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The Declaration of warfare against the aborting of Human Children and Humanity as a Race and Species:
Abortion started from the idea of racist eugenicist that believed in racial cleansing through the process of genocide which included abortion as a method to decrease the population of unwanted peoples in the viewpoint of evil racists. Evil racists such as Margaret Sanger the founder of planned parenthood who opened the first birth control clinic to terminate and kill unborn children On October 16, 1916, Sanger opened a family planning and birth control clinic at 46 Amboy St. in the Brownsville neighborhood of Brooklyn, the first of its kind in the United States. Margaret Sanger was a racists who believed in genocide of races that were non white European races, her plans came true after she opened the first abortion clinic in 1916 as a result of her work over over 1,260,000,000 unborn children have been killed since 1973 to 2012 and many more unborn children are being murdered every day. Everyday 125,000 children are murdered in abortion clinics wordwide. The data on abortions displayed on the Worldometers' counter is based on the latest statistics on worldwide abortions published by the World Health Organization (WHO). According to WHO, every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day. In the USA, where nearly half of pregnancies are unintended and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion, there are over 3,000 abortions per day in the United States. Twenty-two percent of all pregnancies in the USA (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion. WORLDWIDE: Number of abortions per year: Approximately 42 Million if the figure of 42 million abortions per year continue for 25 years 1,050,000,000 One Billion Fifty Million Babies will be cold bloodedly murdered before they are born and grow into adulthood. Number of abortions per day: Approximately 115,000. Abortion became legal in the United States firstly in 1973 after roe vs wade when a white American female went to court against her white American husband to terminate her unborn child the case went to the supreme court and shockingly the united states supreme court legalized abortion throughout the whole world shockingly and terminated that one child by hypocrite doctors who are suppose to take the Hippocratic oat which include these words in it “I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy” yet these doctors break the Hippocratic oat like the hypocrites they are and kill and murder unborn children who are alive inside of their mothers; because of the termination of that one child the legalization of abortion worldwide have caused over one billion children to be murdered worldwide and will cause billions of unborn children to be murdered worldwide if abortion is not criminalised worldwide as the crime murder. Based on mathematical calculations to this year 2012 it has been 39 years since roe vs wade when abortion became legal throughout the World According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), since 1973, roughly 50 million legal induced abortions have been performed in the United States alone. World wide is even more shocking, there have been over 1,260,000,000 abortions performed worldwide since 1973 to 2012 these are all murdered aborted children that is One billion Two Hundred Sixty Million Children that have been murdered through the legalization of abortion throughout the world since Nineteen Seventy Three till Two Thousand and Twelve Common Era. Shockingly 83% of all abortions are obtained in developing countries and 17% occur in developed countries. This is mass murder and an outrage no matter where abortion takes place throughout the world and Marc-G-P-L-Creatic Nations and Continue-we-nation. After reading this data abortion should be illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency medical reason, because abortion is the evil killing of unborn children.
5-1.Where abortions occur: 83% of all abortions are obtained in developing countries and 17% occur
in developed countries. After reading this data abortion should be illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency
medical reason, because abortion is the evil killing of unborn children.
5-2.UNITED STATES: Number of abortions per year: 1.37 Million (1996) Number of abortions per day:
Approximately 3,700. After reading this data abortion should be illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency
medical reason, because abortion is the evil killing of unborn children.
5-3.Who’s having abortions (age)? 52% of women obtaining abortions in the U.S. are younger than
25: Women aged 20-24 obtain 32% of all abortions; Teenagers obtain 20% and girls under 15 account for 1.2%.
After reading this data abortion should be illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency medical reason, because
abortion is the evil killing of unborn children.
5-4.Who’s having abortions by (race)? While white women obtain 60% of all abortions, their abortion
rate is well below that of minority women. Black women are more than 3 times as likely as white women to have
an abortion, and Hispanic women are roughly 2 times as likely. After reading this data abortion should be
illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency medical reason, because abortion is the evil killing of unborn
5-5.Who’s having abortions (marital status)? 64.4% of all abortions are performed on never married
women; Married women account for 18.4% of all abortions and divorced women obtain 9.4%. After reading this
data abortion should be illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency medical reason, because abortion is the evil
killing of unborn children.
5-6.Who’s having abortions (religion)? Women identifying themselves as Protestants obtain 37.4% of
all abortions in the U.S.; Catholic women account for 31.3%, Jewish women account for 1.3%, and women with
no religious affiliation obtain 23.7% of all abortions. 18% of all abortions are performed on women who identify
themselves as “Born-again/ Evangelical”. After reading this data abortion should be illegalized except for the 1
legal emergency medical reason, because abortion is the evil killing of unborn children.
