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2-7.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against Beastiality of Humanity:
You who read this truth I shall give you a forewarning do not visit any beastiality website, do not watch any beastiality movie, and do not look at any beastiality pictures; and never commit beastiality forever, because beastiality is a condemnation and one of the highest crime a human can commit. As of 2015 there are 45 Million dog owners in America and there are 400 million dogs in the world. Based on my research the dogs these evil dumb people that breed with dogs are mostly breeding with are these deadly dogs to Humanity and more weimaraner, labrador, german shepherd, golden retriever, bulldog, boxer, rottweiler, pointer, husky, doberman pincher, great danes, mastiff, pitbulls, st. bernards, dalmatians, frisky or irish wolf hounds, terriers or white terriers, chiwawa, small and large dogs; plus more deadly dogs these are just a few of the dogs these people mate with in videos on the internet; revealingly the 18 dog breeds I just mentioned are some of the most popular dogs that are purchased in America, there are 178 popular dog breeds that Americans buy on a regular bases from pet stores and they also get them as gifts from friends with puppies; do not seek to see these videos yourself for they are too evil to view and will cause problems in your life. Lately movie stars and music stars have been taking weird pictures with dogs; Many of them have weird pictures with dogs; hollywood stars are being made to promote dogs by taking pictures with them some of these pictures are very disgusting and show stars with dogs licking their mouth or being held very close to their bodies, some pictures even display hollywood stars with dogs on top of them. Beastiality porn is all over the internet in fact for sure there are at least 38,300 zoophilia porn, there are at least 85,800 videos that are showing "girl having sex with dogs" search terms such as "zoophilia video" return 500,000 result; search terms such as "dog with girl sex" return 21,300,000 result which means evil companies are promoting women having sex with dogs over the internet; in fact there are commercial websites that are only dedicated to show women having sex with all kinds of ugly, dirty, filthy, stink dogs; search terms such as "bestiality porn" return a result of 580,000 videos. Stars such as miley cyrus openly confess that they practice pan sexualism which means they are willing to have sex with just about anything including animals; infact miley cyrus have a whole bunch of pictures over the internet showing her kissing dogs, she even have a naked picture with a nasty filthy pig. Evil beings target hollywood stars to promote evil for them because stars are nodes of influence; whatever a star does many people will copy, this is why it is important to keep a star clean so that stars don't promove evil for their fans to fallow. Devil worshipers and hindu religion fanatic's such as madonna in truth or dare took a questionable picture with a dog under her while wearing a bunny suite, madonna should have stuck with her pop music roots instead of becoming a deviation from the norm. The homosexual woman lady gaga took very immoral pictures with dogs. Though hollywood is a good thing many evil come out of hollywood also; infact hollywood stars can sometimes be a bad influence on society. Regulations must be put on hollywood stars and public figures so that they do not promote indecency, evil, and immorality.
In fact I suspect and see evidence that is proving that there is a bestiality attack against Humanity by the spiritual and invisible world; such bestiality spirits are dwelling on walls, floors, ceilings, bushes, animals, Humans, the sky and they practice bestiality; these spirits are jealous of Humanity and are seeking to kill Humanity as a race, by introducing bestiality into the daily life of certain low morality Human Beings that have evil, immoral non-human components dwelling inside of their body. To keep safe from becoming a victim of these evil spirits if you have a dog especially or any animal get rid of the animal by returning it to the animal shelter. Try not to watch any videos portraying bestiality and avoid pornography.
I have extremely bad news for Human Beings there is a group incarnating on the planet earth pretending to be Human but they are not Human they have a different soul group then Humans, they have a different spirit then Humans, they have a different mind operating system then Humans; they are a spiritual, soul, and mind operating system pretending to be Human among Humans but they are not Humans; they are more like a dirty cannibalistic whore devil, mixed with a dirty cannibalistic whore animal, mixed with a dirty cannibalistic whore soul, mixed with a dirty cannibalistic whore mind operating system and they are born looking like a Human when in reality they can't even fully like a Human Being at all they are born and prepared to lay with any dirty filthy beast of the field and bovine that Humans eat as a food, they are among the dirtiest species that shall ever be born no matter if they look Human they are not a Human being but an evil species that was born in the world of Human to lay with just about any beast of the field that their wicked mind desire to; if you see them on the internet performing bestiality do not think they are Human because they only look Human externally but internally they are animal, devil, wicked souls,wicked mind operating system; they are not our kind Human Kind at all. They have no morality at all; they have absolutely zero morality, they will eat Humans as a food and lay with almost any beast of the field especially dogs and horses, these abomination will lay with just about any species of dirty filthy dog that comes their way whither they are a male or a female and they are sodomites; you could tell they are not Human by what they like to lay with which are animals; they refuse to lay with Human only, they mostly lay with dogs and hogs, horses, even dirty camels they will lay with they are also sodomites; these wicked people walk among Humanity pretending to be our kind, but they are not our kind, I am afraid their population have grown bigger with the population boom of the world they pretend to be all races of Humanity, but they are not Human at all they are a different soul, spiritual group,and mind operating system then Real Humans like Me and You. At some point they started being born on this evil planet along with Human Beings, but lately their population have increased greatly among Human Beings and they have started to show the world of Humanity their dirty bestiality whore and wicked filthy cannibalistic behavior on t.v. for all to see, the reason they have done this is because their population have grown to such a large level from being born here illegitimately and from eating animals and humans as a food while having sex with them; necrophilia munging which is the act of having sex with something and eating it at the same time is something they perform it is one of the highest level of sexual crime; these wicked sodomite, beastialtiy, cannibalistic trash dirty whores have sex with animals as if these animals were a human being they enjoy every moment of it on TV you can tell that they