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Humanity and Higher Intelligent Lifeforms as a
food they learn knowledge from, get entertainment
from, get worship from, get sex from, get revenge
from, and get energy from; what I mean by this is
that Humanity and other Higher Intelligent
lifeforms possess just about enough knowledge,
and ability for them to learn knowledge, ability,
obtain power from studying and eating Human
Beings afterwords as a food source to make their
own energy from then they replant the seed which
is the soul, or spirit, or spiritual beings, or mind of
the Human or Higher Intelligent Life-form to start
the harvest cycle all over again through
reincarnation, dreams, upgrading, and
downgrading of experiences in reality
( OperationComplex )s. This is why Humans and
other Higher Intelligent Lifeforms ultimately die in
many world reality ( OperationComplex )s because
they are being used as a study-able, and molestable,
food source for entities that have enough
conning to deceive them and make them unaware
and oblivious to the death that is prepared for
them and the rebirth into food again that is
prepared for them in the future. Ultimately it is
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food the evil malicious that is doing this to
Humanity and other Higher Intelligent Lifeforms is
looking for so long as the Higher Intelligent
Lifeform is asleep and oblivious to the act they can
never even challenge the eater or even know what
have occurred to them which is they have been
harvested and have only Existed to become a food
source to something that have enough conning
techniques to make them oblivious and unaware to
their faith and why they even existed in the first
place only to die instead of Existence forever it is
not because they cannot Existence forever it is
because someone is looking for something from
them which is everything they posses as a profit
which is their body as a food source and every
knowledge and potential they have produced for
themselves to benefactor from, but they never
enjoy the benefaction they have built for
themselves instead a cannibalistic leach have stolen
all their benefits and even their body is eaten as a
food after the whole process of studying them,
sexing them, rewarding them and punishing them
they are eaten as a food source and some of them
are replanted for the next wicked illegal harvest,
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while others are fully departed and eaten
completely out of existences and will never
Existence again unless salvaged from the past link
of their existences that is lost in time in space.
Some even are unlucky enough to be granted
eternal life to be eaten eternally by milking their
energy source and feeding them food to produce
more wicked energy for the eaters of Humanity
and Higher Intelligent Lifeforms is also used on
prey that Existence forever in captivity while being
used as a “forever oblivious without knowledge
skimming” (fowks); Humanity and other Higher
Intelligent Lifeforms die in many reality
( OperationComplex ) because the very reality
( OperationComplex ) they were born in is a
pasture where a conning entity collect food out of
them the final destination is a sad ending for
beings that would otherwise Existence forevermore
as a loosuncapturety from being used as a food
source person, but that is not what occur in sad
ending reality ( OperationComplex )s that are a
pasture instead they are Using Humans and other
Higher Intelligent Lifeforms to Collect Knowledge,
Entertainment, Sexual Gratification, Experiences,
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Revenge, Food, Energy, and Power by Planting
them like seeds, watching them grow, and
harvesting them afterwords, and letting the cycle
begin again with forever intention to commit
necrophiliac illegal hell munging against the seed
and the prey which are Higher Intelligent Lifeforms.
The only way to win over the eaters of Humanity
and other Higher Intelligent Lifeforms is to obtain
the appropriate Knowledge, Ability, and Power to
overcome them or escape from their pasture reality
( OperationComplex ). In reality no one need to eat
Higher Intelligent Lifeforms as a food because they
can obtain a never ending source of energy known
as the Energy Cure which would cure all their need
for external energy by giving them an inescapable
recyclable source of energy that never escape their
body and recycle throughout their body to
replenish itself. Eating Humans and Higher
Intelligent Lifeforms with a Human or Higher
Consciousness is illegal such violators must be
brought to justice for eating Human or Higher
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95-(3-10-4).The confirmed to be food material:
1.Confirmed to be food material is a material that
can be used as food because it have no lost and
no gain from being used as food it have no mind,
no thought, no emotion, non consciousness, no
awareness, no ability to be spent without being rematerialized
and recycled back into food or its
basic foundation state of matter.
