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where great evil malicious and great pain and
outrage takes place. illegal hell is especially illegal
to use upon Human Beings because Human Beings
are containable, restrain-able, reformatable, and
rehabilitable, illegal hells are also evil malicious in
intention those who create illegal hells have an evil
malicious intent when they create such illegal hells,
illegal hells are places where evil malicious beings
dwell putting a Human in a ( illegal hell is illegal to
the innocent, non-deserving of illegal hells; and to
those who had an infraction, but were punished
then reprogrammed to a non-evil being that
honestly avoid making errors that are possible or
cannot make any errors at all. ) because Humans
are exposed to illegal hell machines and evil
malicious beings that are malevolent. Human Beings
are not usually malevolent, malevolent beings do
evil malicious only, Humans Being are capable of
being Perfect. Most Humans are Pure Souls which
means that Human Beings are able to be Perfect
and express positive qualities, such as love, respect,
legality, Perfectness, sympathy, empathy, regret, and
lawfulness. illegal hells in their worst forms are
places of the greatest evil malicious, the greatest
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abomination, the greatest desecration, the greatest
hatred, the greatest pain, the greatest torture, the
greatest disappointment, the greatest "Order Of
Vengeance"s, the greatest assault, the greatest
torment, the greatest fatality, the greatest rape, the
greatest murder, the greatest dumbness, the
greatest deception, the greatest lies, the greatest
disinformation, the greatest deception, the greatest
evil malicious minded being, the greatest illegal hell
machines all these greatest evil malicious things can
be found in illegal hells all evil malicious things are
associated with illegal hells and the being that
create them or Existence inside of them. All beings
who are Human or capable of showing the same
intelligence and the ability to be containable,
restrain-able, and rehabilitable, retrain-able, or
reformat-able should not be sent to any illegal hell (
OperationComplex ) because it is illegal to send
such beings to illegal hell ( OperationComplex )s,
furthermore there are Marc Perfect ways to
rehabilitate criminals other then giving them illegal
hell. Imprisonment and rehabilitation are Marc
Perfect then illegal hell ( OperationComplex )s.
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494-(7-1-3-24-4-10-6).WhyitisMarc Perfect to
discontinue unchangeable evil maliciousbeings
then togive them illegalhellforever:
1.Perfect beings cannot become just as evil
malicious as evil malicious beings; there are
standards of Perfectness to fallow, to prevent
Perfect Beings from displaying the same behavioral
patterns that evil malicious beings display. illegal
hell is an evil malicious mind pattern and Perfect
Beings should not allow themselves to carry the
mind pattern of a illegal hell giver or illegal hell
creator. It is Marc Perfect to discontinue
unchangeable evil malicious beings then to give
them illegal hell forever. When someone who want
to be Perfect decide that it is eternal illegal hell that
they should give to violators of ( "sincrime" ), karma,
or ( "sincrime" ) the person who wants to be Perfect
in the wrong way have already violated principals of
Perfectness by making the unthinkable decision to
torture and torment a person forever without
interruption. The calculation of torturing someone
forever is a strange phenomenon that occurred on
the Planet Earth, the truth is that evil malicious
being do Existence and many evil malicious beings
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are malevolent which means that such evil malicious
beings carry an evil malicious mind operating
( OperationComplex ) that does evil malicious only.
Such a being as a malevolent being should be
discontinued from existences instead of being given
illegal hell for all eternity. Firstly the illegal hell
givers decided to punish malevolent beings in
illegal hell forever then they changed their mind
and decided to give Humanity and other beings the
same punishment they gave to malevolent beings
and Human Being do not deserve such
punishments. The modality of a illegal hell creator
and illegal hell giver mind Operating
( OperationComplex ) is an evil malicious mind
( MindOperationCausation ) because such an being
is ready to torture and torment a target even
forever, therefore it is Marc Perfect to have non
illegal hell givers in power then to have illegal hell
givers in power. Though non-illegal hell givers do
not give illegal hell to targets, non-illegal hell givers
must be prepared to discontinue all malevolent
beings that are unchangeable and non reformatable.
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495-(7-1-3-24-4-10-7).The removal of evil
malicious Beings that dwellinside of the Human
bodyand outside the bodyHuman being that
give illegalhell to them to remove illegalhell
personallyand communally.
1.Tormenting is the situation of a Human Being
whose body have been invaded by a spirit, or
spiritual beings or other kind of being who come to
torment, torture, abominate, and violate the Human.
