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28-(1-8). Building a network of friends that are
Human beings as protection against objects of
worship and worshipers that seek to terminate
you anddestroyyour community:
Humanity depend upon objects of worship instead
of each other for answers to their problems and as
their leadership, and if the object of worship is not
a Human, the object of worship can be out of touch
with Humanity or have less sympathy for Humanity.
objects of worship that are non-human that humans
worship can become very dangerous towards
Humanity, they can even cause the extermination of
Humanity as a race completely by terminating
Humanity from existence through genocide. Non-
Human objects who are worshiped can sometimes
even see Humanity as a food source. Some evil
malicious beings that are worshiped by Humanity
use Humanity as a food source, some of them are
cannibalistic beings that eat each other and that see
Humanity as a food source. Sometimes a beings
that is worshiped by humans that is a non-Human
result to punishing Humanity in the most inhumane
ways such as tormenting a Human that is said to be
a ( sincriminal ) for all eternity in illegal hell
( OperationComplex )s, or sending a Human who
become a spirit, or spiritual beings being to illegal
hell ( OperationComplex )s to be tormented in the
most tormenting ways; or using Human children as
religious sacrifices in fires or even as food for
crocodiles, by having humans allow an animal to
eat a child or an object of worship eat a child or a
grown Human as a food. A Human should never
respect nor love an animal enough to let an animal
eat a Human Child; Humans should despise and
hate animals and keep all animals away from the
household and world of Humanity, because without
Humanity having the appropriate Knowledge,
Ability, and Power animals can cause the death and
destruction of Humanity in many ways, Humans
should only use farm animals as a food, but all
other animals that are not needed to pollinate
plants should be destroyed out of the household
and world of Humanity or be put in quarantine
planets as sexless animals with no sex organ that is
male nor female; such animals shall be no greater
then 1feet x 1feet x 1feet or smaller that do not eat
any food so that humanity may not be blamed for
committing genocide against the animal species
such animals will be kept in quarantine forever and
will never escape the quarantine area as any aspect
of what they are forever, nor shall they populate
more then the confined number of animals that
represent the animal species; which will not be able
to think nor speak beyond extremely limited animal
language and reactions; not only will animals be
treated this way but any race or state of existence
that must be quarantined into a harmless thing
because they are a ttwus code shall be quarantined
in all their aspects by Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics in Quarantine Planets where they shall
never exceed the quarantine amount of the
representation of their race and species and kind
and their limitations shall be set and all among
such races and species that cannot copulate in a
sexual manner shall be turned into sexless asexual
beings they shall live forever in quarantine planets
under monitoring and no aspect of what they are
visible and invisible shall be able to escape the
quarantine of their species; for example all
homosexual species are due to become sexless
being that have no sexual organs at all and no
thought to copulate and if they are a ttwus code
they shall have their sexual organs removed
completely and they are a ttwus code that can't be
changed they shall be put into dormant
enstonement and put into motionless permanent
sleep; and all beings and things who are too much
of a ttwus code to survive shall be discontinued in a
legal manner that leave no fault, no blame, no
retribution, and not deficit against the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatic
ngHuman; for example worshiper ttwus codes;
which are beings that cannot stop worshiping even
forever because their mind
( MindOperationCausation ) is stuck to worshiping
shall all be quarantined in worshiper quarantine
planets where they will be allowed to worship
allowable worship-able things; and they shall not be
allowed to turn Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
into worship slaves with no power. The reason
deserving but troublesome races, kinds, and
species, beings and things are quarantined instead
of discontinued when they are not a deserving
ttwus code that deserve to be discontinued is
because the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatic does
not want the argument of killing kind for killing
kind to claim a retribution against Our Kind the
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatic Marc and Marcia
Race; and so when we confine such races that prove
to be quarantine-able we modify them to a state in
which they can be quarantined into the monitored
in quarantine planets that does not allow the
species, race, or kind to be discontinued but allows
it to be quarantined into the harmless against
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and qualified
1-8-1. Humanity must build a network of caring
Human beings that are moral and empathetic
towards Humanity and that have sympathy for
Humanity and that can identify with Humanity,
because they themselves are Human beings. These
humans working as a network will not ask humans
to worship them for assistance but will help
Humanity because it is the Marc Perfect thing to do
to help your fellow Humanity in the Marc Perfect
way possible to achieve a Marc Perfect possibility.
non-humans who hear of humans working together
who for example see Humanity as a lower species
can sometimes hate Humanity and seek for
Humanity not to gain any Knowledge, Ability and
Power to build a Marc Perfect future and way of life
for Humanity, but Humanity must overcome these
obstacles and obtain Greater Knowledge, Ability,
and Power, to protect Humanity from non-humans
that seek to obtain servantry through worship from
Humanity and to eliminate Humanity from existence
when they cannot have their Ways with Humanity.
