Level ½ Same-Sex Sexual Activity
Palestinian territoriesProstitution: illegal
Prostitution in the Palestinian territories is illegal, under Palestinian Authority law.[1][2][3][4] Ramallah is one of the few outlets for prostitution in the Palestinian territories as premarital sex is seen as taboo in the territories.[5] A recent report by the UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) and SAWA-All the Women Together Today and Tomorrow, a Palestinian NGO, suggests that an increasing number of women are taking up prostitution in the face of poverty and violence.[6]
Level 1 Same-Sex Sexual Activity
Legal after 1991
Level: 1.Life= ; 2.Health= ; 3.Mental= ; 4.Rape= ; 5.Defect= ; 6.Social= ; 7.Demand= ; |
Level 5 Same-Sex Sexual Activity Legal since 1895[282]
Recognition of same Sex Union
partnership in Kaohsiung (2015),[283]Taipei
Taichung (2015)[285];
Level: 1.Life= ; 2.Health= ; 3.Mental= ; 4.Rape= ; 5.Defect= ; 6.Social= ; 7.Demand= ; |
Prostitution: illegal
Prostitution in Taiwan remains illegal under a 1991 law, but is under active consideration of reform following a Constitutional Court decision that it violated the Constitution. |
Same-Sex Sexual Activity Legal inall 28 member states.[287]
Recognition of same-sex unions / Legal in 19/28 member states.
Same-Sex marriage / Legal in 12/28 member states. |
Level: 1.Life= ; 2.Health= ; 3.Mental= ; 4.Rape= ; 5.Defect= ; 6.Social= ; 7.Demand= ; |
Level 5 Recognition of Same-Sex Unions
Registered partnership since 2010[290]
Level: 1.Life= ; 2.Health= ; 3.Mental= ; 4.Rape= ; 5.Defect= ; 6.Social= ; 7.Demand= ; |
Austria Prostitution: Legal
Prostitution in Austria is legal and regulated. Most sex workers are migrants, mainly from the former Eastern Bloc countries.[1] According to a 2010 TAMPEP study, 78% of sex workers in Austria are foreigners.[2]
Level 4 Recognition of Same-Sex Unions
Life partnership since 2014[294]
Level: 1.Life= ; 2.Health= ; 3.Mental= ; 4.Rape= ; 5.Defect= ; 6.Social= ; 7.Demand= ; |
Croatia Population: 4,489,409
Prostitution: Illegal Brothel Ownership: Illegal Pimping: Illegal
"Prostitution is illegal but widespread and generally punishable by fines. Women's organizations claimed that prostitutes faced abuse, stigmatization, and public humiliation. There were reports that women were trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation... The country is mainly a transit country for women and girls trafficked from countries in Eastern Europe and the Balkans to other parts of Europe for prostitution and labor exploitation. The country was also a source and destination country for trafficked women. In December the government reported that seven trafficking victims were identified during the year; three victims were Croatians, three were Bosnians, and one was Serbian. Four of the victims were men trafficked for purposes of labor exploitation, one was a woman also trafficked for purposes of labor exploitation, while three of the victims were women trafficked for sexual exploitation." US Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, "2008 Human Rights Report: Croatia," www.state.gov, Feb. 25, 2009
Level 4 Recognition of Same-Sex Union
Registered partnership since 2006[298]
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=Y ; 6.Social=Y ; 7.Demand=Y ; |
Czech Republic Fully prostitution enabled,
Population: 10,211,904
Prostitution: Legal Brothel Ownership: Illegal Pimping: Illegal
"The red lights are going out across Europe as prostitution falls victim to the credit crunch... In the Czech Republic, where prostitution operates in a legal grey zone but is largely tolerated, the sex industry is big business, generating $A760 million, much of it from British visitors, according to Mag Consulting, a tourism research company in Prague that studies the sex industry. Jaromir Beranek, the director of Mag, said that when Germany and Britain, the two countries that send the most tourists to Prague, began to stagnate, sex tourism was affected too. Brothels have started laying off working girls while the shutters go up on the larger bordellos. Near the border with Germany, many towns long blighted by a daily influx of sex tourists are pleased at the decline in business. A few years ago, the small Czech town of Dubi was so overrun by prostitution an orphanage was opened to provide refuge for dozens of unwanted babies of prostitutes and their German clients. Sex could be bought for as little as £3.50 ($7.90). Now 40 brothels in town have shrunk to just four — the others have turned into golf shops or goulash restaurants." Allan Hall, "Flaccid Economies Lead to Lay-Offs in Europe's Brothels," The Age, Dec. 11, 2008
