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Listening to Aaliyah at your best you are love; keep us and our Obligations to accept love even if we prefer Obligations in our lives to be met love can come along with us, but we seek to feel the pleasures in our lives intead of the negative waves and wicked that seek to take away our inteligence and leave us in sorrows we seek to keep Humanity close to us and keep the non human monsters away from creeping on us; but at Our Best we are Love and our Obligations in Life keep love going for without obligations love soon comes to an end, for Our Obligations are Greater then our Love; but at our best we do experience what is Love;
Listening to Tony Toni Tone Anniversary can help you to enjoy your Anniversaries on earthy and keep going forward and see one more year hope you are in pleasure instead of pain and are achieving Paradise in Your Annniversay instead of hells and if you are in hells keep listening to R&B or Rythm and Blues and it will help you survive the blues that hell causes in your life and Allow Paradise to Move into your life and keep you loving to listen to Paradise in your mind instead of the hells that seek to creep into our lives;
Listening to Ashanti Causes Paradise to occur, throughout the difficult time women goes through against evil that kills Paradise Ashanti is a Song about making up when break up takes place to keep to Positive Vibes going to Untie from the evil dog days, Ashanti helps untying women from the dogs of hell that are destroying them from the lives of Heterosexuals and Makes Up women with Men in a Heterosexual Manner;
Listening to Avant can Help Paradise Waves Come Back in the lives of People; Avant is Pictured in an Apartment building at a Party with a Girl Dancing at a house Party; Avant takes position with the women to cause Paradise and Happiness to Occur with his song, Keep Listening to Avant in the times of battle against the negative waves of hells and Paradise waves will come back to you;
Bobby V. Tell Me Causes Paradise to Occur The Song goes to many sceneries and wind up at a beach party sceen and bobby V. and a group of women a singing and dancing; (I always ignore the part were he says "I'm thanking god" because the god proved to cuase the end of Human Paradises to prefer animals) so in the Part where he says "I'm thanking god ignor that Part"; and keep listening to the rest of the song the Song have proven to keep paradise Continuing in the Pesons Life;
Kut Klose is Singing a song that not all beings, things, or reality can ever sing for there is great evil in existences but Kut Klose Knows how to sing something very Positive and Paradise Filled instead of evil, they have Love in their Heart instead the evil that ruins all that it can, Make Real Positive Peoples and Worlds instead of evil negative wicked worlds and realities, they Know how to sing Positive Music.
SONGS THAT CAUSE PARADISE TO OCCUR : I GREATNESSMARC CERTIFY THAT THESE SONGS HELP PARADISE TO OCCUR: LISTENING TO THESE SONGS CAN IMPROVE YOUR LOVE LIFE AND SEX LIFE AND HETEROSEXUAL OBLIGATIONS ( Note these Artists are part of the Hollywood strugle of falsehood against the actual artists that is contrary to what they portray about themselves. These artists personal lifestyle and life may be contrary to what they portray that they are in fantasy, MarcPerfect is looking to improve such a condition one day. ) Be Pro or Be Con in Opinion;
Xscape as a Quartet Sings a Song about Paradise but I GreatnessMarc knows that not all beings, things, or reality know how to sing such a beautiful song for evil is very real so when we find some, Beings, Thing, or Reality that is Positive instead of negative and evil we appreciate that we could ever find such a thing in the Universe.
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Listening to Ryanna Please Dont Stop the Music will keep you going to reach your destinations in life; and overcome the coldness of hells that seek to break into our lilves; The song want to take you away from all the hells and evil that make our years go away and our happiness go away; Please dont stop the music remind us not to stop the music of life, and to keep the music of life going instead of stop it, and to go on with Paradise in our lives and to shun hells in our lives, and not let the hells make ur not to see the years of our lives and to keep going;
Listening to Changing Faces can cause Sex to occur in the lives of Positive Heterosexual Human Beings who don mind their Obligations to each other to have sex with each other instead of hate having sex with each other, This song is for those who dont mind gentle love instead of ruffing up women; this song prepare us for great combat against the evil of taking away human females from human males, and teaches Human males to keep stroking human females and keep liking human female and keep making love to human female and to keep their obligations to human females, instead of not living up to their obligations of Heterosexuality of Human Beings with each other;
Bobby Valentino then goes to Melrose Street to Cause paradise to occur against sin; and to Slow down sin; to slow down lgbt; and savor the happy times among Humanity; and he speaks of Lovely women to keep Heterosexual Love going and Obligation between men and women; he speaks of love blooming and watering the love between Men and Women in a Heterosexual Manner, Bobby V. have Marc Perfect Approval he Appreciates Women; The Song Fights Against evil's desire to kill it from preventing Happiness;
Listening to The Isley Brother Eternal can cause Paradise to occur Ronald Isley Sings "Here and Now, Wonna take a Lovers Vow, I want you to come with me now"; take a journey with Ronald Song and maybe if you overcome the evil by keeping them away from you can may one day reach Eternal life by not agreeing with religion that kills you automatically but keep me GreatnessMarc in Mind and I will keep searching for Eternal Life and Paradise for Humanity; keep listening to Ronald Isley Eternal and Searching for Your Eternal Life and Eternal Love and Obligations to Stay Heterosexual;
Listening to Slow Jam from the Past Decades of the Early 90's to 2000's can Make Paradise occur in the Lives of those who have Love in their Lives and Obligations to Keep their Heterosexuality; Those who are Obigated to be Heterosexuals and are willing to lower illegal hell religion in their lives and think in a More MarcPerfect Manner will be able to balance these music into their lives, and allow the Paradise waves to be more prevailing then the hell annoyances in their lives;
R-Kelly teaches us to agree with our body to make sex with womens body and not to wait for too long but to find the women in our lives to have sex with and to allow our body to experience the paradise of heterosexual sex between a man and a women.
Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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