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would seek the Highest Perfectness and the Hope
of The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan
brought to Infinite Existence.
641-(8-3-25-2-20).Realizing the Conscious
Knowledge to BuildParadise
1.We realize the Conscious Knowledge Of Infinite
Existence and Universal Computation Order; the
Conscious Knowledge of a Healthy
( OperationComplex ) and Personal Health; the
Conscious Knowledge of Self-Sufficiency; the
Conscious Knowledge of Energy, Food and Housing;
the Conscious Knowledge of Family Order; the
Conscious Knowledge of Community Unity and
Order; the Conscious Knowledge of Leadershipment
Order; the Conscious Knowledge of Religious Order;
the Conscious Knowledge of Knowledge and
Education; the Conscious Knowledge of Scientific
Development; the Conscious Knowledge of
Economic Development and Employment; the
Conscious Knowledge of Leisure and Entertainment;
the Conscious Knowledge of Outer and Inner Peace;
the Conscious Knowledge of a Love Filled Life and
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World; the Conscious Knowledge of a Tranquil Life
and World; the Conscious Knowledge of Being a
Higher Conscious Being; the Conscious Knowledge
Possessing Clarity about All Possible Things; the
Conscious Knowledge of Living to ones Continuities
Fullness; the Conscious Knowledge Living a Perfect
Life inside Infinite Existence. In learning and
Efficiently maintaining the functionality and the
maintenance of all these Conscious Knowledge and
Requirements, Paradise is built where Beings Of
Infinite Existence and Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and Worlds will experience Peace, Love,
Tranquility; and have Consciousness, Clarity and
Continuity of Love and Life and Existence a
Prosperous Paradise Filled Existence inside Infinite
Existence and Existences.
2.Whenever anti-pleasure and illegal hell seek to
take over, Universal Computation Beings can seek
the Protection Circle of the Knowledge Of Infinite
Existence and it shall be as the Protection of an
Umbrella that shields us and All Beings Of Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics from the rains and storms
of illegal hell and anti-pleasure.
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3.The Book Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
Way have found this Umbrella Of Protection by
revealing the truths of The Three Marc Perfect
Marc-G-P-L Purposes And Plan. We shall also put
on the armor of The Three Primary Enjoyable
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
Purposes and Plan as we go into battle against
illegal hell and anti-pleasure. We shall put on the
Protection of the Truths Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Way as a Suit of Armor to
shield us from the physical and mental assaults and
violations of anti-pleasure
and illegal hell.
642-(8-3-25-3).The Philosophy ofSpreading
Paradise to BuildParadise
1.We of the Connectivity Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics are Paradise Builders. We
seek to Build and Spread Paradise Wherever our
Foot Touch a Path. We believe that we can Build
and Maintain Temporary and Eternal Paradises with
the Universal Computation Formula of The Three
Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan and the
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Truths found in the Book Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Way.
2.We know that with the Right Formula and Effort,
Universal Computation Beings and Worlds can
achieve a state of Paradise. There may be slight
disturbances of Paradises, but with Preventative
measures and Universal Computation Knowledge,
Abilities, and Power Beings and Worlds can prevent
catastrophes and Repair or Rebuild Paradises, but
they must have the Right Philosophy and the Right
Tools, Abilities, Knowledge, and Power.
3.We come to the realization that Paradise is not for
members of certain religions only, but is for all
Members Of The Universe Of Infinite Existence and
we seek to Spread Paradise throughout Qualified
Worlds with the Essential Universal Computation
Formula of The Three Marc Perfect Marc-G-P-L
Purposes And Plan, which is the Marc Perfect Way
to Build and Maintain Paradises.
4.The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan is
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an Essential and Innate Formula that is the Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Right Of Infinite Existence
and of All Parts Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and Existences, but some lose it because of
lack of knowledge, lack of ability and because of
evil malicious. We know and believe that Paradise
must become Universal Computation for the More
Perfectment Of Infinite Existence and all Parts Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and Existences.
We believe in Spreading Paradise to all Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics regardless of
their Race or Nationality because we are all a Parts
Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and of Infinite
Existence and we believe that Paradise is not an
exclusive right that only a certain religion have the
right to. We believe that no one should destroy the
Paradise of another, but if a religion preaches to
spread illegal hell or anti-pleasure, we believe we
should rescue Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and Existences from that religion, way of
life or Leadership when they meet the qualification
of supporting us.
5.In a peaceful way, we should teach members of
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the religion Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Way
so that they may become a Part Of The
Connectivity Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
so that we may grow stronger in numbers and
more Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
may Join the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
Mission to achieve The Three Marc Perfect Marc-G-
P-L Purposes And Plan. In fact it is Perfect that
Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics go out
and teach all the teachings of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Way because the greater the
number of Beings that seek to achieve The Three
Marc Perfect Marc-G-P-L Purposes And Plan, the
Marc Perfect the World and Universe will become.
