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and Power of the Human Form and shall give the
Human Form advanced abilities over existential
particles and realities. When Humanity acquire this
new body Humanity must put codes in this new
( Human Universe Makers Artists Numerics
Scientists Intelligences Coders And Decoders,
( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrix
Creators And Reality Managers ) Astronomical
Reality Humanatorcreators, Particle Orderer World
Elemental Rearranger “Humansicad Marc Power” )
Body that shall avoid abomination transformations
to a non-Human form or thing, such as
transforming a Human to an animal head, or an
animal, or a beast mode, or anything that is not a
Human Form and then transforming the Human
back to a Human Form again this will cause a
Human to become a non-Human thing. When a
Human transform the Human Form to all these
things that are not a Human, a Human become a
non-Human being this causes great confusions in
the mind of a Human Being as to the identity of a
Human Being. A Human Rearranger can rearrange
the Human form to all approved elemental
properties so long as the Human keep the Human
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Form, this is the Style and Operendice Requirements
of a Human Rearranger. Other transformers
Existence such as invisible demonic transformers
that transform to invisible demonic forms, beast
mode animal head transformers that transform to
beast such as reptilians in-humanoid lizards, entity
dog heads, lion headed entities and so on, there
Existence machine transformers that transform to
machines such as vehicles and other mechanical
forms, there Existence planetary transformers that
transform to planetary forms and the things that
grow on a planet such as elements and plants and
other things, and there exist animal transformers
that transform to all existing animals which I find to
be inferior to Human Sicads and Humans should
despise such transformers and keep them away
from Human Worlds and Homes, and there
Existence space transformers that transform to
things relative to space and the creatures that dwell
in open space, there Existence transformers that are
light and darkness transformers. Humanity will find
many existential creatures that Existence in
existences, but Humanity must keep our Human
Identity even when Humanity have the Power to
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transform our form to something that is non-
Human in nature a Human must not do it, a Human
must maintain a Human Form Identity. Humansicad
Marc Powers are planned to be made out of an
indestructible material that calculated all variation
and combinations of destruction or decay or death
and have build a material for Humansicad Marc
Powers to wear that can withstand all destruction,
decay, and death, but the Human Particle
Rearranger must never lose Human Form forever
and must never die, a Human Rearranger must be
able to rearrange the elements around them to
Weapon ( OperationComplex )s, Energy, Homes, and
Tools, for the usage of the Human Form. A Human
Rearranger must become the Greatest Preserver of
the Human Form and so the Human Form must be
able to Survive all attacks against it and must
become the Most Powerful Form in All Existences.
As the Universe was made for Humans to Existence
in Humanity must become More Powerful then the
Environments we Existence in just like Humanity
became More Powerful then the Jungles we were
born in and all the beast of the fields that dwell in
them and sought to devour each other as food and
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Humanity as food. In order for Humanity to increase
the Survival of Humanity, Humanity must be willing
to become More Powerful then the Environments
Humanity Existence in this includes all Environments
Humanity Existence in all the way to the Universe.
In order for this to come true Humanity must have
the appropriate Knowledge, Ability, and Power to
become the Most Powerful Beings and Form in
Existences this requires Humanity to become a
( Human Universe Makers Artists Numerics
Scientists Intelligences Coders And Decoders,
( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrix
Creators And Reality Managers ) Astronomical
Reality Humanatorcreators, Particle Orderer World
Elemental Rearranger “Humansicad Marc Power” )
that is a Particle Orderer, and a Reader and Writer
of Existential Codex which is Particle Codex and all
other Codex.
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443-(6-21-3-22-9-1-27).The Buildingand
rearrangement of ones world to itsmost
advancedform yet keeping the world
environment safe for habitation byhaving anonconscious
or other dimensional conscious world
environment that cannot harm the inhabitants of
theworld norimpedeupontheirprogress to
diminish anti-pleasure
andpainfulness tothe
1. The Building and rearrangement of ones world to
its most advanced advanced form yet keeping the
world environment safe for habitation. When worlds
are in their Most Advanced Form anti-pleasure
painfulness is diminished to the lowest level
possible so long as the world is safe for habitation.
