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that is put in a illegal hell ( OperationComplex ), it
is a Human being that is capable of rehabilitation
that is put in a illegal hell ( OperationComplex ) to
be tormented to death or forever. Human Beings
are usually a person that is capable of practicing
Perfectness and so Human Beings are mostly a
Perfect Being therefore Human Beings do not need
to be put in illegal hell ( OperationComplex )s to be
tormented and desecrated to death. To avoid
Human Beings and the Authority figures that are in
charge of them from practicing unthinkable evil
malicious against each other; Humanity must
choose the Absolute Confinement of evil malicious
illegal hell beings and destination evil malicious
beings who are destined to be evil malicious
against everything they come across into
inescapable solitary confinement tubes instead of
illegal hells as a solution.
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508-(7-1-3-24-4-10-20).The dangerof using
torturers inacommunityand the problem of a
dangerous minddwelling among peoples that
comes to the conclusion ofdestination torture as
1.It is very dangerous to use torturers in a
community. Torturers have base feelings and lowly
emotions and are among the most dangerous
peoples in existences. Torturers focus on practicing
torment and causing extreme pain usually on a
victim that is secured and subdued by the torturer.
When a torturer invent a illegal hell environment
the victims of the illegal hell are usually trapped
inside of the illegal hell and are easy targets that
cannot escape to safety, that is when the torturers
begins the process of torturing, tormenting,
desecrating, and abominating the victim until the
victim is dead or a torturer who is a illegal hell
machine can even torture a victim for all eternity in
a illegal hell ( OperationComplex )s that is
inescapable by the victim. It is very dangerous to let
a torturer roam among normal people in a
community because a torturer possess a dangerous
mind that comes to the destination thought and
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conclusion to torture others it takes interest in
torturing. In order to remove illegal hell from an
environment torturers must not be used against
members of the community or life will become a
illegal hell for members of the community in their
individual and collective consciousness they will
know that any day one of them can become a
victim of torture; therefore torturers must not be
used in a community because they lower the quality
of life in a community and cause fear to grip the
hearts of dwellers of the community. Containable
and restrain-able others must not be tortured
because they can be bounded and rendered
harmless to others and so torture is not a necessity
when someone is bound-able, containable and
509-(7-1-3-24-4-10-21).The Realization that evil
malicious beingsdodeserve to be confoundedin
inescapableprisons, but preventing those prisons
from becomingillegalhell(OperationComplex)
1.evil malicious Beings especially the malevolent
types of evil malicious beings only wish to do evil
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malicious only because their mind
( MindOperationCausation ) is wired to come to the
conclusion to do evil malicious, furthermore they
gain gratification from doing evil malicious
therefore when a dangerous evil malicious being is
found the evil malicious being deserve to be
confounded in an inescapable prison. Prison officials
who are in charge to keep evil malicious dangerous
beings confounded must make sure that such
prison institutions do not become illegal hell
( OperationComplex )s. Prison officials who build
illegal hell ( OperationComplex )s for containable
and restrain-able beings that can be confounded
are using an evil malicious modality of the mind
because such a mind as a illegal hell Creator and
illegal hell keeper mind is an evil malicious version
of the mind, because the tormentful mind comes to
the conclusion to do tormenting acts to others
which make the user of the tormenting mind
( MindOperationCausation ) dangerous and closer
to becoming evil malicious. Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must not use the tormenting
mind ( MindOperationCausation ) but must use the
security and safety mind
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( MindOperationCausation ) instead, when dealing
with evil malicious beings. Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics must seek to have the Greatest Power over
evil malicious, but Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
must be willing to imprison and confound evil
malicious beings instead of torturing and
tormenting them when they are confounded,
contained, and restrained and pose no more harm
to others.
510-(7-1-3-24-4-10-22).The avoidance of
rescuing evil malicious beingsfrom illegalhell
(OperationComplex)s thatwill terminate
rescuers anddwellers of ones own community or
other communities:
1.Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics illegal hell
rescuers must be careful when rescuing confounded
beings from illegal hell ( OperationComplex )s,
because not all beings who are found in illegal hell
are the same, some beings who are found in illegal
hell are evil malicious and will terminate illegal hell
rescuers and illegal hell rescuers community if
illegal hell rescuers remove them from illegal hell
and put them in illegal hell rescuers community.
