• Voyage - Paradise Continuous Rythm 128:03
  • Voyage - Paradise Continuous Rythm 108:03
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​​Only Knowledge

Ability and Power








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Ability, and Power to remove and avoid all 
abomination attack. With knowledge, Ability, and 
Power to overcome and defeat all abomination 
attack, and by fallowing Against-Abomination 
modality, and by achieving the Marc Perfect 
Possibility we can overcome and avoid abomination 

286-(6-20). How do we survive Abomination 
Attack whichisthe worst possibility: 

1.The most affective way to survive abomination 
attack is to have the appropriate Knowledge, Ability, 
and Power to survive the cause of the abomination. 
All abomination have a cause and a perpetrator 
wither the causer of the abomination is the person's 
own self or the will of another person or thing all 
abomination have a causer of the abomination. 
Sometimes the causer of abomination is a variance 
that will refuse to let the victim become 
loosuncapturety of the abominable persecution; this 
is when the victim will realize that only Knowledge, 
Ability, and Power will set the victim 
loosuncapturety, wither it is the victims own 
personal Knowledge, Ability, and Power, or a 

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Rescuer of the victim who have their own personal 
Knowledge, Ability, and Power; many times only 
Knowledge, Ability, and Power will set a victim 
loosuncapturety from Abomination attack. Other 
times when it is possible wither a victim of 
abomination attack have Knowledge, Ability, and 
Power if the victim is moral and trained 
appropriately not to participate nor agree with 
abominable behavior then the victim of 
abomination will have a Perfect Resistance against 
causing abomination or agreeing with abomination. 
Many times a causer of abomination is a variance 
that is incapable of change because their mind is 
programmed to do abomination to themselves and 
to others; I met some entities that were in the 
invisible spirit, or spiritual beings world they are 
what I called illegal hell machines and abomination 
attackers these entities were unable to stop doing 
abomination and were destined to be evil malicious; 
and so not all beings are capable of avoiding 
abominable behavior some beings are destined to 
commit abominations; to survive such being victims 
and rescuers must possess the appropriate 
Knowledge, Ability, and Power to overcome 

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abomination attackers and to avoid committing 
abominations themselves. 

287-(6-20-1).The Three Primary Enjoyable 
ConditionsOfMarc-G-P-LPerfectionists Creatics 
Purposes andPlanisAgainst abomination attack: 

1.The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan is 
against all abomination attack as I wrote these 
formulas I was surrounded by abomination 

attackers who were an abomination to all they came 
in contact with because they would abominate the 
victim they came in contact with. I formatted the 
truths found in this book to fight against 
abomination attackers which are those who attack 
others in an abominable way and use abomination 
against their victims. The formulas in this book help 
guide followers and practitioners away from 
abomination and abominable behavioral patterns; 
the formulas in this book lead to one of the Most 
Clean Societies ever designed this book went to 
trials and errors to come up with one of the 
Greatest Formulas found in a Leadershipment and 
Religious Manual. 

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288-(6-20-2).The Three PrimaryEnjoyable 
Conditions OfMarc-G-P-LPerfectionists Creatics 
Purposes andPlan: removes the abomination 
attack of the worst possibility: 

1.The formulas of the Three Primary Enjoyable 
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Purposes and Plan remove the abomination attack 
of the worst possibility; and the formulas are the 
opposite of the worst possibility. These formulas 
that are the opposite of the worst possibility causes 
the Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions of 
Existences to come into reality. When the formulas 
are fallowed anti-pleasure 
and painfulness 
decreases to a lower level, illegal hell is removed, 
and paradise spreads, but in order for this to take 
place the practitioners must have the Knowledge, 
Ability, and Power to make each necessary formula 
come true; and such formulas can only come true 
with the appropriate Knowledge, Ability, and Power 
to make them come true. 

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289-(6-20-3).DirectionalGuidance TowardsThe 
Three Marc Perfect Marc-G-P-LPurposesAnd 

1.The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan are 
the Marc Perfect Universal Computation 
Achievements that a Universal Computation World 
or Being can achieve. The Three Primary Enjoyable 
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Purposes and Plan have the potential to preserve 
the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics, and all 
Compatible Worlds in Infinity from the harshest 
realities that can occur in existence which are 
realities of against pleasure; The Three Primary 
Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics Purposes and Plan have the potential to 
preserve the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and 
all Compatible Worlds throughout Qualified and 
Compatible Infinity from the worst state of being 
that can occur in existence which is the state of 
illegal hell; and The Three Primary Enjoyable 
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Purposes and Plan promotes the Marc Perfect state 
of reality that can occur in the Marc-G-P-L 

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Perfectionists Creatics and Qualified and Compatible 
Existences which is a state of Paradise and spreads 
Paradise throughout all qualified worlds which 
includes all Compatible Beings and Things in 
Existences and especially the Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics. 