5-7.Who’s having abortions (income)?: Women with family incomes less than $15,000 obtain 28.7% of
all abortions; Women with family incomes between $15,000 and $29,999 obtain 19.5%; Women with family
incomes between $30,000 and $59,999 obtain 38.0%; Women with family incomes over $60,000 obtain 13.8%.
After reading this data abortion should be illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency medical reason, because
abortion is the evil killing of unborn children.
5-8.Why women have abortions: 1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest; 6% of abortions
occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child, and 93% of all abortions occur
for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient). After reading this data abortion should be
illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency medical reason, because abortion is the evil killing of unborn
5-9.At what gestational ages are abortions performed: 52% of all abortions occur before the 9th
week of pregnancy, 25% happen between the 9th & 10th week, 12% happen between the 11th and 12th week,
6% happen between the 13th & 15th week, 4% happen between the 16th & 20th week, and 1% of all abortions
(16,450/yr.) happen after the 20th week of pregnancy. After reading this data abortion should be illegalized
except for the 1 legal emergency medical reason, because abortion is the evil killing of unborn children.
5-10.Likelihood of abortion: An estimated 43% of all women will have at least 1 abortion by the time
they are 45 years old. 47% of all abortions are performed on women who have had at least one previous
abortion. After reading this data abortion should be illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency medical reason,
because abortion is the evil killing of unborn children.
5-11.Abortion coverage: 48% of all abortion facilities provide services after the 12th week of
pregnancy. 9 in 10 managed care plans routinely cover abortion or provide limited coverage. About 14% of all
abortions in the United States are paid for with public funds, virtually all of which are state funds. As of 2013,
Seventeen states ( Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota,
Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and West Virginia) pay for
abortions for some poor women and fund all or most medical necessary abortions, exceeding federal
requirements. After reading this data abortion should be illegalized except for the 1 legal emergency medical
reason, because abortion is the evil killing of unborn children.
5-12.1 out of 3 African Americans Don't Exists Today Because of Abortion: Being an Afro-Genetic Child in the stomach of an African American mom in America is more dangerous then the mortality rate of prostitutes who catch HIV/AIDS. While 50% percent or 1 out of 2 prostitutes will die of HIV/AIDS; 60% percent of African American Woman will get an abortion and kill their unborn child; 3 out 5 African American woman have killed a child through an abortion doctor since 1973. Being an Afro-Genetic child in the stomach of an African American mom is one of the most dangerous jobs and situations on the Planet Earth. This situation is planned by planned parenthood an organization that was institutionalized to kill people of color by a woman named Margaret Sanger who most likely was a member of a secret society of racists. Since 1973 to 2011 (14.5 Million) African American Children have been murdered in abortion clinics supported by the United States Government and the United Nations. Abortion was ligalized in America after Roe a pregnant woman won a lawsuit against the state of taxes to kill her baby who was represented by District Attorney Wade. In 2011 the African American Population was 39,031,000 From 1973 to 2011 14.5 million African American Children Were Murdered through Abortion Clinics. 39,031,000 people is the population of African Americans in 2011 if we add the 14,500,000 children that were murdered through abortions the population would have been 53,531,000 African American people that would have been alive around 2011. If we do the math we find out that 27 Percent of African Americans Were Murdered through abortion clinics from 1973 to 2011 If we do the math again we find out that 1 out of 3 African Americans were murdered inside of their mothers womb therefore 1 out of 3 African Americans don't exist in 2011 because they were murdered as children inside of their mothers womb. Though 49 out of 100,000 African American Men will commit a murder, it is calculated that 3 out of 5 African American Woman will murder their own baby inside of their stomach through doctors in abortion clinics "the founder of Planned Parenthood, Was Margaret Sanger. Sanger was a eugenicist and thought of the Black and Brown races as inferior. She sought, through the use of contraception, and later, Abortion, to reduce and ultimately eliminate them". Abortion is the Greatest Genocide since mortality of humanity to befall against Humanity. Abortion Must be illegalized. Many workmen and women, and immortal spirits and souls will not exists because of abortion.
