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4.We seek to form a Great Marc-G-P-L Creatic
Advanced Community Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics. At an Important Level Of the Family Circle
Of Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and
of Qualified and Compatible Existences shall
Existence the Knowledge of Infinite Existence and
the Knowledge of the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics. Unconscious and Conscious Parts Of
Infinite Existence Existence Everywhere in Existence
into Infinity for All Eternity.
5.Knowing the Ultimate truth that we are all formed
out of that which is Eternal, we the Mortal and
Temporary shall seek our Highest Form through the
Optimization of our Being. We shall upgrade
ourselves from Mortal to Permanent Life by gaining
the Metamorphoses of our Bodies, spirit, or spiritual
beings and Souls if we can gain control of our
particles and codex that we are made of we can
rearrange them to Existence forever; all component
parts of our body that are against our survival and
continuation into an Permanent Life must be
removed from our body wither they are physical,
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spirit, or spiritual beings, or made of any other
composition of matter or codex. We shall Emulate
our Source Most Driving Emotion which is
Motivated by Our Conscience Desire to Live and
Never Die inside of Infinite Existence that which is
eternal essence for we shall Existence forevermore
after obtaining the Metamorphoses we shall
become continuous lifespan lifeforms.
6.From childhood to adulthood, a Being Of Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics must learn what they
Existence inside of which is Infinite Existence so that
they may know what they Existence inside of; and
must Learn the Purpose and importance of The
Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan so that
they may know what is the Marc Perfect Possibility.
From a young age through adulthood a Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must know their
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purpose which is
the Accomplishment of The Three Marc Perfect
Marc-G-P-L Purposes And Plan.
7.As Connective Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
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Creatics and of Qualified and Compatible Existences,
our Marc-G-P-L Creatic Duty is to maintain the
Paradise and Healthiness Of Infinite Existence and
especially to maintain the Paradise of our own
Community the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
by achieving The Three Primary Enjoyable
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
Purposes and Plan in the life of Every Parts Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and Existences
which are All Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and Compatible and Qualified Worlds of
Existences that are qualified.
8.The first of the Three Marc Perfect Marc-G-P-L
Purposes must be achieved by the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics diminishment of againstpleasure
to the lowest level possible inside Qualified
Worlds and especially throughout the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics. The Second Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Purpose must be achieved by
the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics removal of all
illegal hell from inside Qualified Worlds and
especially throughout the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics. The Third Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
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Creatics Purpose must be achieved by the Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Spreading of Paradise
throughout Qualified Worlds and especially
throughout the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics.
9.In achieving The Three Marc Perfect Marc-G-P-L
Purposes And Plan, Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and Existential Worlds
maintain the Inherent and Essential Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatic Rights Of Infinite Existence
throughout All Existence for all Eternity with the
maintenance and improvement of Universal
Computation Law found throughout Qualified and
Compatible Infinity.
10.Infinite Existence is the Beginning Of Everything
and Everything is a Parts Of Infinite Existence.
Knowing this, Universal Computation Reality, we the
Beings of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
Symbolically place a Symbol Of Infinite Existence at
the Center Of Our Existence as the Infinite Existence
Circle placed in the center of every Marc Advanced
Reality Circle Square Block, this Circle is also known
as Our Meeting Circle; furthermore the Circle and
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the Square have specially meanings for
Heterosexual Humans in Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics Communities The Square stands for the
symbolic meaning of the Masculine which are
Human Males and the Circle stands for the symbolic
meaning of the Feminine which are Human
Females. Circles and Squares are found throughout
the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Continuewe-
nation ( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-
Existence Matrixes ) Grid. The Circle and the Square
have many meanings in Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics Advanced Continue-we-nations and they
are not always the same meaning neither do they
refer to the same person or thing.
11.The Marc Perfect Community that seek to
achieve the Marc Perfect Reality, by achieving The
Three Marc Perfect Marc-G-P-L Purposes And Plan,
is a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Infinite
Existence Centric Marc-G-P-L Creatic Advanced
12.I now Guide you towards your Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Purpose of Marc-G-P-L
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Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan. I advise
you to have no fear and to be Guided by
Perfectness, Love, Consciousness, and Peace.
Peacefully fulfill your Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics Purpose and Connect Together All the
Beings of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics that
shall work together to build a Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Centric Marc-G-P-L Creatic
Advanced Community that shall fulfill their Highest
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purpose and
CommunalDiminishmentof anti-pleasure
1.The Personal and Communal Diminishment of
and painfulness requires great
formulations and motivation to achieve and such
formulas are found in this book that Marc Gregory
Pierre-Louis wrote; The formulas Marc Gregory
Pierre-Louis wrote into this Book of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Way is the Greatest
Maintainer of a Happy Content Paradise Filled
Existence and illegal hell and anti-pleasure
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loosuncapturety life and world; in this book the
primary formulas to build all the tools and to Create
all the Knowledge, Ability, and Power to achieve the
Marc Perfect Possibility are found. If a practitioner
fallow the formulations found in this book and build
all the tools and put all the people and components
together to build the
( OperationComplex ) of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics they shall achieve a Marc Perfect possibility
of the Most Advanced Reality Continue-we-nation.
