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M1foot by 1 foot by 1 foot or smaller and posses no
sexual organs or intelligence.
1-9-3. Many times it is the infrastructure of the City
Machine that Humanity build and the education
and knowledge that is in the Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) of Humanity that is
helping Humanity to survive; it is the infrastructure
of the City Machine that humans command over
and work inside of that is helping Humanity to
survive, such as hospitals, farms, supermarkets,
stores, schools, trades, science, libraries, machines,
Leadments, military bases, police stations, many
various types of institutions, firemen, rescue
workers, services to the poor and impoverished and
many more Human Mechanics. Though there are
secret invisible beings that fight among each other
to prevent evil malicious beings from entering into
the ( OperationComplex ) ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrixes ) of Humanity or even
spirit, or spiritual beings that can cause it to rain,
these invisible entities are not preventing the
inevitable and the everyday ills, and deaths from
occurring to Humanity which is the ailments that
occur to those without the Knowledge, Ability, and
Power, to avoid avoidable catastrophes that can
only be defeated with Personal and Communal
Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
1-9-4. Around Humanity is located a great amount
of spirit, or spiritual beings that are swimming and
crawling and moving and running all over the
matrix grid, yet these matrix crawlers can be very
harmful to Humanity or can attempt to assist
Humanity with their limited power, even with all
these numerous number of matrix elemental spirit,
or spiritual beings, Humanity will find that many of
them are the very cause that Humanity is
experiencing trouble in this world, some of them
even eat Humanity as a food. Humanity must turn
to the True Power of all Worlds which is Knowledge,
Ability, and Power, that is the True Power to
everything and the Humansicad Marc Power I
invented in One of the Greatest Power in Existences;
Knowledge, Ability, and Power, is the True Power not
worship, for worship is not the True Power it is
Knowledge, Ability, and Power, that is the True
Power to everything. Humanity must turn away
from worship and start investing on the True Power
which is Humanities own Effective Knowledge,
Ability and Power. All Perfect Knowledge must be
obtained that is to sustain the personal self of
Humanity, the Communal Self of Humanity, and the
World and Universe of Humanity. Humanity must
invest in Matrical Codex and Source Code
Knowledge Ability and Power; Physical Knowledge,
Ability, and Power; Spirit, or spiritual beings
Knowledge, Ability, and Power; Universal
Computation Knowledge, Ability, and Power; All
Perfect Trades and Industry Knowledge, Ability, and
Power; Agricultural Knowledge, Ability, and Power;
Scientific Knowledge, Ability, and, Power; Chemistry
Knowledge, Ability, and Power; Military Knowledge,
Ability, and Power; Supernatural Power Knowledge,
Ability, and Power; ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrixes ) Elemental
Rearranger Knowledge, Ability, and Power; a
Nourishment Food-Less, Particle to Wave Recyclable
Pleasure Food, Deathless, Metamorphosis,
Knowledge, Ability, and Power; Procreate
Knowledge, Ability, and Power; Permanent Life
Knowledge, Ability, and Power; Planetary
Knowledge, Ability, and Power; Creation Knowledge,
Ability, and Power; and All Perfect Knowledge,
Ability, and Power, of all Perfect Subject Matter,
Trades, and Abilities.
30-(1-10). worshipcan leadyou to become a
servant foreveror to become avictim ofillegal
1.objects of worship almost always take the
worshiper as a servant of the object of worship.
Sometimes its even worst when the object of
worship is an evil malicious being; when the object
of worship is an evil malicious being the worshiper
becomes a total slave of the object of worship and
a sacrifice to the object of worship. When the
worshiper becomes a sacrifice the worshiper can be
terminated at any given time as a sacrifice. There
was once a ritual in mayan civilization in which a
shaman as a worshiper was made to dance for the
mayan gods all day long in the hot sun and after
dancing all day in the hot burning sun, the
worshiping priests would take the worshiper who
danced all day in the hot burning sun and cut, rip,
and remove the worshipers skin off while the
worshiper was still alive and then they would burn
the worshiper alive after ripping and removing the
worshipers skin off. All the shaman worshiper got
for the shamans dancing for the mayan gods of the
time was to get her skin ripped off her and for her
to be burned alive as a sacrificial offering. objects of
worship can sometimes become the cruelest people
in existence only the most cruel and dumb society
would allow such a ritual to take place against a
human being; and it was worship that caused the
mayan civilization to come to an end because they
worshiped european invaders of their land by
thinking that the european invaders were their gods
because they had a tale of a light skin god that
would come to reign over them and so when the
europeans landed in mayan civilization the mayans
started worshiping them for their shiny skin color
and their shining armor and the european invaders
decided to terminate almost all the mayans and
burned and destroyed all their manuscript and
knowledge to take possession of their land and all
their possessions.
1-10-1. worshipers are almost always the equivalent
of a servant or a slave, not a citizen, not an equal
by Law, but always a servant or a slave. To show
that worshipers are servants or slaves priest of
objects of worship and objects of worship almost
always put worshipers upon their knees as a sign of
servitude and slave-hood. Higher intelligent
lifeforms such as Humans are even made to bow
down before lower beings as a god over them.
