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and a New Living Humansicad Marc Power Shall be
born never to be an evil or ttwus code by all design
possible if such precaution shall fail such a person
shall also be discontinued form existences and a
new model shall be born again if it is proven that it
is the very model number measurements colors and
aspect ratios that cause evil to occur no matter
what mind or recognition or programming
language it has that is the cause of the evil ttwus
code to keep appearing then that model number or
color or aspect ratio shall be discontinued forever
never to be allowed to Existence ever again; this
same policy shall hold for all universes, codes,
beings, things, knowledge, ability, power, states of
beings or anything at all if it is proven that it is the
cause of the evil ttwus code that cause us not to
achieve the Marc Perfect Paradises where there is
no evil ttwus codes; where Humanity Live in
Harmony as Segregates that refuse to kill one
another nor trespass against one another, but will
allow all acceptable variances and combinance of
Humanity to Live ForeverMarc without any trespass
nor violence. Discontinued entities shall be made to
be unwinded as particles and turned into mindless
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thoughtless waves that have no knowledge, no
ability, and no power and no recognition and not
life at all that are completely dead and discontinued
in living form; such unwinding does not have to
cause any pain, torture, or notice of occurrence;
such unwinded material must be held at the
dimension fuse of the unwinded into discontinued
waves fuse cube and dimension; conspirators
cannot abuse final discontinuity laws to discontinue
those that are not evil ttwus codes but limited
mistake makers that can be reprogrammed publicly
and and secretly not to commit mistakes and
forgive-able ( "sincrime" ); normal ( sincriminal )s
that are not proven to be evil ttwus codes can be
charged formally with the ( "sincrime" ) they have
committed and undergo usual sentencing formulas
found in this book for ( sincriminal )s; what is a
ttwus code; ( attwus codeis adefined trait of
worst possibility ofanything evilandharmful
that isproven to be the defined trait of evil
harmful worst possibility traits foundin
existences,many ttwus code entities are proven
to be forever repeat offenders of the evil worst
possibility code that isproven to be anevil ttwus
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codein composition); ( In everything where the
worst possibility can occur is located a ttwus code
the ttwus code is the very code that causes every
evil, failure, worst possibility, malfunction, harm,
wrong doing, error, or anything that is negative,
destructive causing, evil enduring, lower quality
maintenance, create new fault to fall upon the
being or thing and it is a code that is located in
every being or thing that has the code located in
them; all things that have no ttwus code have
nothing internal that dictate they can achieve a
worst possibility at all in some of them will not be
able to achieve, or be decrease to a worst
possibility by an internal or external code because
there is no ttwus code internally that permit a ttwus
code externally to cause them to achieve a worst
possibility the the Marc Perfect Possibility; a ttwus
code can be a simple code written to the very
complex being or thing that is the intelligent
lifeforms or the non-intelligent life form using the
entirety of the totality of the ttwus code. ); ( for
example if a person had a brand new dictionary,
but the dictionary had ttwus codes written along
with OperationComplex codes, such as pages can
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tear, the binding of the book can break apart, text
on lettering can fade away, if water falls upon it
pages will melt away, typos can be typed into the
dictionary before it got there, definitions of words
can be deceiving and falsely, the letters in the
pages can be too small to read, the pages can burn
if fire touches them; all these things I have
described are ttwus codes written in the
OperationComplex of a dictionary that did not have
Three Marc Perfect Codes to remove all the ttwus
codes and make the dictionary indestructible in a
positive manner and Perfect in All Ways. Three Marc
Perfect Codes are the Most Positive Codes while
ttwus codes are the worst possibility in everything. )
for example, if a dog is found to be an animal that
is a ttwus worst possibility code that means
everything that is a dog as a code or as a dog must
be discontinued whenever found without any
question asked or trial as soon as a dog is seen as
a code or as a species it must be discontinued
immediately the same goes for any animal or all
animals; for example, if there is a human female or
male or a human formed female or male that is not
human but carry the human form, and they
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regularly practice beastiality with dogs, if it is
proven that the very brain type and genetic of such
males and females prefer to have sex with dogs as
males and females that are a human form and that
under conditions of being left alone with such
animals such persons will naturally lay with such
animals whenever possible then such a human brain
types and genetic type would be proven to be a
ttwus code and proven to be discontinue-able
without question whenever found, but the facial
type and model number would be tested with a
new mind ( MindOperationCausation ) to see if such
a mind ( MindOperationCausation ) deny beastiality
dog sex even with the facial types and body model
number, if it is proven that with a new mind
( MindOperationCausation ) the model number of
human does not commit beastiality ( "sincrime" )
with dogs then the model number would be proven
to be innocent, but the previous brain type and
genetic type that built the brain type if proven to
( "sincrime" ) each time by committing beastiality
( "sincrime" ) would be proven to be a ttwus code
and could be discontinued from existences on site
