with each other; when human are not from the same race they are more likely to hate each other or view each other with suspicion or see each other as a competitor because they are not alike in racial type; historically Humans of different races have attempted to kill each other in warfare and have committed high crimes against each other even murder genocide and sexual genocide this is because they are not the same race and when someone is different from another person they have a compatibility issue with each other without some form of peaceful management between such compatibility issues such as non-violent behavior and some kind of common ground such compatibility issues as different races cannot get along with each other and soon began to kill each other to gain territory for their own kind to exists in peace with each other and they usually prefer their own kind to live in peace with each other because their own kind have a similar resemblance with them such as similar color type, similar facial type, similar body type, and similar language type; the reason they prefer similar is because those with a similar point of view usually benefactor each other more this similar point of view also include similar racial identity and facial type, color, and body type. When a Government and Culture allow people of different races to have sex with each other and marry each other they cause compatibility issues to take place and the damaging of racial linage and identity to be destroyed. Statistics have proven that when people of different races mate with each other and marry each other they are more likely to kill and murder each other when left alone inside the same house with each other in close proximity, this is because they are a compatibility issue and see that they are not the same race and kind and this causes them to hate each other easier and have less patience with each other and such hatred lead to the murder of the outsider which is the person of a different race and kind then them who live in the same house with them and have sex with them they soon long to be with someone who is their own kind and this longing to be with someone who is their own kind causes them to commit murder with the slightest disagreement with the foreigner, that is why people of the same race should only be allowed to be married with each other because they are more compatible with each other and safer to dwell with each other; and also people usually desire to see their own race become numerous and when a person is married to an outside race they sometimes feel as if their own race is being diminished to give birth to a new race that is not their own and this can cause them to hate the progeny because the progeny is not like their own kind, this can cause an evil person to even commit abortion against cross breed or interracial children in fact modern abortion was invented by people who believed in killing other races then themselves and in killing crossbreed and interracial children that were not their own kind; and also sometimes races that mix with other races are only doing it to eliminate the other race from existence among Humanity it is usually the male species of a race that is trying to eliminate the males of the other race from existing while fulfilling their sexual lusts on the female species of the defeated race and so when a male child is born it is frowned upon or the male child is killed and when a female child is born the males of the sexual genocidal race mate with her to make the progeny more of their likeness, but this never gives them a pure breed as their own race because of the genetic of the other race which remains present in the genome of the crossbreed or interracial progeny. Incompatible facial type marriages and sexual copulation is another thing that causes compatibility issues When people do not have compatible faces they are more likely to hate each other; the more compatible a male and female face are towards each other the more they are likely to both like each other; for example when one mate thinks that the mate is pretty and the other mate is ugly the mate that think that it is pretty is more likely to hate the other mate that the mate think is ugly this causes compatibility issues to take place and there is less love love in the relationship. Every face is a code and the similar a male and female faces fit each other in a heterosexual manner the more love they will have for each other; and so every facial type must be compatible with each other based on the model number similar model number faces usually have a similar color, a similar nose type, a similar lip type, and compatible body type when faces of a male and female are similar they usually love each other more in a heterosexual manner, because they love their equivalent facial type in a heterosexual manner, when someone is incapable of loving their equivalent facial type in a heterosexual manner they become more prostitutive and wicked in their sexual nature; equivalent facial types are usually similar such as similar head type, similar nose type, similar mouth type, even similar eye and ear types when this occur the person makes a perfect pair in a heterosexual manner between a female facial type and a male facial type. Color type can become a humongous compatibility issue the Human Color is one of the most noticeable difference that can be seen by the Human eye. When two Human Beings of similar color mate with each other they are more happy to be together because they are the same color and this causes more harmony to take place. Historically color incompatibility among Humanity have caused even genocide to take place all kinds of racists theories have come about because of differences in color; and also when two people of similar color mate with each other especially when their blood is not mixed they are more likely to give birth to progeny that inherit their color therefore increasing their kind and color and so there is an advantage when people of the same color mate with each other because they increase their own kind as a color easier. Incompatible color mating can cause great hatred to take place between spouses even murder can occur because two people are not the same color with each other in the bedroom. Body type can also cause Humans to hate each other for example when a person is fat and a person is skinny or when a person is tall and a person is short this can cause mates to hate each other more, that is why the closer the body compatibility is the more likely both mates will appreciate each other and love each other instead of one mate loving the other and the other hating the other when both bodies are equivalent both mates are likely to be satisfied with each other for if one have a fault the other also have it. Language type is another thing that can cause compatibility issues without Humans speaking the same language they can't even understand each other and so people of different languages must be able to speak to each other in the same language it is much perfect to marry people of the same language dialect with each other. Belief system such as religion, governmental philosophy, and other associations can cause great hatred to occur among people even murder and genocide and full scale warfare can take place because of belief system differences and so people of similar belief systems should marry each other instead of people of different belief system. Inappropriate mating can doom the Human Race, if Humanity mate inappropriately it can cause the end of Humanity to take place, Humanity must seek to mate appropriately not only through appropriate race and kind mating, but through appropriate sexual behavior and modality. In this paper I will discuss problematic inappropriate sexual mating that causes the death of Humanity, genocide, and low quality Human mating.
2-2.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against Prostitution of Humanity: Prostitution is an old evil problem that exists on the planet Earth and in some other places in the Universe. Prostitution is when a man or a woman decide to sell sex to others this sex is usually done by others copulating with the sellers body in a sexual prostitutive manner. Currently as I write this paper there are approximately over 40 million prostitutes on the Planet Earth. Though it does not even add up to 1 percent of the female or male population of the planet, prostitution is a major problem on the planet Earth. According to statistics 50 percent of prostitutes will die of HIV/AIDS that means 1 out of every 2 prostitutes will die of HIV/AIDS, furthermore the other 50 percent will be infected with other Sexually Transmitted diseases “STD's”, such as herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and other sexually transmitted diseases. Prostitutes have unprotected sex an estimated 300 times a year this explains why they are dying of HIV/AIDS; 1 out of 10 men around the world have purchased sexual favors from a prostitute which means that 10 percent of men around the world have had sex with a prostitute. Prostitutes also get murdered far more often then other people in the world the murder rate of prostitutes is 20 times more than a non-prostitute Currently an estimated 22 countries have legalized prostitution which means that they are legalizing the death of Human Beings through prostitution. In the United States the percentage of prostitutes that are women are 70 percent and 30 percent of the prostitutes are men; even though prostitution is mostly illegal in the United States. Around the world 1.2 million children are involved in child prostitution which means that children are also affected by prostitution. One study found that 78% percent of adult prostitutes began prostitution as juveniles 60% percent were 16 years of age and under, and some were as young as 10.6; Most children enter prostitution at the age of 14.7. RACE 40% percent of street prostitutes in the United States are women of color, woman of color are only 6 percent of the population yet they are 40 percent of the prostitutes this shows that woman of color are being targeted to become prostitutes; 55% percent of those arrested in the United States are women of color; 85% percent of prostitutes sentenced to jail time in the United States are women of color; the the statistic 55% of prostitutes arrested are woman of color and 85% of prostitutes sentenced to jail time in the United States are women of color proves that it is based on racists practices against women of color, but this discrimination is an advantage for woman of color because prostitution is a death sentence to a prostitute and jail time can save prostitutes lives because when they are prostitutes 50 percent of them will die of HIV/AIDS, and the other half will have sexually transmitted diseases or STD's and so when a prostitute is sent to jail it is to save her life she goes to jail. 2/3 of prostitutes were sexually abused from the ages of 3-16. (The average age of victimization was 10), Men and women who were raped or forced into sexual activity as children or adolescents were four times more likely to work in prostitution compared with non-victims; this means that prostitutes mostly become a prostitute because they have been molested as a child which means that child molestation must come to an end or many children will become prostitutes as adults from being molested as a child. 82% percent of prostitutes had been physically assaulted; 83% percent of prostitutes had been threatened with a weapon; 68% percent of prostitutes had been raped while working as a prostitute; 84% percent of prostitutes experienced current or past homelessness. Another study of adult prostitutes found the following 73% percent of prostitutes had been raped, 71% percent of prostitutes had been raped since entering prostitution. In 84% percent of rapes, the rapist was a stranger to the victim. In 27% percent of rape cases, there were multiple assailants. The average number of assailants was four people who raped the prostitute. 44% percent of rapes involved the use of a weapon. 73% percent of prostitutes reported being sexually assaulted as adults in situations unrelated to prostitution which means that even when a prostitute is not prostituting the prostitute self something physical or spiritual is seeking after them to rape them. Most of these were violent stranger rapes with physical injuries. 50% percent of prostitutes reported being kidnapped by pimps; 76% percent were beaten by pimps; and 79% percent were beaten by customers. SUICIDE Venereal disease and suicide attempts are the two greatest health risks for juvenile prostitutes, 15% percent of all suicide victims are prostitutes, 75% percent of prostitutes attempted suicide. Female prostitutes have 200-300 sexual partners per year which means in 20 years a prostitute will have sex with approximately 6000 customers, most people have sex with 6.3 to 38 people for a lifetime, but for a lifetime of 64 years a prostitute would have sex with 19,200 people that is nineteen thousand two hundred people or more. Prostituted women have a 200% greater chance to die. Prostituted women are the number one victims of serial killers 50% of prostitutes used drugs before becoming a prostitute.
Prostitution generate $186 Billion Dollars Per Year; the Amount of Revenue produced by the sex trafficking industry annually $58 Billion Dollars. In VALUE in U.S. DOLLARS the top prostitution countries that generated the most amount of money through the act of prostitution are 24 countries listed here
Number 1: China $73 Billion,
Number 2: Spain $26.5 Billion,
Number 3: Japan $24 Billion,
Number 4: Germany $18 Billion (currently in 2015 prostitution is a Legal Industry in Germany),
Number 5: United States $14.6 Billion,
Number 6: South Korea $12 Billion,
Number 7: India $8.4 Billion,
Number 8: Thailand $6.4 Billion,
Number 9: Philippines $6 Billion,
Number 10: Turkey $4.0 Billion,
Number 11: Switzerland $3.5 Billion (Legal Industry),
Number 12: Indonesia $2.25 Billion,
Number 13: Taiwan $1.84 Billion,
Number 14: Ukraine $1.5 Billion,
Number 15: Bulgaria $1.3 Billion,
Number 16: United Kingdom $1 Billion,
Number 17: Netherlands ($800 Million) (Legal Industry),
Number 18: Italy ($600 Million),
Number 19: Cambodia ($511 Million),
Number 20: Israel ($500 Million),
Number 21: Ireland ($326 Million),
Number 22: Czech Republic ($200 Million),
Number 23: Jamaica ($58 Million),
Number 24: Australia ($27 Million).
Number of prostitutes per 10,000 people in 2014 from Greatest amount to least amount of prostitute per 10,000 people
Number 1: Venezuela = 119.17 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 2: South Korea = 110.22 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 3: Peru = 101.82 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 4: Luxembourg = 99.58 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 5: Philippines = 85.09 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 6: Latvia = 67.60 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 7: Mongolia = 67.35 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 8: Nigeria = 63.12 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 9: China = 59.71 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 10: Brazil = 52.42 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 11: Malaysia = 51.51 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 12: Germany = 48.92 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 13: Thailand = 44.74 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 14: Costa Rica = 43.82 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 15: Cambodia = 41.05 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 16: Jamaica = 36.95 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 17: Austria = 35.69 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 18: Columbia = 32.49 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 19: America = 32.02 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 20: Switzerland = 31.78 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 21: Dominican Republic = 26.65 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 22: Iran = 26.43 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 23: Portugal = 26.32 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 24: India = 24.78 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 25: South Africa = 22.53 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 26: Spain = 21.68 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 27: Belgium = 18.31 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 28: Ethiopia = 18.26 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 29: Cuba = 17.79 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 30: Hungary = 15.02 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 31: Slovania 14.61 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 32: Mozambique = 14.57 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 33: Russia = 13.99 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 34: Slovakia = 13.79 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 35: Bulgaria = 13.57 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 36: Bulgaria = 13.57 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 37: Turkey = 13.56 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 38: Bangladesh = 13.22 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 39: United Kingdom = 12.81 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 40: Czeck Republic = 12.33 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 41: Japan = 11.72 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 42: Finland = 11.12 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 43: Denmark = 9.99 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 44: Pakistan = 9.87 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 45: Greece = 9.26 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 46: Estonia = 8.95 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 47: Italy = 8.24 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 48: Vietnam = 8.01 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 49: New Zealand = 7.92 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 50: Sri Lanka = 7.26 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 51: Norway = 6.64 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 52: Poland = 4.97 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 53: Lithuania = 4.81 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 54: France = 4.55 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 55: Indonesia = 2.76 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 56: Ireland = 2.18 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 57: Nicaragua = 2.07 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 58: Sweden = 1.58 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 59: Mexico = 1.33 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 60: Croatia = 1.16 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 61: Iraq = 0.94 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 62: Romania = 0.93 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 63: Argentina = 0.37 Per 10,000 people in 2014
Number 64: Afghanistan = 0.28 Per 10,000 people in 2014
With all these statistics on prostitutes and prostitution; prostitution must be illegalized throughout the world. Prostitution is one of the most deadly trade that have ever existed on Earth. Prostitution is deadlier then serving in the military, because 50% percent of prostitutes will die of HIV/AIDS, and the other 50 percent will die of other STD's which means that prostitution have a High mortality rate. Prostitutes carry the shame of being a prostitute; prostitutes are what I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis call bow down to all men woman when it is a female prostitute the female prostitute will allow almost any stranger to lay with her for the amount of money the prostitute is asking for. Prostitution is a shameless persons trade. While most people have sex with 6.3 to 38 partners for a lifetime prostitutes would have sex with 19,200 people for a lifetime, this proves that a prostitute is some kind of production line sex machine. When Marc-G-P-L Creatic is institutionalized all children will be married into the school system as perfect pairs and they shall be trained to be loyal to their childhood married partner only; and also a moneyless society will be institutionalized therefore no one will feel that they need to prostitute themselves for money wither they are rich or poor no one will feel that they need to prostitute themselves for the obtainment of survival money nor for the obtainment of wealth. When the Marc-G-P-L Creatic is institutionalized prostitution will be seen as a crime that is punishable by imprisonment and rehabilitation into an non-prostitute Mind Operating System that rejects prostitution. A prostitute is a person that obtain excitement and nymphomania from having sex for money, although some prostitute that are not sex slaves do not sell their whole body as a sex slave all prostitutes sell parts of their body for the sexual fulfillment of customers that have sex with them by paying them a fee. Some prostitutes only have sex for less than 1 dollar while others charge several thousand dollars to customers of prostitution. In this world Humanity is not alone and what Humanity do in privacy and publicly is not only witnessed by Humanity, but by the eyes of invisible being sometimes it is the desire and will of these invisible being that turn certain unfortunate members of Humanity into prostitutes. Prostitution is caused by both Human Being and Invisible Beings that are spiritual and other properties. In order to get rid of prostitution Humanity must prevent both Human Beings and Spiritual Beings from prostituting Humanity; the Marc-G-P-L Creatic will fight both Visible and Invisible Beings to free Humanity from prostitution and all the shame, accusation, conviction, and fatality it brings to the daily life of Humanity. Humanity must become a Lifetime Partnership Marriage Perfect Pair system that is free from Prostitution and free from all usage of money that causes buying and selling.
