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Existence in an efficient way that provides social
safety nets that guarantee that all members of
society will Existence in a Wealthy Way, with Food,
Education, Perfect Housing and Necessities for a
Prosperous Existencelihood, yet a
( OperationComplex ) that is loosuncapturety from
unsafe capitalism that have no Monetary Safety-
Net; and that implements the four essentials of life
with loosuncapturety from charge of labor
education at all levels, loosuncapturety from charge
of labor food and energy, loosuncapturety from
charge of labor medical care, and loosuncapturety
from charge of labor housing and shelter is far
Marc Perfect at sustaining a community and nation.
15.Those convicted for felonies such as robbery
must be given proper retraining of the Conscious
Mind during incarceration and after release from
prison. It is also very important that Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and existences
are trained from childhood to adulthood not to
steal from each other and to resists the programs
and beings that causes the desire to steal.
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16.114,110 people were convicted for aggravated
assault and other violent ( "sincrime" ), during the
year 2002 in the U.S.. Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must avoid unnecessary use
of force against each other, especially in a criminal
way. Violent behavior must be suppressed and
avoided. Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics must learn the way not to strike first
against each other.
17.All Beings who are sentenced to prison for
violent offenses such as aggravated assault must
receive mandatory retraining of the Conscious Mind
so that they may avoid any future criminal act,
especially violent ( "sincrime" ).
18.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
must seek verbal non-abusive, nonviolent Ways to
solve conflicts whenever it is possible. If all conflicts
are solved with logical, peaceful, verbal methods,
Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics would
not have to resort to violence and war that take
away the priceless, valuable life of Higher Conscious
Beings. Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
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must not aggravatedly assault each other; peaceful,
productive methods must be used to resolve
19. 100,640 people were convicted of felony for
residential, nonresidential and unspecified burglary
inside the United States in the year 2002. Another
124,320 were convicted for larceny for motor
vehicle theft and other theft. An additional 100,240
people were convicted of fraud and forgery.
20.The perpetrators of these ( "sincrime" ) and the
victim of these ( "sincrime" ) experience pain. Beings
Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must avoid
criminal behavior that causes them to steal and take
possessions of others. The community and
Leadership must remove poverty from the
community so that Beings won’t become so
desperate enough to steal for a living. Very
important is self control and a well trained
Conscious Mind that prevents Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and of Qualified and
Compatible Existences from stealing.
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21.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
must also avoid the impulse to commit fraud and
forgery. Surprisingly 52,630 people were convicted
for forgery. Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics must avoid such unnecessary ( "sincrime" ).
In fact all ( "sincrime" ) should be avoided by
Conscious Beings and all Conscious Beings who
commit a ( "sincrime" ) should receive mandatory
retraining of the Conscious Mind to avoid any
future urge or desire to commit ( "sincrime" ).
22.Unnecessarily, people take drugs that they do
not need to take. Such ( "sincrime" ) as drug
offenses are unnecessary ( "sincrime" ) that can be
avoided by a Perfect Conscious well trained mind.
23.During the year 2002, in the United States of
America 127,530 people were convicted for drug
possession, 212,810 people were convicted for drug
trafficking, 21,340 people were convicted for
Marijuana, 56,530 people were convicted for other
drug offenses and 134,940 people were convicted
for unspecified drug charges.
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24.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
should know that they do not need drugs to have
fun. Drugs are dangerous and addictive. Leadership
can make things worst when they refuse to allow
people with a drug addiction to find employment.
Drug addicts that cannot find employment resolve
to breaking the Law through stealing or other
unlawful activity. People who are accused of taking
drugs should be given effective humane counseling
such as rehabilitation programs; they should also be
allowed to work for a living, while receiving
25.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and
of Qualified and Compatible Existences must know
that they should not sell dangerous drugs to each
other. Safer recreation must be found instead of
drug abuse. Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and of Qualified and Compatible
Existences must seek to find Marc Perfect business
ventures and employment that are not illegal or
associated with unlawful violence.
26.Beings who are accused of drug trafficking
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should receive mandatory re-training of the
conscious mind in a humane, lawful, effective,
efficient way. They must be guided towards a Marc
Perfect life in which they seek legal employment
that is beneficial to everyone.
