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Virtual Realities Females for Men, and Against
Abomination Realistic Female Sex Dolls For Men" ); )
get a lessor sentencing and level of ( "sincrime" )
then people who produce, sell, and perform in
public ( immoral non-( "Calculate All Safety Before
Sexual Service is Granted, Compatible Kind
Guaranty to Mate; Completely Safe From Fatality”;
"Against Abomination Female Sexual Dancing,
Against Abomination Female Sexual Services for
Men, Against Abomination Female Sexual Images
For Men, Against Abomination Female Sexual
Movies For Men, Against Abomination Sexual
Virtual Realities Females for Men, and Against
Abomination Realistic Female Sex Dolls For Men" ); )
movies and materials, people who watch public
pornography are a level 1 criminal, but people who
produce, sell, and perform in public ( immoral non-(
"Calculate All Safety Before Sexual Service is
Granted, Compatible Kind Guaranty to Mate;
Completely Safe From Fatality”; "Against
Abomination Female Sexual Dancing, Against
Abomination Female Sexual Services for Men,
Against Abomination Female Sexual Images For
Men, Against Abomination Female Sexual Movies
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For Men, Against Abomination Sexual Virtual
Realities Females for Men, and Against Abomination
Realistic Female Sex Dolls For Men" ); ) movies are a
level 3 criminal;
3-3.Selling and Buying Illegal Things, Selling and
Buying Drugs, Selling and Buying Illegal
Unregistered Firearms, Carrying a Concealed
Weapon Without a License;
3-4.Penis Enhancement Surgery such as insertion of
pumps and rods into penis, Non Medical Surgical
Implants such as breast and buttock implants and
vagina pumps and unnecessary vagina surgery
“instructional note, it is legal to take pills and
medicine to enhance penis with difficulty growing
for Man’s Health, taking harmless pills and medicine
to improve healthy penis size, growth, longevity,
stamina, and fertility is not a ( "sincrime" ), such pills
and medicine should only be used by men with
penis size, growth, longevity, stamina, and fertility
problems”; but Non Medical Surgical Implants such
as breast and buttock implants, and insertion of
rods and pumps into penises and the usage of
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vagina pumps and unnecessary vagina surgery are a
( "sincrime" ). “instructional note for surgical
implants In the case of those who have Non
Medical Implants both the doctor and the patient
shall receive 5 to 10 years imprisonment and the
implants shall be removed by force in a humane
3-5.Illegal Transformation and abominable
transformations: Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
are not allowed to make illegal transformations and
abominable transformations Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics are Human Rearrangers in
that they must retain a Human Form throughout all
Rearangeations; Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
are given a certain Parameter of rearrangement as a
Part of their Physical Body ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrixes ) Codex and as a Part
of their Manual of Life and Behavioral Conduct No
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics is to violate their
Approved rearrangement Parameters or they shall
be charged with the ( "sincrime" ) of illegal
transformations if they do illegal transformations;
they shall be charged with the ( "sincrime" )
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abominable transformations if they do abominable
transformations; abominable transformations carry a
higher sentencing then illegal transformations. Note:
Beings, Things, and Creatures that are non Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Human Beings that were
born a transformer that practice illegal
transformations and abominable transformations
are not entitled to the same regulations as Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Human Rearrangers as
they may regard their abominable behavior as a
birth right, and ability, and cultural norm; in the
case Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics meet such
beings Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
forbid for them to Existence in the same community
with Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and forbid
for them to use the forms and faces of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Males and Females or they
may wind up practicing illegal and abominable
transformations with the image and body makeup
of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Peoples, Race,