2-3.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against Pornography of Humanity: In 2006, 16 countries around the world made 97.06 billion dollars in revenue selling pornography. China made 27.40 billion dollars selling pornography, South Korea made 25.73 billion dollars selling pornography, Japan made 19.98 billion dollars selling pornography, the United States made 13.33 billion dollars selling pornography, Australia made 2.00 billion dollars selling pornography, the United Kingdom made 1.97 billion dollars selling pornography, Italy made 1.40 billion dollars selling pornography, Canada made 1.00 billion dollars selling pornography, the Philippines made 1.00 billion dollars selling pornography, Taiwan made 1.00 billion dollars selling pornography, Germany made 64 million dollars selling pornography, Finland made 60 million dollars selling pornography, Czech Republic made 46 million dollars selling pornography, Russia made 25 million dollars selling pornography, Netherlands made 20 million dollars selling pornography, Brazil made 10 million dollars selling pornography. Every second $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography, every second 28,258 internet users are viewing pornography, every second 372 internet users are typing adult search terms into search engines, every 39 minutes a new pornographic video is being created in the United States. There are 4.2 million pornographic websites which equates to 12 percent of all websites on the internet; there are 420 million pornographic web pages on the internet, there are 38 million daily pornographic search engine request which equates to 25 percent of the total search engine requests; everyday 2.5 billion emails are sent in reference to pornography which equates to 8 percent of all emails; 42.7 of all internet viewers use the internet to view pornography that is almost half of all internet users. 34 percent of internet users receive unsolicited pornographic material; 1.5 billion daily downloads of internet files are pornographic this equates to 35 percent of all internet downloads; children are also being abused through pornography daily pornographic request of children is in the range of 116,000; there are approximately 100,000 websites offering illegal child pornography; 89 percent of youths on the internet have been solicited for pornography; every month 72 million visitors visit pornographic web sites; the internet sales in pornography ranges in the rate of 4.9 billion dollars. The average age a person first view pornographic material on the internet is 11 years old; the largest consumer of internet pornography are the 35 to 49 years age group; 15 to 17 years old have viewed hard core pornographic material and 90 percent of them do so while doing their homework; after viewing pornographic material 14-29 percent of 7-17 year olds would freely give out their home address or email address over the internet to strangers they just met over the internet; there are also many children characters that are linked to pornographic images including superheros. 20 percent of Men admit to accessing pornography at work; 40 million US adults regularly visit internet pornographic websites; 53 percent of men view pornography on a weekly bases, many religious people ranging in the amount of 47 percent such as christian view pornography and it is a problem in their homes; 10 percent of adults admitted that they are addicted to pornography; 72 percent of pornography viewers are males and 28 percent of pornography viewers are female. Because of pornography watching 70 percent of woman keep their internet activity a secret; 17 percent of woman struggle with addiction to pornography; Women are 2 times more likely to favor chat rooms; 1 out of 3 visitors of adult websites are women; 9.4 million women access adult pornographic websites each month; 13 percent of women access pornography at work. We shall now see which nations are most responsible for producing pornography throughout the world. Number 1 on the list is the United States and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Vivid Entertainment, Hustler, Playboy, Wicked Pictures, Red Light District; Number 2 on the list is Brazil and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Frenesi Films, Pau Brazil, MarcoStudio; Number 3 on the list is The Netherlands and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Erostream, Midhold Media, Your Choice, Seventeen; Number 4 on the list is Spain and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Private Media Group, Woodman Entertainment; Number 5 on the list is Japan and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Soft on Demand, Moodyz; Number 6 on the list is Russsia and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Beate Uhse, SP-Company, Dolphin Entertainment; Number 7 on the list is Germany and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Trimax, SG-Video, GGG, VideoRama, Zip Production; Number 8 on the list is the United Kingdom and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Hot Rod Productions, JoyBear Pictures, Blue Juice TV, Rude Britannia, Fresh SX; Number 9 on the list is Canada and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Wild Rose Productions, Eromodel Group, Dugmor; Number 10 on the list is Australia and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report is Pistol Media; Number 11 on the list is Sweden and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report is Maxs Video; Number 12 on the list is Italy and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report is Adamo Entertainment; Number 13 on the list is Denmark and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report is Color Climax Corporation; Number 14 on the list is France and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Euro Choc, Eil du Cochon, Ragtime, Video Marc Dorce, JTC Video, Colmax, Cadinot; Number 15 on the list is Switzerland and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Gordi Films, Ikarus; Number 16 on the list is Belgium and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report is GM Videos; Number 17 on the list is Romania and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report is Floyd-Agency; Number 18 on the list is Portugal and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report is Natural Video; Number 19 on the list is Israel and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report is Sex Style; Number 20 on the list is Serbia and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report is Hexor; Number 21 on the list is Czech-Republic and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Lupus Pictures, Bel Ami. The Cities are most important to Pornography are, Number 1 most important City is Los Angeles because of Adult Production Companies; Number 2 most important City is Las Vegas because of Adult Stars, Sin City Chamber of Commerce; Number 3 most important City is New York because of Adult Entrepreneurs, Erotica; Number 4 most important City is Chicago because of Playboy; Number 5 most important City is San Francisco because of Adult Websites, Adult Companies; Number 6 most important City is Miami/South Florida because of Adult Websites, Penthouse; Number 7 most important City is Seattle/Pacific Northwest because of Adult Websites; Number 8 most important City is San Diego because of Adult Websites, Strip Clubs; Number 9 most important City is Phoenix /Tucson/ Scottsdale because of Phoenix /Tucson/ Scottsdale; Number 10 most important City is Hillsborough, NC. because of Adam & Eve; Number 11 most important City is Boulder, CO. because of New Frontier; Number 12 most important City is Pittsburgh because of DVD Sales; Number 13 most important City is Portland because of Strip Clubs. Some Countries are most responsible for Pornography being spread around the world based on the number of pornographic websites they host and produce here is the list of the most responsible countries for the production and hosting of pornographic websites; Number 1 Country United States Number of pornographic web pages hosted 244,661,900 pages; Number 2 Country Germany Number of pornographic web pages hosted 10,030,200 pages; Number 3 Country United Kingdom Number of pornographic web pages hosted 8,506,800 pages; Number 4 Country Australia Number of pornographic web pages hosted 5,655,800 pages; Number 5 Country Japan Number of pornographic web pages hosted 2,700,800 pages; Number 6 Country the Netherlands Number of pornographic web pages hosted 1,883,800 pages; Number 7 Country Russia Number of pornographic web pages hosted 1,080,600 pages; Number 8 Country Poland Number of pornographic web pages hosted 1,049,600 pages; Number 9 Country Spain Number of pornographic web pages hosted 852,800 pages. These statistics show all the countries responsible for pornography and the statistics of the users of pornography and the wealth pornographers make by producing pornography. Pornography is illegal because it is a form of prostitution and and prostitution is one of the most deadly trades Humans have ever been involved in most porn stars would prostitute themselves for money because that is what they do by producing pornography for sale. Most people that watch pornography are more susceptible to fall into the trap of having sex with a prostitute because pornography teaches them how to be more promiscuous and how to have sex with total strangers which are porn stars; pornography also teach people who watch it how to see what would mainly remain a private aspect of Human life which is sexuality. Sexuality would mostly remain a private aspect of Human Life but pornography expose that privacy to all people that have the ability to see such a private aspect of Human Life and this places Humanity in great danger from observers that are both Humans and Non-Human because pornography causes them to see the private copulation of Human Beings which makes Humanity become vulnerable to attacks based on accusation of being immoral because of pornography. Pornography also break every law of perfect pairing and compatible mating by putting just about any one in pornography which causes just about anyone that have the ability to gain access to any race or any nationality in the nude over the internet, through television, through magazines, and through video sales. This causes incompatible match making in a prostitutive manner. Pornographic women are bow down to all men women because any men can just see them in the nude for free for, or for a price; Pornography is one of the most promiscuous activities that have ever occurred in the history of Humanity; pornography causes easy access to sex trough sexual images, videos, and live sex cam girls this hold truthful for both cam girls and cam boys that are in pornography over the internet. Pornography causes humanity to become accuse-able by other humans and especially by spiritual being and alien that see Humanity in our most private moment which is when Humanity is having sex. Such beings as other Humans, spirits, and aliens were not suppose to ever see Humanity having sex, but pornography offer an easy way for them to access pornographic sexual pictures of Humanity having sex. Pornographers also make billions of dollars a year through perverted videos of Human Sexuality; furthermore many of these videos and images are an abomination against Humanity because they display abominable behavior during sexuality, even beastiality and homosexuality pornography exposes viewers too; furthermore pornography causes multiracial sex to occur frequently causing incompatible race mixing between Human Cultures and races and kinds. Pornography causes Human Beings to become very promiscuous and whore like. Pornography also display child pornography to viewers which is very illegal and child abuse; furthermore 75 percent of all pornographic stars are homosexuals which means that pornography is a gateway to homosexual behavior to those with a weak mind that is copious of what is seen in pornography; furthermore to support this fact many pornographic videos display homosexual sex between homosexual women and woman and homosexual men and men. Pornography is also profane and frequently uses insulting names about sexual beings. Unfortunately the anti-human races that dwell in the Human environment have been spying on Humanity and they see pornographic images of Humanity and devious, immoral behavior this causes them to say immoral evil things about Humanity. Such anti-human being were never suppose to see anything about the private life of Humanity neither do they belong in the private body, home, nor world of Humanity. Anti-Human Beings are a great threat to Humanity because they have seen the private mating life of Humanity; Humanity must fight for the right to have privacy in our lives free from anti-human races that are not our kind. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against pornography when the Marc-G-P-L Creatic is established all pornographic works will be illegalized and collected all evil, immoral pornographic works shall be destroyed and recycled; and also Humanity shall be pardoned for all the pornographic mistakes that have been made by Humanity and effective retraining shall be given to Humanity to illegalized pornography and to end the age of pornography which began in the 1960's CE to the age when I am writing this paper which is 2015 CE. The Marc-G-P-L Creatic shall establish maximum privacy for Human Sexuality no being shall be allowed to spy on or display Humans having sex because Humans shall only have sex in a private room free from spying eyes.
2-4.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against Strip Club of Humanity, Global strip club annual revenue: $75 billion, US strip club annual revenue: $3.1 billion, Metro Atlanta strip club annual revenue: $240 million +, Number of strip clubs in the US: 4,000, Number of strip clubs in Metro Atlanta: 19, City with most strip clubs per 100,000 residents: Springfield, Oregon, Six largest US markets for strip clubs: Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Estimated number of strippers in US clubs: 400,000, Average annual earnings for a stripper: $70,000 - $100,000. More women are employed by the sex industry than at any other time in history; Research related to women working in various aspects of the sex industry indicates that they are faced with higher rates of drug addiction, sexually transmitted diseases, violent assaults, and more mental health problems than the general population; Women in the sex industry experience Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder at rates equivalent to veterans of combat war; One study found that 35% of strippers have Multiple Personality Disorder, 55% had Borderline Personality Disorder, and 60% had Major Depressive Episodes; Between 66% and 90% of women in the sex industry were sexually abused as children; 89% of women in the sex industry said they wanted to escape, but had no other means for survival; Strippers are often substance abusers: one study found the number to be around 40%; Women who work in the sex industry have only a 25% chance of making a marriage last for at least three years; 70% of strippers reported that they have been followed home, and 42% say they have been stalked. Strip clubs are an easy venue for sex. Strip clubs make is easy for a person to access sex and nudity. Many strip clubs charge $5.00 per song to see a woman in the nude and $10.00 per song for the woman to give the person a lap dance; during lap dances non penetration sex occurs and the stripper stimulates the client into masturbation. Strip clubs are a form of prostitution. Easy sex is what strip clubs promote. Strippers are some of the most promiscuous people that have ever existed on Earth, they will have sexual contact with anyone who walk off the street for a low price inside of a strip club in front of all who are inside of the strip club. Strippers are a whore for dollars and will strip naked and dance so that money could be thrown at their feet. Strippers are bow down to all women or men and will do sexual favors for all who have a cheap amount of money. Strippers are some of the most greedy people for money because they are conditioned to strip naked for dollars to be thrown at them which makes them a vending machine for easy sex. Strippers are also a dangerous profession that is almost equivalent to prostitution because strippers can become infected with a sexually transmitted disease and spread the disease through friction dancing and contact with customers. Strippers and prostitutes can fool a whole population into thinking they have sex with a wife when in reality the person's wives are being stolen by promiscuous polygamous secret societies that acquire large sums of wives secretly while releasing promiscuous prostitutes to produce an illusion of having sex with a wife when in reality they are a prostitute that have sex with a large sum of partners even more than Nineteen Thousand Partners for a lifetime. Strippers must be illeglized throughout the whole world as promiscuous hedonistic prostitutes and great dollar whores. When the Marc-G-P-L Creatic is the Government of the world sexuality shall only be interred through marriage into the school system. Divorce will be illegal. Closer Pairs and Perfect Marital pairs shall be the only people who inter into a marriage. When the Marc-G-P-L Creatic is the Government of the World all strip clubs will be closed and strippers will have to go to mandatory counseling or be imprisoned into rehabilitation prison institutions.