Level 4 Recognition of Same-Sex Union
Registered partnership since 2009[306]
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=Y ; 6.Social=Y ; 7.Demand=Y ; |
Hungary Fully prostitution enabled,
Population: 9,905,596
Prostitution: Legal Brothel Ownership: Illegal Pimping: Illegal
"In an effort to bring prostitutes into the legal economy, officials said Monday that Hungary will allow sex workers to apply for an entrepreneur's permit - a move that could generate government revenues from an industry worth an estimated $1 billion annually... The permits allow prostitutes to give receipts to customers and become part of the legal economy by paying taxes and making social security contributions, said Agnes Foldi, head of the Hungarian Prostitutes' Interest Protection Association. Hungary's sex industry - including prostitution and the production of pornographic materials - generates an estimated $1 billion annually, said Agnes Bakonyi, the spokeswoman of Hungary's tax authority APEH... Prostitutes in Hungary, can work legally only within certain zones - distant from schools and churches - and must get regular medical checkups. Pimping and bordellos are banned." Pablo Gorondi, "Hungary Gives Permits to Prostitutes," Washington Post, Sep. 24, 2007
Level 2 Recognition of Same-Sex Union
Registered partnership since 2011[312]
Level: 3 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Level 3 Same-Sex Sexual Activity
Level: 5 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=1 ; 4.Rape=1 ; 5.Defect=1 ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Poland Fully prostitution enabled,
Population: 38,482,919 Trafficking in Human Beings in Poland Report by the Polish Ministry of Interior and Administration,
Prostitution: Legal Brothel Ownership: Illegal Pimping: Illegal
"According to police, there were an estimated 3,200 prostitutes in the country; however, NGOs estimated that the number of women in all elements of the sex industry was significantly higher, from 18,000-20,000. Women were trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation... While prostitution is not criminalized, pimping, recruiting, or luring persons into prostitution carry penalties of up to 10 years in prison... In 2007, according to the Ministry of Justice, 70 traffickers were convicted for forced prostitution and trafficking, compared to 16 convictions in 2006 strictly for trafficking." US Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, "2008 Human Rights Report: Poland," www.state.gov, Feb. 25, 2009
Level 3 Same-Sex Sexual Activity
since 1962 (As part ofCzechoslovakia)
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=2 ; 2.Health=2 ; 3.Mental=1 ; 4.Rape=2 ; 5.Defect=2 ; 6.Social=1 ; 7.Demand=1 ; |
Slovakia Fully prostitution enabled,
Population: 5,463,046
Prostitution: Legal Brothel Ownership: Illegal Pimping: Illegal
"Prostitution is legal, but related activities, such as operating brothels, knowingly spreading sexually transmitted diseases, or trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation, are prohibited. There was no reliable data on the extent of prostitution... The International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimated that between 150 and 200 persons were trafficked from or through the country during 2007, mainly for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. There were isolated reports that children were forced into prostitution... In February 2007 police uncovered a trafficking ring organized by Slovak and Slovenian citizens that recruited young Slovak women to work legally in Croatia, and then forced them to work as prostitutes in Slovenia." US Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, "2008 Human Rights Report: Slovak Republic," www.state.gov, Feb. 25, 2009