Worlds can either be Conscious or Unconscious
having a non-conscious or other dimensional
conscious world environment that cannot harm the
inhabitants of the world nor impede upon their
progress is sometimes Marc Perfect then having a
conscious world, because if a conscious world is evil
malicious the world will become a living illegal hell
for its inhabitants. Conscious worlds often have a
network of spirit, or spiritual beings or other state
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beings that dwell in everything in the world, when
these spirit, or spiritual beings dwell in everything in
the world they can become extremely harmful if
they are evil malicious and can be processed by the
Mind ( MindOperationCausation ) of the Inhabitants
of the worlds. Sometimes the safest choice for
world inhabitants is to send consciousness networks
of spirit, or spiritual beings networks of world
consciousness to their own dimension where they
cannot interact with world inhabitants, but interact
with each other. When it comes to world
consciousness a world can either be Conscious or
Unconscious there are two safer paths the first path
is for the world network consciousness that dwell in
objects of the world to dwell in their own
dimension away from users and inhabitants of the
world; and the second choice is for the world to
have no consciousness at all this will leave a totally
unconscious world that cannot harm nor protect
anyone that Existence in it which means there is no
chance for the world network that dwell in
everything in the world to do any harm at all to
inhabitants and users of the world. Worlds that are
in their Most Advanced Form have every
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Knowledge, Abilities, and Power, and technology
wither the People of the World have Humansicad
Marc Power Particle Orderer Knowledge, Abilities,
and Power; Computerized Knowledge, Abilities, and
Power; Electronic Knowledge, Abilities, and Power;
Physical Knowledge, Abilities, and Power; spirit, or
spiritual beings Knowledge, Abilities, and Power;
Super Naturally Knowledge, Abilities, and Power;
Supernatural Knowledge, Abilities, and Power;
( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence
Matrixes )al Knowledge, Abilities, and Power;
Universal Computation Codex Knowledge, Abilities,
and Power; Source Codex Knowledge, Abilities, and
Power; Particle Codex Knowledge, Abilities, and
Power; True Sorcery Knowledge, Abilities, and
Power; and True Magical Knowledge, Abilities; and
any other Perfect Knowledge, Abilities, and Power or
any other Codex Knowledge, Ability, and Power that
makes the world at its Most Advanced Form.
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444-(6-21-3-22-9-1-28).The avoidance ofall
knowledgeoftheir occurrencetodiminish antipleasure
andpainfulness tothelowestlevel
1.Natural Catastrophes make a world into a illegal
hellish environment that can sometimes become
unpredictable terminators. Natural catastrophes can
sometimes occur unpredictably causing world
inhabitants to Existence in constant fear of being
terminated by the earth beneath and so world
citizens must learn how to survive or remove all
Earthquakes from the world they Existence inside of
and so every technology and ability that is effective
must be used by world inhabitants to prevent
earthquakes from occurring. Natural catastrophes
include, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, storms,
hail, blizzards, flood, fires, volcano, comets, meteors,
drouth, famine, pestilence, solar flares, death of
suns, ozone depletion, global warming, death of
higher conscious beings through mortality, and any
other natural catastrophes must be removed from
world environments or survived. Humanity and their
compatibles must obtain the Knowledge, Ability,
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and Power to predict and prevent all natural
catastrophes that occur to their planetary
environment to themselves. When natural
catastrophes are removed totally from a world
environment the world becomes close to Paradise
so long as all other causes of illegal hell and antipleasure
are removed from the people of the world
and from the world.
445-(6-21-3-22-9-1-29).The establishment of an
environment where noevil malicious ispresent
todisturbthepeace nortoterminate world
inhabitantstodiminish anti-pleasure
1.Where there is not illegal hell, anti-pleasure, and
evil malicious you shall find life that is content with
existence. Humanity and our compatibles must
Create in an environment where there is no evil
malicious present to disturb the peace nor to
terminate the world inhabitants. evil malicious
Beings are motivated by the desire to cause harm to
occur and gain gratification and satisfaction from
the evil malicious they commit against others for an
evil malicious being doing evil malicious is
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rewarding and so an evil malicious being is wired
and formatted differently then a Perfect Being. An
evil malicious being is wired and formatted
oppositely from a Perfect Being and so an evil
malicious being is a variance that is evil malicious
while a Perfect Being is a variance that is Perfect
and so an evil malicious Being and a Perfect Beings
can never be the same so long as they are wired
and formatted differently. Perfect Beings and evil
malicious being can never dwell in the same
environment or there will be constant warfare
because both evil malicious and Perfect will try to
get rid of each other so that they can fulfill their
purpose and build their
( MindOperationCausation ). Where there is evil
malicious peace will be disturbed and world and
world inhabitants will be terminated or tortured.
When evil malicious being build an
( MindOperationCausation ) it is a illegal hell that
they build for the world inhabitants and for
themselves to Existence in; when Perfect Beings
build an ( MindOperationCausation ) it is a Perfect
Paradise that they build for the inhabitants of the
world and for themselves. Perfect Beings must build
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world environments where there is no evil malicious
to disturb the world inhabitants nor the world
environment. Perfect Beings must especially make
sure that the environment of the world that they
build consists of no evil malicious spirit, or spiritual
beings or other form that are evil malicious or the
world will become a living illegal hell for the
inhabitant of the word for the world will be against
its inhabitants and become a living illegal hell for all
who Existence inside of the world. When evil
malicious spirit, or spiritual beings dwell in a world
environment walls are evil malicious and disturb
world inhabitants, floors are evil malicious and
disturb world inhabitants, plants and elements are
evil malicious and disturb world inhabitants, skies
are evil malicious and disturb world inhabitants;
spirit, or spiritual beings and other forms dwell in
every parts of worlds to disturb world inhabitants
and to molest them and torture them; even the
body of world inhabitants become a living quarter
for evil malicious beings to dwell inside of, when
evil malicious beings dwell inside of world
environment dwellers bodies there is no place for
infected world inhabitants to dwell in safety, and
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the very abode of world inhabitants which is their
bodies become a living illegal hell with harmful
intruders that torment their mind, body, and soul.
