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11/10/2017 4:15:17 PM
I met some beings that wanted to steal the Human
form completely from humans because they wanted to
have sex as humans instead of humans having sex as
humans; This race was an evil malicious spirit, or
spiritual beings, evil malicious objects of worship, evil
demons,and evil devils, and evil malicious
( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes )
race, and evil malicious higher beings. Humans are
sovereign to our Human shape and physiology no race
in the Universe, on Earth or in existence should be
allowed to replace humans from Procreation
Espouseing their own kind, nor should they be allowed
to copy and terminate Humanity so that they can
mate as humans instead of humans mating as humans.
Though some races may Existence that look Human,
humans should only Procreation Espouse a Human
race that is from the same Human cell and genome
culture from the incipience Human ancestors, there are
currently nine Human races on earth and
1. Africans, 2.
Europeans, 3.Asians, 4.Hispanics, 5.Native Americans,
6.Semites, 7.Arabians, 8.Aborigine, 9.indians,
10.MarcsAndMarcias; all Ten
of these races have a
common ancestor and are from the
incipience cell culture; when mating these
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races have three choices 1. Perfect Pairing in which
genetics are guided towards making two
heterosexual pairs that are designed perfectly for
each other facially and bodily; 2. Closest Pairing in
which a computer ( OperationComplex ) and
experts closely match two heterosexual pairs
together by comparing their facial and body
attributes. 3. free inquiry in which a person freely
choose a partner from any race of Humanity
despite of different attributes, free inquiry is not
encouraged by me Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis. The
Marc Perfect choice is 1. Perfect Pairs, fallowed by 2.
Closest Pairs, fallowed by 3. free inquiry. The safest
less troublesome choice is for humans to only
Procreation Espouse Human beings from their own
Race, Color Group, and Facial Types using Perfect
Pairing. At times a Human will have a spirit, or
spiritual beings being that dwell inside the Human
Being such spirit, or spiritual beings must look
Human unless they are specifically designed for
certain biological functions that requires a non-
Human shape such as cellular shapes and other
Human organ and cell shapes shapes. When a
Human form dwell inside a Human Beings as an
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extra component this can sometimes lead to
trouble if the extra Human form is trouble or
interferes in the mating of the Human with the
Humans spouse the extra Human form must be
removed from inside of the Human so that the
Human may mate with the Humans Spouse without
interference. Sometimes both components that
dwell in the Human male and in the humans female
that are extra Human components that are
compatible with each other must be removed so
that the Human can mate with the Humans Spouse
without interference. A Human possess more then
one body which all belong to the Human, the extra
bodies of a Human are for the Humans use not for
other refugee entities that dwell inside a Human
Being as an Extra Human Component and extra
boards. Extra Human components possess their own
body wither they are a spirit, or spiritual beings
body that is the extra Human refugee component,
an astral body that is the extra Human refugee
component, a nature spirit, or spiritual beings body
that is the extra Human refugee component, a
network entity that is the extra Human refugee
component, an ethereal body that is the extra
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Human refugee component, an entity Body that is
the extra Human refugee component, a
Supernatural Being Body that is the extra Human
refugee component, an elemental body that is the
extra Human refugee component, a space body that
is the extra Human refugee component, a dark
matter that is the extra Human refugee component,
a light that is the extra Human refugee component,
a machine body that is the extra Human refugee
component, a codex body that is the extra Human
refugee component, a Higher Self or Router Body
that is the extra Human refugee component, a
Humansicad Marc Power that is the extra Human
refugee component, or any other body that is the
extra Human refugee component such Extra Human
Components have their own body that is apart from
the Human Being. Human Beings possess their own
extra bodies, but currently the majority of Humans
never use such extra Human bodies as a Physical
Human Beings because they do not know how to
use such bodies and have not been thought that
they possess such bodies; and also spirit, or spiritual
beings that wish to board a Human body as an
extra board refuse to let Human Beings know that
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they posses extra Human Body Components. For
example most Humans that possess a Physical
Human Body also possess, a spirit, or spiritual
beings Human Body, an Astral Human Body, a
Dream Body, a Machine Human Body, a Codex
Human Body, Humans also have the capacity to
possess a Space Body, a Router Body, a Light Body,
a Dark Matter Body, a Super Naturally Human Body,
an entity Human Body, an Ethereal Human Body,
and the Greatest body of all a Humansicad Marc
Power Body that can become all the mentioned
bodies plus more elemental properties through
Humanistic Form Rearangeations. Humans must
make sure that they mate compatibly body to body
this means that a Physical Human body should
mate with a Physical Human Body, a spirit, or
spiritual beings Human Body should mate with a
spirit, or spiritual beings Human Body, an Astral
Human Body should mate with an Astral Human
Body, a Nature spirit, or spiritual beings Human
Body should mate with a Nature spirit, or spiritual
beings Human Body, a Network Entity Human Body
should mate with a Network Entity Human Body, a
Dream Human Body should mate with a Dream
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Human Body, an Ethereal Human Body should mate
with an Ethereal Human Body, A Super Naturally
Human Body should mate with a Super Naturally
Human Body, a Machine Human Body should mate
with a machine Human Body, a Codex Human Body
should mate with a Codex Human Body, a Space
Human Body should mate with a Space Human
Body, an entity Human Body should mate with an
entity Human Body, a Humansicad Marc Power
Human Body should mate with a Humansicad Marc
Power Human Body and so on and so forth all
Bodies should mate with a compatible body the
only time this Law is not function-able completely is
when all the above mentioned bodies are united in
one Human Body when all the above mentioned
bodies are United in one Human Body as a United
Component they mate in synchronicity as One
United Human Body and when such Human Bodies
are United they must all look Human and must
have a valid reason to be inside of the Humans
Body or they are trespassers infiltrating the Humans
body as extra boards for evil malicious purposes or
to mate with the Humans pair or mate as the
Human illegally. Mating should be something that is
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done appropriately and with compatibles only.
