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able to forgive each other, the Law must be able to 
forgive offenders after they have served their time 
and have made improvements for the Marc Perfect. 

3.Children and family should not have to pay or be 
punished for the ( "sincrime" ) of wrongful deeds 
their fathers or ancestors committed. Everyone 
should be held accountable for their own wrongful 
acts. No one should have to be punished for the 
acts of another. A community must not have to pay 
for the acts of one member of the community, a 
whole nation must not have to pay for the wrongful 
acts a few members of the nation committed, a 
whole world must not have to pay for the wrongful 
acts a few parts of the world committed; it is the 
same way that a whole Universe must not have to 
pay for the wrongful acts of a few parts of the 
Universe. Everyone must be held accountable for 
their own harmful acts; though it is truthful that 
many should not have to pay for the few, in certain 
circumstances when a being or thing kill a whole 
kind or a whole people that being or things whole 
kind may have to be killed as a whole kind also. 

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4.When forgiving others be aware of hypocrisy, for 
forgiveness is for those who are sincere. A victim 
cannot forgive an offender while the offender is 
continually harming the victim; the victim must only 
forgive the offender after the offender have 
completely end the violations of the victim with 
sincerity. With sincerity those having hatred and 
enmity must seek reconciliation with each other and 
re-establishment of friendship and the settlement or 
resolution of conflicts and dispute. 

477-(7-1-3-24-4).The Removal ofallillegalhellin 
allIndividuals, Worlds,andDimensionsThrough 

1.illegal hell comes in many different forms there 
are established illegal hells and there are illegal 
hells that evolve to become a illegal hell through 
variations and combinations of events that caused 
the world or dimension to become a illegal hell. In 
order to remove illegal hell from an individual, 

world or dimension it requires that careful planning 
and preparations are made ahead of time such as 
the acquirement of the proper Knowledge, Ability, 
and Power that will help in removing the illegal hell 

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from the individual, world, or dimension. Fighting 
against illegal hell can become a great danger to 
rescuers because everything that is evil malicious is 
associated with illegal hells wither they are in their 
aggravating form of illegal hell or in their 
vengeance form of illegal hell. illegal hell enders 
and people rescuers must not attempt to remove 
someone from a illegal hell or a illegal hell from a 
world or dimension unless they possess the 
appropriate Knowledge, Ability, and Power to win 
the combat and conflict against the illegal hell. 
illegal hell is a great risk to illegal hell rescuers that 
are captured by illegal hell causers, illegal hells, 
illegal hell guardsmen, illegal hell keepers, and 
illegal hell Humanatorcreators; and so illegal hell 
rescuers must be very careful or they may wind up 
captive of illegal hell if missions are failed and they 
are captured by illegal hells or illegal hell keepers; 
therefore illegal hell rescuers must seek after the 
Greatest Power in order to have an advantage over 
illegal hells that will guarantee that the conflict is 
won over illegal hells, illegal hell keepers, and illegal 
hell causers. 

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478-(7-1-3-24-4-1).The BookOfMarc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics WayasaManual to 
Achieve The Three PrimaryEnjoyableConditions 
OfMarc-G-P-LPerfectionists Creatics Purposes 

1.The Book Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Way is a Guide to Everyone who wishes to join and 
fulfill The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and 
Plan. The Book Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics Way is carefully planned and inspires all 
Beings of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and 
Existences to accomplish The Three Primary 
Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics Purposes and Plan. The Book Of Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Way also have various 
topics and subject matter to Guide Universal 
Computation Beings in their everyday life and 
reveals Universal Computation Truths about the 
Universe and about the conditions of Life on Earth. 

2.Beings of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics will 
find carefully planned tactics and Ways to remove 
illegal hell from inside Qualified Worlds in the Book 

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Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Way. Beings of 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics should study the 
Book Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Way 
carefully and gain inspiration from the Book Of 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Way to find more 
Ways to accomplish The Three Primary Enjoyable 
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Purposes and Plan. 

3.Beings of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and 
Existences must use the Book Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Way to form Numerous 
Networks Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics that 
work efficiently with each other to accomplish the 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Mission found in 
the Book Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Way. 
The more Networks Of Beings Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics joining together to 
accomplish the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Existential Goal of The Three Primary Enjoyable 
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Purposes and Plan the closer Society, the World and 
the Universe will come towards accomplishing The 
Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L 

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Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan. 

4.Beings of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
should use Perfect Intentions and write Numerous 
Books on the subject matter of accomplishing the 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Mission of The Three 
Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan. They 
must use the Book Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics Way as a Guidance towards accomplishing 
The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan. 

