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act like a friend who rape and eat menkind, animal
heads who act like a friend who rape and eat
menkind, animals who act like a friend who rape
and eat menkind, dark entities who act like a friend,
all 777 religion practitioners who act like a friend
but eat men are no friend of menkind, all human
looking things that eat human looking things that
act like a friend are not a friend of human beings at
all and will eat them if they get an opportunity, all
beings and things that eat human looking things
are not a friend of human looking things and will
eat human beings, white blinding light who act like
a friend who eat menkind, grey reticuline who act
like a friend who eat menkind, and other unnamed
agents who act like a friend but in reality is a
damnation at the end because they are a “final
destination evil conclusion” that rape, eat, and
torture menkind are agents of the worst possibility
that will act like a friend of a potential victim of
( Named Pending Worst Possibility Danger Worlds )
to delay capture the potential Human Victim to see
if they can find a charge against the Human to fish
them and draw them into ( Named Pending Worst
Possibility Danger Worlds ); if you run into them do
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not think they are your friend they are not your
friend they are only fishing for you and delaying
your capture at the same time because they cannot
find a charge on you or they cannot capture you as
a Human Being yet they are agents of the worst
possibility and must keep their distance from all
innocent Human Beings in fact any non denizen
Human Being they should keep their distance from
that is of ( Named Pending Worst Possibility Danger
Worlds ); they are a negative positive, negative
neutral, and positive negative brain type in that
they are a negative positive because everything
they say and do that is positive towards someone
they are fishing for is to capture the person; they
are a negative neutral in that anytime they are
neutral is to capture the person, and they are
positive negative in that they wait and attack only
when the person have done something wrong so
that the person could seem guilty and no one may
predict that they are a danger that is pending over
the head of all persons because they are hells,
tarturuses, nerakas, or ttwuses and other unnamed
worst possibility realities; and can only do harm to a
person that enter into their reality and have the
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interest only to cause ( Named Pending Worst
Possibility Danger Worlds ) to occur to all persons
they come in contact with in fact Only those with
the Proper Knowledge, Ability, and Power will
survive ( Named Pending Worst Possibility Danger
Worlds ) from claiming them.
2-4.The wasting of humans, causes human
mechanic not to be respected: what is Human
Mechanics, Human Mechanics are the mechanism
from particle stage all the way to final Most
Powerful Stage that guides and order Humanity at
every Level of Human Existences; what makes
human mechanic not respected? Mortal worlds,
places where they eat and destroy humans,
( worshiper worlds where humans are servants of
some entity, where humans are sold as physical and
sexual slaves or as food, hells, tarturus, neraka,
vishnu, shiva, kali, ghanesh, doomed earth-like
planets, israel, reptilian, syrian, mayas, budhasitva,
nations of the planet earth, evil dark and evil light
worlds, or any evil worlds, hindu worlds, worlds
where humans are mortal, eaten and farmed,
wasted or achieve the worst possibility, 777 gods
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worlds, Islamic worlds, christian worlds, jew worlds,
666 worlds, lucifer worlds, and divinity layer,
brahman layer, animatransformix, doomed alien
worlds, tantra cannibal worlds, animal worlds, rogue
kingdoms, doomed democracy or any doomed
government of the planet earth that is not Marc
GPL Perfectionists Creatics, nature realms,
transformer worlds, illuminati lumin worlds, devil
worlds, angels world, constant fighting hero world,
worlds where constant warfare are found without
peace or power to win absolutely over evil, demon
worlds, and the worst of all total ttwus ttwus worlds
) are the number one places where humans are
wasted; therefore such, places as mortal worlds,
places where they eat and destroy humans, ( hells,
tarturus, neraka, vishnu's world, shiva's world, kali's
world, ghanesh world, doomed earth-like planets,
israel reality, reptilian rapine monster cannibalistic