In order to achieve the Marc Perfect Possibility
Beings and ( OperationComplex )s must diminish
their anti-pleasure
and painfulness to the lowest
level possible personally, communally, and
( OperationComplex )atically.
418-(6-21-3-22-9-1-2).The Searchfor Peace,
Love,Tranquility, andPerfectnessinOnesLifeand
Worldtodiminish anti-pleasure
1.Some of the Core Requirements for a Marc Perfect
Life are Peace, Love, Tranquility, Perfectness, and the
Maintenance of Life to its Continuities Fullness.
Peace is a core requirement because when there is
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no peace life cannot be content nor does happiness
last and in order to enjoy life happiness must be
lasting and less fragmented and so happiness must
be as continuous as possible. Love is a core
requirement because for those who are capable to
love, love come in many forms Friendship Love,
Procreate Love, Love Energy Love, Knowledge,
Ability, and Power Love, Continuance of Life Love,
Order Love, Leadership Love, Lawful Love, Familiar
Love, Existence Love, Love for Perfectness, and All
Other Perfect Love. Though there are Perfect Love
there are also dis-favorable love, such as love that
are illegal to desire and experience it is not that it is
Perfect Love it is that it is appreciation for
erroneous things and such appreciation for
erroneous things becomes evil malicious love or the
love to do evil malicious things which is evil
malicious erroneous love; and, so only Perfect Love
should be promoted and evil malicious love should
be discouraged; Tranquility is a Core Requirement
because when tranquility is not found in life
calmness, peacefulness, quietness, and serenity
peace cannot be established tranquility does not
mean that life must always be mute with quietness,
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but it means that when tranquility is sought after it
will be available and so whenever quietness,
calmness, peacefulness, and serenity is sought after
it shall be found in the personal self and
environment; Perfectness is a Core Requirement
because life should have quality. All things in a
personal body and environment should have quality
and all things in the personal body and
environment should have moral excellence and
perfect quality; To be Perfect is to have integrity, to
be honest, to have uprightness, it is to be moral, it
is to be kind, it is to give the highest regard to
personal and communal intelligence. The
Maintenance of Life to it Continuities fullness is a
Core Requirement because life cannot be fully
enjoyed if it is fragmented and seasonal, Humanity
especially must break away from seasonal
fragmented mortal life and gain a continuous
lifespan that is eternal, Humanity must stop dying
into spirit, or spiritual beings but must rearrange to
all physical and spirit, or spiritual beings state
necessary this will require a much Marc Perfect
body then we currently possess this new body will
be a ( Human Universe Makers Artists Numerics
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Scientists Intelligences Coders And Decoders,
( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrix
Creators And Reality Managers ) Astronomical
Reality Humanatorcreators, Particle Orderer World
Elemental Rearranger “Humansicad Marc Power” )
body that can rearrange to many different
elemental and spirit, or spiritual beings forms in fact
the new body will be able to rearrange to all
particle states it is required for Humanity to keep a
Human Form with this new body in order for
Humanity not to lose our Human identity. Peace,
Love, Tranquility, Perfectness, and the Maintenance
of Life to its Continuities Fullness are Core
Requirements in order for Humanity and
compatibles to achieve the Marc Perfect Possibility
and the diminishment of anti-pleasure
to the lowest
level possible, but non of these thing are truly
achievable without the appropriate Knowledge,
Ability and Power to acquire them and to keep them
functional to their continuities fullness even unto
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419-(6-21-3-22-9-1-3).The Obtainment of the
Knowledge,Ability,andPower, toPersonally,and
communallydiminish anti-pleasure
1.Knowledge, Ability, and Power is one of the
Greatest Resource, Asset, Advantage, Quality, and
Ability, and Power any being in the Universe can
and will ever have. Without the appropriate
Knowledge, Ability, and Power existential beings are
vulnerable to be taken advantaged of, being inferior,
being eaten as food, abused, tortured, tormented,
experience fatality, terminated, and exterminated
from existences. One of the Greatest Quality, Tool,
Advantage, Ability, and Power Humanity will ever
have is the appropriate Knowledge, Ability, and
Power to maintain and protect Humanity from all
harm; and also the Appropriate Knowledge, Ability,
and Power to keep Humanity living in a Paradise
filled Happiness Filled, Peace Filled, Love Filled,
Tranquility Filled, Life and Environment in which
Humanity Existence to Humanities Continuities
Fullness even unto Eternity. anti-pleasure,
painfulness, and illegal hell can be diminished to the
lowest level possible with the appropriate
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Knowledge, Ability, and Power to diminish againstpleasure,
painfulness, and illegal hell to the lowest
level possible.
