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A Food-Less Deathless Society, That shall last for all Eternity
“Only the Marc Perfect Possibility Shall Exists Throughout Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Infinity”
Peace, Love, Tranquility, Knowledge, Ability, and Power
Our Paradise is Our Love, Our Will is Our Life, Our Knowledge and Ability is Our Power,
Our Wisdom is Our Faith, Our Consciousness is Our Reality,
Our Optimism is Our Multiplicity, Our Health is Our Wealth
“Only the Marc Perfect Possibility Shall Exists Throughout Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Infinity”
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HumanAndHumansicad Marc Power Program Manual Programming Language ©
©Copyrights All Rights Reserved For Marc
Gregory Pierre-Louis.
HumanAndHumansicad Marc Power Program
Manual Programming Language ©
BOOK: 1 Of 4
Applicable General Public
inside Qualified Worlds; and Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Purpose Three: The Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Spreading of Paradise
throughout the whole Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and throughout Qualified Worlds. We
believe in achieving The Three Marc Perfect Marc-
G-P-L Purposes And Plan, throughout the Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics and throughout Qualified
Worlds forever.
20-(1).This Book is designed for ( Owuwunow's );
which stands for “Orderly Whole Universe Won
Under Wonderful Non Object Worshipers”:
1.In existence based on the Law of variations and
combinations there are only three modalities to
take as an ( MindOperationCausation ) of the Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) and Existential
Networks; The First is Owuwunow which are none
object worshipers which are people that don't
worship; and the Second is worshiping, and Third is
anarchy. The Second ( OperationComplex )
worshiping requires that an individual or
( OperationComplex ) worship an entity or entities
totally and give the entity total power over their
Mind ( MindOperationCausation ) to do their every
wish, every will, every command, and every
judgment and depend on the entity mostly instead
of their own Knowledge, Ability, and Power; and the
First ( OperationComplex ) Owuwunow requires that
an individual or ( OperationComplex ) Cooperate
with Leadership and Lawful Parameters mostly when
the command is Perfect Only without giving
Leadership total power over their Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) and for such Non-
Object worshipers to obtain personal and
( OperationComplex )ic Knowledge, Ability, and
Power, to survive in Existence and throughout
Eternity. The third is anarchy and it does not require
for beings and things to have no set Law or
leadership or set value of order. Because there
Existence three Modalities for Mind
( MindOperationCausation )s Existential Beings are
born with one or the other ever since birth. Some
individuals will be born ready to worship leadership
without a question and other beings will be born as
Owuwunows who have a will not to be worshipers
but can fallow a Perfect Command and others will
be born not being able to fallow any form of order as
anarchist. Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
cannot expect that everyone will desire to become
an Owuwunow as we are because some of these
individuals will not even possess the Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) that causes someone to
become an Owuwunow. When Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics build a town Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must build the town for the
Owuwunow Modality and Must direct worshipers to
Existence in their own Community were they
worship their domineering entities. Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must realize that not all Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) can be an Owuwunow
unless they are programmed to be an Owuwunow if
a Mind ( MindOperationCausation ) is not
programmed to be an Owuwunow the Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) will desire to worship
or to be an Anarchist and will only find salvation in
worship an object or will fallow No Law at All;
therefore, Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
seek after the Non evil able to become Marc Perfect
Non-Object worshipers among them to Join their
Communal Network when approved and
2.Marc-G-P-L Recruiters must give potential
candidates that might become a Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics the Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) Test to Learn which
( MindOperationCausation ) of the 3 that they are;
the first test is to ask the individual is
3.Question:A“Doyou thinkyou can Existence
without worshipand servitudeandfallow an
Order(OperationComplex)Organized forthose
that doNot worship or accept to be aservant of
objectsof worship or anything atall,but desire
Perfection, Perfect Leadership, Order,andLaw in
TheirExistence, andKnowledge,Ability, and
Power”; If they answer Yes to “Question: A” they
are an Owuwunow, if they answer No to “Question:
A” they are not an Owuwunow.
4.Question:B“Do you desire toworship andbe a
total servant of anobject of worshipeven
forever, andhave notroubleliving upon your
kneesbefore anobject of worship.”; If they
answer Yes to “Question: B” they are a worshiper, if
they answer No to “Question:B” they are not a
5.Question:C“Do you have the desire notto
fallow anyLaw atalland think that allLawsare
not Perfect tofallow andthat disorder andliving
without anyLaw to order societyneatly isa
Perfect way oflife”; If they answer Yes to
“Question:C” they are an Anarchist, if they answer
No to “Question: C” they are not an Anarchist.
6.The second Round of questions that must be
asked is:
7.Question:D“in the case thatwarwasdeclared
wouldyou terminate someone to worship objects
of worship,would you prefertobe aservile mind
that worshipobjectsof worship,andglorify
them,worshipthem,kneelbefore them,and
serve objectsof worshipand fallowtheir
religious ways oflife”; If they Answer Yes to
“Question: D” they are a worshiper, if they answer
No to “Question: D” they are not a worshiper.