are not Humans because they enjoy fully with their wicked hearts copulation with just about any beast even dirty filthy pigs and dirty filthy stink dogs they will lay with they suck on dog penises on t.v. and enjoy every moment of it and do all sort of whoredom with dogs; these filthy cannibalistic, bestiality, dirty whores all need to die along with all animals on the planet, the only animals that will survive are animals Humans eat as a food until Humans obtain the energy cure and eat no more food; if you see these dirty bestiality whores on TV or the internet by chance order your sexual organs not to perform along with them at all do not watch them at all or dirty cannibalistic demonic whore spirits will entice you to ejaculate along with them and they will try to move into your life and body. No matter what skin color they wear as a Human white, beige, yellow, orange, medium, chocolate, dark, or black they are not a Human Being; no matter what Human race they pretend to be, they are not a member of that race, but a trespasser and invader of the Human Kind, they are an outside species that is born from the spiritual world form a separate group then Humans; do not take them as a member of our kind they are not our kind and deserve to all die along with all the animals they are committing abomination with on t.v. and on the internet. These abomination that are pretending to be our kind are luring certain Human to commit abomination along with them; Humans must not commit such abominations Humans must instead kill all of them along with all animals on the planet that are not food for Humans, until the foodless, deathless body arrive. at the end of these evil trespassers and pretenders lifespan on Earth as a Human they become what is known as an animal head, or an animal transmutator that transform to all animals species while eating Humankind and other Spiritual Kinds as a food source and raping them at the same time; these cannibalistic, beastiality, dirty whores need to die all of them need to die and be discontinued and they must never be allowed to wear a Human Body ever again or it is the filthy dogs, filthy horses, and filthy hogs they will lay with with a Human form. Be aware of these filthy, cannibalistic dirty whores for they are man eaters, spiritual being working with them in the invisible world will even try to rape men and women in their sleep with dogs and other animals; such wicked stink, filthy, dirty, cannibalistic whores must all be put to death and be discontinued, until all these wicked cannibalistic dirty whores are dead along with their animals Humanity will never truly be a clean race. Do not get enticed into abomination by watching them nor immitate them or you will endanger your household or even be in damnation; Human naturally hate animals and treat animals like the scum they are, but no matter how pretty these cannibalistic dirty bestiality whores are they will lay with just about any dirty animal even filthy dogs, filthy horses, and filthy hogs, even in a pig stye they will go to lay with stink pigs. These wicked dirty, cannibalistic, bestiality whores endanger the life of Human Being and can cause the Human race to cease to exists; Genuine Humans such as you and me must kill them all from the planet earth and discontinue them completely, they must never wear a Human form ever again so that they can defile the Human form with dogs, and hogs and filthy horses we must kill them all from existence. You who read this truth if you have any animals at your house especially a dog kill it or get rid of it from your house completely; do not keep any animals at your house especially filthy dogs or they may attempt to rape you and eat you even in your sleep they might attempt to rape you or eat you. I also have noted that the governments of this world are reprehensible and guilty of permitting beastiality videos, movies, websites, and magazines to be printed in the world for all eyes to see, though some governments have illigalized beastiality others have accepted it as a normalcy or have written no law against it. For example in the United States 18 states have ligalized beastiality as a normalcy; at the time I am writing this report 09/27/2015 CE these are the countries where bestiality is legal 1. Brazil Legal since 1830; 2. Cambodia Legal; 3. Finland Legal since 1971; 4. Mexico Legal; 5. Romania Legal; 6. Thailand Legal; 7.United States: Legal Varies by state, territory, or district. Legal in 18 states Bestiality is completely legal in the following 18 states in the United States, districts, and territories: Alabama; Arkansas; Washington, D.C.; Guam; Hawaii; Kentucky; Montana; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; Ohio; Texas; Vermont; Virginia; West Virginia; and Wyoming; 8.Germany: have bestiality brothels still operational.; 9.Australia Legalized ownership of bestiality pornography;
10.Poland Legal Pornography (as long as it is not owned with intention of publicizing, sharing or selling). wherever bestiality is legal those monsters I spoke of that invaded Humanity are located there surprisingly Washington DC the most powerful state in the world legalized bestiality to be practiced there which means that Washington DC have bestiality monsters located over there; bestiality pornography is a national security to the whole Human Race even though we found out the wicked nature of these people by seeing them on the internet we cannot allow our Mind Operating System to see such bestiality wickedness because it is bad for our mental and physical health and morality. Someone seeing these bestiality videos displaying Humans might think that those people in the videos are Humans when in reality they are another species inhabiting the Human Form that is not even Human in nature but is an animal, a dirty nature spirit, a devil, a reptilien, an animal head, an animal transmutator, a demonic entity, a hell machine, a worst possibility program, an alien species, or a sodomite, or a wicked unclean god, or a wicked thing that dwell in all things and mate with all things; that is not Human, but some other soul group, mind operating system, or spirit. These videos on the internet displaying bestiality are a national security issue of the highest level they are worst then drug dealing, but even Washington DC have legalized for the act to be practiced on their territory this means that Washington DC is not runned by Humans, but is runned by some other unclean, wicked life form that is not Human at all, but is pretending to be Human. We must chase these people out of town and put Real Humans in Power of Government. Bestiality practitioners must all be killed along with all the animals of the earth and Human Beings must become a Foodless, Deathless Being that does not need any animal as food to survive. You can tell a Human is Human because Humans mate with Humans, but if you saw a Human looking thing mating with filthy pigs and enjoying it or mating with filthy dogs and enjoying it as if it was the greatest thing you must come to the conclusion that that thing that look Human is not a Human at all but some kind of abomination that look Human, real Humans such as you and I must kill all these abomination that look like Humans, but mate with filthy stink beast and animals and enjoy it with wicked whorelke animal lusts from existences.