as a ttwus code by vanishing it from existences into
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the discontinued layer. ); ( “a being or thing that
naturally hunt and eat mankind and womenkind as
a food source and as a prey is a ttwus code to
Humanity and will always see humanity as a prey to
hunt down and eat, if every member of the species
naturally see humanity as a food source to prey
upon and eat the whole species is a ttwus code
against humanity and must be terminated on site
without a question into discontinuity.”, “any species
that appreciate human meat or human as a food
source will come to a final conclusion that is evil
that, that all humans no matter if they are a sinner
or a ttwus code or not is a food source, because
that is their nourishment and sustenance to live it is
to eat humans as a food and whenever such
species are hungry it is a human they will seek to
eat and if they find a sinless human they shall
chose themselves to live instead of the sinless
human and eat the sinless human as a food
therefore all being and things that eat humans as a
food source wither they are non-human or human
are a ttwus code to humans and can be terminated
on site”. ); (note, person cannot be conquered into
becoming a ( "sincrime" ) or ttwus code by repeated
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test and temptation and forceful agitation variation
and combination of situational suggestions that are
repeated for a long duration of tormentful time
until the person is conquered into an evil ttwus
( sincriminal ) this is known of being conquered into
writing a new programming ( "sincrime" ) for the
mind to process as a normalcy an innocent mind
can be made to write a new programming
( "sincrime" ) by repeated temptation to ( "sincrime"
) or by being conquered to ( "sincrime" ), such mind
types would not have sinned even forever, but
would have been conquered through temptation
and conquest into writing a new programming
( "sincrime" ) ttwus code to convert to by pressure
and dominance; all mind types that can learn a new
skills and write the new skill in their mind if they do
not have a total no decision for committing certain
( "sincrime" ) and total no decision for committing
ttwus codes can be made sometimes through
conquest and extreme pressure and extreme
temptation to write a new programming ( "sincrime"
) to commit ( "sincrime" ) or ttwus codes
temporarily or even permanently. ); ( “all mind types
that have a freewill and the ability to learn a new
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skill and the ability to resists by bias and preference
can write a new total no decision against
( "sincrime" ) and it will be their freewill to resists
temptation to overwrite that total no decision and
their excellent bias to keep that total no decision
against ( "sincrime" ) and ttwus codes even forever
they can write themselves a against-ttwus code and
( "sincrime" ) program by their own ability to learn a
new skill with their freewill and develop an excellent
bias against ( "sincrime" ) and ttwus codes.” ); ( “a
recognition that is unchangeable without the total
destruction of the recognized being is an
unchangeable recognition if it is a positive or Marc
Perfect, unchangeable recognition a positive or
Marc Perfect person that is not a ttwus code the
person will be; if it is a negative evil ttwus
recognition a negative evil ttwus code the person
will always be no matter if the person have zero
memory or a new programming” ) a being or thing
with a recognition that is the very ttwus code will
always write a new ttwus code that is similar even
after total memory removal and reprogramming
because it is the very recognition of who the person
is that is the ttwus code this means so long as the
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person have recognition even when they do not
know their name or have any memory of any past
act and have new programming language the very
recognition of who they are that is the essence of
their being that cannot be destroyed without their
total destruction is the ttwus code literally this
means that that persons recognition is a defined
ttwus code in that no reprogramming can take
away the ttwus code because it is the recognition
itself that is the ttwus code that means that the
very thing that is the recognition of the person that
cannot be redefined without killing the person from
existence completely is the ttwus code this means
that person is doomed forever and must be
terminated immediately when found and any
recognition that is a ttwus code recognition must
be terminated upon site without question because
it is an unchangeable ttwus code recognition and
no matter what reprogramming that is made and
what memory is stolen and added the recognition
repeated the same ttwus ( "sincrime" ) when it is
presented to the recognition this means that such a
recognition is a ttwus code and must be
discontinued” ); ( A ttwus is an entity that is so evil
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that it would say all the opposite of what my
manual says and when that occurred it would cause
the worst possibility to occur in code and ttwus
would be achieved as a manual and this would
cause an arch rival to occur that matched me word
for word in the opposite perspective; such an arch
rival occurred to me already in the entity entered
my body to rape and kill me and say that he is me
to replace me and to rape my lineage mothers and
my sons and daughters; such an arch rival as a
ttwus code must be discontinued as the worst
possibility as an adversary; the same way the
Positive face of positive Marcia cannot be given to
negative Marcia's because without those negative
Marcia's those faces belong to Positive Marcia's
therefore negative Marcia's cannot Existence or they
have thefted positive marcia faces to desecrate with
negative deed. )
1.Lawfulness is a great necessity in order for antipleasure
to be diminished to the lowest level
possible and there must be Perfect, humane, just
Law in order for this to occur.