8.Question:E“in the case thatwarwasdeclared
wouldyou terminate someone to remain
loosuncapturetied from total servitude;and
wouldyou prefer to be aloosuncaptured mind
that doesnot worship someone or something
else,but fallowPerfect LawfulParameters to
make decisions”; If they Answer Yes to “Question:
E” they are an Owuwunow, if they answer No to
“Question:E” they are not an Owuwunow.
9.Question:F“in the case that war was declared
wouldyou terminate someone to fallow disorder
andnoorder atall;would you preferto be a
mind without anyguidance ofLaw or order and
fallow nolawfulparameters of thought”; If they
Answer Yes to “Question:F” they are an anarchist,
if they Answer No to “Question:F” they are not an
10.The Third Questions that must be asked is:
11.Question:G“would you like tojoin a
communitywho are anarchist which are people
who donot believe in having aleader,or any
Lawtofallow,or anylawfulparameter of
thought, or hierarchy, or order
(OperationComplex).”; If they Answer yes to
“Question:G” they are an anarchist, if they Answer
No to “Question G” they are Not an anarchist:
12.Question:H“would you like to join a
communitywho are worshipers ofBeings or
things which are people who give totalpower to
anobjectof worship,andfalloweverything they
saywithout anyquestion, andserve them as
servantsandworshipers, andkneelbefore them
asservants andworshipers, andpraise and
worship them asobjects of worship.”; If they
Answer Yes to “Question:H” they are a worshiper,
If they answer No to “Question: H” they are not a
13.Question:I“wouldyou like to Join a
CommunityofPeople Whoare Non-Object
worshiperswhich are People who like Order and
Law, Perfection andPerfectness, Perfect
Leadershipand PerfectHierarchy, and
Knowledge,Ability,andPower without servitude
nor worshipinvolved nor complete submission
without aquestion.”; If they Answer Yes to
“Question:I” they are an Owuwunow, If they
answer No to “Question: I” they are not an
14.Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must only
recruit Non-Object worshipers who are Perfect in
their network after it is proven that they are
Owuwunows Modality Mind
( MindOperationCausation )s. This book is design
for Owuwunows. What is an Owuwunow? An
Owuwunow is a Person who does not worship
someone or something else to gain protection, who
does not worship someone or something else to
gain gifts, who does not worship someone or
something else to gain paradise, who does not
worship someone or something else to Lead the
persons self, who does not worship someone or
something else to adore, who does not worship
someone or something else to glorify, who does
not worship someone or something else to submit
to without question, who does not worship
someone or something else to die for without a
question, who does not worship someone or
something else to be tortured without a question,
who does not worship someone or something else
to live life as a servant without a question, who
does not worship someone or something else to
live life as a worship slave without a question, who
does not worship someone or something else to be
eaten as food without a question, who does not
worship someone or something else to have sex
and have children, who does not worship someone
or something else to eat food and to survive, who
does not worship someone or something else to
Existence, who does not worship someone or
something else to win fights, wars, games, and
competitions, who does not worship someone or
something else to gain knowledge, ability or power;
An Owuwunow of Marc-G-P-L Creatic is a Person
who does not worship someone or something else
for any reason at all but depend upon the persons
Own Power and self and Communal Power and
Network Knowledge, Ability, and Power, and Perfect
Leadership, and Perfect Law, and The Marc Perfect
Possibility, and All things that are Perfect in
Existences, and the Building and Maintaining of
Perfect Paradises of Happiness and Contentment
with Life to achieve things in existence without
paying the fee and subjugation, and sometimes
slavery of worship to achieve things in existence.