96-(3-10-3-1).The ToxicPredatory Hateful
whoreletry of aHuman EatingEntity who
practice reincar-eating necrophilia munging on
Human BeingsandHigher Intelligent Lifeforms:
1.Many Humans make a mistake and think that
they are too pretty to be eaten and that the eaters
of Mankind will see that they are a Beauty or
Intelligent or Talented and cannot be eaten by
them; they are correct they are indeed too Pretty,
Too Talented, and Too Intelligent, and Too Human
to be eaten, but those abomination that eat them
at times know how to build them over and over
again and known how to transfer their conscience
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and recognition over and over again to the same
form or to a new form; the eaters of Humanity
who are gods or devils or transformers, or
universe, or reality who can create, transform, and
divine a Human into existences have become the
greatest abomination and the greatest evil that will
ever Existence against Humans and Higher
Intelligent Lifeforms, they who eat Humanity and
practice necrophilia fucking and munging against
Humanity by fucking humanity and eating
humanity at the same time; and giving birth
repeatedly to the same humans that they are
fucking, torturing, killing, and eating, are the worst
possibility that could ever occur to Humanity and
Higher Intelligent Lifeforms. This story is fatal, it is
usually called reincarnation, but it should be called
reincar-eating; reincar-eating occurs to Humans all
the time for they have spoken about reincarnation
for thousands of years; reincar-eating is the
process of an evil god or devil, or creator, or evil
transformer, or evil divinity, or evil reality, or evil
universe; creating a Human as a cow for them to
eat repeatedly through reincar-eating processes
while fucking and sexing them which is a form of
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raping and eating them, while keeping them
unconscious of what is occurring while corrupting
them into ( "sincrime" ) to eat them with proof of
fault called ( "sincrime" ), and while collecting
knowledge from them to grow the eaters own
power through sacrificing the eaten for their
knowledge, and killing them afterwards, and eating
them as a food source. The toxic whore eaters of
Humanity do not care how pretty or how
intelligent a Human they eat is for they have eaten
that person and their kind hundreds, thousands, or
even millions of times before and they have
reincarnated that persons kind and that persons
conscious and recognition mind into the very body
that is so precious to the person who they have
eaten before; no matter how vain or what color a
person who eat Humans through reincar-eating
look they are a truthful testament of what a
wickedness, or a monster, or a diabolical worst
possibility god of evil or devil of evil or demon of
evil or divinity of evil or transformer of evil, or
animal of evil, or world of evil, or reality of evil, or
universe of evil is in first person. Catastrophically,
for a Human to be in the presence of something
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that eat Humans for lunch, breakfast, and dinner
and know how to manipulate reality and know how
to give birth to the same Human repeatedly as a
cow and at the same time fuck the human by
sexually raping the human through unconscious
sex with their own eater and those who poop
humans down stink dirty revulsing sewers; such
beings are the true wicked diabolical monsters of
reality that farm Humanity and eat Humanity as a
staple food while fucking and killing and eating
Humanity. To sum the abomination it is as if a
Human woke up in a farm where Humans are
being farmed, but no Human know that they are
being farmed, and the very farmer that is farming
them is also coming on to them and asking them
for sex and the same eater who is about to eat
them enters into sexual relationships with them
and is fucking them, the very thing that is eating
them then decide the next day after fucking one of
them that it is time to eat the women or the man
and then gives the very disease and condition that
lead to the death of the person the eater was
fucking and then the fucker ate the person the
very same day as a food; let us not mention the
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person they ate was a great inventor who invented
great things for Humanity and graduated top of
the class as one of the most intelligent Human in
existences; yet all of it was done unconscious to
the mind of the Humans of the community and 1
by 1 they ate Humanity until all that generations
fell dead; yet is was not over; for they kept giving
birth to generations of Humanity for the same
purpose through reincarnation and reincar-eating,
that is why they never cared at all about the
beauty nor the intelligence of Humanity because
they even did the unthinkable they chose to look
human while eating Humans from existences; these
wicked diabolical monsters may not all look
human, but many of them who eat Humanity
chose to look human to deceive Humanity while
eating Humanity repeatedly through reincarnation
and reincar-eating. Not to mention that they the
reincarnation and reincar-eating wickedness and
diabolical monsters even practice beastiality
against Humanity by causing Humanity to
reincarnate into lower animals and animal
transformers; they do not care about Humans once
this occur they will turn any animal against a
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Human form for them to entertain themselves
seeing a human being abominated by a mere
animal, but they already see Humans as a dung
before them that they eat as a food and so they
do not care when a mere animal fuck a low iq
human being or a raped Human Being. They the
reincar-eating eaters and farmers of Humanity
must be discontinued in order for Humanity to live
a forever life without being fucked into a food
source by wicked diabolical monsters. If a Human
female had an argument with a reincar-eating
fucker one night who was pretending to be human
and her husband he might say something like this
“that he had fucked and ate her hundreds or even
thousands of times before and she is just a food
and a fuck to him and he would tell her, ignorant
you think you know everything about me, but you
know nothing at all, he might say you just don't
know how much trouble your in.” and indeed that
woman would be in great danger for the very
thing that had eaten her hundreds and thousands
of times before and had dunged her down dirty
sewers before and had raped her and tortured her
before while she was unconscious and unaware of
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it while reincarnating as a recognition and an
awareness that is a Human the wicked diabolical
monster is right before her face and in the same
room with her if that women knew how much
danger she was in the very sight of that man
would make her puke and open fire with a
machine gun or run the other way as fast as
possible frightened yelling “help that wicked,
diabolical, monster is after her again to fuck and
kill her and eat her as a food and reincarnate her
all over again to fuck kill and eat her over and over
and over again”. Yet this is very real for
reincarnation have been thought as a reality for
thousands of years and reincar-eating is discovered
as a ( "sincrime" ) by me Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis
yet those who teach religiously reincarnation as a
normalcy are the very eaters of Humanity keeping
the ( OperationComplex ) of eating Humanity
through reincarnation active and going through its
planned never ending cycle of fucking, killing, and
eating Humanity even forever; yet this fucking,
killing, and eating of Humanity must never occur
we Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and
Applicable Helpers must destroy the
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( OperationComplex ) of eating Humanity as a food
through reincar-eating which must come to an end.