In fact it is Universal Computation Order that The
Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan may be
achieved throughout Qualified Worlds and
Existences in the Marc Perfect and Most Peaceful
Way that causes minimal anti-pleasure
and painfulness to occur, while Spreading Paradise, Yet
in under certain conditions one must declare war
against evil malicious, anti-pleasure, illegal hell, and
destruction to build Paradises.
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6.The Perfect Acceptable Social Status of Individuals
should not bar them from experiencing Paradise
because of class. Society should be a place of
Equality and Dignity where all members of the
Universe Existence in Paradise.
7.Unnecessary discrimination should not cause
Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics to lose
their place in Paradise. Paradise should be a fair
place that understands the causes of acceptable
diversity and help Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics the Marc Perfect Way
8.Paradise Conscious Worlds should be Places of
Rehabilitation and Forgiveness, where those with a
troubled past can be Guided to a Perfect and
Lawful Future through the rehabilitation of the
Conscious Mind. The background of others should
not bar them from Paradise so long as they are
willing to rehabilitate and change with sincerity into
Paradise Builders.
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9.We of the ( OperationComplex ) Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics have a Philosophy and Marc-
G-P-L Creatic Duty to achieve The Three Primary
Enjoyable Conditions Of ( Marc-G-P-L Strait
Heterosexual Perfect Pair Male And Female
Matrimonial Marc Perfect Possibility Maximum
Paradises ) Purposes and Plan we are forever
Guided by Universal Computation Order to Achieve
our Inherent and Essential Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatic Rights that should Protect Us from illegal
hell and anti-pleasure.
10.We seek those who will not sabotage our efforts,
but Existence in Peace with us and with the
( OperationComplex ) Of Infinite Existence.
643-(8-3-25-4).The Gaining ofCommunalPower
1.Universal Computationly We the Beings Of The
Connectivity Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
must gain Communal Power and Oneness in order
to Spread Paradise to All Worlds and Dimensions.
We come to the realization that Every Being Of The
Universe can Benefit from the achievement of The
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Three Marc Perfect Marc-G-P-L Purposes And Plan.
We shall come together in fellowship as a Union of
Friends who share a Common Interest. We shall find
the Marc Perfect Way to gain Power and Strength
to achieve our Marc-G-P-L Creatic Duty, which shall
bring Paradise to all Places that we are capable of
2.Our Greatest Achievement is to Spread Paradise
throughout Qualified Worlds. All Perfect-
Scientifically we shall learn the Intricateness of the
Network Of Infinite Existence and Existences so
that we may carry our message throughout the
Qualified and Compatible Universe.
3.Using all possible media we shall broadcasts the
Truth Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Way
throughout the Worlds. It is Marc Perfect for us to
gain Our Power in the most Effective Peaceful Ways
so that our hands may remain clean of aggressive
harmful acts. We must try Our Marc Perfect to
remain as Blameless as Possible as we gain
Universal Computation Power to achieve what is
Inherently Ours, and that of all Parts Of Marc-G-P-L
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Perfectionists Creatics and that which is Ultimately
the Right Of Infinite Existence and All Existences
that Always Existed or Came later into Existences;
The Three Marc Perfect Marc-G-P-L Purposes And
Plan; Which are Purpose One: the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics diminishment of againstpleasure
to the lowest level possible inside Qualified
Worlds; Purpose Two: the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics removal of all illegal hell from inside
Qualified Worlds; and Purpose Three: the Marc-G-P-
L Perfectionists Creatics Spreading of Paradise
throughout Qualified Worlds.
4.Very important for the survival of Paradises are
the protection that Paradises receives from their
Builders and Protectors. Paradises need Universal
Computation Powers, Matrical Powers, spirit, or
spiritual beings Powers, Physical Powers, Mechanical
Powers, Higher World Powers, Atmospheric Powers
of the Sky and Land and Technological Powers to
protect them from destroyers of Paradises. An
important thing to know is that when a Paradise is
to be built or is already existent there are beings
that may seek to steal the paradise away from its
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builders and inhabitants, or destroy the Paradise
from existence, or prevent the Paradise from being
built; because Paradises are potential Super Powers
that can replicate themselves to improve the
Universe and to help in the achievement of the
Marc Perfect Possibility. In choosing a Powerful
Being to protect a Paradise the Powerful Being or
Network must be programmed or made to be
under oath by Law, affirmation, and design never to
harm the Paradise nor the Inhabitants of the
Paradise. When choosing a Power to Protect a
Paradise, that Power must be a loyal Cooperative or
Agreeable with the foundational principal that is the
Main Guiding Philosophy of the Paradise which is
the Religious Belief, the Belief ( OperationComplex ),
the Foundational Law, or Universal Computation
Way of the People of the Paradise and the Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purpose of the Paradise.