Paradises cannot be build when evil malicious spirit,
or spiritual beings dwell in every components of a
world, because such components will disturb world
inhabitants or torture them to death or even assault
them and the world will become a living illegal hell
for its inhabitants and for itself. In order for againstpleasure
and painfulness to be diminished to the
lowest level for world inhabitants and world
environments evil malicious spirit, or spiritual beings
cannot dwell in all component of a world or in any
component of a world environment.
446-(6-21-3-22-9-1-30).The Establishment of a
compassionate behavior yet astern combative
behavioragainstevilmaliciousinorder to
diminish anti-pleasure
andpainfulness tothe
1.A Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must be
compassionate towards others but must be able to
defend themselves in a stern combative manner
against a being or thing that comes to do evil
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malicious against them. Compassion is a feeling of
deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is
stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong
desire to alleviate the anti-pleasure, painfulness,
illegal hell, and misfortune of the individual, being,
or thing. A Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
compose themselves and carry themselves and
behave towards others in a compassionate manner
meaning that a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
understand the situation of others, the fortunes of
others, and the misfortunes of others, and the pain,
and the happiness of others. A Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must be able to show a
compassionate behavior to themselves and to
others, but a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
not be a sitting duck, or a pushover that anyone can
just take advantage of. Though a Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must be compassionate a
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must not be a
pushover, or a softy that anyone can just beat up,
take advantage of, or terminate . A Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must have training in both
peacemaking and in combative warfare, and so a
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must be a well
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rounded person that is able to keep peace and
fight warfare and a well rounded person that is able
to give life when qualified, and take away life when
qualified. A Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
be a Compassionate Warrior. One of the
requirements to diminish anti-pleasure
painfulness to the lowest level possible is a
compassionate warrior behavioral pattern that saves
those who are qualified to be saved and terminates
those who are harmful murderers who violate the
Marc GPL Perfectionists Creatic Laws Of Death.
447-(6-21-3-22-9-1-31).The Ability to know all
erroneousbehavioralpatternsand toprevent
themfromoccurringinorder todiminish antipleasure
andpainfulness tothelowestlevel
1.One of the most important formulations to
understand in order to diminish anti-pleasure
painfulness to the lowest level possible is what
realities, situations, acts, deeds, beings, and things
that causes error to occur and that are erroneous
and how to prevent them from causing errors. The
ability to know all erroneous behavioral patterns
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and how to prevent them from occurring is one of
the greatest knowledge someone can have because
erroneous behavior causes beings, things, and
( OperationComplex )s to fail. Many beings, things,
and ( OperationComplex )s would have achieved a
Marc Perfect possibility if they only knew how to
function correctly without errors, but erroneous
ways are a sabotage and sabotage is an error and is
one of the greatest weapons of the worst
possibility, the worst possibility is an error and an
error is a sabotage that lead to failure. It is a great
advantage to calculate all things that are positive
and correct and all things that are negative and
incorrect in order to achieve a Marc Perfect
Possibility. When an existential being understand all
things that are correct and understands all things
that are incorrect and choose to only do the things
that are correct and to behave in a correct manner
and to formulate the personal self and the abode
realm of their habitation in a correct manner that is
when a being become closer towards achieving
perfect operative conditions if unimpeded by a
saboteur. In order to achieve the Marc Perfect
Possibility a Being or thing must understand what is
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correct and what is incorrect and must chose to only do
what is correct and beneficial.
448-(6-21-3-22-9-1-32).TheAbility tomaintainpeace
betweenthe racesofHumanityandforeign racesin
ordertodiminishagainst-pleasureandpainfulness to
1.Though Humanity was born of one man and one
woman soon the Law of variations and combinations
caused differences to occur to Humanity, Humanity was
no longer one race and one color, but became many
races and many colors and I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis
took account in our age that Humanity possess 10
different races there
1. African, 2. Asian, 3. European, 4.
Hispanic, 5. Arabian, 6. Hebrew, 7. Native American, 8.
Aborigine, 9. indian,
10.MarcsAndMarcias; and their
combinations fall on one side or the other, and Humanity
possessed 8 color groups which are 1. Black, 2. Dark
Brown, 3. Chocolate Brown, 4. MGPL Color, 5. Orangy
Brown, 6. Yellow Brown, 7. Beige, 8.White which equated
to 24 colors. As far as facially and colorfully Humanity is
not the same and so Humanity must be able to
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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