2-5.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against Abominating of Humanity: Abomination of Humanity is both spiritual and physical. Especially evil spiritual beings comport themselves in a malevolent manner; and when they are malevolent they will do all types of abomination against their victims. Abomination includes every unclean, fatal, desecrating, immoral, hellish, murderous behavior. Humanity must win over all abomination and hell against Humanity. The worst states of abomination exists in hell worlds and Humanity must come together to avoid our Human Kind from being sent to hells and we Humanity must make sure that our world is not turned into an abomination. When the Marc-G-P-L Creatic is established all abomination that is able to be removed shall be removed.
2-6.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against Homosexuality of Humanity, Bi Sexuality of Humanity, and LGBT of Humanity: It estimates that 9 million (about 3.8%) of Americans identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender (2011). Bisexuals make up 1.8% of the population, while 1.7% are gay or lesbian. Transgender adults make up 0.3% of the population. There is a statistic that estimates that 1 in every 10 individuals in America is LGBT which would equate that 10 percent of the population of America is Homosexual; however there is another statistic that stated that 1 in 20 American are homosexual which would equate to 5 percent of the population; and so anywhere from 3.8 percent to 10 percent of Americans are homosexual. It is estimated that worldwide the homosexual LGBT population is anywhere from 1.5 percent to 20 percent, but is is likely that the population is actually 10 percent of the world population which means that world wide 1 out of every 10 people might be a homosexual. Homosexuality is one of the greatest threats to the the ending of Genuine Humanity. Genuine Humanity is the Essential Characteristic of Humanity and the Core Programming of Humanity. The Essential Characteristic and Core Programing of Humanity is to be a Heterosexual Race consisting of Males and Females that Love each other and Live together in Marital Harmony to produce Progeny that are Heterosexual Human Beings. Homosexuality destroys the Core Programing and Essential Characteristic of Humanity which is that of the Heterosexual Male and Female Bond that is Forever. Homosexuality is one of the most unclean fatal characteristic a Human Beings could take upon themselves and become. At its most dangerous level homosexuals especially male homosexuals will destroy the opposite sex from existences and kill them so that only one gender may survive which is an all male or all female world where homosexual copulate with each other in a nasty incorrect manner. If male homosexuals win Humanity over they will kill all females of the world and begin to clone each other an all male society shall come to exists where homosexual males copulate with each other only to produce an all homosexual race that clone males into existences or replicate males into existences. When all homosexual females win a world the same thing occurs and only females live in the world and no male can be found. If Heterosexual Humanity which are the true nature and characteristic of Humanity wish to live together to procreate Heterosexual Progeny Heterosexual Human Kind must be willing to remove all homosexuals from the Heterosexual Human World and Race. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring war against 3 to 20 percent of the Human population that is Homosexual and LGBT to arrest them and remove all homosexual tendencies from them. When the Marc-G-P-L Creatic Government is established there shall be 3 approaches towards homosexuals and LGBT people approach 1 shall be to rescue all Human Beings that are under homosexual abomination attack from a spiritual or physical being and clean them up from all homosexual persecution and reintroduce them back into the Heterosexual Community of Humanity; the second approach shall be to arrest all true homosexuals that profess that they are genuinely homosexual and wish to remain that way and enjoy a homosexual lifestyle. Such homosexuals that appreciate homosexuality shall be arrested and put in jail until all homosexual programming and desire is removed from their mind operating system and body; the third approach towards homosexual shall be to mortal warfare against all homosexual that are willing to take up arms to fight warfare against authorities of Marc-G-P-L Creatic and such homosexual that declare war shall be killed in combat and removed from society is a great threat to Heterosexual Humanity. Once all homosexuals are removed from Heterosexual Human Society Humanity shall be perfect paired in marital harmony between a Human Male and a Human Female.
2-7.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against Beastiality of Humanity: By 1974, the farm population in the USA had declined by 80 percent compared with 1940, reducing the opportunity to live with animals; Hunt's 1974 study suggests that these demographic changes led to a significant change in reported occurrences of bestiality. The percentage of males who reported sexual interactions with animals in 1974 was 4.9% (1948: 8.3%), and in females in 1974 was 1.9% (1953: 3.6%). Miletski believes this is not due to a reduction in interest but merely a reduction in opportunity. Crépault and Couture (1980) reported that 5.3 percent of the men they surveyed had fantasized about sexual activity with an animal during heterosexual intercourse.. A 1982 study suggested that 7.5 percent of 186 university students had interacted sexually with an animal. In a 2014 study, 3% of women and 2.2% of men reported fantasies about having sex with an animal. A famous professor reported that the world is not what it seems that 1 in 8, or 12.5 percent of people had sex with an animal around the world. According to these statistics anywhere from 1.9 percent to 12.5 percent of people had sex with an animal around the world. Beastiality is mainly practiced by spiritual beings that are evil and wicked many of them are mixed with animals such as animal headed creatures and half man and half animal creatures. Also dangerous to Humanity is that in the spiritual world certain animal like creatures can speak and think just like Humans can however able to think and speak like Humans can their animalistic behavior is still intact and they are evil. Demonic creatures practice beastiality and are very animalistic and evil. Certain religions that allow reincarnation to take place forces Human Beings to reincarnate into animals through transmigration of souls through the law of karma this causes Human Souls to practice beastiality by becoming animals and copulating with animals when they are born as animals because of karma. Human beings are in great danger from wicked spirits that practice beastiality and that are animals because they are invisible to the sight of Human beings, but they can put thoughts in the head of Human Beings. Because they can put thoughts in the head of Human Beings they can cause Human Beings to practice beastiality with animals. Even worst they can get inside of the body of Human Beings and influence the behavior of Human Beings with their thoughts and suggestive behaviors this can cause a Human who have an evil spirits or an animal spirit to lay with animals and beast. To make matters worst these evil spiritual beings will even try to force themselves on Human Beings in their dream or while they are awake. This study proves that wicked evil spirits are causing the mentally ill to have thoughts of laying with beast and to lay with beast; the mentally ill almost always have evil spirits troubling them and causing them to be mentally ill this study proves that those evil wicked spirits are causing mentally ill people to commit thoughts and acts of beastiality; in one study, psychiatric patients were found to have a statistically significant higher prevalence rate (55 percent) of reported bestiality, both actual sexual contacts (45 percent) and sexual fantasy (30 percent) than the control groups of medical in-patients (10 percent) and psychiatric staff (15 percent) This study proves that wicked, evil spirits that cause mental illnesses are practicing beastiality against their victims and are causing their victims to have thoughts of beastiality and to practice beastiality. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against all beastly creatures that are spiritual that causes Humans to practice beastiality; furthermore we are declaring warfare against all Human Beings that practice beastiality. The 1.9 percent to 12.5 percent of Human Beings that practice beastiality shall be attacked all among them that deserve rehabilitation because they are under abomination attack shall receive rehabilitation and rescue, all among them that enjoy evil passions such as beastiality shall be imprisoned and rehabilitated into normalcy, all among them that are evil and would fight warfare to experience and spread beastiality shall be killed. When the Marc-G-P-L Creatic is established there shall be no animals that dwell in our Cities no pets shall be kept in our cities. In the future when we have the Knowledge, Ability, and Power no animal shall be kept as a farm animal for food. Human Beings shall be food-less, and deathless; they shall only eat a small cube or oval for pleasure and will only be able to taste it, but not expire it. Human Beings will not need to eat any food to survive including animals. Human Beings shall only copulate with a perfect pair that is a Human also only Male and Female Humans will be allowed to copulate with each other and they shall be married to each other ever since birth or childhood entry into the School System.
2-8.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against objectum sexualizing of Humanity: objectum sexuals are humans or vise verso who fall sexually in love with objects such as furniture, vehicles, cars, boats, planes, chain saws, non human statues, buildings, windows, clouds, whole worlds, world matrixes, whole planets, stars, galaxy's, whole universes, tools, weapons or land, clothing, shoes, pots and pans, refrigerators, stoves, cell phones, toys, stones, elements, trees, street pols, all types of objects, non-humanoid machines, or any other Object that is non-human or humanoid in shape. These mentioned objects must be paired with each other they cannot be paired with human beings, human beings are a pair for each other not for the above mentioned objectums. Objectums are to be paired with each other as perfect pairs even as inanimate things as duo pairs not with humans. A human who like non-human objects is an erroneous human and a dangerous human that endanger the whole human race. For example a human who like a whole world or Universe can cause all humans to lose their spouses or pairs by a component in the universe that is inhuman and far bigger then humans that seek to mate with human males or females which is totally illegal, because humans would lose their pairs to an inhuman thing that seek to steal mates from the rightful pair which is the human pair, a world, galaxy, or Universe is far too big for a little human such things must be paired with each other at a bigger scale then the scale of humanity. Humans must be very careful who they like; worlds, suns, galaxies, and universes where made to be paired with each other at a larger scale then the scale of humanity for humans are pinpricks inside of infinity, humans cannot like such things as worlds, world matrixes, galaxies, and universes because this is dangerous and a miscalculation, humans were made for each other; furthermore humans cannot pair themselves with any object that is not a human being or they are practicing erroneous behavior and are insane when they do these things such as liking a non-human object. We do not use objectum sexuality in our way for it is insane, illegal, a miscalculation, and dangerous to humanity.
2-9.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against Necrophilia of Humanity: Necrophiliac are people who like and or have sex with dead corpses and dead bodies. Necrophiliac are mentally insane and are evil because they violate a dead corps. Raping dead corpses is illegal and unclean. Humanity must never copulate with dead corpses wither they are married or not married having sex with a dead corps is evil, gross, unclean and is a mental illness.
2-10.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against Necrophilia-Cannibalism-Munging of Humanity: a necrophilia-cannibalism munging is a human form or any being or form that have sex with someone or something, and then kill them, and eat them as a food, then defecate them; such people even have sex with dead bodies in graveyards and eat them after wards as a food, then defecate them. Necrophilia-cannibalism or munging is the worst case act of mating it is a greatest evil of sexuality, it is the worst possibility of sexuality which is the act of murder, combined with sex, combined with cannibalism, and defecation of a corps this is especially evil when it is done to a Human Being. Someone that murders someone and then practice necrophilia-cannibalism munging on them deserve the death sentence for practicing murder, combined with Rape, combined with Cannibalism, and combined with Abomination Attack on a Dead Human Corps. If a person practice beastiality combined with necrophilia cannibalism munging on an animal they also deserve to die.
2-11.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against the theft of Human Mates by Non-Human Entities: The Universe is Infinite in spatial capacity and inside that spatial capacity consists of Humans, but Human are not the only Beings that exists inside the Universe other Beings and Things Exists inside the Universe. Human Beings must make sure that we do not lose Human Spouses to other Beings and Things that are not Human Beings. Human Beings are the Most Beautiful Beings in existences when we are beautiful though not all Humans are as Beautiful as each other, when a Human is actually beautiful that Human is one of the most beautiful things in existences, as a result of this other beings and things in the Universe often desire to steal a Human Spouse from Human Beings. Human Beings must make sure that only Human Beings mate with Human Beings. Human Beings must make sure that we perfect pair all Humanity so that every Human will be perfected in mating. When the Marc-G-P-L Creatic is established every Human Model Number will be Paired with a Member of the opposite sex in Heterosexuality Matrimony and Perfect Pairing. Every Model Number will be Paired with a Predefined Model Number that is Perfect For Them. Perfect Pairing Laws will consider the persons, Race, Color, Facial Type, Body Type, Age, and Height. If an outside race or species, being or thing steals a Human Spouse Humans of the Marc-G-P-L Creatic will have the right to re-confiscate the stolen mate and return the stolen mate back to Humanity and Perfect Pair the Stolen Human Mate.
2-12.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against Sexual Slavery of Humanity: Ever since slavery started between Human races, tribes, and peoples many Humans have been sold into slavery, slavery consists of mental slavery, physical slavery, and sexual slavery. Throughout Human history mostly females have been sold into sexual slavery though in certain cases male Humans have also been sold into sexual slavery. All sexually enslaved peoples are rape victims that have been sold into sexual slavery or kidnapped into sexual enslavement. Many victims of sexual slavery are raped and killed after the sexual act is complete against them. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against all Beings and things that sexually enslave Human Beings. Marc-G-P-L Creatic shall not practice any form of sexual slavery and shall rescue all sexually enslaved Human Beings from their sexual en-slaver, furthermore Marc-G-P-L Creatics shall also rescue non-human beings and things from sexual slavery if possible.
2-13.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against Buying and Selling Humanity as wives and husbands, and concubines: Many cultures around the Human world and Universe practice dowry systems or buying and selling a Human Being as a husband, wife, or concubine. Marriages should be entered into free of costs. In Marc-G-P-L Creatic all resources and supplies for marriages are given for free by the Government of Marc-G-P-L Creatic and there is no charge for anything. In Marc-G-P-L Creatic nothing is bought nor sold especially Human Beings and Higher Intelligent Life-Forms. When a dowry is used in marriages the person have a price upon their heads and body, which causes the person to be owned or have a price value. Many times in some cultures spouses are killed because the dowry was not great enough to the acceptor. When Marc-G-P-L is established there shall be no dowry system used and all marriages will be entered into free of charge.