worlds, syrian rapine monster cannibalistic worlds,
doomed mayas, budhasitva heifer reincarnation
worlds, doomed nations of the planet earth, evil
dark and evil light worlds, or any evil worlds, any
hindu worlds, worlds where humans are mortal
eaten and farmed wasted or achieve the worst
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possibility, deceiving 777 gods worlds, cannibalistic
alah islamic worlds, crises causer christian worlds,
doomed jew worlds, beastiality moral decay 666
worlds, grand devil lucifer worlds, and eat each
other divinity layer, heifer brahman layer, “total
moral decay animatransformix most sexually
immoral animal sexpit for a human to be thrown in
and fatal beastiality decaying raped abominated in”,
doomed alien worlds, tantra sexual immoral
cannibal worlds, doomed predatory animal worlds,
democracy or any government of the planet earth
that is not Marc GPL Perfectionists Creatics,
doomed nature realms, doomed transformer worlds,
illuminati lumin worlds, devil worlds, doomed angels
world, constant fighting hero worlds with no ending
solutions, worlds where constant warfare are found
without peace or power to win absolutely over evil,
demon worlds, and the worst of all total ttwus
ttwus worlds ) Humans must escape from to new
Permanent Marc Perfect Paradise Worlds that I Marc
Gregory Pierre-Louis Build for them as escapees
and rescued when I achieve the Greatest Power
Humansicad Marc Power which is my own Power I
Created that "worst possibility evil mind" evil is
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trying to steal from me before I Obtain Humansicad
Marc Powers and achieve Marc Perfect Manual
Paradise; evil ( Named Pending Worst Possibility
Danger Worlds ) Human Beings must escape from
and must become void of Human Beings so that
Human Beings may Reside Permanently in
Permanent Life Paradises.
471-(7-1-3-24-1).The Absolute Abolishment Of
Aggressors illegal hell and vengeance illegal hell
1.Without the absolute abolishment of Aggressors
illegal hell and vengeance illegal hell, “The
Exceptional Three Marc Perfect Enjoyable Most
Acceptable Reality Creation Perfect Pleasurable Life
Purposes And Plan”; The Three Primary Enjoyable
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
Purposes and Plan cannot be achieved. illegal hell,
weather it is in its aggravating form which is illegal
hell that is caused by the aggressor, wrongdoer or
criminal; or in its vengeance form form which is
illegal hell that is caused by retribution or revenge,
is the worst possibility in existence.
2.illegal hell is an extreme form of anti-pleasure,
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torture, torment, disease, warfare, degradation,
cruelty, labor and extreme form of ( "sincrime" ), an
extreme form of abuse, an extreme form of cruel
and unusual treatment and punishment or an
extreme form of death, or an extreme form of an
evil malicious reality or sub-( Mind-ActuatedReality-
Calculated-Existence Matrixes ) or simulation
world that is not the real world but, is designed to
make the inhabitants experience extreme torment,
torture and degradation of the worst state of
existence and possibility. illegal hell can also be
caused by an extreme form of natural or unnatural
catastrophes that cause massive anti-pleasure
death. illegal hell can be caused by a male, a
female, or a sexless being. There is no exact gender
that constantly causes illegal hell to occur any
gender can cause illegal hell to occur male, female,
or sexless being can cause illegal hell to occur. A
sub-( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence
Matrixes ) of illegal hell can have any gender
personification or genderless personification.
3.illegal hell whether it is in its Aggressors illegal
hell form or in its vengeance illegal hell form is the
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biggest enemy of the Beings that Existence inside
the Whole Of Existence Infinite Existence. illegal hell
is the worst state of existence; illegal hell is the
worst state of anti-pleasure
and painfulness; illegal
hell is the worst state of degradation; and illegal
hell is the worst state of death. As a result of being
the highest level of evil malicious, illegal hell must
be destroyed, removed and abolished wherever
illegal hell is found inside Qualified Worlds.
4.Whether illegal hell occurs in the Reality that is
the Uppermost Reality Of Infinite Infinity or in any
potential Sub-( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-
Existence Matrixes ) or Simulation World, illegal hell
must be destroyed, removed and abolished.