1-8-2. When an object of worship have supernatural
powers or extra-abilities then Humanity they can
sometimes become extremely harmful towards
Humanity, I experienced this firsthand from invisible
entities that I could not see unless I practiced
Waking Up From Your Sleep To See Invisible Worlds
(Wufystsiw); which mean that someone who do not
sleep for over 3, 5, 8, or 10 days or more will begin
to see the invisible world, it is not a hallucination it
is waking up your eyes from sleep to see the
invisible worlds the longer someone does not sleep
the more of the invisible world they will see, but
this technique is also dangerous and can lead to
the persons death by invisible beings who see that
they can see the invisible world some of these
invisible beings even eat Humanity as a food source
and this is highly illegal. These invisible beings were
some of the most evil malicious beings in the
Universe and Existence. These invisible beings
desired worship, gay sex, and food from Humanity.
These invisible non-humans desired to turn humans
into worshipers, at the same time they desired to
have gay sex with humans, and at the same time
they desired to eat humans as a food source. These
non-humans were some of the most evil malicious
beings in all existence yet they desired worship
from Humanity. I had to fight against these evil
malicious invisible beings who were spirit, or
spiritual beings in the matrix of the Earth, even as I
write these truths I have to fight for every word that
I write into this book.
1-8-3. Humanity must build a network of Human
beings that have Knowledge, Ability, and Power, to
protect each other and Humanity from harmful
humans and non-humans. This Human network
must not be Leaded by worship this Human
network must be Leaded by Perfect Leadership,
Perfect Law, and the Marc Perfect Possibility. This
Leadership must not be a Leadership in which the
habit of voting keep removing Leadmental officials
out of office before they gain any seniority, this
Perfect Leadership must be a stable Leadership that
is perfect and I have invented this Perfect
Leadership in this book and I am the ( Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics ( Main Leadershipment Law
Maker Powerful Leader ), And Main Peoples Leader,
And Main Marc Perfect Possibility Maker ), I am
Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis the first leader of this
Perfect Leadership known as the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics.
29-(1-9).Objectsthat are worshiped are not
always powerful nor are some of them real living
Many times objects that are worshiped are not that
powerful, even though certain objects that are
worshiped are powerful enough to assists others in
a supernatural manner many times objects of
worship are not powerful. For example one of the
main objects to be worshiped at times is an idol;
usually an idol is not able to help anyone, but there
is one way to bring an idol to life it is when the
Human eye allow an idol to be animated, how is
this possible well there is a secret formula of the
Human mind that can cause an idol to move or any
inanimate thing. Inanimate things can move if
someone cause them to become animated by not
sleeping for over 3, 5, 7, 10 or more days when the
Human mind awaken from its sleep for many days
the mind open a channel to the invisible world that
is vibrating next to the inanimate world that
Humanity Existence safely inside of and now the
mind is transferred to the animated world which is
a world where everything can speak and move
around, even a statue can move and even a picture
can talk back to the person. Even though these
things that were usually inanimate can move now it
does not mean that they can grant a worshiper or
askers their wishes or answer their prayers.
1-9-1. There are supernatural beings with great
abilities in the invisible world, but they don't always
answer prayers in fact it is proven that Humanity is
a very prayerful race of beings where the majority
of Humanity are worshipers some form of an object
as a Super Natural Being over themselves yet
Humanity experience calamity and catastrophe on a
everyday bases very few diseases are cured by
prayer or by Human medicine or worship; and so
Humanity a very worshipful and prayerful people
still Existence with diseases, catastrophe, warfare,
hunger, and accidents, dissatisfaction with life, stress
and unhappiness. Some humans and spirit, or
spiritual beings even blame the objects of worship
for the cause of the sorrows of Humanity, that it is
the fault of objects of worship that Humanity
experience anti-pleasure, painfulness, and illegal hell
on a regular basis.
1-9-2. Many times a Human will even turn to an
animal as a god over the Human even though a
Human should despise and hate an animal form
with all a Humans heart and see animals as a
natural enemy to the survival of Humanity. Some
polytheist such as hindus worship animals as a god
over themselves and pray to them to answer
prayers to no avail for these dumb animals don't
even know what day it is, or their names or what
planet they are on, they can't even understand
Human language. Though humanities memory is
poor at times, at least an educated Human can look
at a watch or calendar and know what day and time
it is. Though there are spirit, or spiritual beings that
dwell in certain unclean animals these spirit, or
spiritual beings cannot do anything for Humanity;
even when an animal is as intelligent as a Human
Being and can speak a Human should not worship
such an animal because they are not our kind and
are a lower form to Human Beings and can cause
the death of Humanity, even individualistic and
mass beastiality sexual assault through mind control
and force, and cannibalism animals can cause to
occur to humanity who worship animals which can
lead to the death of humanity, and so Humanity
must despise and hate animals and seek to get rid
of all animals except for animals Humans use as
farm animals for food while Humans still eat food,
and animals that pollinate plants while they are still
needed for that purpose, other then that all animals
should die so that the world of Humanity can be
safer and cleaner loosuncapturetied from animal
pollution; animals should be removed spiritually and
physically and in all other forms and be put in a
quarantined prison with with a material covering it
that is a solid mass and an inescapable force-field
for all animal components that are physical,
spiritual, or any other form, or aspect where all such
animal aspects are imprisoned in an inescapable
prison planet where all animals are no bigger then
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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