2-14.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against Divorcing of Humanity: Imperfect marriages and lack of knowledge on how to keep a marriage relationship together lead to many divorces around the world. The first error is imperfect marriages. Imperfect pairing during marriages causes divorces to occur between imperfectly paired spouses. When two people are imperfectly paired they are not compatible with each other. This incompatibility causes divorces to occur for example people who are married to each other must have something in common between them such as physical attributes that match each other in Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way we call these physical similarities Perfect Pairing for example to perfect pair two Humans in a heterosexual manner the male and female would have to have some things in common such as similar racial type, similar color type, similar facial types, similar body types, compatible height, and compatible age. When these variances are similar between a Man and a Woman they have a better chance that their marriage will last longer, but such similarities are not enough to cause marital harmony there must also be included Mind Operating System knowledge, ability, and power to maintain the relationship, such Mind Operating System Knowledge, Ability, and Power to maintain a marriage between compatible pairs can be learned in school systems; that is why in Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way we believe that children should be married into the school system so that they may receive the appropriate training from childhood to adulthood to stay together forever in marital harmony. Such harmony can only be learned correctly in educational systems that teach children that are married to children, and adults that are married to adults how to maintain a marital relationship through all troublesome times and beneficial times forever. Perfect Pairing and Mind Operating System processes lead to stronger longer lasting marriages. Divorce rates across the world vary from small to large for example in the united states the percentage of divorces sate to state range from the lowest Massachusetts (2.4 per 1,000 population) to the highest Nevada (9.1 per 1,000 population) it is also a truth that the state with the highest divorce rate in America also have legal prostitution in the state, immoral situations lead to a greater divorce rate among married couples. In the United States the divorce rate ranges from 45% to 50% marriages end in divorce for first marriages; to 60% to 67% marriages end in divorce for second marriages; and from 70% to 73% marriages end in divorce for Third Marriages. In American the Divorce rate is from 45 percent to 73 percent this proves that imperfect pair marriages are occurring in America and that most married couples do not have the proper marital relationship training to maintain a marital relationship. Across the world the percent of divorces ranges from 3 percent divorce rate to 71 percent divorce rate. Divorces across the world and throughout America proves that the world need Perfect Pair Marriages and the proper Mind Operating System Training of Married to cause harmony and stable relationships that do not come to an end; furthermore marriages must policed and counseled for stability; there most be legal consequences for marital immorality and marital crimes, but such consequences must not be inhumane nor murderous in nature. Marc-G-P-L Creatic Law provide the proper consequences for marital immorality and marital crimes such consequences include imprisonment for marital crimes such as adultery and the proper retraining of the Mind of offenders into faithful partners; and also marital counselors visit homes that are involved in marital partnership disorder to counsel such marriages into harmonious, effective marriages that last to their continuities fullness without any trouble; and also Marc-G-P-L Creatic is seeking to remove widowhood from the world by seeking to cause Humanity to live forever without death; furthermore Marc-G-P-L Creatic Law provide that marital partners will remain married to each other even after the death of the physical Human Body; and so when a Human Spirit comes out of their body after death the spirit is still married to the physical marital partner that was left behind as a physical being. Marc-G-P-L Creatic also support that marital partners that are in incompatible marriage arrangements be given at least one chance of divorce to find the appropriate Marital Partner that is a Closer Pair or a Perfect Pair such a divorce is an appropriate divorce instead of an inappropriate divorce that lead to more trouble and more incompatible pairing and more divorces. When the Knowledge, Ability, and Power is found to cause Human Beings to have control over what children to give birth to; the Marc-G-P-L Creatic will be able to cause children to be born specifically to marry each other using the Process and Law of Perfect Pairing.
Divorce Statistics From the United States Of America
Age at marriage for those who divorce in America
Under 20 years old
20 to 24 years old
25 to 29 years old
30 to 34 years old
35 to 39 years old
Divorce Statistics in America for Marriage
Divorce statistics (in percent)
First Marriage
45% to 50% marriages end in divorce
Second Marriage
60% to 67% marriages end in divorce
Third Marriage
70% to 73% marriages end in divorce
* Source of this Divorce Statistics: Jennifer Baker, Forest Institute of Professional Psychology, Springfield
Enrichment journal also gives similar divorce statistics in America:
The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%
The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60%
The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%
Children of Divorce Statistics
According to discovery channel, couples with children have a slightly lower rate of divorce than childless couples. Sociologists also believe that childlessness is also a common cause of divorce. The absence of children leads to loneliness and weariness. In the United States, at least 66 per cent of all divorced couples are childless.
Divorcing Couples
Divorce Rate Statistics (in percent)
Couples With Children
Couples Without Children
* Source of this Divorce Statistics: Discover Channel
Per capita divorce rate statistics from 1990 to 2010
Per Capita Divorce Rate Statistics
* Source of this Divorce Statistics: Americans for Divorce Reform
Provisional number of divorces and annulments and rate: United States, 2000-2010
Divorces and Annulments
Rate per 1,000 total population
Excludes data for California, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Louisiana, and Minnesota
Excludes data for California, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, and Louisiana
Excludes data for California, Hawaii, Indiana, and Oklahoma
Excludes data for California, Indiana, and Oklahoma
Excludes data for California, Indiana, Louisiana, and Oklahoma
Note: Rates for 2001-2009 have been revised and are based on intercensal population estimates from the 2000 and 2010 censuses. Populations for 2010 rates are based on the 2010 census.
Other stats related to divorce
State with the lowest divorce rate
Massachusetts (2.4 per 1,000 population)
State with the highest divorce rate
Nevada (9.1 per 1,000 population)
Percentage of US population that is divorced
Mean age at first divorce
For Males: 30.5 yrs.
For Females: 29 yrs.
Median age at second divorce
For Males: 39.3 yrs.
For Females: 37 yrs.
Median number of years people wait to remarry after their first divorce
For Males: 3.3 yrs.
For Females: 3.1 yrs.
Average length of divorce proceedings
1 year.
Divorce Statistics From Around The World:
Crude marriage rate
Crude divorce rate
% Divorce:marriage ratio
Data Source Year
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
European Union
New Zealand
Republic of Macedonia
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
San Marino
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
South Korea
Sri Lanka
Trinidad and Tobago
United Kingdom
United States
These statistics prove that divorce is a common practice throughout the Planet Earth, this proves that most marriages are between incompatible people who are not perfect for each other. My System as Marc-G-P-L Creatic shall cause Perfect Pair Marriages to occur, less divorces shall take place between married couples in fact Marc-G-P-L Creatic does not grant any divorces when a marriage is between closer pairs and perfect pairs. Such marriages are honored because of their Perfection and Compatibility.
2-15.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against Polygamy and Polyandry of Humanity: Polygamy and Polyandry is illegal because it causes the theft of wives or husbands. According to my finding if 50 percent of men in a community were to marry 2 woman each 50 percent of the male population would not be able to find wives the same would happen if 50 percent of women married 2 men each 50 percent of woman would not be able to find husbands. If 10 percent of the male population were to marry 10 women each 90 percent of males in that country would not be able to find wives to marry. Men and Women are born on a 1 to 1 bases. For every 1 male that is born 1 female is born also. This means that only monogamy is a legal form of marriage. When polygamy is used in a country or world shortages of wives occur because a small population of men can wind up with all the woman in a town or a small population of woman can wind up with all the men in a town. Polygamy and Polyandry are unfaithful practices and extra-marital practices that are legalized in the form of polygamy and polyandry.
Definitions Polygamy: is a condition or practice or culture of having more than one spouse at the same time. It is also known as polygyny, polyandry or plural marriage. Polygamous nation: a country where polygamy is a legal culture (i.e. Nigeria, and most countries in Africa, Middle east, nay, most countries in the third world).
Monogamous nation: a country where bigamy (Polygamy) is a criminal offence (i.e. the UK, USA, and most countries in the West). Bigamy: is the crime of marrying someone when you are still legally married to someone else (i.e. the UK, USA and most countries in the West). Statistics An estimated over three billion people around the world today still believe in polygamy. Over two billion women and children around the world live under the oppression of polygamy. Polygamy is still a legal culture in over 150 countries in Africa, Middle East, and most countries in the third world. Nigeria alone is home to over 40 million polygamists. This figure includes a large population of kings, traditional chiefs, religious leaders, businessmen, government officials, politicians, members of the armed forces and the judiciary. This figure also includes a large population of disabled people, unemployed people and street beggars with an average of 10-60 wives or more and up to 100 children or more per man. Such that, in Nigeria of today, a large population of children do not know their fathers and many fathers cannot account for the number of their children. Despite attempts at headcounts, no one can say what is Nigeria’s exact population, nor can the government identify who its citizens are. An estimated over 100,000 people in the monogamous United States of America (especially the fundamentalist Mormons) are practicing polygamy secretly and illegally (source: TAP, Utah, USA; Another estimated over 100,000 people in the monogamous Western Europe are believed to be practising polygamy secretly and illegally (source: CAPWOI news letter estimate in 2000: An estimated over 2 billion men and women are in polygamous relationships around the world today (source: CAPWOI estimate in 2004). (See CAPWOI books for details).
Polygyny and polyandry around the world In most of the following examples, polygamy only refers to polygyny. Except when polyandry is explicitly stated, either all kinds of polygamy are forbidden, or the only allowed form of polygamy is polygyny. Africa
Mayotte: Considered to be de facto illegal since a referendum sponsored by France in March 2009, forcing the island to comply with the French laws. However, pre-existing Muslim marriages are currently still valid.
Benin: Benin recognized polygamous marriages until 2004 when they were constitutionally outlawed. However, pre-existing marriages are currently still valid in Benin.
Burkina Faso: Both Muslims and non-Muslims can join in polygamous unions under Burkina Faso law.
Côte d'Ivoire: Akin to the situation in Benin, polygamy and such marriages were outlawed, though previous marriages are still recognized.
Gabon: Both men and women can join in polygamous unions with the other gender under Gabonese law, although in practice only men do.
Ghana: Illegal under civil law, but recognized under customary law and Sharia law.
Nigeria: Recognized in all northern sharia states, federal law recognizes polygamous unions under customary law.
South Africa: Legal under customary law, and recognised for civil purposes in terms of the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act.
Kenya: Polygyny legal under legislation passed in 2014. Asia
Maldives: Permitted for all Muslim men with consent from the first wife.
Malaysia: Permitted for all Muslim men, up to a maximum of 4 wives.
Indonesia: Legal, though heavily restricted.
Afghanistan: Legal, frequently practiced.
Mongolia: Possible legislation of polygamy has been debated in hopes that it would even out Mongolia's male and female population. However, there has been no formal debate in the government, rather within the public.
Iran: Legal with consent from the first wife.
Nepal: Criminalized with sentence of one to three years and fine up to Rs 25,000. However, the second marriage is not annulled and once the completion of the sentence, the second wife carries equal footing as the first one. Even the government pension provided to the wife of the retired government employee after his death is split by the government.
Pakistan: Permitted for Muslim men only, can have up to 4 wives at one time according to Islamic Law with consent from the first wife.
Philippines Permitted for Muslim men only. Others face six to twelve years of imprisonment.
Singapore: Legal for Muslim men who can demonstrate the financial means to support all potential wives, with consent from existing wives, up to a maximum of 4 wives.
Tibet: Illegal under Chinese family law, though polyandry in Tibet is de facto the norm in rural areas.
France: Civil marriage registry illegal, still there are no laws against a person living with more than one partner/spouse. Stricter immigration laws have been enforced due to various polygamous-related hassles with immigrants from Mali and other African nations that permit polygamy.
Germany: Illegal, punishable with fine or prison time up to three years.
Netherlands: Marriage between more than two individuals prohibited; however, a samenlevings contract may include more than two partners.
Poland: Illegal, punishable with prison time.
Romania: Bigamy, defined as marriage conducted by a person which is already married, is punishable by up to 2 years in prison or fine. Knowingly marrying a married person is punishable by up to 1 year in prison or by fine.
Switzerland: Polygamy is illegal by law. But polygamous marriage conducted in another country may be accepted or rejected on a case-by-case basis.
United Kingdom: Foreign polygamous marriages grant some welfare benefits only, but this is being phased out with the introduction of Universal Credit. Polygamy is treated as bigamy if a second marriage (or civil partnership) is contracted in the United Kingdom. No legal recognition is extended to spouses of subsequent marriages after the first marriage is recognised even when subsequent marriages are contracted abroad.
North America
Bigamy laws throughout the United States Misdemeanor Felony All forms of cohabitation outlawed Main article: Polygamy in North America
United States: Polygamy is illegal in all 50 states. From about 1847 to 1857, in what is now the state of Utah, many Mormons practiced polygamy in defiance of the widespread view in the rest of the US. The US federal government threatened The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) and made polygamy illegal through the enforcement of Acts of Congress such as the Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act. The LDS Church formally abolished the practice in 1890, in a document labeled 'The Manifesto'. Small splinter groups from the LDS Church, such as Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the Apostolic United Brethren still practice polygamy and awareness has been increased through television dramas such as Big Love and reality shows such as Sister Wives. Among American Muslims, a small minority of around 50,000 to 100,000 people are estimated to live in families with a husband maintaining an illegal polygamous relationship.