27.The problem of poverty can drive many Universal
Computation Beings into drug use and drug
trafficking. The problem of poverty must be
efficiently and effectively removed from the whole
world. Poverty cause many evil maliciouss and antipleasure;
yet poverty does not dictate filth; and so
those who are poor must strive to Existence as
honorable and as efficient and effective as they can
with the little they have until the Humane Marc-G-
P-L Creatic Advanced Community and the Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics remove all poverty from
our home Planet Earth. Our Collective Perfect Work
shall spread throughout the Qualified and
Compatible Universe.
28.During the year 2002, in the United States of
America 32,470 people were convicted of weapons
offences, another 155,970 people were charged for
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other offenses. In order to diminish againstpleasure,
the Community must be a Safe
Community. Legal ownership of firearms is
acceptable, because in a Universe where at any
given moment unknown and known beings can
enter into existential beings reality
( OperationComplex ) to terminate them as a
( OperationComplex ), it is legal for Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics beings and other Existential
Beings to legally own firearms for safety from
threatening murderous beings, but such firearms
can only be owned by the trained and lawful who
fallow the way not to strike first and do not use
such firearms for the purpose of murder and
criminal offenses. Yet, it is truthful that a
Community might need to be well armed when one
Existence in a dangerous, unsafe environment. Even
in a peaceful society, Existential Beings need to be
armed to protect themselves from the unpeaceful
and from foreign invasion from the unpeaceful and
29.If one must be armed, one must be legally
armed. Illegal arms must not be allowed to circulate
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in the community. It is the peoples Law and Rights
Right that they be protected from harm by owning
arms for self defense, but no one should own a gun
unless they are properly trained in the way not to
strike first against others and given the Skills to
operate the firearm.
30.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
must not sell illegal guns, nor buy illegal arms. The
Marc-G-P-L Creatic Advanced Community must be a
Safe Community in which members of the
Community feel safe to be secure in their homes
and Community without the fear of being
terminated by a gun.
31.Surprisingly it is revealed that in many nations,
when guns were collected from the people, the
Leadership soon began to oppress or round up
people they wished to terminate who were then
unarmed and unable to defend themselves. I advise
Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics not to
sell illegal arms and not to buy illegal arms. Beings
Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must be as
legally responsible as they can be. If one must own
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a gun, one must own a legal gun for the protection
of self and family.
32.Cautiously I advise Beings with children to be
very careful not to be careless in the handling of
dangerous weapons. Many children lost their
Existence because their parent owned a gun. Gun
violence have taken the life of many children and
adults around the world. Communities of the
Universe must be safe from violence, againstpleasure
and death. Peaceful diplomacy should
replace the use of force in every occasion when
possible, but when peaceful methods have failed
firearms must be used in an ethical, legal, moral
33.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
must be very careful to avoid criminal activity.
Criminal activity is a loss to both the criminal and
the victim. In order to diminish anti-pleasure
to the
lowest level possible, Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must avoid and prevent
criminal activities. I will now reveal certain statistics
for the average felony sentence lengths for the
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2002 in the United States of America.
34.The ( "sincrime" ) receiving the longest time of
incarceration was murder which received an average
sentencing length of 225 months or 18.5 years in
prison. Many murderers also received life sentences
in prison. 26.3% of murderers received life
35.Criminals who committed sexual assault received
the second longest sentencing in prison. The
average prison sentence for rape was 132 months
or 11 years in prison. Other sexual assault received
an average of 84 months in prison or 7 years in
prison. 5.5% of people who committed a very
serious sexual assault received life in prison for
rape. 1.8% of people who committed other serious
sexual assault received life in prison.
36.Robbery received the 3rd longest sentence.
Criminals who committed robbery received an
average prison sentence of 91 months or 7.5 years
in prison. Robbery was also the only other
( "sincrime" ) that received over 1% of convicts
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receiving life in prison. 1.9% of felons convicted of
robbery received a life sentence. Even though 1.9%
is a very small amount, some people were
unfortunate enough to be given a life sentence for
37.The other criminal offenses did not get even 1%
of offenders a life sentence, which is a Perfect thing,
because these people have hope for rehabilitation
and reconstruction of character to a productive
member of society.
38.The average prison sentence for aggravated
assault was 54 months or 4.5 years in prison.
Property offenses also received prison sentences.
The average prison sentence for burglary was 50
months or 4.25 years in prison. Larceny received an
average prison sentence of 34 months or 2.8 years
in prison.