5.The Book Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Way is written through blood, sweat and tears; I the 
Guide Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics endured 
years of terrorism, torture and abuse by some of 

the most evil malicious and evil malicious minded 
beings in existence to write this Book in order to 
begin the Revolution Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics against anti-pleasure, illegal hell and death. 
The Book is tested against evil malicious and is 
proven to be Effective, Truthful, Inspirational and 
Guiding-full for any Beings Of 

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Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and Existences 
who have the Universal Computation Desire to fulfill 
the Marc Perfect Existential Mission Possible which 
are the accomplishment of The Three Primary 
Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics Purposes and Plan; which are the Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics diminishment of againstpleasure 
and painfulness to the lowest level 

possible inside Qualified Worlds; the Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics removal of all illegal hell from 
inside Qualified Worlds; and the Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Spreading of Paradise 
throughout Qualified Worlds. 

6.The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan are 
Essential towards the Survival and the Well Being of 
all Worlds in Existence and are Beneficial to the 
Whole Of Infinite Existence, which is All Of 

7.Throughout all Eternity Beings Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics and Existences inside 
Qualified Worlds will discover The Three Primary 

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Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics Purposes and Plan and will begin to form 
some form of philosophy that sounds similar to 
what Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis discovered about 
existence and the Marc Perfect Possibility when a 
Universal Computation Being begin to think like 
Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis and formulate theories 
and philosophies and Leadments, religions and 
institutions that are similar to the ones found in this 
book they have become a discoverer of the way of ( 
Marc-G-P-L Strait Heterosexual Perfect Pair Male 
And Female Matrimonial Marc Perfect Possibility 
Maximum Paradises ) who is of the Infinite Existence 
foundation. Whatever difficulty they find in their 
specific World, they will use the formula of The 
Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan to solve 
those problems. The plan may vary slightly from 
World to World, but the Three Main Formulas will 
be included in their plan towards achieving the 
Marc Perfect Way and Result Possible. The Three 
Main Formulas and Requirement towards achieving 
the Marc Perfect Result In Existence are The Three 
Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L 

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Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan. Purpose 
One, the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
diminishment of anti-pleasure 
and painfulness to 

the lowest level possible inside Qualified Worlds and 
Existences; Purpose Two, the Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics removal of all illegal hell from 
inside Qualified Worlds and Existences; and Purpose 
Three, the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Spreading of Paradise throughout Qualified Worlds 
and Existences. 

8.Any World that combine its resources towards 
achieving The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions 
Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and 
Plan will become a Paradise that will use Perfect 
Intentions and Higher Knowledge and Abilities to 
last to its Continuities Fullness. Any individual who 
uses the formula of The Three Primary Enjoyable 
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Purposes and Plan in his or her everyday life will 
have the intentions to Existence in a Blissful, 
Paradise State and will use his or her will and effort 
to accomplish and attain The Three Primary 
Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 

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Creatics Purposes and Plan which are his or her 
Essential, Inherent Rights that are gained inside the 
Infinite Existence, Infinite Space and Eternal 
Existence, the incipience of Everything and of All 
Existence, when a Universal Computation Being or 
Society start to realize Marc Perfect Ways of 
Existence and Formulations that lead towards the 
Marc Perfect Possibility. 

479-(7-1-3-24-4-2).KnowingThe Three Primary 
EnjoyableConditions OfMarc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics PurposesandPlan 

1.In order to fight against illegal hell effectively, 
Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and 
Existences must know The Three Primary Enjoyable 
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Purposes and Plan or something similar. Beings Of 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must not agree 
with illegal hell at all; they must realize that illegal 
hell is a ( "sincrime" ) against the Inherent, Essential 
Rights Of The Universe Infinite Existence and of all 
Parts Of The Universe. 

2.Knowing The Three Marc Perfect Marc-G-P-L 

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Purposes And Plan, Beings Of Infinite Existence and 
Existences can fight against Aggressors illegal hell 
and vengeance illegal hell the Marc Perfect Way 
they can. 

3.The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan are 
the Highest Protection against illegal hell. They 

teach us to diminish anti-pleasure 
and painfulness 

to the lowest level possible, they teach us to remove 
all illegal hell from inside Qualified Worlds and 
Existences; and they teach us to spread Paradise 
throughout Qualified Worlds. 

480-(7-1-3-24-4-3).ObtainingLaw andRights 
RightsandInherent RightsAgainstillegal hell 

1.An Extremely Important Step towards the removal 
of all illegal hell is the establishment of Law and 
Rights Rights for Members of a Nation, for Members 
of a World and Ultimately for members of All Of 
Existence which is Infinite Existence. 