Canada: All forms of polygamy, and some informal multiple sexual relationships, are illegal under Section 293 of the Criminal Code of Canada. Bigamy is banned by Section 290. However, for a long time, the law banning polygamy has not been efficient. As of January 2009, no person had been successfully prosecuted, i.e. convicted, in over sixty years. In 2009, two acquittals prompted the attorney general of British Columbia to ask the Supreme Court of British Columbia whether challenging the law was consistent with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; and, if so, under what circumstances people can be legally punished for polygamy. In November 2011 the court released its 335 pages long decision, which was that the polygamy abolition law is indeed constitutional, but that it should not be used to persecute minors for having taken part of a polygamous marriage. Chief Justice Robert Bauman conceded that there is a conflict between this law and some civil right principles, but stated that there are other and "more important" issues which in this case take precedence. He wrote (as quoted by CBC news): "I have concluded that this case is essentially about harm. More specifically, Parliament's reasoned apprehension of harm arising out of the practice of polygamy. This includes harm to women, to children, to society and to the institution of monogamous marriage". Bauman argued that there are cases where the "wives" (who may be rather young; sometimes as young as 12 years) are abducted and abused, but because they believe in a faith promoting polygamy, they are not willing to bring complaints to the authorities. He reasons that these offences sometimes may be stopped by applying anti-polygamy legislation.
The decision was welcomed by the attorney general of British Columbia, and by a representative for the group Stop Polygamy in Canada. Likewise, according to the CBC news, some polyamorous groups in Canada expressed their relief, since Bauman had stated that the law shouldn't apply to them unless they decide to formalize their unions. Women's rights were central to decision.
Australia: Polygamy is still commonly practised amongst some of the indigenous population, but polygamy based around state-sanctioned official marriage is illegal, and marriage to multiple spouses regardless of living circumstances would also be against the law as bigamy.
New Zealand: Polygamous marriages cannot be performed in New Zealand, but are permissible if they are legally performed in a country that permits polygamy. Status disputed or unclear Africa
Democratic Republic of the Congo – While the nation has been said to have legally recognized polygamous unions in the past, their current legal recognition is unknown.
Swaziland – While some have thought that current laws could be interpreted to allow for legally recognized polygamous unions, there is no legal recognition, still there are no laws against a man living with more than one woman, so the practice itself is not disallowed and even the king has thirteen spouses in 2010. South America
Brazil – A legally married person or a married couple cohabiting with one or more sexual partner(s) is prohibited by law. Known as bigamy, it is punishable by two to six years of imprisonment, and is valid for every Brazilian citizen, including naturalized ones. In May 5, 2011 long-term cohabitation between non-married persons, in one incident with a man and two women, known as união estável ("stable union"), was recognized as a family entity and granted all 112 rights of married couples – its only legal difference from marriage is that it does not change individual civil status from single to married. One of them, in Tupã, São Paulo, was registered as including a man and two women, as reported in August 2012. Doubts were thrown on its legality, as it was unclear whether it is in accordance with Brazilian law,. It has not, however, set any precedence, and higher Brazilian courts have not permitted the practice. Notable legislation To permit polygamy The table below covers recent pieces of legislation that have been either debated, proposed or voted on; all of which concern a form of polygamous union. The table does not cover legislation that restricts polygamy.
Polygamous union
Upper House
Lower House
Head of State
Polygamous civil marriage (revoke of prohibitions)
United Kingdom
1987 or earlier
Foreign marriages may receive benefits payments, being phased out
Customary law (recognizes polygamous unions)
Polygamous civil marriage (abolishes wife's right to consent/reject additional wives
South Africa
Customary marriage (civil recognition)
Customary law (recognizes polygamous unions)
Pension benefits to wives of a deceased president
Polygamous civil marriage (easing of laws; plus restrictions)
Polygamous civil marriage
Polygamous civil marriage
Polygamous civil marriage
Polygamous civil marriage
Polygamous civil marriage
June 2008
Polygamous civil marriage
September 2008
Polygamous civil marriage (easing of laws)
July 2009
Polygamous civil marriage
Polygamous civil marriage
March 2014
Polygamous civil marriage
Notable legislation To outlaw polygamy
Prohibition type
Upper House
Lower House
Head of State
United States
July 1862
Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act, which made polygamy a misdemeanor offense in US territories and other areas where the federal government has exclusive jurisdiction.
United States
March 1882
Edmunds Act, which reinforced Morrill by making polygamy a felony in the jurisdictions covered by Morrill; also prohibited "bigamous" or "unlawful cohabitation" as a misdemeanor offense, which removed the need to prove that actual marriages had occurred in order to obtain convictions on polygamy related charges.
Turkestan ASSR(modern Kyrgyzstan)
October 1921
Outlaws polygamy
October 1935
Outlaws polygamy; polygamous marriage
North Vietnam (modern Vietnam)
October 1950
Outlaws polygamy
Restrictions on polygamous marriage
Outlaws polygamy; polygamous marriages (Hindus only)
Ban on polygamy; polygamous marriages
Ban on polygamy; polygamous marriage
Côte d'Ivoire
New penal code outlaws polygamy; polygamous marriages (upholds existing)
British Hong Kong (modern Hong Kong)
Outlaws polygamy
Eritrean People's Liberation Front (modern Eritrea)
Outlaws polygamy; polygamous marriage (districts under Sharia exempt)
Restrictions on polygamous marriage; ease of divorce laws
Passed; abrogated
Restrictions on polygamous marriage (less liberal)
Outlaws family reunion for polygamist immigrants
December 2003
Outlaws polygamy
Restrictions on polygamous marriage
August 2004
New penal code outlaws polygamy; polygamous marriages (upholds existing)
February 2005
Restrictions on polygamous marriage (heavy restrictions)
July 2005
Outlaws polygamy
Bans civil servants from living polygamously
May 2008
Restrictions on polygamous marriage (heavy restrictions)
June 2008
Outlaws polygamy
Iraqi Kurdistan
Nov. 2008
Abolishes polygamy except in selective circumstances
March 2009
Mahoran status referendum, 2009 (passage abolishes polygamy)
Territory-wide Referendum
May 2009
Disallows polygamists from immigrating into the country
July 2009
Restrictions on polygamous marriage
July 2009
Ban on polygamy & polygamous customary marriages
Recently proposed, failed, or pending efforts to limit polygamy
A proposal to outlaw polygamy was defeated in 2008.
Another bill that would outlaw polygamy in the country was defeated in the legislature in 2008.
Saudi Arabia
Women's groups within the United Nations have called on Saudi Arabia to outlaw polygamy. Most consider such a move extremely unlikely.
The complete abolishment of polygamy in Egypt has been the discussion of numerous political debates.
Stricter sanctions against polygamist foreign residents have been implemented in attempt to battle polygamy within the immigrant community.
A proposal that would limit polygamy even further is being considered in the legislature.
A bill that would ban polygamous unions from being recognized by customary law and additionally, outlaw all forms of polygamy, has been submitted to the legislature.
United States
Senator Harry Reid from Nevada has announced his intentions to introduce a bill that would create further sanctions against polygamy.
Feminist groups and individuals have stated their intent to work for the complete abolition of polygamy and ban polygamous marriage in the country.
According to the statistics on Polygamy and Polyandry many Countries in the world are caught up in a battle to either legalize polygamy which is erroneous or to illegalize polygamy which is correct. When the Marc-G-P-L Creatic is established only monogamous marriages that are between Closer Pairs and Perfect Pairs will be promoted and established. Polygamy is illegal and is wife theft or husband theft. In fact polygamy is such an illegal practice and can cause a group of men for example to steal most of the wives of a population by secretly marrying most of them through polygamy and giving males of the population adulterous polyandrous prostitutes that have sex with multiple men at the same time fooling them into thinking that they have sex with a spouse when in reality it is a prostitute that practices polyandry that is having sex with most of them; and so polygamist men and polyandrous woman can ruin a society and rob spouses of their pairs by marrying them in hoards. Which causes an uneven distribution of spouses to take place where a few men wind up with most of the women of a town, while a small number of polyandrous women wind up with most of the men in a town. Polygamy and polyandry is the legalization of having sex with multiple partners and is a form of promiscuity.
2-16.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against Usurpation of mates warfares against households of Humanity: The animalistic behavior of the usurpation of mates began with animals in the jungle fighting over an animal to mate with, this behavior was passed on the Human Beings who often attack each other to mate with a Human Beings. This behavior is mostly found in the male gender of Humanity. Both males and females have the capacity to display infringing behavior such as the usurpation of mates. Free inquiry is one of the easiest system of marriage and relationship where usurpation of mates is allowed and practiced. Free Inquiry is the system of marriage and relationship that allows a male or female to freely inquiry each other to inter a relationship despite of race, color, association, etc. The free inquiry system causes men and women to become very competitive against each other. Free Inquire is against the perfection of Humanity because it allows any Human Model Number to marry with any Human Model Number this causes incompatible matches to take place which causes relationship. The system I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis invented known as Perfect Pairing and Lifetime Partnership Marriages shall remove the Usurpation of Mates by Perfect Pairing two facial types that are Pre-Ordered to be with each other. Perfect Pairing uses a system of pairing Human faces and bodies that are a compatible facial type because they are the same race, color, and facial attribute similarities but such matches are made in a heterosexual manner between a Human Male and a Human Female. In the future Human Males and Females will be able to design their own children using their Mind Operating System when they receive in order from the pregnancy department of Marc GPL Creatic; such children shall be perfect paired with each other and will be born on the same day to separate parents that design them specifically for each other.
2-17.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against Babble Mutting Human Races: Babble Mutting of Humanity occurs when races of Humanity are mixed with each other despite of race, color, nationality, facial type, age, height, and genetic information. When a Human Race is babble mutted Distinctive races are not born in an orderly manner instead any color and any race is born out of just about anyone who has been babble mutted. The mixing of Human Races causes Babble Mutting to occur, when babble mutting occurs no pure race is born instead a mixed race is what is born from copulation of babble mutted people. Humanity currently posses 9 Destinctive Races some of these races came out of mixing blood with other races or not mixing blood with other races. Humanity must prevent the babble mutting of the 9 Human Races by putting anti race mixing laws into action. If anti-race mixing laws are not put in place the current policies of Free Inquire shall cause the babble mutting of the 9 races of Humanity. When this occurs no one will be able to give birth to a pure race instead a mixed race will come to be born that is babble mutted. To prevent a babble mutted race of Humanity from being born strict marital laws must be put in place that prevent race mixing and color mixing and facial model number mixing. In order for this to occur Perfect Pair Laws must be instituted into society. I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis invented Perfect Pair Laws that Arrange Heterosexual Males and Females in a Perfect Manner; furthermore I would like for Physical and Spiritual Scientists to invent a new way to insure that Mating Spouses will give birth to their own kind and color. When the Marc GPL Creatic obtain the Knowledge, Ability and Power parents will only give birth to children of their own race, kind, color, and facial type family. The disorderly marital arrangements that causes incompatible spouses who are of different races, different color types, and different facial family type shall come to an end and Perfect Pair Marriages is what will exists.
3.The Declaration of war against all disease warfare against humanity by any race or thing: Physical, Spiritual, and other forms of beings found on Earth are some of the main reasons Human Beings obtain and die of diseases. There is constant spiritual warfare against Human Beings by spiritual beings that are harmful. When spiritual beings are harmful they give Human Beings diseases. In fact some of the main reasons that there is no cure for certain illnesses is because spiritual beings have declared warfare against Human Beings to punish and kill them with diseases. Physical entities that cause illnesses to occur to Human Beings are also a cause of illnesses. Some Modern Human for the first time have the knowledge, ability, and power to create diseases in secret laboratories some of these evil scientists, nations, and secret societies have created secret biological warfare against Human groups that they do not like or seek to exterminate. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against all entities that declare disease warfare against Humanity to kill Humanity with diseases and illnesses; One of the number one problems Humanity currently have is illnesses and diseases The WDC (World Disease Committee) estimated in May of 2008 that there were approximately 3,699,653,106,579,668 diseases known to affect humans; that is 3 Quadrillion, 699 Trillion, 653 Billion, 106 Million, 579 Thousand, 668 diseases that affect Humanity; Only 4 of these known diseases have a cure. 100,000 diseases have been described by doctors and scientist. This unbelievable large numbers of diseases that affect Humanity is shocking the worst thing about it is that Humanity have only cured 4 of these diseases. Diseases are not only physical they are also spiritual many spiritual beings have the ability to give illnesses to Humanity sometimes a Human dies only because a spiritual being decided to eat the Human while giving the Human a disease at the same time to kill the Human. Humanity must obtain the Knowledge, Ability, and Power to detect and classify all causes of diseases wither they are physical, spiritual or any other composition. Humanity must also obtain the appropriate Knowledge, Ability, and Power to cure all diseases that will ever effect Human Beings. Listed below are the diseases that are the 12 greatest killers of Humanity in recent decades:
3-1. Coronary Artery Disease (Ischemic Heart Disease): The deadliest disease in the world is coronary artery disease (CAD). CAD, also called ischemic heart disease, occurs when the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart become narrowed. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about 7.4 million people died of ischemic heart disease in 2012. That was about 13.2 percent of all deaths In the United States, about 600,000 people die of heart disease every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That makes it the deadliest disease in the U.S., as well as the world. In the U.S. the most common type of heart disease is CAD, which takes about 380,000 lives each year. Among the risk factors are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking. Regular exercise, good nutrition, and weight control can help lower your risk of developing CAD. Where you live matters. Although it’s still the leading cause of death, mortality rates have declined in many European countries and in the United States. This may be due to better prevention and access to quality healthcare. However, in many developing nations, mortality rates due to CAD are on the rise.
3-2. Stroke: A stroke is when an artery in the brain is blocked or leaks. Oxygen-deprived brain cells begin to die within minutes. Stroke was responsible for 6.7 million deaths around the world in 2012, according to WHO. That figure represents about 11.9 percent of all deaths. CDC figures show that nearly 130,000 people in the United States die of stroke each year — that’s one person every four minutes. About one in four strokes occur in people who have had a prior stroke. Stroke is also a leading cause of disability. Risk factors for stroke are similar to those for CAD. In general, good health habits can lower your risks.