Level 4 Recognition of Same-Sex Union
Registered partnership since 2006[324]
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=Y ; 6.Social=Y ; 7.Demand=Y ; |
Slovakia Fully prostitution enabled,
Population: 5,463,046
Prostitution: Legal Brothel Ownership: Illegal Pimping: Illegal
"Prostitution is legal, but related activities, such as operating brothels, knowingly spreading sexually transmitted diseases, or trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation, are prohibited. There was no reliable data on the extent of prostitution... The International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimated that between 150 and 200 persons were trafficked from or through the country during 2007, mainly for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. There were isolated reports that children were forced into prostitution... In February 2007 police uncovered a trafficking ring organized by Slovak and Slovenian citizens that recruited young Slovak women to work legally in Croatia, and then forced them to work as prostitutes in Slovenia." US Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, "2008 Human Rights Report: Slovak Republic," www.state.gov, Feb. 25, 2009
Level 4 Recognition of Same-Sex Union
Registered partnership since 2007[328]
Level: 3 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Switzerland Fully prostitution enabled,
Population: 7,604,467
Prostitution: Legal
Ownership: Legal Pimping: Illegal
"Switzerland entered a treaty with the European Union to import workers, seeking more bankers, managers, and academics. What it got was an influx of prostitutes.... Prostitution is legal in Switzerland, and its residents have the world's highest purchasing power, according to a study published in December by UBS AG. Prostitutes from the European Union don't need a work permit for the first three months of residence and can offer their services as self-employed workers, provided they register with police and comply with tax laws. The lack of restrictions, combined with the country's wealth, has pushed the number of prostitutes per capita in Zurich to the highest among industrialized countries, a city employee heading a project for improvement of the Langstrasse area, Zurich's red-light district, Rolf Vieli, said. Based on police figures, Zurich has about 11 prostitutes per 1,000 people, similar to the rate in Amsterdam, known for its sex trade." Antonio Ligi, "E.U. Treaty Spurs Influx of Prostitutes to Zurich," Bloomberg News, Mar. 6, 2007
Level 1 ½ Same-Sex Sexual Activity
since 2003
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=2 ; 2.Health=2 ; 3.Mental=2 ; 4.Rape=2 ; 5.Defect=2 ; 6.Social=2 ; 7.Demand=1 ; |
Level 3 Same-Sex Sexual Activity
Legal since 2000[38]
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=Y ; 6.Social=Y ; 7.Demand=1 ; |
Level 3 Same-Sex Sexual Activity
Legal since 1994[38]
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=Y ; 6.Social=Y ; 7.Demand=Y ; |
Level 3 Same-Sex Sexual Activity
since 2000
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=2 ; 2.Health=2 ; 3.Mental=2 ; 4.Rape=2 ; 5.Defect=2 ; 6.Social=2 ; 7.Demand=1 ; |
Level 1 Same-Sex Sexual Activity
Legal since 1998[38]
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=2 ; 2.Health=2 ; 3.Mental=2 ; 4.Rape=2 ; 5.Defect=2 ; 6.Social=2 ; 7.Demand=1 ; |
Level 4 Same-Sex Sexual Activity
since 1995
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=Y ; 6.Social=Y ; 7.Demand=1 ; |
Level 4 Same-Sex Sexual Activity
since 1991
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=2 ; 2.Health=2 ; 3.Mental=2 ; 4.Rape=2 ; 5.Defect=2 ; 6.Social=2 ; 7.Demand=1 ; |
UkraineProstitution: illegal
Prostitution in Ukraine is illegal but widespread and largely ignored by the government.[1] Sex tourism rose as the country attracted greater numbers of foreign tourists.[1][2]
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( THIS PAPER IS WRITTEN AGAINST TRADITIONAL FATAL PROSTITUTION BUT NOT AGAINST SAFE SEXUAL SERVICE WORK. );. This Paper Does not Support Non Human Sex with Human; This Paper Only Support Strait Heterosexual Sex Between Human Males and Human Females;
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.