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Some beings who are found in illegal hells are
destination evil malicious beings, which means that
they are destined to be evil malicious and their
mind ( MindOperationCausation ) is wired and
formatted to do only evil malicious wicked things
such beings are known as malevolent beings,
malevolent beings cannot be removed from illegal
hell and put in a illegal hell rescuers community or
in any other community except a confounded
holding cell that is inescapable, some malevolent
being will become available to be discontinued
from existences. Discontinuity of a malevolent being
that is unchangeable is Marc Perfect then torturing
the being for all eternity the ability to torture
something for all eternity is an evil malicious mind (
MindOperationCausation ) conclusion, because any
Perfect Person that have the power to contain and
restrain an evil malicious being would rather contain
and restrain the evil malicious being then torturing
the evil malicious being forever. Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must avoid rescuing evil
malicious beings that will terminate illegal hell
rescuers and dwellers of illegal hell rescuers
community from illegal hell ( OperationComplex )s
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because such beings are dangerous and cannot be
let loosuncapturety, because they will commit evil
malicious deed against targets of interest.
511-(7-1-3-24-4-10-23).The avoidance of evil
malicious accusers of ones community that will
doom ones community to illegalhellinstead of
rehabilitating ones community or reformatting
ones communityinto anon evil malicious
1.Some beings are what are known as accusers and
some accusers are evil malicious in nature. evil
malicious accusers have one thing in mind it is to
say enough accusation against a target of interest
until the target is accused enough for them to
practice evil malicious against the person or target;
this is known as accusations for acquisitions. The
evil malicious being accuse the target of interest so
that the evil malicious being may acquire something
from the target of interest or commit a harmful act
against the target of interest. Sometimes an accuser
make a whole community a target of interest and
began to accuse the community and the acquisition
the accuser is looking for is the destruction of the
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community and the dooming of the whole
community to illegal hell. Harmful accusers are not
there to rehabilitate a community that is a target of
interest nor to turn a community to a non-evil
malicious environment the whole purpose of a
harmful accuser is to doom the whole community
to illegal hell instead of rehabilitation. Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must make sure that harmful
accusers do not accuse the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics to become a illegal hell
( OperationComplex ) nor to accuse members of the
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics to illegal hell
( OperationComplex )s. Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics must avoid evil malicious accusers of the
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics from dooming
the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics whenever the
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics become
erroneous as a community any Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics or outsider, that accuses the
error makers must make sure it is rehabilitation into
a Marc Perfect Community the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics receive instead of illegal hell
and destruction. evil malicious accusers of the
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Peoples and
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Community that seek to give illegal hell to the
community must be silenced and brought to court
for attempting to spread illegal hell throughout the
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and its people.
512-(7-1-3-24-4-10-24).The avoidance of the
building of sub-matrahellicplaces asa
rehabilitation orpunishment worldfor
( sincriminal )s or those who are criminals or
accused of wrongdoings:
1.Sub-matrahellic places are places that are
specifically designed for the torturing, tormenting,
and destruction of beings that are accused of
( "sincrime" ), karma, or ( "sincrime" ); often people
who are accused of wrongdoings will be doomed to
a sub-matrahellic place where they are to be
tortured for a set duration time or even doomed to
be tortured forever in a sub-matrahellic place.
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must avoid
building any sub-matrahellic place for rehabilitation
nor for punishment. Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics must become experts at imprisoning and
rehabilitating beings who are accused of
wrongdoings instead of giving them illegal hell.
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Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must also rescue
members of their community from sub-matrahellic
places, but such rescues must only be done when
they are sure to be successful or illegal hell rescuers
who are Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics may find
themselves victims of the very illegal hells they
sought to rescue captives from. Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must become experts at
rescuing qualified people from illegal hells and in
shutting down illegal hell ( OperationComplex )s.
513-(7-1-3-24-4-10-25).The avoidance ofillegal
hellsby one competitor against another
competitor just to getrid of the competitor:
1.Often an evil malicious competitor will attempt to
get rid of all competition by terminating them or
sending them to illegal hell ( OperationComplex )s
to be tortured so that the evil malicious
competitor's company may have a monopoly on the
target industry. Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
must make sure that they do not become cut throat
competitors that compete against other
institutions. Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics is for
those who are compatible to become Marc-G-P-L
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Perfectionists Creatics; there is no directive for
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics to take over the
world by force nor through cur throat tactics; if the
whole world is compatible with Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics then that is when Marc-G-P-
L Perfectionists Creatics will take over the whole
world for the people of the world shall except the
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics with open hearts
and minds; Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics would
prefer to Existence in our own planetary
environment that have no cut throat competition
that seek to eliminate the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics from existences with evil malicious
combative techniques. Often in cut throat
environments competitors especially religious
institutions in the planet Earth seek to eliminate
each other through cut throat techniques of
sending each other to illegal hell just so the cut
throat religion could take over the whole world and
converts. It is illegal for one competitor to send the
other competitor to illegal hell just so the
competitor could take over the whole industry to
themselves. Cut throat techniques against legal
competition that lead to incarceration in illegal hells
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is illegal.
