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shall ever have or experience in Existences.
244-(5-6).The LoyalChildren andFamily:
1.To those with Higher Understanding the family is
one of the most important thing a person will have;
in fact Continue-we-nations are built with families. It
is the creation of families that causes the Human
Race to Existence. Great Investment and Efforts
have been done by Humanity since the first Man
and Woman walked to Earth and passed the baton
of life from one generation to the next. The
Investment and Time spent on creating families on
Earth have resulted in the creation of Great Human
Continue-we-nations. Loyal Children and Family are
the closest people that are usually trusted by each
other. The familiarity of families growing together in
the same environment causes family to trust one
another more so then strangers and acquaintances.
Family also share common ancestors and genome
which makes them more alike then different. Over
time family have learned to trust each other and
spend time together in familiarity events and gettogether's.
The union of a Man and a Women
causes families to born in Human Cultures; it is
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through Procreation that is based on love and
affection Human Families are born. Throughout the
ages and evolution of Humanity families have
learned to protect each other and depend on each
other for support. Loyal family are perfect allies, but
disloyal and hateful family can become great
enemies and contrary to each others progress; and
so family must be loyal to each other and do
Perfect to each other. In order for family to become
effective at progressing each other family must be
loyal to each other and do no harm nor evil
malicious against each other. When family are loyal
and harmless towards each other their familiar
relationship becomes beneficial. Family is one of the
more important things Humanity will have in
245-(5-7). Having Peace, Love, Tranquility and
Paradise inones life
1.One of the Most Important thing a Human and
Compatibles will ever have in their life is Peace,
Love, Tranquility, and Paradise in their Existence.
Having peace in ones life and community is a great
benefit because a peaceful life and environment is
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pleasurable and appreciable. When constant warfare
is removed out of the Existence of Existential Beings
a peaceful existence is closer toward being attained.
Love is one of the most important things Humanity
and compatibles will have in their Existence. When
love is administered appropriately Existential beings
are closer towards obtaining a pure soul and a pure
mind. Not all beings and things will be able to love,
love is a quality of a Pure Mind, Body, and Soul; and
so those who are capable of loving are Marc Perfect
then those who are not capable of loving. Hate is
the opposite of love and so those who have hate in
their Existence have less beneficial Existence and
those who have Pure Love in their Existence have
Greater Beneficial Existence. Having a Tranquil life is
also something that is treasure-able and important
to Human existences and compatibles. To be
Tranquil is to be loosuncapturety from commotion
or turmult; to be tranquil is to be peaceful, and for
ones self and environment to be quite and calm; to
be tranquil is to be loosuncapturety or unaffected
by disturbing emotion and individuals or things; to
be tranquil is to be unagitated by anything.
Humanity and compatibles must make time for
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tranquility, though there will be times when
Humanity and compatibles will seek after
preoccupations that are non tranquil but upbeat
and fun; there must be made a time where
tranquility is allowed to take place in Human and
Compatibles Existence. One of the Most Important
things Humanity and Compatibles will ever have in
their Existence is Paradise which are places of
extreme happiness, extreme peace, extreme
contentment with a satisfactory life. The Paradise of
the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics is the Most
Advanced Reliable Caring Paradise of Perfection and
Knowledge, Ability, and Power; a Paradise of Love
and Eternal Companionship of Perfect Heterosexual
Pairs in Procreation Espoused "Paradisecal
Contentment With Life" and Matrimony. Having
Peace, Love, Tranquility, and Paradise in ones
personal life and communal life is one of the
Greatest Wealth and Benefit Human Beings and
their Compatibles will ever have. Paradise is what
every Human World should be and Humanity must
become Paradise Builders and Makers; the trade of
building Paradises must fully be understood by
Humanity. Humanity must become the Greatest
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Paradise Builders and Makers that Existence in
Existences; Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Seek
to become the Greatest Paradise Builder and Maker
in fact some of this book is designed specifically for
the Building of Paradises for Humanity and Our
Compatibles that are Genuine Allies of Humanity
and Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics .
246-(5-8). Ones Privacy and Protection from
1.Having Privacy or not can be the difference
between living or dying. When harmful beings
intrude on the privacy of Human Beings or
Compatibles, Human life is no longer satisfactory
but become a living illegal hell. Although many
times it is the eye witness of Perfect Beings,
Authorities, and Friends that save a victim from an
intruder in their Existence that seek to terminate
them wither it is outside of their private homes or
inside of their private homes, privacy is a lifesaver
from harmful intruders. Humanity and Compatibles
must seek to regulate what is a public aspect of
their Existence and what is a private aspect of their
Existence. The private aspect of a Humans life is
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usually their private home, their private mind, and
their private body. The Human Mind, Body, and
Home must remain a private aspect of Human Life
unless a warrant is issued to monitor such private
aspects of a Humans Life. When danger is not
present that warrants monitoring of a Human Being
or Compatible, excessive monitoring of a Human
Being Personal Mind, Personal Body, and Personal
Home can lead the person who monitors the
Human or compatibles Mind, Body, and Home to
harm the Human or Compatible or to dislike and
discriminate against the Human or Compatible that
is being monitored. Unless danger is present a
Human or Compatible should be given privacy of
the Personal Mind, Privacy of the Personal Body,
and Privacy of the Personal Home. Privacy is an
important aspect of Human Life and Compatibles
Life to remain alive and happy with life.
