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allowed to monitor every thought and feeling of a
Human Being the Human Being is in great danger
of being persecuted for their thoughts and feelings
especially if the being that is monitoring the Human
Being is an evil malicious persecutive being. The
body and home and dwelling place of a Human
Being should only be monitored with the
permission of the Human that is being monitored
unless a warrant is given to search the Human for
criminal and harmful activities.
should seekknowledge without anyfearto
protect theirdwelling placesfrom outsiderswho
can terminate them.
1.Humanity must give great importance to
Knowledge, Ability, and Power. Humanity must
never agree with any race that Humanity must
forsake Knowledge, Ability, and Power, to become
dumber, because the dumber Humanity is the more
likely Humanity will cease to Existence. Humanity
should seek Knowledge, Ability, and Power, without
any fear except using the obtained knowledge to
make Humanity's life worst or using obtained
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knowledge that result in the extinction or
extermination of Humanity as a species. Humanity
must seek after Knowledge, Ability, and Power, to
protect the Human person and the dwelling places
of Humanity from harmful outsiders that can
terminate Humanity.
2.Without Knowledge, Ability, and Power, Humanity
become as the animals of the Earth and are
ignorant of the danger that is against them.
Without Knowledge, Ability, and Power, Humanity
becomes easy prey. The races that eat Humanity as
a Food source require for Humanity to have limited
Knowledge, Ability, and Power, so that they can eat
Humanity un-beknowing to Humanity of the
( "sincrime" ) that they commit against Humanity,
and Humanity is one of the Highest Conscious Race
in the Universe.
3.Humanity should only have the fear that
Knowledge, Ability, and Power, that is gained by
Humanity can be abused by Humanity or other
Non-Humans to hurt or terminate Humanity; other
then this Humanity should have no fear of
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obtaining Knowledge, Ability, and Power, to further
the progress of Humanity and to Protect Humanity
from all danger that Existence in existences.
4.The Property and Phenomena of fear must be
removed out of the Programming Language of the
Main Leadershipment Law Maker Powerful Leader
Owuwuwnow Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis and His
Lineage Mothers Marcia's and their Progeny of
Main Leadershipment Law Maker and Powerful
Leader Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis and Lineage
Mothers Marcia's Procreation Espoused Partners of
Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis as Lineage Papa and
Creator of the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatic.
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must have
feelings and senses, and calculations of gain and
loss, of shame and non-shame, of shyness and nonshyness,
and harm and safety, of damage and nondamage,
of sickness and health, of reward and
punishment, of fault and non fault, of threat and
non threat, should know what is moral and immoral
and must especially have High Morality, must know
how it is to be content with life and at peace and
tranquility and a state of not being bothered, and
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must know what is pleasure and should only feel
pain when guilty of applicable offense to feel pain
in the applicable level of pain based on the offense
or desire to surrender or not, but all inferior
feelings and senses they must not be born with and
they must be able to overwrite; furthermore, Main
Leadershipment Law Maker Powerful Leader
Owuwunow Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis and Lineage
Mothers Marcia's and Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatic Progeny or Programmed Converts must
know how much Knowledge, Ability, and Power they
have and don't have to combat against an enemy,
but they must not have fear as a property of their
( MindOperationCausation ) because that can cause
them to fear combat against an enemy and to
display cowardly behavior that can lead to defeat
before even fighting warfare. Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must remove the phenomena
of fear completely from their state of being but
must be lawful and ethical and Perfect Minded and
Brave, and very calculative about advantages and
disadvantages, and have Full Courage in Combat
and in exploration of the known and unknown that
is in their programming language of exploration or
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that is commanded, and must not fear any ugliness
or beauty in combat, and must only like in a mating
manner their own kind and compatible mates or
perfect pairs. And must know what is attack-able
and non-attack-able in combat based on their
Knowledge, Ability, and Power to win or lose in
combat, and must be able to fight a stronger
enemy in self defense even to death or damage so
long as it require that the combat occur in self
defense or by command of certified official, and
must be able to attack and kill a weaker opponent
even when a strong opponent is protecting the
weaker opponent so long as the programming
language is met for the attack to take place, and
must be able to attack or retreat if required. Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Should not know how
to cry or express extreme fatal emotions of pain
and loss that lead to fatal stress and disarray, and
must not have feelings of suicide or self destruction,
but shall have emotions that display dissatisfaction
and anger to a controllable level that will assists in
resolving the issue that needs to be resolved; and
must be able to preserve self and applicable,
approved kind and non-kind, and must be able to
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terminate applicable and approved members of
non-kind and kind. The Lineage Mothers
Procreation Espoused Partners and Progeny
Owuwunow Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis must not
have the programming language to kill him as Main
Leadershipment Law Maker Powerful Leader, but
this immunity shall only be for Main
Leadershipment Law Maker Powerful Leader Marc
Gregory Pierre-Louis, because he is the Maker
Advance Race Creator of their Kind and Genuine
Leader and Creator Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
69-(2-13).The Universe isaninfinite jungle of
predators terminating each other andeating each
other whyhumans andtheirgenuineallies
should gain Knowledge, Ability, and Power, to
protect themselvesform these predators:
1.The Universe is a place that is run by Many Laws,
one of these Laws is the Law of Variations and
Combinations. In order for Beings and Things to
Existence they must go through many Laws one of
the essential Laws of the Universe and Existences is
the Law of Variations and Combinations. The Law of
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Variations and Combinations give birth to many
forms and levels of Mind Operating
( OperationComplex )s, and Body Types, and Shape
Types. Depending on the Law of Variations and
Combinations Beings can either be Perfect, evil
malicious, or In between Perfect and evil malicious.