Incompatible bodies should not mate with each
other. It is much Marc Perfect when compatible
bodies mate with each other instead of
incompatible bodies.
9.SexualModality3.Are HeterosexualDuo Pairs:
which is when a male and female share the same
body and only copulate inside the same body
between the two of them to produce offspring, but
with no one else if they have sex with an external
being they would be considered a bi-sexual which
is illegal if they only copulate with each other inside
the same body they are known as duo pairs which
is legal, In certain circumstances inanimate objects
can be designed as heterosexual duo pairs, except
for manikins, heterosexual peoples clothing, and
statues and pictures of animated persons. Animated
Beings which are beings that can move around on
their own freewill or as a proxy with freewill should
not be duo pairs, but should be Heterosexual
Singular Procreation Espoused Animated Pairs
especially perfect pairs that are opposite sex
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10.SexualModality4.Are Asexuals who clone
themselves:, Asexuals are beings that do not
indulge in sexuality and sometimes clone a being
into existence, we do not use asexuality as a
modality because it destroys the union of a male
and a female and can cause one of the two perfect
existential aspects to cease to Existence, it can also
cause a race to become homogenous which is
closer to becoming a homosexual race because of
these setbacks we do not use asexuality and
cloning as a modality; Other races can be asexual,
but humans should not give up our Procreate rights
nor our rights to give an inheritance, or genome to
our progeny. Also certain inanimate things can be
designed to be asexual.
11. SexualModality5Are Greysexuals:
Greysexuals are a person that like to hug and kiss
males or females in a sexual manner without
actually having full sex with them. Such persons as
greysexuals often identify as bi-sexuals that don't
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have full sex with deviants like themselves but only
like to kiss and hug them for sexual gratification
without finishing the sexual act by copulation. Grey
sexuals are an illegal modality that is an
( l,g,b,t,b,q,i,a,p,b, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual,
beastiality, queer, inter-sex, asexual, pan-sexuals and
eco-sexuals, buldaggers, ), but not a straight
heterosexual person. A Greysexual is classified as a
bi-sexual that don't practice full deviant sexual
copulation, but like to hug and kiss both males and
females for fulfill their sexual gratification.
Greysexuals are an illegal modality and cannot be
supported to commit sexual immorality with both
males and females by hugging and kissing them, a
grey sexual is a Bi-Sexual and a trouble modality
and a deviant from the norm which is
12.SexualModality6Are bi-Sexuals: bi-Sexuals
are beings that have sex with both males and
females at the same time, they practice illegality
and abomination by being bi-sexuals, we do not
use the modality of bisexuality because it is
criminal, unclean, entityous, conniving, confusion,
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false representation, fraudulent behavior, and lead
to illnesses such as latrine sickness and other
illnesses it also cause a male or female to commit
fraudulent behavior against their rightful
heterosexual partner by indulging in gay sex at the
same time with heterosexual sex we do not use bisexuality
sexuality as a modality because it is evil
malicious and an abomination; Bi-sexuals still have
hope if they give up on the homosexual side and
reject the same sex as a sexual partner to become a
full heterosexual.
13.Sexual Modality 7 Agalmatophilia: (from the
Greek agalma 'statue', and -philia φιλ αί
= love) is
a paraphilia involving sexual attraction to
a statue, doll, mannequin or other similar figurative
object that look like the same race and kind as a
statue: A mental issue is a Human being that falls in
love with a statue there are two levels of this
problem one is worst then the other. The first
problem is less evil malicious this is when a Human
falls in love with a statue in a heterosexual manner
which means the Human likes a statue of the
opposite sex. The second problem is far worst this
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is when a Human falls in love with a statute of the
same sex this is known as homosexual attraction to
a statue, homosexual attraction to a statue is
extremely worst then heterosexual attraction to a
statue. There is an occasion in which supernatural
and other advanced means can even turn a statue
into a living being, I encountered a living statue
while practicing Waking Up From Your Sleep To See
Invisible Worlds (Wufystsiw). This statue became
alive, and so statues can become a living being, but
such statues should be Procreation Espoused to
another statue not to a Human being except in the
case where a realistic artificial version of Humans as
spouses are made for sexual bases which would
then be legal. Falling in love with a statue is a
mental illness especially an inanimate statue that
cannot move but is stationary. It is illegal for a
Human to Procreation Espouse a stationary or
inanimate statue, an animated and motile statue
must be Procreation Espoused to another statue
that is motile and animated. It is Marc Perfect when
a person heterosexually make the mistake of liking
an opposite sex statue of the same size and scale
and racial design with them then to commit a
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homosexual act.