3-3. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): COPD is a chronic, progressive lung disease that makes it hard to breathe. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are types of COPD. About 3.1 million deaths were attributed to COPD in 2012, according to WHO. That represents about 5.6 percent of deaths, a rate that has held steady since 2000. In 2004, about 64 million people around the world were living with COPD. The main cause of COPD is tobacco — and that means secondhand smoke, too. Another factor is air pollution, both indoors and out. COPD affects men and women at about the same rate. There’s no cure for COPD, but its progression can be slowed down with medication. The American Lung Association estimates that in 2011, 12.7 million adults in the United States had COPD, but even more showed some sign of lung problems. There’s a great variation in the number of cases from state to state. In 2011, about 4 percent of people in Minnesota and Washington had COPD. In Alabama and Kentucky, it was more than 9 percent.
3-4. Lower Respiratory Infections: WHO estimates that lower respiratory infections caused about 3.1 million, or 5.5 percent of deaths in 2012. This group of diseases includes pneumonia, bronchitis, and influenza. Flu season lasts from December through February in the Northern Hemisphere and from June through August in the Southern Hemisphere. The risk is year round in tropical regions. According to the CDC, about 20 percent of travelers returning to the United States seek medical attention for respiratory infection following a trip. Packed cruise ships, hotels, and other close quarters increase risk of transmission and outbreaks of disease.
3-5. Trachea, Bronchus, and Lung Cancers: Trachea, bronchus, and lung cancer are all respiratory cancers. The main causes of this type of cancer are smoking, second-hand smoke, and environmental toxins. WHO estimates that in 2012, 1.6 million people died from trachea, bronchus, and lung cancers. These cancers represent about 2.9 percent of all deaths globally.'
3-6. HIV/AIDS *Source: amfAR HIV is short for human immunodeficiency virus. It’s a virus that attacks the immune system. HIV can cause AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. AIDS is a chronic, life-threatening condition. According to the Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR), since the start of the pandemic, almost 39 million people have died due to HIV/AIDS. In 2013, about 1.5 million people lost their lives to AIDS. That’s about 2.7 percent of deaths worldwide. By the end of 2012, 35.3 million people around the world were infected with HIV. Every day, about 5,700 more become infected. Rates vary dramatically by geographical location. HIV is rampant in sub-Saharan Africa, where almost one in 20 adults has it. The region is home to 70 percent of all people who have HIV. Sadly, it’s also home to 91 percent of the HIV-positive children in the world.
3-7. Diarrheal Diseases: Diarrhea is when you pass three or more loose stools a day. When diarrhea lasts more than a few days, your body loses too much water and salt. Death is due to dehydration. Diarrhea is usually caused by an intestinal infection transmitted through viruses, bacteria, or even parasites. This type of infection can easily spread through contaminated water or food. It’s particularly widespread in developing nations that have poor sanitary conditions. WHO estimates that 1.5 million people died from diarrheal diseases in 2012, which comprises about 2.7 percent of deaths. Fortunately, that’s down from 2.2 million in 2000. Diarrheal disease is the second top killer of children under age five. Tragically, about 760,000 children die from diarrheal diseases each year. According to a 2009 Unicef report, every year there are about 2.5 billion cases of diarrhea involving children under five years old. More than 50 percent occur in Africa and South Asia. More than 80 percent of child deaths due to diarrhea occur in those regions
3-8. Diabetes Mellitus: Diabetes is a group of diseases that affect insulin production and use. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas can no longer produce insulin. The cause is not known. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin, or it can’t be used effectively. Type 2 diabetes can be caused by a number of factors, including poor diet, lack of exercise, and carrying too much weight. In 2012, about 1.5 million people died from diabetes-related causes, according to WHO. People in low to middle income countries are more likely to die from complications of diabetes.
3-9. Preterm Birth Complications: According to WHO, in 2012, as many as 1.1 million deaths were due to prematurity and complications due to low birth weight. Three-quarters of these deaths happen within the first week of life. Lack of skilled medical care makes this a huge problem in developing countries. Many newborn deaths could be avoided with good prenatal and postnatal care.
3-10. Tuberculosis (TB): TB is a lung condition caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It’s an airborne disease that is often successfully treated. Some strains of TB are resistant to conventional treatments. Second-line drugs used to treat these patients are in limited supply. Some strains fail to respond to second-line treatment as well. In 2012, about 900,000 people lost their lives to TB, according to WHO estimates. The majority of TB-related deaths happen in poorer countries. It is one of the top causes of death for people who have HIV.
3-11. Malaria: Malaria is caused by a parasite that infects mosquitoes. People get it from the bite of an infected mosquito. Malaria caused about 627,000 deaths in 2012, according to WHO. Sub-Saharan Africa took the brunt with 90 percent of all malaria deaths. Malaria is not contagious.
3-12. Measles: Measles is a contagious viral disease that can be prevented through immunization. In 2010, it killed about 139,300 people around the world, according to the CDC.
3-13. Any race or thing that give diseases to Humanity must be stopped and brought to justice for murdering Human Beings with diseases. If it was not for death and diseases, warfare, uncontrollable natural disasters, and accidents and the occasional criminal activity from certain Humans life on Earth would be almost a Paradise with Knowledge, Ability, and Power Humanity can create a Lasting Paradise right here on Earth in our dimension and density. This earth currently is a land of death were all Human Beings die after a short life and disease is one of the main cause of our death. To make matters worst invisible beings which I have eye and ear witness to exists are killing and eating Human Beings with diseases. Humanity must gain the Knowledge, Ability, and Power in all reality systems where we exists to help each other stop all killers of Humanity no matter what method they use to kill Humanity. When the Marc-G-P-L Creatic obtain the appropriate Knowledge, Ability, and Power we shall cure all diseases and prosecute all beings in existences that kill or eat Human Beings.
4.The Declaration of warfare against all poverty and lower quality workmanship and development of Human Societies and Peoples: The richest people in the world almost own everything in the world, even though they do not even make up 1% of the population they own almost every resource in the world. The majority of Humanity in the amount of 80 percent of the world population live in poverty. Many organizations such as governments and religions have been here on Earth for ever thousands of years yet Humanity still majorly live in poverty in fact it is the policy of government, religions, and corporations that have caused this poverty to occur to Humanity. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against this poverty and poor workmanship that is against Humanity. When the Marc-G-P-L Creatic is established there shall be no charge for anything in society the Four Essentials of life will be given to everyone in society free of charge. The four essential of life are 1.Food and Energy, 2.Housing, 3.Medical Care, and 4.Eduction; but that is not the only thing that will be given for free standard supplies shall be given for free, anything that have to do with supporting livelyhood shall be given for free without any charge; furthermore that is not the only thing that shall be given for free, everything that is found in society shall be given and exchanged free of charge. There is also low quality workmanship found in the planet Earth such low quality workmanship can be found in the works of governments, religions, and corporations. Many countries have poor workmanship from all three care givers such as governments, religions, and corporations. Many people in the world or poor and live a low quality life because of poor workmanship by government, religion, and corporations. It does not make sense that Human Beings would be charged for essential services that maintain life. The fact that Humans are charged for such services proves that the system in charge of the world does not care for the well beings and safety of Humanity. Humanity is also not majorly under the management of Human Beings many times especially in the case of religions and even governments, Humanity is under the management of spiritual beings and sometimes these spiritual beings see Humanity as a food source, as a servant, and as a slave source this causes such spiritual beings to give low quality workmanship and services to Humanity; furthermore Racism and compatibility issues in between different races of Humanity have caused certain Human Races that have better technology and knowledge then other groups to selfishly hold on to such advantages for themselves while watching the rest of Humanity without such, knowledge, ability, and power found in the sciences and the arts live in poverty and in poor workmanship. Sabotage is often used against Human beings of certain races by invisible spiritual beings and visible racists and often religiously motivated Humans. When this occurs all useful workman of a certain race are hunted and killed or sabotaged by invisible spiritual beings or physical humans, this causes a void of quality workers from existing in such communities. Marc-G-P-L is seeking to upgrade Humanity as a whole into a Higher Quality of life that have no poverty at all in the community. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is seeking to upgrade third world countries to the same quality of life as first world countries. When the plans of Marc-G-P-L Creatic comes true the Planet Earth will be the Most Advanced Reality Continue-we-nation there shall be no poverty and low quality workmanship. Below are statistics of poverty levels around the world.
Almost half the world — over three billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. At least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day.
More than 80 percent of the world’s population lives in countries where income differentials are widening.
The poorest 40 percent of the world’s population accounts for 5 percent of global income. The richest 20 percent accounts for three-quarters of world income.
According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty. And they “die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scrutiny and the conscience of the world. Being meek and weak in life makes these dying multitudes even more invisible in death.”
Around 27-28 percent of all children in developing countries are estimated to be underweight or stunted. The two regions that account for the bulk of the deficit are South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. If current trends continue, the Millennium Development Goals target of halving the proportion of underweight children will be missed by 30 million children, largely because of slow progress in Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
5 Based on enrollment data, about 72 million children of primary school age in the developing world were not in school in 2005; 57 per cent of them were girls. And these are regarded as optimistic numbers.
Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names.
Less than one per cent of what the world spent every year on weapons was needed to put every child into school by the year 2000 and yet it didn’t happen.
Infectious diseases continue to blight the lives of the poor across the world. An estimated 40 million people are living with HIV/AIDS, with 3 million deaths in 2004. Every year there are 350–500 million cases of malaria, with 1 million fatalities: Africa accounts for 90 percent of malarial deaths and African children account for over 80 percent of malaria victims worldwide.
Water problems affect half of humanity: Some 1.1 billion people in developing countries have inadequate access to water, and 2.6 billion lack basic sanitation. Almost two in three people lacking access to clean water survive on less than $2 a day, with one in three living on less than $1 a day. More than 660 million people without sanitation live on less than $2 a day, and more than 385 million on less than $1 a day. Access to piped water into the household averages about 85% for the wealthiest 20% of the population, compared with 25% for the poorest 20%. 1.8 billion people who have access to a water source within 1 kilometre, but not in their house or yard, consume around 20 litres per day. In the United Kingdom the average person uses more than 50 litres of water a day flushing toilets (where average daily water usage is about 150 liters a day. The highest average water use in the world is in the US, at 600 liters day.) Some 1.8 million child deaths each year as a result of diarrhoea The loss of 443 million school days each year from water-related illness. Close to half of all people in developing countries suffering at any given time from a health problem caused by water and sanitation deficits. Millions of women spending several hours a day collecting water. To these human costs can be added the massive economic waste associated with the water and sanitation deficit.… The costs associated with health spending, productivity losses and labour diversions … are greatest in some of the poorest countries. Sub-Saharan Africa loses about 5% of GDP, or some $28.4 billion annually, a figure that exceeds total aid flows and debt relief to the region in 2003.
Number of children in the world
2.2 billion
Number in poverty
1 billion (every second child)
Shelter, safe water and health
For the 1.9 billion children from the developing world, there are:
640 million without adequate shelter (1 in 3)
400 million with no access to safe water (1 in 5)
270 million with no access to health services (1 in 7)
Children out of education worldwide
121 million
Survival for children
10.6 million died in 2003 before they reached the age of 5 (same as children population in France, Germany, Greece and Italy)
1.4 million die each year from lack of access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation
Health of children
Worldwide, 2.2 million children die each year because they are not immunized
15 million children orphaned due to HIV/AIDS (similar to the total children population in Germany or United Kingdom)
Rural areas account for three in every four people living on less than US$1 a day and a similar share of the world population suffering from malnutrition. However, urbanization is not synonymous with human progress. Urban slum growth is outpacing urban growth by a wide margin.
Approximately half the world’s population now live in cities and towns. In 2005, one out of three urban dwellers (approximately 1 billion people) was living in slum conditions.
13 In developing countries some 2.5 billion people are forced to rely on biomass—fuelwood, charcoal and animal dung—to meet their energy needs for cooking. In sub-Saharan Africa, over 80 percent of the population depends on traditional biomass for cooking, as do over half of the populations of India and China.
Indoor air pollution resulting from the use of solid fuels [by poorer segments of society] is a major killer. It claims the lives of 1.5 million people each year, more than half of them below the age of five: that is 4000 deaths a day. To put this number in context, it exceeds total deaths from malaria and rivals the number of deaths from tuberculosis.
In 2005, the wealthiest 20% of the world accounted for 76.6% of total private consumption. The poorest fifth just 1.5%:
The poorest 10% accounted for just 0.5% and the wealthiest 10% accounted for 59% of all the consumption:
16 1.6 billion people — a quarter of humanity — live without electricity:
Breaking that down further: Number of people living without electricity
Millions without electricity
South Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa
East Asia
The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the 41 Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (567 million people) is less than the wealth of the world’s 7 richest people combined.
World gross domestic product (world population approximately 6.5 billion) in 2006 was $48.2 trillion in 2006. The world’s wealthiest countries (approximately 1 billion people) accounted for $36.6 trillion dollars (76%). The world’s billionaires — just 497 people (approximately 0.000008% of the world’s population) — were worth $3.5 trillion (over 7% of world GDP).
Low income countries (2.4 billion people) accounted for just $1.6 trillion of GDP (3.3%) Middle income countries (3 billion people) made up the rest of GDP at just over $10 trillion (20.7%).
The world’s low income countries (2.4 billion people) account for just 2.4% of world exports
The total wealth of the top 8.3 million people around the world “rose 8.2 percent to $30.8 trillion in 2004, giving them control of nearly a quarter of the world’s financial assets.” In other words, about 0.13% of the world’s population controlled 25% of the world’s financial assets in 2004. A conservative estimate for 2010 finds that at least a third of all private financial wealth, and nearly half of all offshore wealth, is now owned by world’s richest 91,000 people – just 0.001% of the world’s population.
The next 51 percent of all wealth is owned by the next 8.4 million — just 0.14% of the world’s population. Almost all of it has managed to avoid all income and estate taxes, either by the countries where it has been invested and or where it comes from
For every $1 in aid a developing country receives, over $25 is spent on debt repayment.
51 percent of the world’s 100 hundred wealthiest bodies are corporations.