Beings can either be Advanced, Average, or Inferior.
2.The Laws of Variations and Combinations Provide
Three options when it come to eating. The first
variance is the ability to survive on ones own
energy without the use of any external energy
sources, the second variance is the ability to be able
to survive without external forms of energy coupled
with the ability to eat external food at the same
time, the third variance is a body that can only
survive by eating external food obtained from
external beings and things in the environment.
3.Because of the third and second variance of
eating food, the Universe and Existences became an
infinite jungle of Beings and things eating each
other as food for survival. The Universe and
Existences currently is a place where beings and
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things eat each other as a food to survive. Some of
these beings became advanced terminators with
technical aptitude of building knowledge, Ability,
Power, and Tools to obtain food and energy, others
became savage terminators with limited ability to
build Knowledge, Ability, Power, and Tools such
savage terminators use their teeth and claws as a
weapon of death to obtain food from external
beings and things.
4.The Universe is an Infinite Space with Galaxies and
Planets, Over Existential Matrixes and ( MindActuated-
Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes )
Worlds, and Sub Existential Matrixes and ( MindActuated-
Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes )
Worlds that have savage and advanced terminators
seeking after external food to eat for survival. In
order for Humanity not to become a food source
for advanced and savage eaters of external food,
Humanity must obtain all the Advanced Knowledge,
Ability, and Power, to survive and overcome all
predators that prey on Humanity as a food source.
Currently hidden from Human Eyes are beings that
see Humanity as a food source. These eaters of
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Humanity only get away with it by secrecy.
Humanity is such an intelligent life form that beings
who eat Humanity must do so secretly or Humanity
will rebel against them eventually and seek to
terminate them in self defense from death and
becoming food. Humanity must find out about all
beings and things that eat Humanity as a food
source and categories them in detail manuscripts,
such beings and things that eat Humanity as a food
source must be terminated before they form a
beast mode transformer that breed Humanity as a
food source and slave race that is eaten for their
own survival. Humanity must make sure we
categories all beings that are Higher Conscious
Beings so that it may be illegal to eat Higher
Conscious Beings as a food source, any being with
Human or Higher Consciousness cannot be eaten as
a food source; but lower unintelligent animals can
be eaten as a food source and are the traditional
food of Humanity, but when an animal can speak
and think like a Human it is dangerous for Humans
to farm and eat such an animal because an
intelligent life-form with equal intelligence like a
Human that can speak and think can attempt to
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prosecute Humans for eating it therefore any animal
form that can think and speak like a Human and
have intelligence cannot be farmed nor eaten by
Humans as a food source, but such animals should
be seen as a great danger and abomination to
Humanity and Humanity should seek to remove all
animals that can speak and think like a Human
Being before they seek to conquer Humans and
sexually molest or eat Humans as a food, animal
forms should not be able to speak nor think like a
Human and if Humans find any animal form that
can speak or think like Humans, Humanity should
remove that capability from the animal form, or
terminate the animal from existence because such
things as a thinking and speaking animal, animal
head, or beast are an abomination to Human
Beings.; furthermore if an animal have emotions like
a Human and can register a gain and a lost like a
Human the animal cannot be used as a food source
by Humanity, but instead Humanity should remove
such an animal from existences because such
animals are an abomination to Human Beings and
such thinking and speaking animals, beast, animal
heads, or animal Orderers will even rape, enslave,
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terminate or eat Humans as a food. Humanity must
always seek after the appropriate food to eat so
that Humanity can be seen as a Higher Intelligent
Life Form that is conscientious, ethical, humane, and
moral about what we eat and care for the survival
of the life of Higher Conscious Beings. Until
Humanity invent a Marc Perfect source of food or
energy to survive, it is legal for Humanity to eat any
approved lower intelligent animals, plants, liquids,
and air for survival.