247-(5-9). The Ability to Existence at the Highest
Level ofEvolution:
1.Existence is a place of constant competition
between species for survival those species that are
compatible work together to survive and those
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species that are incompatible work against each
others survival. The More Advanced an Individual,
Community, People, Nation, World,
( OperationComplex ), and Universe become the
more likely it will Survive the constant competition
for survival. Humanity and Our Compatible
Permanent Allies must become the Most Advanced
People in Existences in order to survive all
competitors who are against us. When two
conscious beings or more meet each other there is
only three decision and event that can occur
between them they can either become friend and
help each other, become enemies and harm or
terminate each other, or ignore each other and go
their separate ways. The Ability to Existence at the
Highest Level of Evolution is one of the Greatest
Advantage Individuals and Networks can acquire
and such an acquisition come about with
Knowledge, Ability, and Power. When an Individual
or Network gain the Highest Level of Evolution with
Knowledge, Ability, and Power they have become
the Greatest Power. Humanity and our Permanent
Compatible Allies must obtain the Highest Level of
Evolution and the Highest Level of Knowledge,
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Ability, and Power; the Highest Level of Evolution is
to become a ( Human Universe Makers Artists
Numerics Scientists Intelligences Coders And
Decoders, ( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-
Existence Matrix Creators And Reality Managers )
Astronomical Reality Humanatorcreators, Particle
Orderer World Elemental Rearranger “Humansicad
Marc Power” ) or a Particle Orderer that is
Nourishment Food-Less, Particle to Wave Recyclable
Pleasure Food and Deathless that Operates with an
Energy Cure that Recycles the Internal Energy
forever and the Being never lose any energy and
never need to intake any new energy to survive.
The Most Advanced Form is the Human Form that
can move, stop, give life to, or take away life from,
control, or rearrange all the object, elements,
particles, beings, and space around it. The Highest
Evolutionary Mind is the Mind with the Most
Perfect Memory that obtain all Knowledge, Ability,
and Power to do all Possible Things, but only do
Perfect Things that are Legal. One of the Most
Important Things to Humanity is to become and
Existence as the Highest Level of Evolution.
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248-(5-10).The Ability to Existence in aworld
where there isnoillegalhelland noevil
maliciousbeingsthat can take away ones
1.Where there is no illegal hell you will find the
meaning of life, where there is no illegal hell you
will find what it is to enjoy existence and life. When
a world have no illegal hell existing in it and no evil
malicious beings to cause illegal hell to come into
existence in that world, the world becomes a
Paradise wither the Paradise is Peace, and
Tranquility, or Love and Happiness. When there is
no evil malicious being to take away ones
happiness, extreme happiness and contentment
with life becomes a part of everyone in that world
and the worlds life. When an individual, people,
world, ( OperationComplex ), or Universe Existence
in a world where there is no illegal hell and no evil
malicious beings that can take away ones happiness
and life the Marc Perfect Possibility comes to
Existence and Paradise become the state of the
Beings and Worlds of Existences. One of the Most
Precious things Humanity and Compatibles will ever
known in existences is the ability to Existence in a
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world where there is no illegal hell and no evil
malicious beings that can take away ones
Happiness and Life.