2.When People of a World gain Fair and Perfect Law 
and Rights Rights they gain their rights to be 

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loosuncapturety from illegal hell, when they 
Consciously realize this Universal Computation Truth 
and include it in their Law and Rights Rights. An 
example of these Key Law and Rights Rights can be 
found in many Law and Rights but are especially 
found in the Law and Rights Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics which is the Law and Rights 
of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Leadership 
these Law against illegal hell and Cruel and Unusual 
Punishment are found in M-Marc 06, 06-1, 06-2, 
06-3, 06-4 which states: 18-7-M-Marc 06: Extremely 
important is that the practice of torture must 
completely end and be abolished. All forms of 
torture, and desecration especially illegal hell, in 
particular eternal illegal hell must come to a 
complete end in Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Nations and Continue-we-nation; ( illegal hell is 
illegal to the innocent, non-deserving of illegal 

hells; and to those who had an infraction, but were 
punished then reprogrammed to a non-evil being 
that honestly avoid making errors that are possible 
or cannot make any errors at all. ) to the 

( OperationComplex ) Of Marc-G-P-L-Creatic 
Nations and Civilizatins, and illegal hell must be 

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destroyed removed and abolished from Marc-G-PL-
Creatic Nations and Civilizatins. Deadly, very 
harmful illegal hell beings who cannot be 
reformatted and rehabilitated into harmless, lawful 
beings of the Marc-G-P-L-Creatic Nations and 
Continue-we-nation have the right to discontinuity, 
and final death and, dissolution from existence. 187-
06-1. The practice of cruel, unusual, and 
degrading punishment is illegal, and must come to 
an end in every level of society in Marc-G-P-L-
Creatic Nations and Continue-we-nation, especially 
the burning alive, torturing, stoning to death, 
burying alive of Marc-G-P-L-Creatic Beings as 
punishment, the eating of Marc-G-P-L-Creatic 
Beings as punishment, the sexual assault of Marc-GP-
L-Creatic Beings as punishment, and all other 
forms of torture, and cruelty, etc.. is illegal in MarcG-
P-L-Creatic Continue-we-nation and Throughout 
the Whole Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Nations and Continue-we-nation. 18-7-06-1-2. 
Except for Non Gladiatory “Taparaiote” Struggle 
fields; There shall absolutely be no gladiatory fights 
to the death for sporting reasons, as punishment or 
reward, or entertainment for prisoners or for non

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imprisoned purposes, or for religious or 
Leadershipment ritual Except for the “Taparaiote” 
Struggle fields Runnings which are justice and nongladiatory; 
there shall be no gladiatory fights used 
as a punishment for prisoners or captives of war. 
Fighting shall be used for self defense, to rescue 
others, or for defense training, but not for 
gladiatory purposes or for sporting events, only 
harmless fun sports must be played for 
entertainment or competition not physical combat 
sports; but for Justice purposes the “Taparaiote” 
Struggle fields are used to punish criminals are 
them free towards rehabilitation and 
reprogramming into a new recognition of Seld 
without any criminal tendencies or memory left. 

18-7-06-2. The practice of torture to obtain 
information from national prisoners, international 
prisoners, Marc-G-P-L-Creatic prisoners, and from 
prisoners of war is illegal. Advance techniques to 
obtain information including mind reading 
technology, Human spirit, or spiritual beings, 
physical Human mind advanced abilities and MarcG-
P-L-Creatic abilities must be used instead of 

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torture to obtain information. 18-7-06-3. The 
practice of beating children through corporal 
punishment which is child abuse must come to an 
end. Humane disciplinary methods must be used on 
children to raise them in an ethical manner and the 
state must provide those training to parents freely. 
18-7-06-4. The practice of spousal abuse must end; 
Procreation Espoused Partners male and female 
must be thought in professional schools how not to 
abuse each other verbally nor physically, Procreation 
Espoused Partners must learn how to honor and 
cooperate with each other with extreme loyalty to 
avoid verbal and physical abuse; and the state must 
provide those classes to Procreation Espoused 
Partners loosuncapturety of costs mandatorily. 

3.A Universal Computationly Important Essential, 
Inherent Right Of All Universal Computation Beings 
are The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan 
which states that firstly that anti-pleasure 
painfulness must be diminished to the lowest level 
possible inside Qualified Worlds, which states 
secondly that all illegal hell must be removed from 

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inside Qualified Worlds, and which states thirdly that 
Paradise must spread throughout Qualified Worlds. 

4.With the Proper Essential, Inherent Rights and the 
Proper Law and Rights Rights, Beings Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics and of Qualified and 
Compatible Existences are well defended and armed 
against the ( OperationComplex ) of illegal hell and 
anti-pleasure. Law and Rights Rights are an effective 
tool against the ( OperationComplex ) of illegal hell 
and anti-pleasure. Beings Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics must reject all religions and 
Leadments that take away their Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatic Rights to be loosuncapturety 
from the worst possibility in existence which is the 

( OperationComplex ) of illegal hell. 

5.When Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
and of Qualified and Compatible Existences know 
their Essential, Inherent Rights and use them 
Constitutionally, they are well prepared to fight 
against the ( OperationComplex ) of illegal hell, antipleasure, 
and painfulness. They must use 


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