The wealthiest nation on Earth has the widest gap between rich and poor of any industrialized nation.
The poorer the country, the more likely it is that debt repayments are being extracted directly from people who neither contracted the loans nor received any of the money.
In 1960, the 20% of the world’s people in the richest countries had 30 times the income of the poorest 20% — in 1997, 74 times as much.
An analysis of long-term trends shows the distance between the richest and poorest countries was about:
3 to 1 in 1820
11 to 1 in 1913
35 to 1 in 1950
44 to 1 in 1973
72 to 1 in 1992
“Approximately 790 million people in the developing world are still chronically undernourished, almost two-thirds of whom reside in Asia and the Pacific.”
28 For economic growth and almost all of the other indicators, the last 20 years [of the current form of globalization, from 1980 - 2000] have shown a very clear decline in progress as compared with the previous two decades [1960 - 1980]. For each indicator, countries were divided into five roughly equal groups, according to what level the countries had achieved by the start of the period (1960 or 1980). Among the findings: Growth: The fall in economic growth rates was most pronounced and across the board for all groups or countries. Life Expectancy: Progress in life expectancy was also reduced for 4 out of the 5 groups of countries, with the exception of the highest group (life expectancy 69-76 years). Infant and Child Mortality: Progress in reducing infant mortality was also considerably slower during the period of globalization (1980-1998) than over the previous two decades. Education and literacy: Progress in education also slowed during the period of globalization.
29 A mere 12 percent of the world’s population uses 85 percent of its water, and these 12 percent do not live in the Third World.
Consider the global priorities in spending in 1998
Global Priority
$U.S. Billions
Cosmetics in the United States
Ice cream in Europe
Perfumes in Europe and the United States
Pet foods in Europe and the United States
Business entertainment in Japan
Cigarettes in Europe
Alcoholic drinks in Europe
Narcotics drugs in the world
Military spending in the world
And compare that to what was estimated as additional costs to achieve universal access to basic social services in all developing countries:
Global Priority
$U.S. Billions
Basic education for all
Water and sanitation for all
Reproductive health for all women
Basic health and nutrition
4-1.These statistics prove that poverty around the world is a system failure. The Human Race is currently under a system failure in which low quality of life is the norm among the majority of Humanity. The poverty level among Humanity proves that most of Humanity live in an anti-pleasic manner, and that hell is never too far from consuming such poor people from fatalities that would normally not occur to them if they were wealthy like the the few that are wealthy among Humanity; furthermore no amount of wealth seems to take away the burden of mortality, fatality, sickness, and catastrophes from Humanity. Humanity requires the appropriate Knowledge, Ability, and Power to solve difficulties that are caused by insufficient knowledge, ability, and power. Furthermore even if Humanity had sufficient knowledge, ability, and power to remove all poverty, and illnesses, compatibility issues arising from racial differences, religious differences, and governmental differences, economic competition, and resource distribution would still cause animosity and warfare to occur between Human Beings; therefore Humanity must find a way to resolve compatibility issues even by separation into different planetary system were only groups that are compatible with each other live. Marc-G-P-L Creatic shall research these compatibility issues and find solutions to resolve such compatibility issues.
5.The Declaration of warfare against the aborting of Human Children and Humanity as a Race and Species: Abortion started from the idea of racist eugenicist that believed in racial cleansing through the process of genocide which included abortion as a method to decrease the population of unwanted peoples in the viewpoint of evil racists. Evil racists such as Margaret Sanger the founder of planned parenthood who opened the first birth control clinic to terminate and kill unborn children On October 16, 1916, Sanger opened a family planning and birth control clinic at 46 Amboy St. in the Brownsville neighborhood of Brooklyn, the first of its kind in the United States. Margaret Sanger was a racists who believed in genocide of races that were non white European races, her plans came true after she opened the first abortion clinic in 1916 as a result of her work over over 1,260,000,000 unborn children have been killed since 1973 to 2012 and many more unborn children are being murdered every day. Everyday 125,000 children are murdered in abortion clinics wordwide. The data on abortions displayed on the Worldometers' counter is based on the latest statistics on worldwide abortions published by the World Health Organization (WHO). According to WHO, every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day. In the USA, where nearly half of pregnancies are unintended and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion, there are over 3,000 abortions per day in the United States. Twenty-two percent of all pregnancies in the USA (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion. WORLDWIDE: Number of abortions per year: Approximately 42 Million if the figure of 42 million abortions per year continue for 25 years 1,050,000,000 One Billion Fifty Million Babies will be cold bloodedly murdered before they are born and grow into adulthood. Number of abortions per day: Approximately 115,000. Abortion became legal in the United States firstly in 1973 after roe vs wade when a white American female went to court against her white American husband to terminate her unborn child the case went to the supreme court and shockingly the united states supreme court legalized abortion throughout the whole world shockingly and terminated that one child by hypocrite doctors who are suppose to take the Hippocratic oat which include these words in it “I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy” yet these doctors break the Hippocratic oat like the hypocrites they are and kill and murder unborn children who are alive inside of their mothers; because of the termination of that one child the legalization of abortion worldwide have caused over one billion children to be murdered worldwide and will cause billions of unborn children to be murdered worldwide if abortion is not criminalised worldwide as the crime murder. Based on mathematical calculations to this year 2012 it has been 39 years since roe vs wade when abortion became legal throughout the World According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), since 1973, roughly 50 million legal induced abortions have been performed in the United States alone. World wide is even more shocking, there have been over 1,260,000,000 abortions performed worldwide since 1973 to 2012 these are all murdered aborted children that is One billion Two Hundred Sixty Million Children that have been murdered through the legalization of abortion throughout the world since Nineteen Seventy Three till Two Thousand and Twelve Common Era. Shockingly 83% of all abortions are obtained in developing countries and 17% occur in developed countries. This is mass murder and an outrage no matter where abortion takes place throughout the world and Marc-G-P-L-Creatic Nations and Continue-we-nation. After reading this data abortion should be illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency medical reason, because abortion is the evil killing of unborn children.
5-1.Where abortions occur: 83% of all abortions are obtained in developing countries and 17% occur
in developed countries. After reading this data abortion should be illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency
medical reason, because abortion is the evil killing of unborn children.
5-2.UNITED STATES: Number of abortions per year: 1.37 Million (1996) Number of abortions per day:
Approximately 3,700. After reading this data abortion should be illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency
medical reason, because abortion is the evil killing of unborn children.
5-3.Who’s having abortions (age)? 52% of women obtaining abortions in the U.S. are younger than
25: Women aged 20-24 obtain 32% of all abortions; Teenagers obtain 20% and girls under 15 account for 1.2%.
After reading this data abortion should be illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency medical reason, because
abortion is the evil killing of unborn children.
5-4.Who’s having abortions by (race)? While white women obtain 60% of all abortions, their abortion
rate is well below that of minority women. Black women are more than 3 times as likely as white women to have
an abortion, and Hispanic women are roughly 2 times as likely. After reading this data abortion should be
illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency medical reason, because abortion is the evil killing of unborn
5-5.Who’s having abortions (marital status)? 64.4% of all abortions are performed on never married
women; Married women account for 18.4% of all abortions and divorced women obtain 9.4%. After reading this
data abortion should be illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency medical reason, because abortion is the evil
killing of unborn children.
5-6.Who’s having abortions (religion)? Women identifying themselves as Protestants obtain 37.4% of
all abortions in the U.S.; Catholic women account for 31.3%, Jewish women account for 1.3%, and women with
no religious affiliation obtain 23.7% of all abortions. 18% of all abortions are performed on women who identify
themselves as “Born-again/ Evangelical”. After reading this data abortion should be illegalized except for the 1
legal emergency medical reason, because abortion is the evil killing of unborn children.
5-7.Who’s having abortions (income)?: Women with family incomes less than $15,000 obtain 28.7% of
all abortions; Women with family incomes between $15,000 and $29,999 obtain 19.5%; Women with family
incomes between $30,000 and $59,999 obtain 38.0%; Women with family incomes over $60,000 obtain 13.8%.
After reading this data abortion should be illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency medical reason, because
abortion is the evil killing of unborn children.
5-8.Why women have abortions: 1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest; 6% of abortions
occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child, and 93% of all abortions occur
for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient). After reading this data abortion should be
illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency medical reason, because abortion is the evil killing of unborn
5-9.At what gestational ages are abortions performed: 52% of all abortions occur before the 9th
week of pregnancy, 25% happen between the 9th & 10th week, 12% happen between the 11th and 12th week,
6% happen between the 13th & 15th week, 4% happen between the 16th & 20th week, and 1% of all abortions
(16,450/yr.) happen after the 20th week of pregnancy. After reading this data abortion should be illegalized
except for the 1 legal emergency medical reason, because abortion is the evil killing of unborn children.
5-10.Likelihood of abortion: An estimated 43% of all women will have at least 1 abortion by the time
they are 45 years old. 47% of all abortions are performed on women who have had at least one previous
abortion. After reading this data abortion should be illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency medical reason,
because abortion is the evil killing of unborn children.
5-11.Abortion coverage: 48% of all abortion facilities provide services after the 12th week of
pregnancy. 9 in 10 managed care plans routinely cover abortion or provide limited coverage. About 14% of all
abortions in the United States are paid for with public funds, virtually all of which are state funds. As of 2013,
Seventeen states ( Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota,
Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and West Virginia) pay for
abortions for some poor women and fund all or most medical necessary abortions, exceeding federal
requirements. After reading this data abortion should be illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency medical
reason, because abortion is the evil killing of unborn children.
5-12.1 out of 3 African Americans Don't Exists Today Because of Abortion: Being an Afro-Genetic Child in the stomach of an African American mom in America is more dangerous then the mortality rate of prostitutes who catch HIV/AIDS. While 50% percent or 1 out of 2 prostitutes will die of HIV/AIDS; 60% percent of African American Woman will get an abortion and kill their unborn child; 3 out 5 African American woman have killed a child through an abortion doctor since 1973. Being an Afro-Genetic child in the stomach of an African American mom is one of the most dangerous jobs and situations on the Planet Earth. This situation is planned by planned parenthood an organization that was institutionalized to kill people of color by a woman named Margaret Sanger who most likely was a member of a secret society of racists. Since 1973 to 2011 (14.5 Million) African American Children have been murdered in abortion clinics supported by the United States Government and the United Nations. Abortion was ligalized in America after Roe a pregnant woman won a lawsuit against the state of taxes to kill her baby who was represented by District Attorney Wade. In 2011 the African American Population was 39,031,000 From 1973 to 2011 14.5 million African American Children Were Murdered through Abortion Clinics. 39,031,000 people is the population of African Americans in 2011 if we add the 14,500,000 children that were murdered through abortions the population would have been 53,531,000 African American people that would have been alive around 2011. If we do the math we find out that 27 Percent of African Americans Were Murdered through abortion clinics from 1973 to 2011 If we do the math again we find out that 1 out of 3 African Americans were murdered inside of their mothers womb therefore 1 out of 3 African Americans don't exist in 2011 because they were murdered as children inside of their mothers womb. Though 49 out of 100,000 African American Men will commit a murder, it is calculated that 3 out of 5 African American Woman will murder their own baby inside of their stomach through doctors in abortion clinics "the founder of Planned Parenthood, Was Margaret Sanger. Sanger was a eugenicist and thought of the Black and Brown races as inferior. She sought, through the use of contraception, and later, Abortion, to reduce and ultimately eliminate them". Abortion is the Greatest Genocide since mortality of humanity to befall against Humanity. Abortion Must be illegalized. Many workmen and women, and immortal spirits and souls will not exists because of abortion.
5-13.This is one of the reasons why an abortionists who actually kill a child through abortion should receive a death sentence; “40,000 babies, That’s the number of babies Charles Benjamin admits to aborting in his 30 years of being in the “pregnancy termination“ business”; outrageously this man named Charles Benjamin murdered 40,000 children in the stomach of their mother, this proves that an abortion doctor or abortionists is one of the biggest murderers that could exists in a society as a result of this murderous trade and criminal behavior abortionists should be killed and receive a death sentence to defend society from grand murderers. Any female after abortion is made to be illegal, who commit an illegal abortion that is not for the 1 reasons of (imminent death from pregnancy) shall be arrested and taken to a correctional institution for violating the One Law Of Death (Olod), the woman who had the abortion shall not be killed but shall receive 60 years of imprisonment or until she turns 100 years old which ever one comes first; if she is a mortal human who live less then 100 years if she live past 100 years she shall be released on her 100th birthday; if she is an immortal she shall receive 1,000 years in prison if her husband agreed for her to have the abortion he shall also receive 60 years of imprisonment or shall be released on his 100th birthday whichever one comes first; if he is an immortal he shall receive 1,000 years in prison, but the abortionists doctor who actually killed the unborn child shall receive a death sentence for murdering children and shall be killed by the law after rehabilitation for 60 years; at the prison institution the abortionists shall receive rehabilitation into a noncriminal who totally reject abortion, for the rest of their life. Any woman who abort a child shall also be required to have another child to replace the aborted child inside or outside of the rehabilitation prison institution. An abortion is the termination of a child when the egg meet the sperm and start to grow into life inside of the Mothers Matrix, it is not an abortion unless the sperm meets the egg and start to grow into life. Abortion is especially illegal because at one point the practice of abortion killed more Afro Genetic people in the United States then the 7 leading causes of death in their community. Abortion killed at least 203,991 blacks in the 36 states and two cities (New York City and the District of Columbia) that reported abortions by race in 2005, according to the CDC. During that same year, according to the CDC, a total of 198,385 blacks nationwide died from heart disease, cancer, strokes, accidents, diabetes, homicide, and chronic lower respiratory diseases combined. These were the seven leading causes of death for black Americans that year and abortion killed more black unborn children then all of 7 leading causes of death combined for the year of 2005; Furthermore genocidally the abortion conspirators put 80% of the abortion clinics in Black, or Afro-Genetic Neighbourhoods.