and Citizens. Further Notes Different Class of
Humansicad Orderers and form transformers have
different rights and parameters of Ordering and
transformers; for example Peoplesicad or
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Humansicad Marc Powers have the right and
Parameter Law to only make Human Parameter
Rearangeations and Ordering and to be the
Manipulator, Creator, Heterosexual Procreate,
Possessor of Knowledge, Ability, and Power, Former
of things, Rearranger of things, Operator,
Programmer, User, Destroyer, Maintainer, and
Codexter, Coder and Decoder of all Existential
Phenomena, HumanSicad, Micro, and Macro, finite
and infinite of all things in Existence that are
Created, Operated, or Used by Human Formed
Beings; planet transformers right of transformations
include becoming things found on a Planet and
sustaining planetary phenomena; a Machine
Transformers rights include becoming Machines; an
animal transformer rights include becoming animals;
a universe transformers rights include being aspects
of Universal Computation Phenomenon; and all
other Transformations including Atomic,
HumanSicad, Micro and Macro, Natural, Elemental,
Physical, spirit, or spiritual beings, Astral, Ethereal,
Dimensional, Supernatural Aspect, Reality
( MindOperationCausation ) Aspect, Beings and
Things ( MindOperationCausation ) Aspect, All
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Things Aspect, or any other Frequency of Existential
Phenomenon shall conduct their Transformations
Parameters and Operational Law according to the
Correct Behavior and Manual Guidance Parameter
3-5.Putting a Price on a Human or Higher Intelligent
Life Form without the intention of slavery, this
includes for Procreation Espouses or dowry,
adoption, labor and employment, sex, object
ownership or person ownership, or anything else.;
“note, The purchasing and selling of an intelligent
life-form is illegal in the many forms they come in.
A price cannot be put as a costs value on an
intelligent life-form.”
3-6.Owning a ( non-Against-Abomination strip
club ), Being a ( non-Against-Abomination stripper ),
Being a Customer of a ( non-Against-Abomination
stripper ); “commentary note, ( non-Against-
Abomination strip club ) owners, and pimps of
exotic dancers, and ( non-Against-Abomination
strippers ) and their customers are level 3 criminals
because ( non-Against-Abomination strippers ) can
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give Sexually Transmitted Diseases/ STD's to their
customers if chemicals are exchanged between the
exotic dancer and the customer; furthermore, ( nonAgainst-
Abomination strippers ) can wrongfully steal
and endanger most of the men in the town from
their spouses because they are not doing Against-
Abomination Balanced Polygamyandry sex but
( traditional fatal prostitution ) in 2015CE there are
about 400,000 female ( non-Against-Abomination
strippers ) in America and about 150 Milhumen
Men of all ages in America. If 150 Milhumen men
were partitioned among 400,000 ( non-Against-
Abomination strippers ) in America each ( nonAgainst-
Abomination stripper ) would be given 375
men, but it is known that Female "traditional fatal
prostitute"s have 200-300 sexual partners per year
which means in 20 years a "traditional fatal
prostitute" will have sex with approximately 6,000
customers, but most people have sex with 6.3 to 38
people for a lifetime. Around the timing of 64 years
a "traditional fatal prostitute" would have sex with
19,200 people that is nineteen thousand two
hundred people or more; therefore there is enough
exotic dancers and ( non-Against-Abomination
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strippers ) to have sex with all the men in America
and endanger and wrongfully steal them away from
their spouses and endanger them with Sexually
Transmitted Diseases/ STD's and immorality;
therefore, because of wrongful non-Against-
Abomination theft of spouses into immorality and
sexually transmitted diseases spreading, exotic
dancers or ( non-Against-Abomination strippers )
are illegal to use in a town. ( note, Against-
Abomination Balanced Polygamyandry sex is not
theft including Against-Abomination sexual service
houses where stripping is allowed, but ( traditional
fatal prostitution ) sex is theft and endanger the
service person and clientele and is given to anyone
of a town without bias or filtering therefore
( traditional fatal prostitution ) strip clubs are a theft
and a danger and are wrongfully formatted with the
wrong priority of service to clientele which is to
serve anyone but not to do “Against-Abomination
sexual services”. ); ( note, what is Balanced