97-(3-10-4-1).The separation of fuel food
material,andbuilding material:
1.There must be a separation made of what is fuel
food material which is food that maintain beings
that eat food alive by being used as fuel to keep
their vitality and life from dying; and building
material which is compositions of matter that are
used to build a being or thing up to form, when
food material is separated from building material
conscious being become non edible and material
that is food is only eaten instead of non-food
98-(3-10-4-2).What ispleasure foodin
comparison tobuilding material,andfuelfood:
1.Pleasure food is food that is eaten for its tasty
taste to bring pleasure and happiness and
contentment with life from is pleasurable taste, in
its Marc Perfect form pleasure food is not used as
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fuel material nor building material, but is used for
pleasure only; building material food is used to
build things up while pleasure food is used to give
eaters of food pleasure instead of building them
up; fuel food material is used as fuel to maintain
the life o eaters of food and to give power to
them, while pleasure food is used to give pleasure
to eaters of food instead of maintain their life,
though pleasure food does cause contentment
with life which prolongs life and makes life much
easier to Existence.
99-(3-10-4-3).Entities that wish to become
somethingbybeing used asafood:
1.There are entities that have the property of
atomic and spirit, or spiritual beings and other
states of being materials and they do not die from
being cooked, or eaten, or being processed as
waste and energy, as food such entities often
desire to be used as food material so that they can
become beings and things by being used as the
food that beings and things eat. Such beings have
a lost and a gain to being used as food and are
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not the Marc Perfect food because they can
register a lost and a gain from being used as a
food and have feelings and senses, this is not a
preferable food for a Marc Perfect person; the
preferable state of food would be a food that have
no feelings, or senses, or desire, or emotions of
losses and gains. Such beings that are conscious
death-less food material able often do not want to
be a being or thing they have become forever and
sometimes seek for the destruction of what they
became by being eaten as a food, because of this
and other factors of feelings and senses, it is Marc
Perfect to seek after food that do not have
feelings, nor senses, nor awareness, nor a state of
gains and losses. There are also entities that are a
food based material that are not deathless but die
along with the person that ate them that they
became such beings also register a loss and a gain
from being used as food material and are not the
Marc Perfect food choice. Deathless material that
have no awareness and no registration of loss nor
gain is the Marc Perfect food material to use,
because less anti-pleasure
and painfulness is
registered by the senseless non-aware food
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material and the user of the senseless non-aware
food material.
100-(3-10-4-4).Entitiesthat claim toeat
("sincrime" )asafoodand the dangers of such
1.There are entities that claim they eat
( "sincrime" ) as a food, which means whatever (
"sincrime" ) they will eat it, this means that
whatever have fault called ( "sincrime" ),
( "sincrime" ), and ( "sincrime" ) or wrongdoing or
karma or any defective nature that is what they will
eat as a food so that they can remove
( "sincrime" ) from the world; the problem with
these beings is that they are often very
cannibalistic against any life form they claim to eat
as ( "sincrime" ) including their own kind at times
who they commit cannibalism against by eating
them when they have been said to have sinned.
Such beings often eat lower and higher intelligent
lifeforms that they claim have sinned; such beings
are dangerous in that they are even willing to eat
higher intelligent lifeforms as a food because of
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accusing them of ( "sincrime" ) or any other level of
infractions. Sinners, ( sincriminal )s, criminals, karma
violators, wrong doers, or any other form of
violators of Law that are a higher intelligent
lifeforms cannot be used as a food, but must face
justice by the justice ( OperationComplex )s of
worlds and nations; entities that say they eat
( "sincrime" ) are often evil malicious in nature, and
use their cannibalistic desire to eat lower and
higher intelligent lifeforms as a food to satisfy their
hunger and their desire to becoming bigger or to
gain energy resources, or power from eating others
as a food; Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
used the justice ( OperationComplex ) for Higher
Intelligent Lifeforms instead of eating them as a
food; entities that eat Higher Intelligent Lifeforms
must be brought to justice for eating Intelligent
Beings that are not a food, but are Higher
Intelligent Life-forms that must face the justice
( OperationComplex ) instead of being used as a
food source. Cannibalistic entities that eat Higher
Intelligent Life forms especially Humans as a food
must be brought to justice.
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I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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