514-(7-1-3-24-4-10-26).Other solutionsfor
dealingwith evil malicious then the
institutionalization of torture such as
preventions, confinements, anddiscontinuations:
1.Torture is not the only solution nor option when it
comes to dealing with evil malicious beings; there
are also the option of institutionalizing evil
malicious beings, preventing evil malicious beings
from forming, confinement of evil malicious beings,
and discontinuations of evil malicious beings. evil
malicious beings can be institutionalized instead of
torturing and tormenting them, evil malicious being
can be put inside of a prison institution that they
cannot escape during their stay in the prison
institution they can receive reprogramming of their
mind ( MindOperationCausation ) and rehabilitative
retraining of the evil malicious mind into a Perfect
mind; preventions can be used to detect when a
being is going to become evil malicious and such
prevention can intervene and prevent the evil
malicious being from forming at all. Forecasting and
script of life reading of the past, present, and future
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can be used to detect all beings that are doomed
to become evil malicious and the doom can be
avoided by intervention-es who intervene to
prevent a being from from becoming evil malicious;
confinement can be used as a solution instead of
torture evil malicious wicked beings can be put into
a deep stasis in confinement tubes in which they
are in a comma and cannot wake up until they are
turned on again, confinement tubes will be
inescapable and will not require to feed the
imprisoned but shall keep the imprisoned in an
inanimate state of comma stasis; discontinuations
can be used instead of illegal hell and torture, it is
much Marc Perfect to discontinue someone or
something instead of torturing them and
tormenting them for all eternity in a illegal hell
( OperationComplex ); beings that are available to
be discontinued are beings that are illegal hell
machines and are destined to be evil malicious and
are unchangeable from practicing evil malicious as a
way of life. Institutionalization, preventions,
confinements, and discontinuations are Marc Perfect
tools then torture, torment, and illegal hell
( OperationComplex )s.
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515-(7-1-3-24-4-10-27).The avoidance of evil
malicious beingsfrom turning aPerfect beings
into atormentor or anevil malicious being
because of their actions that cause aPerfect
being to become combatants againstevil
malicious anduse illegalhell asasolution:
1.Perfect Beings must be careful not to become
tormentors because of their hatred of evil malicious
beings. Sometimes Perfect Beings who are fighting
against evil malicious beings began to copy the
ways of evil malicious beings and start using evil
malicious tactics which makes them evil malicious
also. When Perfect Beings are combatants against
evil malicious, Perfect Beings must make sure that
they don't copy the evil malicious methods and
tactics of the evil malicious beings that they fight
and so Perfect Beings must prevent themselves
from becoming evil malicious also; for example if an
evil malicious being rape a Perfect Person, Perfect
Beings are not suppose to copy the wicked person
and rape also; Perfect Beings must use Perfect
Tactics such as imprisonment against evil malicious
beings. Sometimes it is death that Perfect Beings
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must give an evil malicious being in self defense
from harm. There are acts that Perfect Beings must
never do in combat against evil malicious. Perfect
Beings must fallow the ethical rules of war, moral
Law of warfare, orderly Law of warfare, rules of
engagement of warfare, and Perfect Conduct during
warfare and all combatants must know what is legal
to do in warfare and what is illegal to do in warfare.
In Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics we realize that
we cannot be evil malicious because of the deed of
evil malicious beings therefore we do not copy the
evil malicious ways of evil malicious beings even
during warfare we have standard behavioral
patterns that are Perfect we must fallow.
516-(7-1-3-24-4-10-28).The honesty of aillegal
hell rescuer, andthe dishonesty of anevil
malicious being who isconfoundedinillegalhell
for that evil malicious beingsdeedsand the
avoidance ofgenuineillegalhell rescuers from
becomingprey to deceitfrom the confineded
who are evil malicious:
1.illegal hell rescuer who are honest seek to remove
the anti-pleasure, painfulness, and illegal hell
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that beings who are in illegal hell experience on a
daily bases, some beings who are in illegal hell
experience illegal hell without interruption and this
form of torture the illegal hell keepers plan to last
forever. Especially when a Being is capable of Being
Perfect the Being should be removed from illegal
hell ( OperationComplex )s; especially in the case of
Human Beings, Human Beings are capable of Being
Perfect and are containable and restrain-able this
means that a Human does not need to be kept in a
illegal hell in order to be stopped from doing evil
malicious or harm. Perfect illegal hell Rescuers are
honest in their intentions to set loosuncapturety the
confounds of illegal hell that are tormented daily,
but sometimes illegal hell rescuers will find evil
malicious beings that are confounded in illegal hell
for their evil malicious deeds. Sometimes such evil
malicious beings are genuinely evil malicious and
malevolent which means they are incapable of
being Perfect and should be discontinued from
existences. Genuine illegal hell rescuers must avoid
becoming prey to deceit from confounded being
who are genuinely evil malicious and are found in
illegal hell ( OperationComplex )s. When illegal hell
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
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