5-14.A human birth is legal even though human beings are mortal human beings are among the more
precious births; therefore the abortion of human beings is illegal; furthermore one day humanity as a species
shall become immortal if humanity is not aborted from existences by another race or kind or by each other;
therefore the abortion of a human being is illegal. Even though human beings are currently mortal human
beings possess an immortal component known as a spirit that continue on after death therefore the abortion of
a child is the killing of a human body and an immortal human spirit before it is born; therefore abortion is
illegal. I would like to start writing this anti-abortion law by giving a few examples. If we allow abortion to take
place in our society we may here people say you know the inventor of the next great important invention that
child was aborted yesterday, or you know the inventor of the next medical cure that child was aborted a few
years ago, or the next great leader that child was aborted a few years ago, or some of our More Perfect
employees they were aborted days, months, and years ago; these are some reasons out of many why abortion
should be illegal. Abortion is illegal except for 1 applicable emergency reasons which is; the case of the mother
being in imminent danger of death and will surely die if the mother carry the child an example which is “when
the embryo attaches somewhere inside the mother’s body in a place other than the inner lining of the uterus”
such as Ectopic Pregnancy that is not resolvable, or a still birth dead child inside the mother that began to rot
which result in the poisoning of the blood of the mother which can result in her death; “It is only ethical to
remove the tubal pregnancy if spontaneous resolution does not occur after watchful waiting and if the physician
is 100% certain that there are no twins”; ”What is rarely realized is that there are several cases in the medical
literature where abdominal ectopic pregnancies have survived! There are no cases of ectopic pregnancies in a
fallopian tube surviving, but several large studies have confirmed that time and patience will allow for
spontaneous regression of the tubal ectopic pregnancy the vast majority of the time. So chemical or surgical
removal of an ectopic pregnancy is not always necessary to save the mother ’s life after all”; but when Marc-G-PL-
Creatic Beings and Humanity possess advanced abilities to correct all pregnancy complications, such as
technology tools, supernatural powers, codex powers, source code powers, proven to work magic and sorcery,
matrixal powers, medications, surgical transitions, Mental, Physical, Spiritual, or Higher knowledge and ability
then abortion for the 1 applicable emergency reason which is imminent danger of death is no longer an option
and abortion will be totally illegal; furthermore, even before Humanity obtain advanced abilities and tools,
Humanity must find a way to undo ectopic pregnancies and to save women's lives from Ectopic pregnancies so
that abortion for the 1 legal reason which is to save a women's live from pregnancy complications may be
lessened or totally removed from society. When Marc-G-P-L-Creatic Beings possess the advanced ability to
reverse rape inserted pregnancies by removing the sperm of the rapists from the egg of the rape victim and
placing the sperm back inside the rapists reproductive organ without harming the egg or the sperm and
reassembling the egg of the female back to its previous condition without harming it it is known as reverse
transcriptose and is illegal to use for rape inserted children because though it is illegal to commit rape the child
is Innocent of the crime, also there is fear that the rape inserted child may be an important person that is
terminated because the father was a criminal rapists therefore it is a danger to abort any child because the child. Though incest is illegal, Abortion shall not be given for incest in Marc-G-P-L-Creatic Society.
6.The Declaration of warfare against the termination and torturing of Human Beings in hell systems on Earth, in any higher or lower worlds or any other reality system: Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against all systems of hell where Human Beings are being tortured to death or forever. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against hell on earth and hell in any other places in existences so long as it is Human Beings that are being tortured in such hells, Marc-G-P-L Creatic seek to rescue such Human Beings from temporary hells and eternal hells. Especially genuine Humans that are born on the Planet Earth are capable of being Good most of the time and most Human Beings are capable of rehabilitation and reprogramming. Although some Human form beings that are not Human are not changeable nor rehabilitable; most Humans that are Genuine Humans that were born on the Planet Earth are capable of being rehabilitated and are capable of Beings Good. Some creatures are not able to be good neither are they changeable, such unchangeable and unrehabilitable beings shall not be rescued from hells, but shall be discontinued from existences completely. Containable, restrain-able, rehabilitable, and kill-able Humans are not supposed to be tortured in hell for all eternity, neither are they suppose to be tortured. Most Human Beings are containable, restrain-able, rehabilitable, and killable this means that Humans are not suppose to be tortured in hell systems because they are containable, restrain-able, rehabilitable, and kill-able. The being that are torturing Human Beings in hell systems are evil against Humanity and are cruel to Humanity. Humanity must be punished correctly instead of incorrectly. Many times Humans Beings go to hell systems because of the religions of the world in fact on Earth it is mostly religions that are causing Human Beings to go to hell systems. Some religions that have figured out how reality systems work have chosen the evil path of tormenting and torturing Human Beings forever even in hell systems; some of these religions believe in different sentencing such as short stays in hells, long stays in hells, and eternal stays in hells. Human Beings are suppose to be treated in a More Perfect way then being tormented and tortured in hell systems; furthermore, the being that are torturing Human Beings in hell system are mainly non-human beings that are spiritual, demonic, godly, and matrix system beings. These non-human beings are mostly inhumane and cruel towards Humanity some of them even eat Human Beings as a food source. Because some of the people that are torturing Human Beings even eat Human Beings as a food source such cannibalistic beings have no sympathy, empathy, nor compassion for Human Beings nor for the pain, anti-pleasure, and hell fatality of Human Beings. Humanity must obtain more knowledage, ability, and Power so that Humanity can defend ourselves and our families from all forms of hells including temporary hells and eternal hells. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is seeking to obtain Greater knowledge, Ability, and Power to prevent and remove Humans from hell systems. Marc-G-P-L Creatic believe that Human Beings should only be punished for wrongs and crimes in 3 ways; way 1 include imprisonment and rehabilitation, way 2 include the death penalty, way 3 include discontinuity for those that are unchangeable and evil and very harmful to others; other systems of belief, government, and religion believe in large numbers of ways to punish Humans Beings in hells even infinite numbers of way to punish Human Beings are being sought after by some evil organizations such as organizations that believe in hell without interruption or eternal hells. All institutions that are responsible for torturing and tormenting Human Beings in hell systems must be removed from the planet Earth in order for the Plans of Marc-G-P-L Creatic to remove all hell from the lives of Human Beings to come true.
7.The Declaration of warfare against the spreading of Anti-Pleasure and Painfulness throughout Human Society: Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against the system of anti-pleasure and painfulness throughout the Human life and Society. Anti-pleasure is anything that takes away the Peace, Security, Good Pleasure, Happiness, and Contentment With Life of Humanity Humanity. There is a large category of things that take away the Pleasure and Pleasantness of Humanity; Humanity cannot be content with life so long as anti-pleasure is a part of Human Life; Common things that take away the contentment with life and pleasure of Humanity include, sickness, death, crime, accidents, disappointments, warfare, natural disasters, bad relationships, and other things; After all calculations and reactions, it is the appropriate Knowledge, Ability, and Power that will save Humanity from all anti-pleasure, to way to get rid of all anti-pleasure is the obtainment of the appropriate Knowledge, Ability, and Power; Marc-G-P-L Creatic is seeking after the appropriate Knowledge, Ability, and Power to remove all anti-pleasure, painfulness and hell from the everyday life of Humanity and other approved beings.
8.The Declaration of Warfare against the destruction of Human Paradises in Existences: One of the greatest wealth Humanity will ever have is Marc-G-P-L Creatic version of Paradises; Marc-G-P-L Creatic is seeking to become the greates builder of Paradises; Marc-G-P-L Creatic already have the Most Perfect, and More Perfect formulas of Paradise. I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis am one of the Greatest thinkers when it comes to the building of Paradises that have ever lived and will ever live. Human Being must declare war against any being that seek to take away and destroy Human Paradises. Humanity as a group must build Paradises only to dwell in. When Paradise is established as a commonality of everyday experiences in the life of Human Being Humanity becomes content with life. Contentment with life is one of the Greatest achievement a Human Being or other Being will ever have. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is not seeking for worship but something far greater then worship which is Knowledge, Ability, and Power and the achievement of the Three More Perfect Purposes and Plan; when a Human Being possesses Knowledge, Ability, Power, and the Three More Perfect Purposes and Plan every good thing is obtained and maintained and Life become More Perfect and Content. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is seeking after the appropriate Knowledge, Ability, and Power to prevent the destruction of Human Paradises and the appropriate Knowledge, Ability, and Power to build the Paradises that are More Perfect.
9.The Declaration of Warfare against evil racists practices that doom the Human Race: Compatibility issues have always been a part of Human Life. When beings and things are not compatible they resort to attacking, fighting, rejecting, and even killing each other from existences. Racism is a great danger for Humanity as a whole and can lead to the end of Humanity. If Human Beings hate each other enough they will resort to killing one another from existences. Racism is one of the greatest obstacles Humanity will have to overcome. Humanity must learn to respect each others abode, spouses, families, kind, and property in order for racism to end on the Planet Earth. Human Being must first respect each others abode by not illegality migrating to another Humans territory or invading another Humans home, Human Being must respect each others spouses by not mating inappropriately with each others races, but by mating inside of their own race and kind; Human Being must respect each others families by not killing other Humans because they are not family; Human Being must respect each other kind by not attempting to kill another Humans kind because they are different in color and physical attributes; Human Beings must respect each others property by not stealing property from other Human Beings. Racism is one of the most deadly weapon Human Beings will use against each other, other non-human beings have taken notice of the fragile Pandora box that is among Human Beings which is racism. Racism is as a powder keg waiting to explode into genocide among Humanity. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is seeking to remove racism from Humanity not by intrusions, but by management and respect for the existence of each other.
10.The Declaration of Warfare against policies and practices that cause Humanity to lack Knowledge, Ability, and Power: Knowledge, Ability, and Power, is the greatest wealth and advantage Humanity will ever have with Knowledge, Ability, and Power Humanity will achieve all Good Things. Humanity must declare war against all things that keep Humanity from obtaining the Highest Knowledge, Ability, and Power. After all calculations and reactions I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis came to the conclusion that there is nothing greater then Knowledge, Ability, and Power; and the Knowledge, Ability, and Power I speak of is Genuine Knowledge, Ability, and Power not false Knowledge, Ability, and Power. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is seeking after Genuine Knowledge, Ability, and Power to Maintain, control, and create all Universal Phenomena and all Phenomena of Existences. After the obtainment of such Knowledge, Ability, and Power is obtained by Marc-G-P-L Creatic only Good Phenomena that lead to the More Perfect Possibility shall be allowed to take place in Marc-G-P-L Creatic Societies.
11.The Declaration of Warfare against those who intrude in Human Homes and Worlds to harm Human Beings: Ever since the beginning of Human Existence Humanity have had trouble with intruders that intrude in Human life. Even the greatest home Human Beings will ever have which is the Human Body is invaded by predators that seek to kill the Human Body. Humanity must obtain the Knowledge, Ability, and Power to protect the Human Self, the Human World, and the Human Community from intruders that harm Humanity. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is seeking after the Knowledge, Ability and Power to protect the Human Person, the Human Community, the Human Home, and the Human World from all intruders and killers that harm Humanity.
12.The Declaration of Warfare against the inability for Humans to control what progeny comes out of them without killing or aborting children: Marc-G-P-L Creatic is seeking to give Human Being Genuine Power to control the end result of a Child's Birth. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is seeking to change the way children are born among Humanity. Currently children are born in a dangerous manner in which a mother have great birth pain when giving birth to a child. Many mothers die from child birth complications and many children die because of the birth process of Humanity. Marc-G-P-L Creatic came up with a new birth method that involves firstly the Marc-G-P-L Creatic pregnancy department designing the child information directions are given to the parents then the parents create the child then the child is born as an egg cocoon then the egg cocoon is placed inside of a growing chamber where the child grows to full size; both spouses the male and female Human spouses are born next to each other in the hospital; they are brought home where they begin to learn all formatation and education, and programming to function in Marc-G-P-L Creatic society. Marc-G-P-L Creatic Progeny are born with pre-formatted Knowledge, Ability, and Power to function and prevail in life. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is seeking to give Humanity a new inheritance that is far More Perfect then current human existence.
13.The Declaration of Warfare against imperfect governments to establish Perfect Governments of Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way: Government is the Operating System Guide of Humanity whatever government permits that is what Human Being will do. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is seeking to build a More Perfect Government; in fact such a formula and Codex have already been written by me Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis. I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis am the leader of the Government of Marc-G-P-L Creatic I have written a Perfect Governmental Formula to order the daily lives of Human Beings that fallow the governmental laws and manual of Marc-G-P-L Creatic. Wherever the Marc-G-P-L Creatic is built and established the Governmental Manual, Format, and Order System of Marc-G-P-L Creatic is what shall cause perfection to exists in the Continue-we-nation; Marc-G-P-L Creatic is seeking after the Knowledge, Ability, and Power to build the Perfect Government of Marc-G-P-L Creatic.
14.The Declaration of Warfare against all incompatible systems on Earth to Establish Marc-G-P-L Creatic: The Planet Earth is filled with incompatible system and beings; in fact the very system of the Earth is established with all beings and things that are against each other; animals constantly feed on each other as food as they fight for territory. Humans seasonally go to war against each other for territory and conflicts; furthermore, Human Beings are in great competition for resources and wealth against each other. Gods, Devils, Angels, Aliens, Matrixes Entities, World Entities, and Universal Entities, are in constant competition against each other and some of them even eat each other as food for survival and because of hatred. In order to establish Marc-G-P-L Creatic on Earth, Marc-G-P-L Creatics must declare war against all incompatible systems that are against the progress of Marc-G-P-L Creatic, but I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis would much rather leave town to my own dimension then to declare such warfare, but as a last resort Marc-G-P-L Creatic have the option to inter the war of incompatibles and fight for a place in this sometimes horrible world called the Planet Earth and the surrounding realities that are connected with each other that are in constant competition with each other.
Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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