Polygamyandry?; services such as Against-
Abomination Sexual Service Women that have sex
with more then 1 male clientele in Balanced
Polyandry, and Male Clientele that have 1 or more
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wives in Balanced Polygamy; are involved in
Balanced Polygamyandry sexual relationships in
which both parties are espoused in a Balanced Poly
Manner. ); ( Balanced Polygamyandry sexual
relationships are legal if the female is an Against-
Abomination Sexual Service Women and the Male
Clientele is espoused in a Balanced Polygamists
Manner or Balanced Monogamists Manner or is
Balanced Single; but Balanced Polygamyandry
relationships are not legal if the women is espoused
Balanced Monogamistly or Balanced Polyandrously
and the male is espoused Balanced Monogamistly
or Polygamistly. )
3-7.Speaking against the Law and Leadershipment
officials of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics or
making a mockery of Leadershipment officials of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics without justifiable
cause such as evidence of Leadershipment officials
of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics of being guilty
of a ( "sincrime" ) that is written in the Law of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics, or a ( "sincrime" ) that
can be proven to be an unwritten ( "sincrime" ) that
is not yet written in the Law of Marc-G-P-L
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Perfectionists Creatics, or against a new Law that is
written by the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
that is a ( "sincrime" ), “instructional note on not
speaking against the Law and Leadershipment
officials”, it is legal for Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics to speak against other Leadments,
Religions, and Ways of Life without being punished
for it by anyone so long as it is done in a
professional non-obscene manner, because such
Leadments are potential enemies of ( Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics ) and do not fall under our
3-8.Chastity belts, or vagina locks or penis locks, or
anus locks note those who are guilty of using
chastity belts, or vagina locks or penis locks, or
anus locks on a person shall receive the full
sentencing of a level 3 ( "sincrime" ) 10 years of
imprisonment rehabilitation;
3-9.Being a Pimp, or "traditional fatal prostitution"
3-10.Selling and Buying Sex/"traditional fatal
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3-11.A Male or Female Human Having Multi-Racial,
and Multi-Colored or Out of Compatibility Facial
Type Heterosexual Human Sex without legal
blameless tribunal decisions because the male of
the other race mated with a member of the persons
race or color, or compatible facial types.
Sentencingfor Level3Offenses: Beings that
commit level 3 offenses if found guilty shall receive
5 to 10 years of incarcerated counseling and shall
only be released after it is proven that they are
rehabilitated from committing the same offense.
Minors below the age of 21 years old who commit
a level 3 ( "sincrime" ) shall receive rehabilitation at
a Juvenile Incarceration Institution for 5 years, if the
minor become an adult during sentencing the
minor shall be moved to an adult incarceration
institution. ( All Applicable Mind Box Punishments,
Mind Box Scripts, Mind Box Reversals, Mind Box
Entanglements, Taparaiote Struggles, Vengeance
Tribunals, Prison Sentences and Rehabilitation that
apply for Level (3) ( "sincrime" ) Shall Be Applied By
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Judgment or Self-Defense if Qualified. )
333-(8).Level(4)( "sincrime" ): 4-1.Kidnapping;
4-2.Eating harmful food when your body is not
designed to eat food at all except for Pleasure food
that is made every flavor of the recipes of the legal
foods of Humanity that are Absolute food Material
that are wave and particles in a ( Mind-ActuatedReality-
Calculated-Existence Matrixes ); (After all
computation it is the Second Energy Cure which
allow a person with an Energy Cure to taste flavors
in their tongue without eating external food that is
appropriate for a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists to use
as pleasure food; except for external pleasure food
of the absolute food material pleasure food; or the
Tasty Stick which is a Food that is put in the mouth
that can become any Perfect Flavor in existence
without ever losing its flavor, without ever expiring
or running out such a food come in the form of an
Ice Cream Stick, in the form of a Chewy Cube or
Oval. Harmful food that have a mind, have senses,