Such as hindus who worship rats and mice and get
down upon their knees before rats and mice, they
also worship cows as a god over them, hindus are
also known to worship monkeys, snakes, elephants,
tigers and all sorts of animals as a god over them
and they do so by getting upon their knees before
the lower animal and showing that they are a
subservient of the animal. Humans should never
become subservient to animals mentally nor
physically, but must remove all animals from a
Humans environment by force and terminatings,
only animals that are temporarily eaten by Humans
as a food while Humans still need to eat food and
animals that pollinate plants, and animals that eat
germs from water such as large quill eating whales
and others should survive the great animal
extermination while they are still needed after they
are no longer needed Humans should remove such
animals from Human environments until Humans
Existence in an environment that have no animals.
Humans should naturally hate and despise all
animals, animal heads, animal transformers, and
beast, and evil malicious invisible demonic creatures
and keep animals away from their homes and world
when ever possible.
1-10-2. The Mind ( MindOperationCausation ) of a
worshiper functions as a slave mind that cannot
question the will of the object of worship nor
reason with it to see what is advantageous and
disadvantageous for the worshiper against the
object of worship. At its highest level of brain wash
a worshiper will do anything for an object of
worship and getting on the knees before the object
of worship is the sign, habit, and programming that
an object of worship put into the Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) of a worshiper that
defeats all since of conscience not to become a
servant and a slave of objects of worship it is the
act of getting upon the knees before an object of
worship that is the sign that a worshiper is totally
defeated in the Mind ( MindOperationCausation ). A
worshiper is totally defeated against an object of
worship until the worshiper receives new
programming to worship something else as a god
or to become a Owuwunow that does not worship.
worshiping another god causes the object worship
to come from one master and to bow before a new
master, but becoming a Owuwunow is the total
removal of the inferior slave programming
worshipers obtain from worshiping. Sometimes to
show that the worshiper is a total mental slave the
object of worship and the priest of the object of
worship ask the worshiper to sacrifice something
dear and valuable to the worshiper such as a child,
a family member, a spouse, some food, an animal,
or the worshipers own self or the worshiper may be
asked to go and terminate an enemy of the object
of worships form of religion.
1-10-3. worshiping is not the Marc Perfect form of
programming for the Mind
( MindOperationCausation ), Reasoning and
achieving the Marc Perfect Possibility in all
situations is a Marc Perfect form of
( MindOperationCausation ). A Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) that reasons and come
to the conclusion to achieve the Marc Perfect
possibility after all reasonable variations and
combinations of thought and calculation and
sequences is a Marc Perfect Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) then the Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) of a worshiper. A Marc
Perfect Mind ( MindOperationCausation ) is that of
the Mind ( MindOperationCausation ) that Reasons
that the Mind ( MindOperationCausation ) must
achieve the Marc Perfect Possibility in all situations,
even over the wishes of a commander or object of
worship. An Owuwunow Reasonable Marc Perfect
Possibility Perfect Mind ( MindOperationCausation )
is much Marc Perfect then the Slave Subservient
Mind ( MindOperationCausation ) of a worshiper
that cannot reason nor question the programming
of worshiping.
31-(1-11). worshiping can lead a person to
become afood:
Not all beings and things that are worshiped are
Perfect beings nor Perfect things. Because of the
structuralist programming of becoming a docile
being towards worship authority when an evil
malicious being is worshiped by a population, it is
sometimes difficult to remove the worship program
that they are running as an operation
( OperationComplex ) or as an instructional software
of the mind. For Humanity education is instructional
HumanProgram however it is dictated to the person
who is the learner; and worshiper as an educational
HumanProgram is a very addictive domineering
HumanProgram program of the mind and it leads
the practitioner or student to become a worship
slave mind. worship Slave minds have difficult
letting go of the programming or accepting a new
program. When a cannibalistic race or society
becomes the object of worship if the overseer or
object of worship is a cannibalizer of the beings
who worship them, it is very easy to brainwash
worshipers into becoming the secret or public food
of objects of worship that are cannibals. In fact
some gods in existence are cannibals; even scarier
in the sphere of the planet earth we find hidden in
secret dimensional frequencies and with cloaking
devices that many beings considered as gods and
objects of worship are cannibalistic against
Humanity and these beings who are considered
gods and objects of worship eat Humanity as a
food secretly.