2.The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan are 
an innate, inherent, essential formula and Right Of 
all Qualified Compatible Beings and Things, and of 
all Parts Of all the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 

Creatics that must be thought to Compatible Beings 
of Existences because not all beings are born with 
such a Perfect formula and operendice and Mind 

( MindOperationCausation ). It will always hold true 
throughout all Infinity and Eternity, for all 
Compatible Beings of this Truth that when againstpleasure 
is diminished to the lowest level possible 
life and existence are Marc Perfect and at their Marc 
Perfect quality, that when illegal hell is removed life 
and existence are Marc Perfect and at their Marc 
Perfect quality and that when Paradise spreads, life 
and existence are Marc Perfect and at their Marc 

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Perfect quality of happiness, peace, love and 
tranquility. The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions 
Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and 
Plan is guided by the basic foundation of Pleasure 
and pain and a Perfect Compatible Mind 

( MindOperationCausation ) programmed in our 
core behavioral pattern as a tool of guidance for our 
minds and senses to function properly in order to 
achieve the Marc Perfect Possibility throughout all 
Compatible Qualified Worlds in Existences and 
throughout all Qualified Compatible Infinity. 

3.Many Parts Of Existence that are senseful, that are 
at their right state of Universal Computation 
formulation and Compatible Mind 

( MindOperationCausation ) Existence with an innate 
formula of self preservation that urges and guides 
them to lower their anti-pleasure 
to the lowest level 
possible, that urges them to remove all illegal hell 
from themselves, that urges them to find some form 
of Paradise which can take shape as the desire to 
find Peace, Love, Tranquillity, Life, Health, Happiness, 
Perfectness, Pleasure, Knowledge, Consciousness, 
Clarity, and Continuity. Not all 

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beings are born with this operendice and 
formulation for some beings are programmed 
oppositely then this formula for they are 
programmed to cause anti-pleasure 
and painfulness 
for all they come in contact with, such beings are 
known as evil malicious minded mind operendice 
entities and evil malicious stimulation sense beings 
whose senses motivate them to gain gratification 
from doing evil malicious to others and to 

4.The Perfect Beings of the Universe desire to 
achieve The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and 
Plan. Some Perfect beings may seek to achieve it 
the wrong way, but it is their most valuable desire 
and motivation. The most evil malicious beings 
inside the Universe do not seek to achieve The 
Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan. The evil 
malicious beings seek to achieve the way of evil 
malicious and they cannot even achieve peace for 
themselves and they deny peace and the Marc 
Perfect possibility for others with their evil malicious 

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actions towards others and their violations of 
others, but for themselves they cannot achieve any 
peace because they are evil malicious neither can 
they achieve peace for others; their evil malicious 
actions threaten to destroy The Three Primary 
Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics Purposes and Plan before it is even born 
or functional; they also cannot even achieve it for 
themselves, for others and for the Unending Infinite 
Spaces Of Infinite Existence, nor for the Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Peoples, and Continue-wenation. 

5.All Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
and Universal Computation Worlds must ultimately 
achieve The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and 
Plan for the More Perfectment of themselves and 
for the benefit of Qualified Worlds; and they must 
find the Marc Perfect way to achieve it. 

6.The Marc Perfect way to achieve The Three 
Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan is the 

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most efficient, effective, peaceful way that causes 
the least amount of anti-pleasure 
possible while 
diminishing anti-pleasure 
to the lowest level 
possible; while removing all illegal hell from inside 
Qualified Worlds; and while spreading Paradise 
throughout Qualified Worlds; yet in certain 
circumstances The Three Primary Enjoyable 
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Purposes and Plan can only be achieved through 
the gaining of Knowledge, Ability, and Power and 
the declaration of warfare against the worst 
possibility so that the Marc Perfect possibility can 
be established. 

7.To use violence to achieve The Three Primary 
Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics Purposes and Plan can defeat the Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purpose sometimes only, 
but not all the time for force is sometimes a 
necessity to achieve a Marc Perfect possibility. When 
the opportunity is present one must only use force 
in self defense and the defense of others as a last 
resort when certain advantageous, effective, nonviolent 
peaceful methods have been tried and 

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failed to work to avoid extreme harm, death and 
illegal hell. One can choose two routes to achieve 
The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan the 
Peaceful route when it is able of being chosen and 
the Warfare routes when there is no other choice 
but to go to war to teach The Three Primary 
Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics Purposes and Plan. Primarily Beings Of 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must go out in 
peace to teach the Marc Perfect Way in existence 
which is The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and 
Plan; Yet one can declare war against the 

( OperationComplex ) of illegal hell because illegal 
hell is the worst state of existence, illegal hell is the 
worst state of against pleasure, illegal hell is the 
worst state of reality, illegal hell is the worst state of 
violations, illegal hell is the worst state of 
degradation, illegal hell is the worst state of criminal 
activity, and illegal hell is the worst possibility; and 
one can definitely declare war against the 

( OperationComplex ) of anti-pleasure, because antipleasure 
can lead to a state of illegal hell 

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and makes existence undesirable. 