5.Extreme anti-pleasure
and illegal hell violate the
Essential and Inherent Rights Of the Beings that
Existence inside of Infinite Existence and of Infinite
Existence. So strong are these Inherent Rights that
they have become a personality trait of every
Conscious Being with a sound mind. Even the
insane seek to be loosuncapturety from against
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pleasure and illegal hell.
6.It is the Essential and Inherent Right Of the Beings
that Existence inside of Infinite Existence and
Compatible Existential Realities, the Whole Of
Existence to be loosuncapturety from extreme antipleasure;
to be loosuncapturety from illegal hell; and
to Existence a life that is filled with Paradise and
7.Everyone who is sane wants to be happy in a
Paradise State that is loosuncapturety from againstpleasure
and loosuncapturety from illegal hell, even
the insane desire to be this way. This primary
personality trait and desire is inherited from Our
Senses that dictates Pleasure and Pain and also from
our Mind ( MindOperationCausation ) and Education
about what is Perfect and what is evil malicious
when beings of Infinite Existence have the
appropriate formulation of the senses of pleasure
and pain and inherit the appropriate codex in their
genetics from their parents and are programmed
appropriately with structuralists programming
received from education they display the desire and
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motivation to remove all illegal hell from themselves
and from others that they care about. This
programming to remove illegal hell can be
sabotaged by personal, societal, Leadershipment,
associative, and religious teaching that promote
illegal hell and teach members to give illegal hell to
others or to themselves. Without the proper
formulation of the Senses that dictates Pleasure and
Pain and the Correct Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) Universal Computation
Beings do not know how to remove illegal hell from
themselves and from others appropriately or at all.
8.Detrimentally illegal hell is as a fire that seeks to
devour a whole forest full of trees or a whole
neighborhood filled with homes. As soon as the fire
of illegal hell appears anywhere the inhabitants of
that world must quickly extinguish illegal hell or
they may be consumed by the ravages of illegal
hell. Beings Of The Connectivity Of Infinite Existence
must become the Water and Manpower of the Fire
Hydrants that shall extinguish all illegal hell fire of
extreme anti-pleasure
and cruelty wherever illegal
hell may be found inside Qualified Worlds.
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9.We the Beings of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics must be the fire alarm that alert all the
inhabitants of Our World and Ultimately Our Whole
Universe. We must alert all Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and of Qualified and
Compatible Existences to be Vigilant against the
ravages of the fires of illegal hell and to extinguish
illegal hell wherever it may appear.
10.The illegal hell mongers, evil malicious minded
beings and evil malicious entity threat and salesmen
of sorrow will do anything they can to convince
Beings Of The Universe and the Whole World to
put illegal hell inside the World and Universe. They
will say an eye for an eye or even worst let us
torture all who are against us and all who we hate
in the worst way possible; they will say let us
condemn the world to illegal hell because they
deserve to be punished; they will say let us burn
the ( sincriminal )s and nonbelievers in illegal hell
for all eternity; but I will reveal this truth to you,
they will not subject themselves to this illegal hell
which they promote, because they know that it is
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bad for themselves, yet they do not see how illegal
hell is bad for the People of the World and for the
Whole Universe. I told the evil malicious minded
beings why do you seek to put illegal hell inside the
Universe, would you put illegal hell inside
yourselves? They answered well you can put illegal
hell inside me so long as I don’t feel the pain of it.