When an evil malicious spirit, or spiritual beings or
other kind of being inters the Human body they
gain access to the Humans mind and all the senses
of the Human Being. When an evil malicious spirit,
or spiritual beings gain access to a Human Being
they know all the Human's thoughts, they can even
feel everything the Human can feel they can also
access the memory of the Human Being to know
every secret that the Human Mind collected for the
duration of the Humans existence. When a spirit, or
spiritual beings enters the Humans body even when
the Human have sexual intercourse with the
Humans spouse they can feel it. When an evil
malicious spirit, or spiritual beings who have an evil
malicious mind and is a illegal hell machine start
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tormenting a Human Being the life of the Human
becomes a living illegal hell. One of the worst
oppression a Human can experience is when an evil
malicious spirit, or spiritual beings enter into a
Humans body and began to torture the Human
with what is known as schizophrenia. Schizophrenia
is caused by evil malicious malevolent spirit, or
spiritual beings. These evil malicious malevolent
spirit, or spiritual beings will say almost anything
evil malicious to the infected person. They will even
rape and cannibalize the infected person who have
them as an infection. evil malicious beings that
dwell inside and outside of the Human Body must
be removed or the life of the Human will be a living
illegal hell. Humanity must learn the physical and
spirit, or spiritual beings or any other science to
remove evil malicious spirit, or spiritual beings or
other type of material being from inside the Human
Body and outside of the Human Body in order to
diminish illegal hell to the lowest level possible.
When removing evil malicious from beings and
things, from an area, or from a Human Body find
the most powerful evil malicious being or thing in
the area that protect all the evil malicious beings
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and the area terminate it firstly, then find then next
powerful evil malicious being or thing in the area
terminate it next and fallow the same step of
terminating evil malicious beings and things till all
evil malicious beings and things in the area are
terminated. Once the most powerful evil malicious
beings and things are terminated they won't be
able to protect the less powerful ones and they will
be easier to terminate and destroy from existences
and from Marc Perfect and Acceptable Human
Beings, and Human Oriented Beings, and
Compatible Beings and Things. Before approaching
the most powerful evil malicious beings and things
in an area for combat make sure that you and your
combatants are well trained and Powerful enough
to terminate them and that you will surely win as an
opponent over evil malicious or you may upset the
balance of challenge and power by being defeated
or terminated and combat by an evil malicious
enemy who will be without a challenger of your
caliber for a very long time until a new challenger
build themselves upward, is created, or is born.
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496-(7-1-3-24-4-10-8). The different levels of
owners ofillegalhells.
1.Owners of illegal hell come in four different level
such owners of illegal hells are called overseers of
illegal hells. An overseer of illegal hell can be
categorized in four states 1.“freewill evil malicious
minded overseer” (fwemo), 2.“illegal hell machine
overseers” (hmo), or 3.“energy processor illegal hell
overseer (epho), or 4.“games of illegal hell overseer”
(goho). All four types of illegal hell overseers are
evil malicious because the end result of their works
is to cause the worst possibility to come into
existences. All illegal hell overseers are dangerous
and must be approached with caution when
establishing warfare against them because they may
decide to give illegal hell to combatants that are
defeated in combat. Before waging war against a
illegal hell overseer to rescue victims and captives
of illegal hell. A illegal hell Rescuer must make sure
that the illegal hell Rescuer is fit enough to win the
combat against illegal hell overseers and illegal hell
machines. It is also much safer to plan an attack
against a illegal hell overseer and illegal hell
environment safely away from the actual illegal hell,
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because a illegal hell might be a conscious world
environment if the illegal hell is a conscious world
environment that can see and her and calculate
what is occurring inside of it the illegal hell will
attack or report any illegal hell rescuer that is found
inside of the illegal hell and so illegal hell rescuers
are safer to make their battle plan far away from
the actual illegal hell or illegal hell overseer. illegal
hell overseers must face justice if they are guilty of
tormenting containable and restrain-able victims
that did not need to be tortured and abominated
by illegal hell but could have been imprisoned
instead and given rehabilitation. The practice of
creating illegal hells must be put to an end along
with illegal hell overseers because illegal hell
overseers have some of the cruelest if not the
cruelest minds in existences, some beings who are
in illegal hell also possess some of the cruelest
minds in existences, such victims of illegal hells that
are unchangeable and cruelest will have to be
discontinued from existences after it is found that
they are evil malicious and unchangeable they shall
become available for discontinuation.
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497-(7-1-3-24-4-10-9).Why should we proceed
with caution from rescuing certain evil malicious
beings who are inillegalhellbecause they are
dangerous toindividualsandworldinhabitants.
1.There are some beings that are found in illegal
hell that shall not be rescued, but shall be
discontinued instead. Some beings that are found in
illegal hells are malevolent illegal hell machines this
means that they are evil malicious, harmful entities
that are malevolent which means that they only do
evil malicious and their mind
( MindOperationCausation ) is fixed to do evil
malicious only. When such a being is found among
the captives of illegal hell such malevolent beings
will not be rescued but shall be discontinued from
existence instead, because letting such illegal hell
machine malevolent beings out of illegal hell would
result in them causing further harm to society
because they are unchangeable malevolent beings.