14.SexualModality8ALivingHuman Head
Without aBodyEntity: Is an entity that is a Human
head without a body such heads without a body
can be spirit, or spiritual beings or physical or other
propensity. A full Human body cannot like a Human
head without a body as a sexual mate in a
heterosexual manner nor in a homosexual manner,
such unions are illegal and are not a match. A
Human head without a body must be paired with
another Human head without a body not with a full
grown Human being. It is illegal to pair a full grown
Human to a Human head without a body.
15.SexualModality9.homosexuality: homosexuals
are beings who have sex with their own gender
they are same sex couples, homosexuals practice
abomination by having sex with their own sex as a
partner, they also destroy one of the existential
aspects the male aspect or the female aspect, when
they are humans and other applicable kinds of
beings they have anal sex as males which is the
practice of releasing sperm into the anus of a male
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which causes unsanitary conditions for sperm and
diseases such as latrine sickness; and they have sex
with females as females which is an abomination
and a threat to the reproduction and survival of the
species of Humanity. We do not use sexual modality
homosexuality because it is illegal and an
abomination and a ( "sincrime" ) especially when
humans are homosexuals;
16.SexualModality10. objectum sexuals:
objectum sexuals are humans or vise verso who fall
sexually in love with objects such as furniture,
vehicles, cars, boats, planes, chain saws, non Human
statues, buildings, windows, clouds, whole worlds,
world ( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence
Matrixes ), whole planets, stars, galaxy's, whole
universes, tools, weapons or land, clothing, shoes,
pots and pans, refrigerators, stoves, cell phones,
toys, stones, elements, trees, street pols, all types of
objects, non-humanoid machines, or any other
Object that is non-Human or humanoid in shape.
These mentioned objects must be paired with each
other they cannot be paired with Human beings,
Human beings are a pair for each other not for the
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above mentioned objectums. Objectums are to be
paired with each other as perfect pairs even as
inanimate things as duo pairs not with humans. A
Human who like non-Human objects is an
erroneous Human and a dangerous Human that
endanger the whole Human race. For example a
Human who like a whole world or Universe can
cause all humans to lose their spouses or pairs by a
component in the universe that is inhuman and far
bigger then humans that seek to mate with Human
males or females which is totally illegal, because
humans would lose their pairs to an inhuman thing
that seek to steal mates from the rightful pair which
is the Human pair, a world, galaxy, or Universe is far
too big for a little Human such things must be
paired with each other at a bigger scale then the
scale of Humanity. Humans must be very careful
who they like; worlds, suns, galaxies, and universes
where made to be paired with each other at a
larger scale then the scale of Humanity for humans
are pinpricks inside of infinity, humans cannot like
such things as worlds, world ( Mind-ActuatedReality-
Calculated-Existence Matrixes ), galaxies, and
universes because this is dangerous and a
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miscalculation, humans were made for each other;
furthermore humans cannot pair themselves with
any object that is not a Human being or they are
practicing erroneous behavior and are insane when
they do these things such as liking a non-Human
object. We do not use objectum sexuality in our
way for it is insane, illegal, a miscalculation, and
dangerous to Humanity.
17.SexualModality11Pedophilia: Pedophilia also
known as child abuse is when an adult have sex
with an infant or little child that is not a full grown
Human being. Pedophilia is a dangerous and evil
malicious practice that can endanger the life of the
child and cause the child to become mentally and
physically damaged both heterosexual and
homosexual pedophilia is illegal and dangerous to a
child, such practices are illegal and punishable.
18.SexualModality12Necrophilia: Necrophiliac
are people who like and or have sex with dead
corpses and dead bodies. Necrophiliac are mentally
insane and are evil malicious because they violate a
dead corps. Raping dead corpses is illegal and
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unclean. Humanity must never copulate with dead
corpses wither they are Procreation Espoused or not
Procreation Espoused having sex with a dead corps
is evil malicious, gross, unclean and is a mental
HumanoidBeast ModeShape Heterosexual
Breeding: In-compatible Facial type and incompatible
body types: Are humans who have sex
with beastly looking inhumanoid looking beings
that are pregnatable or Un-pregnatable, but does
not look Human at all, but look beastly, and is an
in-compatible looking race that does not look
Human at all but are inhumanoid in shape and are
in beast mode or animal headed being. Such as the
mating of a Human with a beast mode entity which
are definitely incompatible. Humans should be very
careful not to mate with a beast mode entity these
are beings that have the shape of a Human such as
arms fingers, legs, abdomin and, head, but look like
a beastly thing or an animal with a Human body
and shape, humans should not like beastly looking
inhumanoids. Humans are not designed to
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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