70-(2-13-1). Universes are a Complex Multitude
ofStates ofBeing:
1.Universes are Infinite, Finite, Boxed In, Sub-Matrix,
Real, Virtual, Computerized, Mental, Physical,
Different States of Matter, Conscious, Unconscious,
Perfect and Imperfect, not wicked and evil, and
wicked and evil, paradise filled, and illegal hell filled,
and Sometimes Neat and Sometimes disorderly and
2.If you live in a universe or reality do not think that
it is ever the only reality in existences for that is a
lie there is a potential for infinite reality
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( OperationComplex )s, a Universe can be as small
or smaller then HumanSicad size and as large as
infinite; a universe can fit in a small box or in a
large house, or as large as a planet, or in a large
galaxy or into infinity, size is relative no matter what
it is no matter what the small size or large size it is
size is relative to the beholder a person who owns a
car that is the size of a pinprick sees the same thing
a person who owns a car that is the size of a
galaxy, size is relative to the eye of the beholder, if
you live in a Universe that is evil, do not think that
it is your only choice for there are other options for
those who have the Appropriate Knowledge, Ability,
and Power to travel to other realms and to Create
their own realm that is safe to dwell in; even your
own mind which is always required to process a
Universe or a Reality can become your reality and
your Universe; and you can be the controller and
manager of your own Universe; a Universe and
Reality is not only Infinite it is finite it is also macro
it is micro; size is relative and there is a potential
for infinite amount of Universes and reality channels.
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3.If you are a Human you must own your own mind
for it is your mind that shall protect you from the
external which it processes; if you can own and
control your own mind and every component of
your body; you can control the interaction between
you and all things outside and inside; your mind
must give permission to a Universe in order to
process it if you do not wish to process a Universe
and you have the Knowledge, Ability, and Power
you may be able to reject any evil that comes your
way to be processed even the Universe that you are
inside of you can reject to process and seek another
frequency of safety; if you are a Human seek after
the Knowledge, Ability, and Power to control all
components of you being and keep out all that is
harmful to you in a Universe or as a Universe.
4.Many times it is far Marc Perfect for a Universe to
be a dumb thing then to be an intelligent thing
when a Human and or his family Existence there
because; if a Human wanted to be safe from the
great danger a universe poses to a realitor a Human
would chose to live in an unconscious, unknowledge-
able dumb Universe that cannot harm
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the Human or the Humans kind at all.
should not worshipanythingbecause they will
become slaves anddependents of those things:
1.worship is a dependency that promotes the
extreme dependence of Human Beings and other
beings on a Super Natural, Idol, Supernatural Being,
Human Being, Alien, Animal, Nature, Elements,
Heavenly Body such as Worlds, Planets, Galaxies,
and Matrixes and ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrixes ), Universes or any
other being or thing. worship can become a great
brain wash and mind control. The investment in
ones personal Knowledge, Ability, and Power,
communal Knowledge, Ability, and Power, and
( OperationComplex )ic Knowledge, Ability, and
Power, is a great advantage when Humanity have
their own power life becomes easier for Humanity
then just praying to an object of worship for
salvation. Humanity should always seek for the
obtainment of the Highest Level of Knowledge,
Ability, and Power, to survive the vast infinite
situation that have many savage terminators, and
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advanced terminators.
72-(2-15). Why some beings that are non-Human
hate humans andtheirgenuineallies:
1.Many non-humans are jealous of Humanity and
the potentials of Humanity, Humanity have great
potentials in existences depending on the
Knowledge, Ability, and Power, of Humanity; and as
far as the form of Humanity, Humanity have one of
the most acceptable forms in existences. If
Humanity could only upgrade our form to what I
Designed and Planned which is a ( Human Universe
Makers Artists Numerics Scientists Intelligences
Coders And Decoders, ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrix Creators And Reality
Managers ) Astronomical Reality Humanatorcreators,
Particle Orderer World Elemental Rearranger
“Humansicad Marc Power” ) or a Humansicad Marc
Power Power that is a Human form preserver and
other Form Rearranger, Humanity would gain the
Greatest Power in existences. Which would make
Humanity one of the Most Advanced Beings in
existences. Some non-humans seeing the potentials
of Humanity seek to sabotage Humanities efforts to
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Upgrade Humanity into a Higher Mental, Physical,
spirit, or spiritual beings and Other Forms levels
that is Human in nature. Because of the Nature of
how Intelligent things come to exist by forming a
Particle Network that is Intelligent Infinite Space
itself is not the Greatest Power because in order for
something to become the Greatest Power they must
form a Particle Network that is the Most Intelligent,
that have Perfect Memory, That can figure all
Variations and Combinations of Events, Facts,
Fictions, Truths and Lies, States of Being, and
Universal Computation Phenomenon, That can read
and write Universal Computation Codex in any
Media or World Environment, That can Travel to any
world environment in existences but this one is
impossible because nothing that is a form network
can travel throughout all Infinity, That can Control
All Universal Computation Phenomenon that is
Possible, that have the Most Powerful Mind
( MindOperationCausation ), that can Build
Universal Computation Existential Matrixes and
( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence
Matrixes ) Worlds and Environments by Particle
rearrangement and other Universal Computation
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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