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Illegal Fully Disabled |
Level: 3 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Trinidad and Tobago
Prostitution: illegal Prostitution in Trinidad and Tobago is illegal.[1] Similar to Jamaica and other Caribbean islands, it has a reputation for attracting female sex tourism, which some believe has contributed to the rise in AIDS on the islands.[2][3]
Illegal Fully Disabled |
Level: 1 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=N ; 3.Mental=N ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Prostitution: illegal
Prostitution in Oman is illegal and only sex within a legalized marriage is permitted. Oman has a serious problem ofpeople trafficking involving women and is considered a tier 2 level by the CIA.[1]
Illegal Fully Disabled |
Level: 4 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=R ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Prostitution: illegal
Prostitution in Qatar is illegal and carries severe punishment of several years in prison. In 2007, the U.S. State Department categorized Qatar as a "Tier 2" in its annual Trafficking in Persons reports, because Qatar does not fully comply with the minimum standards trafficking elimination, but it is making significant efforts to do so. [1] Women are mainly trafficked from China, the Philippines, Eastern Europe, Africa, Morocco, Sri Lanka and India.[2]
Illegal Fully Disabled |
Level: 3 1.Life=R ; 2.Health=R ; 3.Mental=R ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Saudi Arabia Population: 28,686,633
Prostitution: Illegal Brothel Ownership: Illegal Pimping: Illegal
"Saudi police have arrested more than 80 people involved in 20 cases of prostitution and pimping this year, including some seized in the past 24 hours, Al Riyadh newspaper reported Friday. Some of those rounded up were foreign domestic workers who had fled their employers, the paper said. Among the pimps arrested Thursday were an Egyptian and a Syrian, along with several Indonesian prostitutes caught in the act, the paper said. One girl, arrested earlier, told a newspaper that she had been 'led astray, into error, by the devil to devote herself to vice, for 1,500 [Saudi] riyals [about $400] a night.' Prostitution is strictly banned in Saudi Arabia, which applies Sharia (Islamic law), and is punishable by prison and flogging." "Saudi Police Seize 80 For Prostitution, Pimping," Middle East Times, June 22, 2007
Illegal Fully Disabled |
Level: 1 1.Life=R ; 2.Health=N ; 3.Mental=N ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
United Arab Emirates Population:4,798,491
Prostitution: Illegal Brothel Ownership: Illegal Pimping: Illegal
"Dubai's Cyclone night club is a typical example of the U.A.E.'s flourishing international sex trade. The massive club, owned by an Indian based in London, is known by visitors as the 'United Nations of prostitution.' On an average night, visitors say, there are possibly as many as 500 prostitutes from as many as two dozen countries -- including Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, China, Russia, Taiwan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. But Cyclone is hardly the only place in Dubai providing work for prostitutes. You can find them at almost every five-star hotel in the emirate, or even on the streets." Peyman Pejman, "U.A.E.: Muslim Federation Of States Is Hub of International Prostitution," Radio Free Europe, July 2, 2004
Illegal Fully Disabled |
Level: 1 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=N ; 3.Mental=N; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
YemenProstitution: illegal Prostitution in Yemen is illegal, but many sex tourists from other Gulf states indulge in what are known as "tourist marriages". The punishment for prostitution is three years imprisonment. |
Illegal Fully Disabled |
Level: 1 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=N ; 3.Mental=N ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
1. Afghanistan Population: 33,609,937 Prostitution: Illegal Brothel Ownership:Illegal Pimping: Illegal "Afghanistan's sex industry is booming, according to both private and official sources. Statistics are scattered, and few solid figures exist. But since the fall of the Taliban regime in late 2001, prostitution has become, if not more widespread, at least more open... The Taliban strictly controlled sexual activity, meting out harsh punishments for extra-marital relations and adultery. Married women who had sex outside marriage were stoned to death. Others were publicly flogged. Sex outside marriage remains illegal in post-Taliban Afghanistan, and the prisons are full of women who have been convicted of 'fornication,' a charge that carries a penalty of from five to 15 years in jail."
Illegal Fully Disabled |
Level: ? 1.Life=? ; 2.Health=? ; 3.Mental=? ; 4.Rape=? ; 5.Defect=? ; 6.Social=? ; 7.Demand=? ; |
Prostiution: illegal
Prostitution in Bhutan is illegal but in many of Bhutan's border towns there are people openly practicing in the sex trade.[1][2]
Illegal Fully Disabled |
Level: 2 1.Life=R ; 2.Health=R ; 3.Mental=N ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Illegal Prostitution in Maldives is illegal and foreigners who engage in prostitution can expect to be deported and Maldivians can expect a prison sentence.[1][2]
Illegal Fully Disabled |
Level: 1 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=N ; 3.Mental=N ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Illegal Fully Disabled |
Level: 1 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=N ; 3.Mental=N ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Prostitution: illegal
Prostitution in Brunei is illegal and can incur a punishment of imprisonment for 5 years and a fine of $ 20,000. |
Illegal Fully Disabled |
Level: 1.Life= ; 2.Health= ; 3.Mental= ; 4.Rape= ; 5.Defect= ; 6.Social= ; 7.Demand= ; |
Illegal Fully Disabled |
Level: 1.Life= ; 2.Health= ; 3.Mental= ; 4.Rape= ; 5.Defect= ; 6.Social= ; 7.Demand= ; |
Luhansk People's Republic Illegal Fully Disabled |
Level: 1.Life= ; 2.Health= ; 3.Mental= ; 4.Rape= ; 5.Defect= ; 6.Social= ; 7.Demand= ; |
Donetsk People's Republic Illegal Fully Disabled |
Level: 1.Life= ; 2.Health= ; 3.Mental= ; 4.Rape= ; 5.Defect= ; 6.Social= ; 7.Demand= ; |
Illegal Fully Disabled |
Level: 1 1.Life=R ; 2.Health=N ; 3.Mental=N ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Western Sahara |
Western Sahara Prostitution: Illegal Brothels: illegal Pimping: illegal |
( THIS PAPER IS WRITTEN AGAINST TRADITIONAL FATAL PROSTITUTION BUT NOT AGAINST SAFE SEXUAL SERVICE WORK. );. This Paper Does not Support Non Human Sex with Human; This Paper Only Support Strait Heterosexual Sex Between Human Males and Human Females;
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