1-11-1. I met some of these cannibalistic beings
known as gods and objects of worship personally
while practicing “Waking Up from Your Sleep To See
Invisible Worlds” (Wufystsiw). Some of these super
natural beings, gods, and objects of worship that
eat Humanity as a food can transform any mass at
hand into life and when I transferred my mind into
one of their dimensions while I was laying on my
bed one of them reached out his hand and
transformed some of the skin on my face into a
jelly like meat protein and ate it. In another
experience a entity shadow being tried to eat me as
a food while practicing Wufystsiw when I interred
the dimension; in another experience while I was
laying on the floor and sleeping a entity super
natural being, god, or spirit, or devil, or devi, or
spiritual beings being, or transformer reached out
and tried to eat me and my soul as a food instead
of eating me a spirit, or spiritual beings being that
dwelled inside of me was snatched instead of me, I
heard the spirit, or spiritual beings being scream
and the spirit, or spiritual beings being was dragged
down by the reptile cannibal who ate the spirit, or
spiritual beings being. In fact many super natural
beings, gods, spirits, devils, and demons, and
transformers cannibalize and eat each other as a
food. Some super natural beings and gods, and
devils, and demons, and transformers, are cannibals
of each other eating each other until the eater
becomes a huge god head in the sky or godly
Being form in the ground and sky. In this dimension
Humanity is a secret illegal food of some types of
super natural beings, gods and devils and evil
malicious beings in general that seek worship from
Humanity, some of these cannibalistic super natural
beings that eat Humanity are animal headed super
natural beings, others look Human, but they are not
humans in reality they are supernatural beings that
look Human, but are not Human in physiological
make up. In some dimensions Humanity is a public
food of evil malicious entity threatening evil beings
that deserve to be discontinued; evil malicious
objects of worship, evil demons, and evil devils, and
evil malicious matrix entities and evil malicious
transformers, and evil malicious minded beings who
eat Humanity as a food as a slave worship race, yet
Humanity must obtain the Knowledge, Ability, and
Power to overcome all eaters of Humanity. These
evil malicious entity threat and super natural beings
when they are cannibals of Humanity seek after
worship to control the mind of the beings that they
eat as a food. worshiping is a strong tool of
brainwash against worshipers because of the strong
structuralist programming that worshiping put into
the mind of worshipers getting on their knees
before an object of worship is the sign that an
object of worship is looking for that reveal that the
worshiper is broken down upon the knees as a
servant or slave mind. One of the most infamous
religion that publicly announce to Human followers
that they are food is known as hinduism. In
hinduism worshipers are programmed to accept the
religious rules of hinduism that are based on the
Law of karma worshipers can be made to
reincarnate as inanimate things that are used as
food, animals that are used as food, plants that are
used as food, evil malicious minded beings that are
used as food, worlds that are used as food, spirits,
or spiritual beings beings that are used as food,
super natural being and gods that are used as food,
and Humans that are used as food secretly or
publicly, in fact that very religion for over one
thousand years have a sect of cannibals known as
Aghori Sadhus that are known to eat Human meat
as food, rotting caucuses as food, and even feces as
food. I met some spirits, or spiritual beings entities
and super natural beings, gods, and objects of
worship they were some of the most evil malicious
beings anyone could meet in the universe, they
sought to sexually assault me with homosexual
spirits, or spiritual beings beings and eat me as a
food at the same time. An hindu is one of the most
evil malicious and inferior thinking persons that
someone will ever meet in existence, especially in
spirit, or spiritual beings form; in fact the religion of
hinduism uses caste ( OperationComplex ) to
inferiorize the whole society that hindus live in,
during our age in 2013, india the nation where
hindus Existence in is one of the most slum infested
countries on Earth and it is that way by design not
by chance, the religion of hinduism promote lower
living conditions for lower caste peoples by design
through the use of the law of karma. hinduism is a
polytheist religion that have a lot of evil malicious
beings that are devi gods and objects of worship of
the religion. A Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
must not befriend hindus and must see them as an
enemy; for hindus were some of the most evil
malicious people I met in spirit, or spiritual beings
and they also became great sabotagers of my work,
they even tried to "traditional fatal prostitute" my
family by using spirits, or spiritual beings means to
do so. These hindu gods and objects of worship
also tried to make me worship everything, but any
wise and knowledgeable person will know that a
person who worship everything, everything have
power over them and their mind
( MindOperationCausation ). A person who worship
everything is a slave to everything; a person who
worship everything everything is that persons
master; every object in the world from things,
furniture, homes, tools, food, plants, animals, spirits,
or spiritual beings beings, machines, humans,
elements, planets, stars, worlds, galaxies, super
natural beings and gods, objects of worship, Perfect
and evil malicious, whole universes will become the
master of anyone who worship everything,
everything will dominate over that persons mind
( MindOperationCausation ) and they will become a
total mental slave on theirs knees to everything in
existence. A Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
cannot and must not worship a being because the
being dwell in everything or everything will become
the persons master. A Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics must not worship anything at all, but must
use a ( OperationComplex ) of Knowledge, Ability,
Power, Perfect Leadership and the Marc Perfect
Possibility and Great Reasoning to achieve a Marc
Perfect possibility and world environment.
1-11-2. Becoming a Owuwunow with reasoning can
save a Human or Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics from becoming a permanent
race of food to objects of worship. The structuralist
programming of an Owuwunow lead the mind of
the Owuwunow to calculate almost anything in a
logical manner with educational training Knowledge,
Ability, and Power; this gives the Owuwunow the
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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