Of course they do not want to feel the pain,
degradation and destruction of illegal hell because
they know that they will be ruined by illegal hell. I
reveal this Universal Computation Truth to you, a
day in illegal hell is just too much to handle, yet a
day in Paradise is never enough; a day in illegal hell
can ruin Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics or Worlds and Existences for the rest of
their life, but a day in Paradise Universal
Computation Beings and Worlds will cherish for the
rest of their life; therefore, let us abolish that which
will ruin Us and Our World and Universe which are
all aggravating and vengeance illegal hells and let
us promote what is beneficial for us and that which
we cherish for the rest of our Existence which is
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11.We the Beings of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics realize the truth that Beings of our home
planet Earth and of any other place in Existence can
never achieve The Three Primary Enjoyable
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
Purposes and Plan in their Existence nor in their
World, so long as illegal hell and extreme againstpleasure
Existence. Realizing this truth we seek to
absolutely abolish all Aggressors illegal hell and all
vengeance illegal hell.
12.illegal hell is the biggest desecration and
degradation of our world and Of Infinity, Infinite
Existence. illegal hell violates the Inherent and
Essential Rights Of the Beings that Existence inside
of Existence and of Infinite Existence. ( illegal hell is
illegal to the innocent, non-deserving of illegal
hells; and to those who had an infraction, but were
punished then reprogrammed to a non-evil being
that honestly avoid making errors that are possible
or cannot make any errors at all. ) to the
( OperationComplex ) Of Infinite Existence and
illegal hell must be destroyed, removed and
abolished. In order to achieve The Three Marc
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Perfect Marc-G-P-L Purposes And Plan, Beings Marc
G-P-L Creatic and of Qualified and Compatible
Existences must absolutely abolish all Aggressors
illegal hell and all vengeance illegal hell wherever
illegal hell is found inside Qualified Worlds. We must
continually remove all illegal hell and extreme antipleasure
throughout all Eternity and Infinity.
13.Purgatory a Mid Size-illegal hell environment and
must also be discontinued from use because of the
unethical and tormenting things that take place
there. Purgatory is an illegal place where Beings Of
Existences are tormented as victims over and over
again by questioning, intimidation, and tormenting.
The victims of purgatory are tormented over and
over again because of their past deeds. The plan of
the pugarer is to torture the victim for an allotted
time period then to let the victim out of purgatory.
Purgatory is a Mid Size-illegal hell environment or a
fully functional illegal hell environment of
questioning and persecutions and constant
reminder of past deeds of the victim. Purgatory is an
illegal place of questioning and punishment that can
become very unethical, tormenting, terrifying,
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and murderous. Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics should be questioned and rehabilitated in a
non-persecutive ethical environment by nontormentors
and non-torturers who are rehabilitative
and programative; who do not perform illegal
unethical immoral acts against the person who is
being rehabilitated and reprogrammed. In Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Way we provided the
process of rehabilitation and reprogramming and
correction without unethical pergation.
472-(7-1-3-24-2).The TotalRejection OfAll
PhilosophyThat Teaches BeingsOfMarc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics andofQualifiedand
CompatibleExistences To Give illegalhellTo Each
1.Courageously, Consciously and Communally we
the Beings Of The Connectivity Of Infinite Existence
must continually reject all philosophy that teaches
Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Creatic and of Qualified and
Compatible Existences to give illegal hell to each
other. We must not be forced nor be coerced by
illegal hell fanatics nor illegal hell bringers to except
the evil malicious philosophy that teaches Beings Of
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Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and of Qualified
and Compatible Existences to do the worst possible
things to each other, which is the act of giving
Aggressors illegal hell or vengeance illegal hell to
fellow Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
and of Qualified and Compatible Existences.
2.We must forever reject the philosophy of the
illegal hell mongers who are the salesmen of sorrow
who promote the worst undesirable state of reality.
We must not accept brainwash nor deception that
lead us into the hands of the evil malicious minded
torturers who degrade Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and of Qualified and
Compatible Existences to the lowest level possible
in the confines of illegal hell, doom and destruction.
3.Many torturers and salesmen of sorrow will come
to you as wolves in sheep clothing. They will offer
you a dismal choice of heaven or illegal hell.
Heaven they say if you join their religion or illegal
hell and death if you don’t. In reality they had just
taken your Universal Computation Inherent Rights
away and put you in the palm of their hands so
that they may have power over your Mind, Body
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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