21-(1-1).Why is this book designed for NonObject-
worshipers which are Owuwunows:
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis am Owuwunow himself
and the first Person to give himself the name
Owuwunow; who wrote this book, after trials and
errors and coming in contact with object worshipers
and studying their ( OperationComplex ) and how it
works, I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis decided to
become an Owuwunow someone who does not use
worship to achieve things in existence, but use the
formula of Knowledge, Ability, and Power, and
Perfect Leadership along with the support, use, and
achievement of the Marc Perfect Possibility in all
situations. Realizing with my own personal
experience that a person can pray to all objects of
worship and Things in the Universe and will still not
receive a solution to their problems years later or
even forever, but instead will die without an answer
because all objects of worship, and Things in the
Universe sometimes cannot always hear prayers
only someone with the capability to hear prayers
that is connected to a network with the senses to
hear such prayers can assists someone, and if they
do hear your prayer yet does not have the
knowledge ability and power to answer such
prayers there is nothing they will be able to say to
the prayer, and also if they do not wish to answer
such prayers even if they have knowledge, ability
and power to do so, the prayers prayer shall not be
answered; therefore having your own personal and (
OperationComplex )ic Knowledge, Ability, and
Power, to achieve things and solve problems is far
Marc Perfect than saying prayers to others for an
1-1-1. Realizing, that Owuwunow is the route
towards achieving the Greatest Power for those who
are worshipers are servants and slaves that are
differed to become lower powers, beings, and
things who are subordinate to More Powerful
beings that will not allow them to have powers so
that they can be worshiped as gods over those with
lesser power then them. Realizing that that which is
worshiped does not worship that which worship-it
even, Owuwunows have the opportunity to achieve
the Greatest Powers, but such abilities shall only
come about by the obtainment of Knowledge,
Ability, and Power, without such a thing an
Owuwunow only have the power of the mind to say
no to worshipers and offenders, but does not have
the physical, and mental power to defend
themselves from becoming a worship servant, or
slave, but will die if they are under the mercy of the
savage and brutal who seek after worship servitude;
Therefore, though it may be an obstacle to a
person who seek to become an Owuwunow the
reward of being an Owuwunow who have
knowledge, Ability, Power, Perfect Leadership and
the Marc Perfect Possibility is far greater than that
of worship and servitude and is especially Marc
Perfect then worshiping evil malicious beings and
especially Marc Perfect then worshiping evil
malicious beings who eat their worshipers as food,
or torture their worshipers in illegal hell
( OperationComplex )s that need to be turned into
non-torturous prison ( OperationComplex )s or
removed completely from existences.
22-(1-2).worship isslavery:
The gods of the world and powers of the world are
as devils they gave menkind no power at all to
survive only prayer and superstition, yet based on
me Owuwunow Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis
observation; the very foundation to extend life in
existences and to find peace for another day is to
have the Proper Knowledge, Ability, and Power to
survive or the person might never make it to see
another day without assistance from a friend that
have the Proper Knowledge, Ability, and Power;
Based on my own personal experience and my
observations of worship, worship is a form of
slavery and many objects who are worshiped
announce to their worshipers openly that they are
nothing but servants, some even go far enough and
announce to their worshipers that their worshipers
are slaves literally. The programming can be so
great in the mind of worshipers that an object of
worship or their priest can literally demand that the
worshiper become food or a burnt sacrifice.
Worship is a powerful tool of brainwash and mental
programming that can override reasoning and the
intrinsic desire to become a loosuncaptured legal
minded being that fallow perfect Law instead of
worship laws that can be just about anything that
the object of worship or their priest demand.
Realizing that when the object of worship is evil
malicious instead of Perfect the object of worship
can demand the most evil malicious demands and
program a worshiper towards the most evil
malicious state of mind programming that leads
toward an evil malicious existence.
1-2-1. Most of the time worship is a form of slavery
and no worship can escape without being doomed
by the object of worship or by the community of
worship. In some cases leaving a religion of worship
can result in the sentencing of an eternity in illegal
hells or the invasion of evil malicious minded
beings, or evil malicious super natural beings, or
illegal hell sub-matrix ( OperationComplex )s that
come to eat or punish the escapee and to punish
the worship for leaving the worship community.
Sometime a worship escape one worship master
only to fall into the hands of a worst worship
master or to become a part of a worst worship
community. I experienced this when I escaped from
a religion I once attended; only for a worst religion
to come and ask me to convert to their way. It is
Marc Perfect that you belong to this community
that I have prepared for you called Marc Gregory
Pierre-Louis Way for I have prepared this
community for your even in the face of the greatest
danger and peril just so you can find a Marc Perfect
Way, for I was not born with supernatural powers
even though I may gain them one day I was born
with a strong mind to guide you toward a Marc
Perfect possibility in existence so that you may
come together and obtain the Knowledge, Ability,
and Power to guide yourself and your community
towards a future of the Marc Perfect Possibility and
it is I, You, and Your Human Community that will be
able to achieve a Marc Perfect possibility for
yourself, by the obtainment of Knowledge, Ability,
and Power. For I did not write this book to ask you
to worship me, but to lead you towards a Marc
Perfect Possibility, though you may find some
obstacles in your way or evil malicious beings that
come to terminate you literally or to torture you, or
to torment you as an Owuwunow, but I ask you to
join the mission with a stable mind that you, I, and
your community will achieve the Marc Perfect
Possibility in this life and in any life in the past,
present, and future towards its continuities fullness.