and feeling and can register a gain or a loss cannot
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be eaten by those who only eat Pleasure Food, and
also dead corpses or eggs of Higher Intelligent
Lifeforms and or dead Corpses or eggs of Lifeforms
that had senses, or feelings and that registered a
gain or a loss cannot be used as Pleasure Food, but
the absolute food material that register no gain and
no lost and the Second Energy Cure or Tasty Stick,
Chewy Cube, or Oval can be used to taste all
approved flavors without actually eating external
food. The Second Energy Cure and Tasty Stick,
Chewy Cube or Oval shall be the pleasure food
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics use. Pleasure
Food is only eaten by those who do not normally
need food to survive, but eat harmless food for the
sake of pleasure only and the safest food to eat
that causes the least amount of waste and trouble
is to use the Second Energy Cure, the Tasty Stick,
Chewy Cube, or Oval to taste any approved flavor
instead of eating external food that register a lost
and that causes waste or that cause one to eat
ones own body weight as a recycled product of
eating external food). Tasty Sticks and Pleasure
Sticks or the absolute food material particle and
wave that does not register a gain or a lost can be
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eaten by men and sucked on by woman as all legal
non human, food recipes ever collected or created
by Humanity; but Chewy Cubes, and Chewy Ovals
can be chewed on or sucked on by Men and
Woman Kind.
Sentencingfor Level4Offenses: Beings that
commit level 4 offenses if found guilty shall receive
10 to 15 years of incarcerated counseling and shall
only be released after it is proven that they are
rehabilitated from committing the same offense.
Minors below the age of 21 years old who commit
a level 4 ( "sincrime" ) shall receive rehabilitation at
a Juvenile Incarceration Institution for 8 years, if the
minor become an adult during sentencing the
minor shall be moved to an adult incarceration
institution. ( All Applicable Mind Box Punishments,
Mind Box Scripts, Mind Box Reversals, Mind Box
Entanglements, Taparaiote Struggles, Vengeance
Tribunals, Prison Sentences and Rehabilitation that
apply for Level (4) ( "sincrime" ) Shall Be Applied By
Judgment or Self-Defense if Qualified. )
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334-(9). Level (5) ( "sincrime" ): 5-1.Assault and
5-2.Helping a Legitimate Prisoner to Escape;
5-3.Harmful toxic racism that lead to extreme
oppression and undeserved violent harm and toxic
5-4.Grand Sabotage of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics State Law; If anyone citizen or Leadership
approach the Leadership of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics to change any Truthfully
Proven to be Perfect Law with a strong Moral
Foundation of Perfectness and Legal Foundation of
Order and Stability to the State of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and Humanity and it can be
proven that the protestor and initiator of changes
to the Law is wrong about the Legality and
Perfectness of the Law and that the Law should not
be changed because of its validity and benefit to
society; then the protestor and initiator of changes
to the Law shall be arrested and placed in jail and
imprisoned for Grand Sabotage of Marc-G-P-L
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Perfectionists Creatics State Law. But if the initiator
of changes to the Law have a valid reason to
protest against the Law and seek for changes to the
Law and it is proven that the Law is evil malicious
and not Perfect to society and a sabotage to society
then the initiator of changes to the Law shall not be
imprisoned for demanding changes to the Law for
the betterment of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
Society and Humanity and the not Perfect,
sabotagical Law shall be changed into a Marc
Perfect Law.
Sentencingfor Level5Offenses: Beings that
commit level 5 offenses if found guilty shall receive
15 to 20 years of incarcerated counseling and shall
only be released after it is proven that they are
rehabilitated from committing the same offense.
Minors below the age of 21 years old who commit
a level 5 ( "sincrime" ) shall receive rehabilitation at
a Juvenile Incarceration Institution for 10 years, if
the minor become an adult during sentencing the
minor shall be moved to an adult incarceration
institution. ( All Applicable Mind Box Punishments,
Mind Box Scripts, Mind Box Reversals, Mind Box
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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