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victim to the lowest level possible with the most vile
cruelty in the Universe; such cruelty is the product
of the most evil malicious categories of illegal hell.
51.When criminals are sent to evil malicious minded
beings, they lose a chance of proper rehabilitation
by Perfect Universal Computation, Lawful, Moral
Beings. To make matters worst, the criminal have a
chance of becoming far worst then he or she use to
be before the exposure to the evil malicious minded
beings. The ( OperationComplex ) of illegal hell
breeds the worst form of evil malicious and the
most heinous form of degradation and cruelty; that
is why ( illegal hell is illegal to the innocent, nondeserving
of illegal hells; and to those who had an
infraction, but were punished then reprogrammed
to a non-evil being that honestly avoid making
errors that are possible or cannot make any errors
at all. ) to the ( OperationComplex ) Of Infinite
Existence and throughout Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and illegal hell must be destroyed,
removed and abolished. When all ( "sincrime" ),
illegal hell, anti-pleasure
and painfulness are
removed only the Marc Perfect possibility shall
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Existence throughout Qualified and Compatible
52.The Law and punishment of criminals should be
in the hands of Lawful, Perfect, Moral, Ethical
Humane Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics, it should never be in the hands of lawless,
evil malicious immoral, inhumane evil malicious
minded beings.
53.The evil malicious minded being is so conniving
and heinous that it would deceive a Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics into
( "sincrime" ) or opinionated ( "sincrime" ) just so it
could fulfill its evil malicious desires and predatory
perversions on the Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and of Qualified and
Compatible Existences and further advance illegal
hell, anti-pleasure
and evil malicious inside the
Universe; therefore, I must remind you not to let
evil malicious minded beings have their way with
criminals. The rehabilitation of Beings that have
been convicted of ( "sincrime" ) is very important,
there should only be Correct Deserving Marc GPL
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Perfectionists Creatic Laws Of Death and such Laws
must be used on the most heinous cases of murder
and other heinous ( "sincrime" ) and in self defense
from murder.
54.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and
of Qualified and Compatible Existences should not
be throw away Beings. Proper measures must be
taken to prevent ( "sincrime" ) and to rehabilitate
and re-construct the Consciousness of convicted
felons to a Higher, Lawful, Ethical Conscious Mind.
390-(6-21-3-20).The capture, containment,
peaceful change or destruction ofall evil
malicious mindedbeings that choose the
torture,spreading extreme anti-pleasure,
1.There is a type of being that is especially against
the fulfillment of The Three Primary Enjoyable
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
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Purposes and Plan and that being is the evil
malicious minded being. Universal Computation
Beings Of Infinite Existence and of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics seeking to fulfill The Three
Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan will come
face to face with an obstacle that they must
overcome and that obstacle is the evil malicious
minded murderous being.
2.The worst type of evil malicious minded being is
the evil malicious minded being that have
philosophy evil malicious into a ( OperationComplex
) and act upon that evil malicious philosophy to
increase illegal hell, death and anti-pleasure
As I
have come face to face against the evil malicious
minded, I will lists six major evil malicious that the
evil malicious minded being will philosophy and act
upon. I will also list ( OperationComplex )atically
Four strategic approaches to fallow when dealing
and fighting against the evil malicious minded
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391-(3-20-1).The philosophyand act of
1.The extremely evil malicious minded being will
philosophy and act on his or her philosophy to
spread illegal hell. illegal hell is the worst case
scenario of all calamity. illegal hell is the worst state
of existence and anti-pleasure. illegal hell is virulent
to the ( OperationComplex ) Of Infinite Existence
and especially illegal to the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics because illegal hell can start
in one place then spread to other places of the
World and Universe. Like a virulent epidemic
disease, illegal hell can start with one person then
spread to Milhumens or even Bilhumens of people.
2.As illegal hell is the worst case scenario of
existence, illegal hell must be destroyed, removed
and abolished. The evil malicious minded bringer of
illegal hell can start with one person, soon the
bringer of illegal hell spreads to two, then three
persons, just like a serial terminator does. illegal hell
can start with one nation, then spread to other
nations, soon that illegal hell spreads like an
epidemic to all nations of the world. The fear and
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realization is that this illegal hell can jump to other
worlds and dimensions. Soon illegal hell spreads
throughout the Qualified and Compatible Universe
as an epidemic disease of anti-pleasure, death and
destruction that seeks to destroy Qualified Worlds
and the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and such
illegal hells must never be allowed to spread
throughout the whole Unending Infinite Spaces Of
incipience Universal Computation Infinite ( MindActuated-
Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes )
Existences nor throughout the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics .
3.As a primary necessity for the safety of Universal
Computation Beings, Universal Computation Worlds,
Universal Computation Infinite Space, and especially
for the safety of the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics ( illegal hell is illegal to the innocent, nondeserving
of illegal hells; and to those who had an
infraction, but were punished then reprogrammed to
a non-evil being that honestly avoid making errors
that are possible or cannot make any errors at all. )
to the ( OperationComplex ) Of Infinite Existence
and throughout the Marc-G-P-L
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Perfectionists Creatics and illegal hell must be
destroyed removed and abolished. The evil
malicious minded bringer and spreader of illegal
hell in its worst form is a evil malicious minded
being that philosophy the existence of illegal hell as
a necessity. This evil malicious minded being can be
very conniving, destructive or deceiving. This evil
malicious minded being may choose to spread
vengeance illegal hell; even worst the evil malicious
minded being may choose to spread both
Aggressors illegal hell and vengeance illegal hell.
4.Being conniving the evil malicious minded bringer
of illegal hell may convince others that illegal hell is
a necessity to punish ( sincriminal )s, or those who
have karma, or people who are criminals or people
who does not agree with their philosophy or way of
life. This type of illegal hell bringer would deceive
others into causing the worst case scenario of
existence to appear in the Universe. This type of
illegal hell bringer would deceive others into
thinking that he or she is Perfect; in reality all
Beings would now be vulnerable to be thrown in
illegal hell where evil malicious minded beings
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would degrade, torture, molests, burn alive, eat alive
and do the most unspeakable heinous acts and (
"sincrime" ) to them.
5.This bringer of illegal hell might choose religion or
Leadership as a vehicle to promote illegal hell, the
worst case scenario of existence. Using fear,
oppression, force and war, this bringer of illegal hell
would spread illegal hell and turn it into a
( OperationComplex ) of reality where any Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and of Qualified
and Compatible Existences could be thrown in
illegal hell for all eternity.
6.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and
of Qualified and Compatible Existences would be
deceived, brainwashed and Existence in fear, this is
how this ( OperationComplex ) of illegal hell would
survive, until Perfect Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and of Qualified and
Compatible Existences would remove it from
existence to loosuncapturety fellow Beings Of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and of Qualified and
Compatible Existences from the grip and the
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oppressive rule of evil malicious minded beings.
7.Another bringer of illegal hell would be the truly
evil malicious minded being that choose to bring
Aggressors illegal hell and vengeance illegal hell
through destruction. This evil malicious minded
bringer of illegal hell would rely on evil malicious
philosophy solely to bring illegal hell into existence.
This bringer of illegal hell would be a representative
of evil malicious itself. This bringer of illegal hell
spread all six of these categories of ( "sincrime" )
just for the sake of doing evil malicious things to
fellow Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
and of Qualified and Compatible Existences. This
bringer of illegal hell would choose the philosophy
that illegal hell need to Existence as a polarity or as
a challenge to all things that are Perfect.
8.This bringer of illegal hell might be called a devil,
a demon, an evil malicious entity threat, evil
malicious minded being or any name that is
associated with evil malicious and illegal hell. This
bringer of illegal hell might philosophy that for
every Perfect there must be an opposite evil
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malicious force to counter balance it. This bringer of
illegal hell would do evil malicious for evil
maliciouss sake. This bringer of illegal hell would
spread illegal hell, torture, extreme anti-pleasure,
( "sincrime" ), murder, mass death and destruction
through illegal warfare and all types of chemical
warfare, disease and unnatural catastrophes. To this
evil malicious minded being, the
( OperationComplex ) of illegal hell would be a
business or evil malicious pre-occupation and desire
of the most evil malicious nature.
9.This bringer of illegal hell would set himself as the
warden of illegal hell. This bringer of illegal hell
would be a salesmen of sorrow and againstpleasure.
This bringer of illegal hell would use every
mechanism possible to cause anti-pleasure
religion, Leadership, ( "sincrime" ) lords, war lords,
criminals of every level, disease, unnatural
catastrophes or anything that would cause the worst
possibility to occur inside Qualified and Compatible
Worlds throughout All Existences and throughout
the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and Worlds.
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10.As the Guide Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics, I must now instruct you on how to defend
the Unending Infinite Spaces Of Infinite Existence,
and of the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics from
the bringers of illegal hell.