39.Criminals who committed motor vehicle theft
received an average prison sentence of 30 months
or 2.5 years in prison. People who were unwise and
unfortunate enough to commit fraud received an
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average prison sentence of 38 months or 3.1 years
in prison.
40.Drug offenders received an average prison
sentence of 48 months or 4 years in prison. People
who were unfortunate enough to commit the
offense of drug possession received an average
prison sentence of 35 months or 2.9 years in prison.
Drug trafficking offenses received an average prison
sentence of 55 months or 4.5 years in prison.
Criminals who committed weapons offenses
received an average prison sentence of 38 months
or 3.1 years in prison.
41.( "sincrime" ) is a major form of anti-pleasure
painfulness that can be diminished to a very low or
nonexistent level. With proper preventative
measures and effective training of the conscious
mind ( "sincrime" ) would be decreased to a very
low level or nonexistent state. It is extremely
important that Leadershipment and Community
institutions invest in social institutions that efficiently
train children and adults about all
( "sincrime" ) and how they can avoid falling into
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the trap of committing those ( "sincrime" ).
42.Special attention must be given to children and
adults that display the behavioral pattern of a
criminal mind. Humane, Scientifically formulated
programs, that have been proven to work must be
used to efficiently decrease the number of criminal
offenses. The People Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and Existences must invest in these new
scientific methods and must formulate programs for
prisoners who are incarcerated. The Book Of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Way was formulated
to help Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
and can be used to advance the Consciousness of
criminals and former criminals, by teaching them
The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan and
also all the truths found in the Book Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Way or any other book that
is formatted for such purposes.
43.The goal of Universal Computation Communities
must be to improve the Existence of every member
of society. The diminishment of Beings who are in
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prisons should also be a major goal of all nations.
44.The preventative measures must began inside
the family circle, Parents must teach their children
The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan and
must raise their children in a humane,
compassionate way that effectively prevent the child
from developing a criminal mind or harmful
behaviors. The Community must also be a support (
OperationComplex ) for all families and children.
45.The ( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence
Matrixes ) Of Righteous Eternal Gathering Of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must also play an
important part in helping families of the Marc-G-P-
L Perfectionists Creatics and of Qualified and
Compatible Existences Of Infinite Existence and of
other Communities to avoid a criminal mind,
harmful behavior and to guide Beings of Marc-G-P-
L Perfectionists Creatics and of Infinite Existence
and of other Communities to a prosperous future
filled with Perfect Freedoms and a prosperous life
loosuncapturety from incarceration.
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46.With the proper intelligent, highly educated,
conscious, scientifically proven to work, humane
formula the number of convicted felons will drop
and prisons will remain empty of prisoners.
47.Something that is very important for the Marc-
G-P-L Creatic Advanced Community in physical and
in spirit, or spiritual beings world to avoid is the
handing over of criminals to evil malicious minded
beings or to torturers. No criminal should be
handed over to a evil malicious minded beings
because the evil malicious minded beings will hurt
the integrity of the Lawful, Perfect, Humane Marc-
G-P-L Creatic Advanced Community.
48.An evil malicious minded being is a
representation of evil malicious. An evil malicious
minded being such as the evil malicious minded
beings that represent illegal hell will only increase
illegal hell and anti-pleasure. The evil malicious
minded beings will attempt to fulfill their evil
malicious desires on criminals and innocent beings
alike. evil malicious minded beings love to find
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people who they consider as ( sincriminal )s or
criminals that have committed a ( "sincrime" ). The
reason the evil malicious minded beings love to find
people who they consider as ( sincriminal )s or
criminals is because they wish to accuse those
49.The evil malicious minded beings have figured
out that it can gain power over Beings through the
power of accusations. Accusations cause Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and Existences to
feel guilty, vulnerable and defenseless; When the
Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and of
Qualified and Compatible Existences feels guilty, the
evil malicious minded being then attempt to fulfill
all its evil malicious desires on the accused Being.
The evil malicious minded being will commit all
types of heinous ( "sincrime" ) on the accused
victim. ( "sincrime" ) such as rape, torture,
cannibalism, murder and giving illegal hell to
victims are what the evil malicious minded beings
desire to do to the victims.
50.The evil malicious minded being will degrade the
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I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
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