5-13.This is one of the reasons why an abortionists who actually kill a child through abortion should receive a death sentence; “40,000 babies, That’s the number of babies Charles Benjamin admits to aborting in his 30 years of being in the “pregnancy termination“ business”; outrageously this man named Charles Benjamin murdered 40,000 children in the stomach of their mother, this proves that an abortion doctor or abortionists is one of the biggest murderers that could exists in a society as a result of this murderous trade and criminal behavior abortionists should be killed and receive a death sentence to defend society from grand murderers. Any female after abortion is made to be illegal, who commit an illegal abortion that is not for the 1 reasons of (imminent death from pregnancy) shall be arrested and taken to a correctional institution for violating the One Law Of Death (Olod), the woman who had the abortion shall not be killed but shall receive 60 years of imprisonment or until she turns 100 years old which ever one comes first; if she is a mortal human who live less then 100 years if she live past 100 years she shall be released on her 100th birthday; if she is an immortal she shall receive 1,000 years in prison if her husband agreed for her to have the abortion he shall also receive 60 years of imprisonment or shall be released on his 100th birthday whichever one comes first; if he is an immortal he shall receive 1,000 years in prison, but the abortionists doctor who actually killed the unborn child shall receive a death sentence for murdering children and shall be killed by the law after rehabilitation for 60 years; at the prison institution the abortionists shall receive rehabilitation into a noncriminal who totally reject abortion, for the rest of their life. Any woman who abort a child shall also be required to have another child to replace the aborted child inside or outside of the rehabilitation prison institution. An abortion is the termination of a child when the egg meet the sperm and start to grow into life inside of the Mothers Matrix, it is not an abortion unless the sperm meets the egg and start to grow into life. Abortion is especially illegal because at one point the practice of abortion killed more Afro Genetic people in the United States then the 7 leading causes of death in their community. Abortion killed at least 203,991 blacks in the 36 states and two cities (New York City and the District of Columbia) that reported abortions by race in 2005, according to the CDC. During that same year, according to the CDC, a total of 198,385 blacks nationwide died from heart disease, cancer, strokes, accidents, diabetes, homicide, and chronic lower respiratory diseases combined. These were the seven leading causes of death for black Americans that year and abortion killed more black unborn children then all of 7 leading causes of death combined for the year of 2005; Furthermore genocidally the abortion conspirators put 80% of the abortion clinics in Black, or Afro-Genetic Neighbourhoods.
5-14.A human birth is legal even though human beings are mortal human beings are among the more
precious births; therefore the abortion of human beings is illegal; furthermore one day humanity as a species
shall become immortal if humanity is not aborted from existences by another race or kind or by each other;
therefore the abortion of a human being is illegal. Even though human beings are currently mortal human
beings possess an immortal component known as a spirit that continue on after death therefore the abortion of
a child is the killing of a human body and an immortal human spirit before it is born; therefore abortion is
illegal. I would like to start writing this anti-abortion law by giving a few examples. If we allow abortion to take
place in our society we may here people say you know the inventor of the next great important invention that
child was aborted yesterday, or you know the inventor of the next medical cure that child was aborted a few
years ago, or the next great leader that child was aborted a few years ago, or some of our More Perfect
employees they were aborted days, months, and years ago; these are some reasons out of many why abortion
should be illegal. Abortion is illegal except for 1 applicable emergency reasons which is; the case of the mother
being in imminent danger of death and will surely die if the mother carry the child an example which is “when
the embryo attaches somewhere inside the mother’s body in a place other than the inner lining of the uterus”
such as Ectopic Pregnancy that is not resolvable, or a still birth dead child inside the mother that began to rot
which result in the poisoning of the blood of the mother which can result in her death; “It is only ethical to
remove the tubal pregnancy if spontaneous resolution does not occur after watchful waiting and if the physician
is 100% certain that there are no twins”; ”What is rarely realized is that there are several cases in the medical
literature where abdominal ectopic pregnancies have survived! There are no cases of ectopic pregnancies in a
fallopian tube surviving, but several large studies have confirmed that time and patience will allow for
spontaneous regression of the tubal ectopic pregnancy the vast majority of the time. So chemical or surgical
removal of an ectopic pregnancy is not always necessary to save the mother ’s life after all”; but when Marc-G-PL-
Creatic Beings and Humanity possess advanced abilities to correct all pregnancy complications, such as
technology tools, supernatural powers, codex powers, source code powers, proven to work magic and sorcery,
matrixal powers, medications, surgical transitions, Mental, Physical, Spiritual, or Higher knowledge and ability
then abortion for the 1 applicable emergency reason which is imminent danger of death is no longer an option
and abortion will be totally illegal; furthermore, even before Humanity obtain advanced abilities and tools,
Humanity must find a way to undo ectopic pregnancies and to save women's lives from Ectopic pregnancies so
that abortion for the 1 legal reason which is to save a women's live from pregnancy complications may be
lessened or totally removed from society. When Marc-G-P-L-Creatic Beings possess the advanced ability to
reverse rape inserted pregnancies by removing the sperm of the rapists from the egg of the rape victim and
placing the sperm back inside the rapists reproductive organ without harming the egg or the sperm and
reassembling the egg of the female back to its previous condition without harming it it is known as reverse
transcriptose and is illegal to use for rape inserted children because though it is illegal to commit rape the child
is Innocent of the crime, also there is fear that the rape inserted child may be an important person that is
terminated because the father was a criminal rapists therefore it is a danger to abort any child because the child. Though incest is illegal, Abortion shall not be given for incest in Marc-G-P-L-Creatic Society.
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I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
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