evil malicious beings that are in illegal hell are
dangerous to individuals and world inhabitants
because they are malevolent in nature, but Perfect
beings who are in illegal hell are not malevolent but
are victims of illegal hell who were sent to illegal
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hell to be punished when they could have been
imprisoned and given rehabilitation instead. Perfect
Beings are the ones that will be rescued from illegal
hells. Perfect Beings who are in illegal hell are
people that are capable of being Perfect, but were
sent to illegal hell by illegal hell overlords because
they committed a ( "sincrime" ), ( "sincrime" ), or
karma; when such Perfect Beings are found
especially if they are Human Beings that are in
illegal hell for committing a ( "sincrime" ), karma, or
( "sincrime" ) shall be rescued immediately and be
taken to safety where they will be given medical
and mental treatment and counseling to nurse
them back to normal health, then such beings shall
be given the proper counseling and programming
that will make sure that they do not commit any
criminal activity or violations that would put them in
any future trouble, they shall be given a Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Manual to fallow. evil
malicious beings that are malevolent shall receive a
different treatment they shall be diagnosed to see if
their mind ( MindOperationCausation ) is
changeable into a Perfect Being that is lawful to
fallow Perfect Law, if their mind
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( MindOperationCausation ) is not changeable they
shall be discontinued from existences because they
carry a illegal hell machine malevolent brain type.
498-(7-1-3-24-4-10-10).Infinite (Mind-ActuatedReality-
Calculated-Existence Matrixes )where
illegalhellExistence andhow to remove them:
1.Consciousness is not spread throughout the whole
of Infinity, but sectors of Consciousness developed
throughout different sections of Infinity. Even if
consciousness is the size of a Galaxy it is a pinprick
in something that is Infinite and Conscious-less.
Infinite Space is Conscious-less except in certain
sectors where Intelligent networks of many different
level materialized. In order for there to be
consciousness throughout Infinite Space networks
must be formed that support Intelligent Life.
Though Infinity is Infinite All At Once at 0 Seconds
at first there was no consciousness inside Infinity
then the first particles scattered in difference
sectors near and far to each other started making
networks some networks became High Intelligence
Networks, other networks became lessor intelligent
networks. In order for anti-pleasure
to be
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detected an existential beings or existential network
must possess consciousness and senses to detect
pain. Sometimes a Consciousness Being or Network
located inside Infinity is affected by the worst
possibility and the three worst Universal
Computation sabotage start occurring there; antipleasure
start to increase, illegal hell start to spread,
and paradises start to be destroyed. There is only
one way to solve such problem an in Infinite
environment, it is Knowledge, Ability, and Power
Conscious Beings of that network must have to
diminish the anti-pleasure, to remove the illegal hell,
and to spread paradise. Such large networks that are
large sectors of Infinity must have Unifying
Leadership and Networks that fallow commands and
instructions to diminish anti-pleasure, painfulness,
and illegal hell to the lowest level possible and such
entities need the appropriate Knowledge, Ability,
and Power to remove the cause of the worst
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499-(7-1-3-24-4-10-11).Over Top(MindActuated-
Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes )
where illegalhellsExistence andhow to remove
1.Sometimes Existential Beings Existence inside a
Multilevel ( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-
Existence Matrixes ) or situation that contains
Intelligent Lifeforms. Such Multilevel ( MindActuated-
Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes ) if
they are Perfect are Environments that support a
Perfect Life and Paradise, but if they are evil
malicious multilevel ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrixes ) it is illegal hell and
eating existential beings that are caught inside of
illegal hell multilevel ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrixes ) that the ( MindActuated-
Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes )
support. Such multilevel ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrixes ) contain life in
dimensions and densities, sometimes the illegal
hells in such ( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-
Existence Matrixes ) are located in lower density
worlds sometimes these illegal hells are located in
higher density ( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated
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Existence Matrixes ). Sometimes a ( Mind-ActuatedReality-
Calculated-Existence Matrixes ) is an
intelligent life-form working in multilevel networks
like computers fuzed together that are network-able
( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence
Matrixes ) grid ( OperationComplex )s like a
fuselage. If the network of ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrixes ) grid intelligentsia are
wicked evil malicious illegal hellish beings,
dissatisfying evil malicious and illegal hellish will be
the life of users of the ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrixes ) and the ( MindActuated-
Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes ).
Under all situations it is Knowledge, Ability, and
Power a Being or Thing need in order to remove
illegal hell from itself and so overtop ( MindActuated-
Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes )
where illegal hell Existence must have the
appropriate knowledge, Ability, and Power to
remove the illegal hell that is in the ( MindActuated-
Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes ),
especially users of ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrixes ) must possess the
appropriate knowledge to keep themselves safe
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from wicked ( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-
Existence Matrixes ) this means that ( MindActuated-
Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes )
Users must be able to control their aspect of the
( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence
Matrixes ) and they must be able to protect
themselves from the many components that make
up a ( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence
Matrixes ) one of the key foundations to controlling
a ( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence
Matrixes ) is to have the brain components that
control the ( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-
Existence Matrixes ). It requires the Mind and
Senses of a Being to process a ( Mind-ActuatedReality-
Calculated-Existence Matrixes ) if a being
could control their own mind and senses in an
advanced way a Being could control certain aspect
of ( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence
Matrixes ), and also users of ( Mind-ActuatedReality-
Calculated-Existence Matrixes ) must be able
to learn all the workings of components of ( MindActuated-
Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes ) in
order to protect their Existence from illegal hellish
( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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