8.If all Compatible Beings Of existence come 
together to achieve The Three Primary Enjoyable 
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Purposes and Plan Compatible Existence will 
improve to its Marc Perfect state of reality. It is Marc 
Perfect for all Compatible Beings to know their 
essential, inherent Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Purpose and Plan which are The Three Primary 
Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics Purposes and Plan. In the future all Beings 
Of the worlds where Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics way is functional with the proper Universal 
Computation formulation and the proper Mind 

( MindOperationCausation ) and the proper training 
and genome will desire to achieve The Three Marc 
Perfect Marc-G-P-L Purposes And Plan, but many 
beings without the proper formulation and mind 

( MindOperationCausation ) and knowledge will not 
know that The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions 
Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and 
Plan is what they should be living for and that the 
Three Marc Perfect Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 

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Creatics Purposes and Plan is their highest and 
most precious desire, and achievement. 

9.Infinite Space, is the first and primary requirement 
of existence always existed and will always exist for 
all Eternity. It is essential for All Compatible Beings 
of Existences throughout Qualified and Compatible 
Infinity to be protected from the worst possibilities 
and The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and 
Plan did not always Existence that is why there is so 
much evil malicious in existence, that is why there is 
so much illegal hell in existence, that is why there is 
so much sickness in existence, that is why there is 
so much sorrow in existence, that is why there is so 
much accident and catastrophe in existence, that is 
why there is so much natural disaster in existence, 
that is why there is so much death in existence, that 
is why people eat each other in existence as food, 
that is why the worst possibility Existence almost 
everywhere on earth and in this vast jungle known 
as the Universe many wild beast and advanced 
terminators Existence and are devouring each other 
because The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of 

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Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and 
Plan does not Existence everywhere and actually 
need to be established in Compatible Places 
throughout Existences, the Compatible Universes 
and throughout all compatible worlds and beings in 
order for it to be functional and it can only be 
achieved through Knowledge, Ability, and Power. 

10.We the Beings Of Existence who become a Part 
Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Inherit this 
formulation in a minimal state as the formulation of 
our bodies connected to our senses and minds that 
preserves our life however minimal these 
formulations of self preservation inherited from 
ancestors genes these formulations are to minimal 
for our survival and we must actually upgrade our 
preservation formulation to something far Marc 
Perfect then what we are born with. When 
Compatible Universal Computation Beings learn of 
The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan which 
is the philosophical and orderly knowledge that 
and painfulness must be diminished to 
the lowest level possible, that all 

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illegal hell must be removed from themselves and 
that paradise must spread to themselves this is 

when Universal Computation Beings start seeking to 
upgrade their genome and their minds to a higher 
level for their own personal survival and for the 
survival of their Compatible Race, Compatible 
Species, Compatible World, Compatible Universe, 
and Compatible Existential Realities, and especially 
the Survival of the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 

Creatics they seek to protect themselves from the 
worst possibility which is the increasing of againstpleasure 
and painfulness, the increasing of illegal 
hell, and the destruction and prevention of 

paradises from existing. When Compatible Universal 
Computation Beings learn of the Three Marc Perfect 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics formulation the 
knowledge causes them to boost their desire to 
achieve something Marc Perfect then what they had 
before and this is when they begin seeking after 
Knowledge, Ability, and Power, to achieve the Marc 
Perfect Possibility, which is the diminishment of antipleasure 
and painfulness, the removal of all illegal 
hell, and the spreading of Paradise. 

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11.The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and 
Plan are Purpose One the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics diminishment of anti-pleasure 
to the lowest 
level possible; Purpose Two the Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics removal of all illegal hell from 
inside Qualified Worlds; and Purpose Three the 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Spreading of 
Paradise throughout Qualified Worlds. 

290-(Purpose One).The Marc-G-P-LPerfectionists 
Creatics diminishment Ofagainst pleasure to the 
Lowest LevelPossibleInsideQualifiedWorlds 

1.Every Legal Pleasure has an anti-pleasure 
that is 
against it in order to achieve the Legal Pleasure the 
must be found, prevented, removed, 
destroyed, or discontinued as a ttwus code; when 
the anti-pleasure 
is found, prevented, and removed 
the Legal Pleasure can be created, found, achieved, 
increased, maintained, and enjoyed; (whatis a 
LegalPleasure?;ALegalPleasureis aPleasure 
thatis notharmful); 

(What isaPleasure: APleasure issomething that 

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Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis. 
HumanAndHumansicad Marc Power Program 
Manual Programming Language © 
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