1-2-2. Some worshipers are such slaves that they
can't even approach the object of worship nor talk
directly towards them, they are such worship slaves
that they sometimes live a short life without ever
seeing the object which they worship, only an idol
they see before them or a book without a face
upon it; and when they do meet the object of
worship in spirit, or spiritual beingsity or face to
face they cannot even look upon the face of the
object of worship and must live upon their knees
before the object of worship. As your ( Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatic ( Main Leadershipment Law
Maker Powerful Leader ) And Main Peoples Leader,
And Main Marc Perfect Possibility Maker, And Main
Architect And Rearranger Of The Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics, And Main Graphic Designer,
And Main Programmer, And Main Leader Of
Universal Computation Intelligent Sciences,
Intelligent Arts Reality Of Universe The Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics; And Main General And
Military Leader Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics; And Main Analyzer And Organizer Of The
Justifying, Perfect Paradise-Filled, Quality-Filled
Major Human Existences Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics ) Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis
you can approach me for I am a Human like you,
you can look upon my face for I am a Human like
you, you can speak directly to me for I am a Human
like you. You are not my worship servant nor slave,
you are a fellow Human Being like me and with the
obtainment of Knowledge, Ability, and Power, we
Humanity shall achieve a Marc Perfect possibility
when we are no longer mortals, food, nor slaves.
You can approach me or any of our Marc Perfect
Possibility Leadership for we are humans like you.
With our Marc-G-P-L-Creatic Marc Perfect Possibility
Leadership worship servantry and slavery is over for
our citizens and members of our Continue-we
nation of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatic Peoples
and Universes.
23-(1-3).Being anOwuwunowandexcepting to
doPerfectnessonly andrejectingall evil
maliciousacts anddeeds andexistences:
An Owuwunow did not become an Owuwunow to
do evil malicious deeds but to do Perfect acts and
deeds in this Universe and Existences, Being Perfect
is Marc Perfect then worship for many who worship,
worship evil malicious beings and things and
become evil malicious beings and things because of
their form of worship. Choosing to be Perfect is to
be Moral and excellent, it is to be virtuous; being
Perfect is to be righteous, it is to be a
a Perfect Man or Woman. Being Perfect is to be
Satisfactory in quality, it is to have Perfect quantity
of mind, body, and soul and community that only
do Perfect Acts and Deeds for a living instead of evil
malicious deeds. Being Perfect is to have a Perfect
degree of Knowledge, Ability, and Power, to
maintain the Perfectness of ones self and
community, It is Perfect to be a Perfect teacher of
the truths found in this book; Being Perfect is to
have a Perfect health. It is Perfect to be of
high quality; It is Perfect to be excellent in what one
does. It is Perfect to be Right and proper in all that
one does; It is Perfect to be fit to survive that which
is Perfect instead of evil malicious: It is
Perfect that you are here to learn this truth which I
am reveling to you about Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis
Way. It is Perfect to have Perfect credentials. Non-
Object worshiper Owuwunows who learn this book
and fallow its instructions are Perfect. It is Perfect to
be well-behaved: It is Perfect to have Perfect
children and fallow Perfect instructions and grow up
to become Perfect adults; furthermore, it is realized
that evil people cannot display evil traits and evil
acts and deeds without having the programming
language to be evil; when a person is not
pretending, and they display a genuine evil trait
that evil trait is truly their nature they are actually
evil, even the ability to act evil is some kind of a
programming language to be able to display evil
traits; the same way a person that displays Marc
Perfect traits or non-evil traits is truthful a
benefaction of a Marc Perfect Programming or a
Non-Evil Programming Language.
high quality; It is Perfect to be excellent in what one
does. It is Perfect to be Right and proper in all that
one does; It is Perfect to be fit to survive that which
is Perfect instead of evil malicious: It is
Perfect that you are here to learn this truth which I
am reveling to you about Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis
Way. It is Perfect to have Perfect credentials. Non-
Object worshiper Owuwunows who learn this book
and fallow its instructions are Perfect. It is Perfect to
be well-behaved: It is Perfect to have Perfect
children and fallow Perfect instructions and grow up
to become Perfect adults; furthermore, it is realized
that evil people cannot display evil traits and evil
acts and deeds without having the programming
language to be evil; when a person is not
pretending, and they display a genuine evil trait
that evil trait is truly their nature they are actually
evil, even the ability to act evil is some kind of a
programming language to be able to display evil
traits; the same way a person that displays Marc
Perfect traits or non-evil traits is truthful a
benefaction of a Marc Perfect Programming or a
Non-Evil Programming Language.
1-3-1. There are three routes one can choose as a
guidance for ones mental
( MindOperationCausation ); they are to be a
monotheist which mean they only worship one god,
or to be a polytheist which means they worship
more then one god or every god or every thing
that they come in contact with, or to be an
Owuwunow which means they worship nothing at
all and use Leadership, Knowledge, Ability, and
Power to Existence and achieve things. I Marc
Gregory Pierre-Louis have chosen the Owuwunow
path for me and those who are qualified who
accept this path and the community which we are
building together to achieve the Marc Perfect
Possibility it is the Owuwunow path with
Knowledge, Ability, and Power, that is Perfect to
travel by as a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics.
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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