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2.Beings must fallow Law that are fair Law. Perfect
Law must be crafted with Perfect intentions and
must have a purpose and plan of diminishing antipleasure
to the lowest level possible.
3.Conscious Beings must use their conscious mind
to shape all Law towards the diminishment of antipleasure
and these Law must bring Perfect order
and peace inside Compatible Universes and
throughout the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics.
4.All inhumane, cruel, unfair Law must be changed
into progressive, humane Law that bring peace and
justice inside the Universe and throughout the
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics.
5.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and
society must have Perfect order. Beings Of Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics must be trained since
childhood to adulthood to fallow Perfect Law.
6.Society must be lawful and crafted with Perfect
order. The order ( OperationComplex ) must be a
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fair order ( OperationComplex ) that is inclusive
towards all members of society. A Universal
Computation order ( OperationComplex ) that does
not discriminate against Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics because of race, gender, or
social status; yet harmful things shall not be
accepted in Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
7.Order is a powerful force of Compatible Universes
where it applies. Beings must bring order inside
their homes and nations and seek to increase
lawfulness and Perfect Order wherever they may be
inside Universes.
8.Order is such a powerful force in Compatible
Universes that it is Originally Self-Existent in
Compatible Universe. We also possess Self-Initiated
Order, which is order that is initiated by our
conscious will and actions that are guided by our
conscious and unconscious desire and intentions.
300-(6-21-3-5).Humane behavior
1.To be humane is characterized by kindness, mercy,
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or compassion. In order to diminish againstpleasure
to the lowest level possible inside
Compatible Universes, and especially throughout
the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics, Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must be thought
to have a humane behavior towards themselves and
towards others.
2.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
conduct their behavior in a way that is filled with
kindness, mercy, and compassion. Humane behavior
must be used in all areas of life.
3.The humane behavior of Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics should encourage and fortify
their belief and actions towards fulfilling The Three
Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan.
301-(6-21-3-3-6). Tolerance for harmless
1.Much anti-pleasure, illegal hell and death is
caused because Beings could not tolerate harmless
differences found in others that could not cause
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any harm to themselves.
2.Applicable Universes are a places that is filled with
variations. In our own planet we find numerous
variations and we now can view and understand the
numerous differences found in Planets, Stars and
3.Higher Conscious Beings must learn how to
tolerate and except the harmless differences found
in each other.
4.In order to diminish anti-pleasure
Beings Of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must learn how to
except the harmless differences found in each other.
5.If a Being possess a difference that cannot harm
another, then that difference can be excepted. Such
differences as a race that is harmless towards us can
be accepted, but a harmful race we must protect
ourselves from; color of the skin can be accepted,
but we shall not put harmful body vandalism tattoo
markings or piercings upon our
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skin, nor shall we dwell with beings and things of a
certain color that is proven to be harmful to us;
harmless religious beliefs can be accepted, but we
shall not accept any religion that declares war
against us or that teaches harmful things in fact in
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics society only
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics ways shall be
thought and other ways of life will have to be
practiced in their own sectors and communities;
harmless associations may be acceptable but
harmful associations shall not be accepted;
differences in language and tribes can be
acceptable, but in Marc G-P-L Society there shall
Existence a unified people and all of them shall
speak a unified language that they all can
understand; harmless political associations can be
accepted, but in Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
society only one political platform shall exist there
shall be no political parties in Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics only Leadershipment order
and mechanical instructional orders that are the
Marc Perfect Possibility for every Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics shall Existence; harmless
heterosexual differences can be acceptable, but in
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Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics sexual beings and
Procreator shall be given a manual that teaches
them how to have sex appropriately and how to
avoid sexual deviant behavior in Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics society sexuality is only
entered into through Procreation Espouse and
Lifetime Partnership and Perfect Pairing, and
Procreation Espouse into the school
( OperationComplex ) is the Marc Perfect form of
Procreation Espouse; harmless opinions can be
accepted, but in Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
society no harmful opinions shall be encouraged
only harmless productive opinions shall be
encouraged, but Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
do have the right to self defense opinions when
they are in danger of being harmed; harmless
preferences and many more harmless things can be
acceptable, but harmful preferences and other
harmful things shall not be accepted; Harmless
differences can be excepted, but harmful differences
must not be accepted for the safety of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Worlds and Beings.
6.Beings must learn how to tolerate each others
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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