11.( illegal hell is illegal to the innocent, nondeserving
of illegal hells; and to those who had an
infraction, but were punished then reprogrammed
to a non-evil being that honestly avoid making
errors that are possible or cannot make any errors
at all. ) to the ( OperationComplex ) Of Infinite
Existence and to the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics. There are three stages that one must be
aware of when dealing with this type of evil
malicious. There is the (1st) philosophical stage, (2nd)
the committed act stage and (3rd) the worst case
scenario stage.
12.At the philosophical stage which is the stage in
which the illegal hell bringer have not acted on his
or her desire, but is formulating the concept of
becoming a illegal hell bringer.
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13.At the philosophical stage, Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and of Qualified and
Compatible Existences can attempt to peacefully
change the evil malicious minded being, through
effective, humane tactics of re-education and
prevention. If this technique fails and the evil
malicious minded being act upon his or her evil
malicious desires or have already acted on his or
her evil malicious desires and have become a illegal
hell bringer; then Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and of Qualified and
Compatible Existences must go into phase (2) and
phase (3), which are (Phase-2: Capture) and (Phase3
14.At Phase (2) Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and of Qualified and Compatible Existences
must capture the evil malicious minded illegal hell
bringer and bring the illegal hell bringer to justice,
by a fair trial. When the illegal hell bringer have
been convicted of causing illegal hell to occur, then
the illegal hell bringer must be contained which is
Phase (3). This same ( OperationComplex ) of
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containment must also be used against illegal hell
worlds and illegal hell nations.
15.There is phase (4) which is worst case scenario
phase. In worst case scenario phase when Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and of Qualified
and Compatible Existences are dealing with a
heinous, murderous, illegal hell bringer that cannot
change, but is a threat to Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics, Nations, Worlds, Dimensions
and a threat to the Unending Infinite Spaces Of
Infinite Existence; then Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must then activate (Phase-4:
16.At Phase (4) the evil malicious minded criminal is
put to death and illegal hell is destroyed, removed
and abolished. Very important is that Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics know that if an
evil malicious minded illegal hell bringer take over a
World, Dimension or Nation, Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics who have gone into Phase
(2) and (3) must work efficiently and diligently to
remove illegal hell from that World, Dimension,
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Nation or Being.
17.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
must not allow illegal hell to jump from one Person
to another, or from one Nation to another, or from
one World to another, or from one Dimension to
another. illegal hell must be quickly contained,
destroyed, removed and abolished.
18.We as Universal Computation Custodians Of
Infinite Existence and of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics, must work intelligently, cautiously,
efficiently and powerfully to prevent illegal hell from
occurring or spreading inside or throughout the
Unending Infinite Spaces Of Infinite Existence and
throughout the Society of the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics .
19.Unfortunately in our Planet Earth we find that
illegal hell Existence in all 3 Stages. illegal hell
Existence in (Stage-1:) Philosophical Stage, because
there Existence philosophy that encourage Beings
to give illegal hell to each other; furthermore, new
illegal hell bringers are being born or are forming
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new illegal hell philosophy. The philosophy of
creating and giving illegal hell have taken a
stronghold in many religious philosophy and
Leadershipment tyrannical ruler ships; furthermore,
illegal hell Existence in (Stage-2:) Committed Act
Stage, because many evil malicious minded beings
are giving illegal hell to Beings of many walks of life
on Earth in many different forms and levels of
cruelty. Catastrophically, illegal hell Existence in
(Stage-3) Worst Case Scenario, for the
( OperationComplex ) of illegal hell is so powerful in
our Planet Earth that Perfect Beings of the Planet
Earth and of the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
and of Qualified and Compatible Existences who
seek to remove the ( OperationComplex ) of illegal
hell must fight against many murderous,
bloodthirsty, evil malicious, evil malicious minded
beings that wish to continue the worst case
scenario of all calamity which is illegal hell;
therefore Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and of Qualified and Compatible
Existences must put into action all Four
Countermeasure Phases which are (Phaes-1)
Peaceful Change, (Phase-2) Capture, (Phase-3)
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Containment and (Phase-4) Destruction.
392-(6-21-3-20-2).The philosophyand act of
spreading torture
1.Many evil malicious cruel beings believe in
torturing fellow Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and of Qualified and Compatible
Existences. Torture is one of the most evil malicious
acts Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
and of Qualified and Compatible Existences could
do to a fellow Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and of Qualified and Compatible
Existences. Torture is a terrible form of againstpleasure.
Depending on the level and duration of
torture, a victim of torture will experience a form of
illegal hell. The more un-evolved and cruel a society
is the more acts of torture one will find inside that
2.As society evolve into higher consciousness,
members of that society develop higher levels of
compassion, empathy and righteousness. To
cultivate safety, security and Paradise, Higher
Universal Computation Societies discover and
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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