By 1974, the farm population in the USA had declined by 80 percent compared with 1940, reducing the opportunity to live with animals; Hunt's 1974 study suggests that these demographic changes led to a significant change in reported occurrences of bestiality. The percentage of males who reported sexual interactions with animals in 1974 was 4.9% (1948: 8.3%), and in females in 1974 was 1.9% (1953: 3.6%). Miletski believes this is not due to a reduction in interest but merely a reduction in opportunity. Crépault and Couture (1980) reported that 5.3 percent of the men they surveyed had fantasized about sexual activity with an animal during heterosexual intercourse.. A 1982 study suggested that 7.5 percent of 186 university students had interacted sexually with an animal. In a 2014 study, 3% of women and 2.2% of men reported fantasies about having sex with an animal. A famous professor reported that the world is not what it seems that 1 in 8, or 12.5 percent of people had sex with an animal around the world. According to these statistics anywhere from 1.9 percent to 12.5 percent of people had sex with an animal around the world. Beastiality is mainly practiced by spiritual beings that are evil and wicked many of them are mixed with animals such as animal headed creatures and half man and half animal creatures. Also dangerous to Humanity is that in the spiritual world certain animal like creatures can speak and think just like Humans can however able to think and speak like Humans can their animalistic behavior is still intact and they are evil. Demonic creatures practice beastiality and are very animalistic and evil. Certain religions that allow reincarnation to take place forces Human Beings to reincarnate into animals through transmigration of souls through the law of karma this causes Human Souls to practice beastiality by becoming animals and copulating with animals when they are born as animals because of karma. Human beings are in great danger from wicked spirits that practice beastiality and that are animals because they are invisible to the sight of Human beings, but they can put thoughts in the head of Human Beings. Because they can put thoughts in the head of Human Beings they can cause Human Beings to practice beastiality with animals. Even worst they can get inside of the body of Human Beings and influence the behavior of Human Beings with their thoughts and suggestive behaviors this can cause a Human who have an evil spirits or an animal spirit to lay with animals and beast. To make matters worst these evil spiritual beings will even try to force themselves on Human Beings in their dream or while they are awake. This study proves that wicked evil spirits are causing the mentally ill to have thoughts of laying with beast and to lay with beast; the mentally ill almost always have evil spirits troubling them and causing them to be mentally ill this study proves that those evil wicked spirits are causing mentally ill people to commit thoughts and acts of beastiality; in one study, psychiatric patients were found to have a statistically significant higher prevalence rate (55 percent) of reported bestiality, both actual sexual contacts (45 percent) and sexual fantasy (30 percent) than the control groups of medical in-patients (10 percent) and psychiatric staff (15 percent) This study proves that wicked, evil spirits that cause mental illnesses are practicing beastiality against their victims and are causing their victims to have thoughts of beastiality and to practice beastiality. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against all beastly creatures that are spiritual that causes Humans to practice beastiality; furthermore we are declaring warfare against all Human Beings that practice beastiality. The 1.9 percent to 12.5 percent of Human Beings that practice beastiality shall be attacked all among them that deserve rehabilitation because they are under abomination attack shall receive rehabilitation and rescue, all among them that enjoy evil passions such as beastiality shall be imprisoned and rehabilitated into normalcy, all among them that are evil and would fight warfare to experience and spread beastiality shall be killed. When the Marc-G-P-L Creatic is established there shall be no animals that dwell in our Cities no pets shall be kept in our cities. In the future when we have the Knowledge, Ability, and Power no animal shall be kept as a farm animal for food. Human Beings shall be food-less, and deathless; they shall only eat a small cube or oval for pleasure and will only be able to taste it, but not expire it. Human Beings will not need to eat any food to survive including animals. Human Beings shall only copulate with a perfect pair that is a Human also only Male and Female Humans will be allowed to copulate with each other and they shall be married to each other ever since birth or childhood entry into the School System.
Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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