5.My Being Of Infinite Existence Knowledge (BOOK)
of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics We Must Be
Strong in this Revolution Of Infinite Existence (ROO),
Strong as the Knowledge Of Infinite Existence
(KOO). We must remain Strong and Victorious As
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we gain our Strength with our Perfect Deeds and
Our Beneficial Acts throughout Qualified and
Compatible Infinity and Eternity. I the Guide Of
Infinite Existence Defenders (Perfect) the incipience
Human Guide Of incipience Universal Computation
Reality Timeless Infinite ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrixes ) Existence (Our Space
And Time) On Earth (Owuwunow) Marc Gregory
Pierre-Louis write this Universal Computation Truth
with my Very Marc Perfect Intentions Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and Existences.
644-(9).ObtainingKnowledge Ability AndPower:
1.One of the Greatest Things that could ever be
obtained by Humanity, and Higher Conscious
Beings is Knowledge, Ability and Power. To have
Knowledge is to have acquaintance with facts,
truths, or principles, as from study or investigation;
to have knowledge is to have general erudition
which is Knowledge acquired by study, research, etc
erudition is to have scholarship, to have learned
knowledge acquired by study, scholarship is the
academic attainment of profound knowledge of a
particular subject it is to be a scholar which is to be
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a learned erudite extensive learned person: to have
knowledge is to have familiarity or conversance
which is to be familiar with by study, as with a
particular subject or branch of learning: to have
knowledge is to have acquaintance or familiarity
gained by sight, experience, or report: knowledge is
the fact or state of knowing; knowledge is the
perception of fact or truth; to have knowledge is to
have clear and certain mental apprehension. To
have Knowledge is to have Awareness, as of a fact
or circumstance: knowledge is something that is or
may be known; knowledge is information:
knowledge is the body of truths or facts
accumulated in the course of time; to have ability is
to have power or capacity to do or act physically,
mentally, legally, morally, financially, etc. to have
ability is to have competence in an activity or
occupation because of one's skill , training, or other
qualification: it is to have abilities, talents; special
Skills or aptitudes: to have ability is to have
capability; proficiency, expertness, dexterity which is
to have skill of the mind, hands, and body it is to
have agility, mental skill and cleverness. Ability is
faculty, and talent that denote qualifications or
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powers. Ability is a general word for power, native
or acquired, enabling one to do things well, Ability
is have Faculty which is power of the mind as
memory, reason, or speech faculty is an inherent
capability of the body, faculty is exceptional
capability or aptitude; faculty denotes which is to
designate a natural ability for a particular
possession of the qualities required to do
something; to have ability is to have necessary skill ,
competence, or power: to have ability is to have
considerable proficiency; to have ability is to have
natural capability: to have ability is to have special
talents. To have Power is to have the ability to do or
act; Power is the capability of doing or
accomplishing something. To have Power is to have
Political or national strength: Power is to have a
great marked ability to do something or act on
something; Power is strength; Power is might; Power
is force. To have Power is to have the possession of
control or command over others; to have power is
to have authority; to have power is to have
ascendancy which is to have Leading or controlling
influence or domination: to have Power is to have
political ascendancy or control in the Leadership of
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a country, state, etc.: to have power is to have a
legal ability, capacity, or authority: to have power is
to have delegated or appointed or self obtained
authority; Power is authority granted to a person or
persons in a particular office or capacity: to have
Power is to have capacity. To have Power is to have
Energy. To have Power is to have strength. To have
power is to be able to sway or convince someone
or something to fallow instruction, to have Power is
to rule, To have Power is to have sovereignty or
rightful power status that is independent of any
other it is to have ones own self sustained power.
To be successful in life Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics must possess Knowledge, Ability, and
Power especially ones own power which is self
sustained power. Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists must
have two form of Power, 1. Personal Power, and 2.
Community Power. When Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics possess both forms of power which is the
power of the individual and the power of the group;
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics will have true
power and an advantage over opponents and
power to achieve thing on their own.
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645-(10).The Dangerous Beings that lurkin the
Human worldand inexistence that can hurt
Humanity andimpedehumanitiesprogress.
1.The Human world have dangerous beings that
lurk in it. Beginning with the animals which are
always feeding on plants and on each other they
feed in the sky, they feed on the land, and they
feed in the sea, and the plants which grow
everywhere if left unobstructed which causes a
jungle to come into existences where dangerous
animals and plants lurk. Furthermore there are
malevolent beings such as illegal hell machines,
and devils that dwell on the planet Earth that only
do evil such being Existence in illegal hells and even
Existence in the
open environment where they seek to prey upon
victims, there are also machine spirits that can
either be Perfect or evil one day machines will have
a brain that is able to communicate and compete
against Humans and so in the future there may be
evil machines that dwell on Earth; furthermore
though Human Beings are usually Perfect Beings
some humans also possess an erroneous brain that
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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All Rights Reserved.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.