249-(5-11). The Ability to be sane and Happy
1.Without mental, physical, and ( OperationComplex
)ic sanity one cannot be happy with life. The Mind (
MindOperationCausation ) and the Body ( MindActuated-
Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes ) is
the revealer of Existences when a being, thing,
sickness, or condition takes away the sanity of an
individual happiness vanishes and the being
Existence in a state of dissatisfaction with life and
the constant troubles of annoyance and instability
and the oppression of not achieving a level of
contentment with life becomes a state of existence
for the victimized being. The ability to be sane and
happy is one of the Most Important Things a
Human and Compatibles will ever have in
existences. All relationships, treasures, and wealth
and possessions of a person that is not sane
diminishes in value and are more difficult to enjoy
when mental, physical, and ( OperationComplex )ic
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sanity is not present. Humanity and Compatibles
must obtain the Knowledge, Ability, and Power to
sustain mental, physical, and ( OperationComplex )ic
250-(5-12).The Ability to Achieve aNourishment
Food-Less,Particle to Wave Recyclable Pleasure
Food Deathless EnergyCure MetamorphosisLife
1.In existences will be found two
( OperationComplex )s one of these
( OperationComplex )s is prevalent in our reality
( OperationComplex ) and in many reality
( OperationComplex ) this ( OperationComplex ) is
named by me as the Baphamotomorphoses; the
baphamotomorphoses is a ( OperationComplex ) of
one eating the other which causes the biggest eater
of them all to become the top predator against all
who can be overpowered, terminated, and eaten as
food. The other ( OperationComplex ) I invented is
known as the Nourishment Food-Less, Particle to
Wave Recyclable Pleasure Food Deathless, Energy
Cure, Metamorphoses state of existence which is a
state of existence in which a Living Being does not
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need to eat food to survive because they are born
with an internal energy source that never vanishes
away but keeps recycling itself and replenishing
itself throughout the Whole Lifespan of the Energy
Curer; and also a Deathless State of existences in
which a Living Being is born with a deathless body
that never dies, but keep repairing itself through
Rearangeations and rejuvenation of its physical
composition and an immune ( OperationComplex )
that has a cure for every known disease and
malfunctions; and also the metamorphoses in which
physical bodies no longer die to become a spirit, or
spiritual beings but shall metamorphosis to the
spirit, or spiritual beings world alive and well
through traveling to the spirit, or spiritual beings
world with an indestructible material body; because
a particle have two properties and states which are
the property of being a particle and the property of
being a wave; the Human body can rearrange from
a particle to a wave which means the Human Body
can become spirit, or spiritual beings or flesh
through rearrangement, and also the Human Body
can rearrange to a wave from a particle and be
teleported to any destination reachable through
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rapid teleportation; many Rearangeations can be
done through the rearrangement of Particles to
Wave and Wave to Particles. When Humanity and
compatibles become Nourishment Food-Less,
Particle to Wave Recyclable Pleasure Food and
deathless the population will be able to increase to
an extremely large level without any worry of
starvation or need to find food to eat. A
Nourishment Food-Less, Particle to Wave Recyclable
Pleasure Food, Deathless, Energy Cure,
Metamorphoses State of Existence is one of the
most important states of existences Humanity and
compatibles will ever have and become.
251-(5-13).The Ability to Have The MarcPerfect
In Everything the Abilityto Have Nightshadeand
1.Having acquired the appropriate Knowledge,
Ability, and Power Humanity and Compatibles will
be able to Create, cause to Existence, become,
experience, and have the Marc Perfect in Everything,
when this occurs Humanity and Compatibles will
have the highest quality in everything. It is also an
advantage for a world to have nightshade and
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daylight and both during the day and during the
night everything must be safe, peaceful, and non
fearful. Nightshade must cool down the world
environment to a livable, comfortable degree and
daylight must warm up world environments to a
livable, comfortable degree. The balance between
nightshade and daylight must be perfect and must
be extremely comfortable for world inhabitants; this
means that the day will never get too hot nor cold,
and the night will never get too cold nor hot. When
nightshade and daylight is balanced perfectly world
environments become closer toward a paradise
filled environment the sun must never be too hot
upon the skin, and body of world environments and
the night too cool or too hot upon the skin nor
body of world inhabitants and environments, and
the nightshade must never be totally dark without
lights to shine the habitations of those who need
light to see. Neither the darkness of night, nor the
light of day must be associated with evil malicious
nor wickedness; both the darkness of night and the
light of day must be associated with Perfect and be
Perfect. There must be no predator or pestilence
that dwell in the daylight nor nightshade. Having
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the Marc Perfect in Everything and Having
nightshade and daylight in a world environment is
one of the More Important things Humanity and
Compatibles will have in their environmental and
existential Existence.
252-(5-14).The Ability toExistence in a
(OperationComplex) where there isNo danger
tooneshealth or ones life:
1.Personal, Communal, Worldly, ( OperationComplex
)ic, and Universal Computation Safety, all the way
up to the Safety of Infinite Existence Existences is
one of the More Precious things Existential Beings
and Worlds will ever have. The ability to Existence in
a ( OperationComplex ) where there is no danger to
ones health or ones life is one of the Most Precious
and Valuable things Existential Beings will ever have
throughout Qualified Worlds forever. When there is
no danger to one life and health in a
( OperationComplex ) life becomes carefree and less
burdensome; the stress and worries of being
harmed, being injured, and being terminated are
removed from the daily agendas of Existential
Beings and stress-less, worry-less, harmless, injury
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less, and deathless experiences and states of
existences become the daily agenda. Where there is
no danger to ones health and ones life you shall
find abundance of Life, Happiness, and Paradise.
The ability to Existence in a ( OperationComplex )
where there is no danger to ones health or one life
is one of the Most Important things Humanity,
Compatibles, and Worlds will ever have.
253-(5-15). The Ability to Existence to Ones
1.Living Life and Loving Life is one of the most
precious things Humanity and Compatibles will ever
know, but in order to love, life, and Existence, life
must be secured, sane, filled with happiness, and
paradise. Though the rest of sleep is precious to
those who rest and sleep, awaken-ness and living
life is a precious state of existence especially when
life is peace, love, tranquility, happiness, and
Paradise. When life is acceptable existential beings
desire to Existence to their continuities fullness even
unto eternity. Even those who are sometimes in a
unacceptable state of existence many times desire
to Existence to their continuities fullness and wish
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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