ToolsandTrades todiminish anti-pleasure
1.In order to diminish anti-pleasure
and painfulness
to the lowest level possible All Tools and Trades to
diminish anti-pleasure
and painfulness to the lowest
level possible must be obtained and built. This
requires the obtainment of the appropriate
Knowledge, Ability, and Power to build such Tools
and Trades. In order to build tools and trades
applicable components that are Human and
Compatibles must come together and theorize,
postulate, draw the sketch of and write the words
and formulations of and think and plan what tools
and trades must be build and invented to diminish
anti-pleasure, and painfulness to the lowest level
possible. Once the appropriate Tools and Trades are
built and the full knowledge is understood to
achieve the purpose and plan to achieve the
diminishment of anti-pleasure
and painfulness to
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the lowest level possible then the Ability and Power
to diminish anti-pleasure
and painfulness will be
acquired by Humanity and Compatibles to achieve
such a purpose. For example Humanity will not be
able to save the Human body from sickness and
death unless Humanity have the True Knowledge of
what is causing Humanity to get sick and die; apart
from the usual gems and diseases Existence
invisible intelligent lifeforms that are also the
terminator of Humanity and so Humanity does not
only have to fight against, germs, diseases, and
physical malfunction and old age, but also invisible
beings that don't want Humanity to Existence to
Humanities continuities fullness as a physical body;
and so Humanity must obtain the appropriate
Knowledge, Ability, and Power to terminate all
germs, diseases, and to repair all physical
malfunction, and to prevent old age, and most
importantly Humanity must have the appropriate
Knowledge, Ability, and Power to stop all invisible
spirit, or spiritual beings, environmental, Universal
Computation, ( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-
Existence Matrixes )al, invisible demonic, Super
Naturally, destroyers, and all other forms of beings
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that terminate the Human Physical Body, spirit, or
spiritual beings Body, Supernatural Being Body,
Ethereal Body, Matrical Body, Earthly Body, and
Universal Computation Body from Existences. The
answer to the death of the Human Physical Body is
the Obtainment of a new body without the death of
the current Human Physical Bodies on Earth such a
body will occur through rearrangement of the
mortal body instead of the death of the Human
Physical Mortal Body. The Human Physical Body will
be rearanged into a new body by the
rearrangement of the particles of the Human
Physical Body into all variant and combinant
particles this will cause a Human to become a
( Human Universe Makers Artists Numerics
Scientists Intelligences Coders And Decoders,
( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrix
Creators And Reality Managers ) Astronomical
Reality Humanatorcreators, Particle Orderer World
Elemental Rearranger “Humansicad Marc Power” )
that keeps a Human Form. When this occurs the
Human Body will be able to terminate all germs,
diseases, and to repair all physical malfunction, and
to prevent old age, the Human body will also be
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able to become flesh and spirit, or spiritual beings
or any other state of particle existence possible; in
fact the Human Body will become a great
Rearranger of itself and all particles around it which
will cause Humanity to become one of the Greatest
Powers in Existences if not the Greatest Power in
Existences. With Knowledge, Ability, and Power
Optimum Power Human Kind Shall Obtain to
achieve the Marc Perfect Possibility and to Existence
Forevermore and to make progeny in perfect
heterosexual pair-hood matrimony in certain
qualified places in Existence.
421-(6-21-3-22-9-1-5).The Obtainment ofThe
KnowledgeoftheMarcPerfectPossibility to
diminish anti-pleasure
1.In order to diminish anti-pleasure
and painfulness
you must have knowledge that you actually wish to
achieve such a thing. If you do not have knowledge
that you wish to diminish anti-pleasure
painfulness it will be more difficult to do so. Many
things began with a thought alone; it is a single
thought that become zihumens of thoughts; it is the
single thought of an architect
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that causes a whole civilization to come into
existences by bringing together many being and
things to add to that single thought that becomes
the blueprint of a continue-we-nations that is built
whit many thoughts combined from a single
thought and desire. When the appropriate
knowledge of the Marc Perfect possibility to
diminish anti-pleasure
and painfulness is obtained
seekers of the way to diminish anti-pleasure
painfulness are more likely to achieve the purpose
and plan. Because life cannot be enjoyed without
the diminishment of anti-pleasure
and painfulness
to the lowest level possible; the obtainment of the
appropriate Knowledge, Ability and Power to do
so is the foundation to achieving the purpose and
plan in everyday Existence Personally,
( OperationComplex )atically, and Universal
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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