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can diminish sickness and death to the lowest level
5.We must not depend on the afterlife for our
continuity solely. We should seek the highest level
of sciences and abilities to metamorphosis our
being to the highest level possible. In doing so we
shall go to all worlds alive and well not through
death and decay.
6.Whether it is a spirit, or spiritual beings world or
any other level of world, we shall travel there alive
and well with full consciousness. Through the
development of All Perfect Sciences, which we shall
study and discover through our persistent, relentless
effort to evolve to a higher state of being, we shall
Continue unto Eternity and achieve one of our
greatest desires as Humanity which is the ability to
Existence forever without the death of the since
birth body which is the Physical Human Body we
shall rearrange the Physical Human Body into a
Humansicad Marc Power Body that is a Human
Humansicad. We must be prepared for Eternity and
format our Human Bodies to Existence Forevermore
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because existence have the capacity of Eternal
Existence; we the beings who have always existent
particles that are made to be mortal yet that
Existence after death, shall rearrange our mortal
bodies into the Permanent Life multifunctional body
that shall travel to all worlds alive instead of
through death, decay and dis-carnation. We shall no
longer fear sickness and death, for we shall discover
the cure for all illnesses and we shall discover the
ability to recover from death.
7.True knowledge and One Hundred percent proof
of all worlds and of all component parts of our
body and Universe shall be available to all
Compatible and Applicable Humanity, and to all
Conscious Senseful Beings of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics that are not evil malicious
enough to abuse such knowledge.
8.From generation to generation we shall pursue
the Appropriate Scientific Knowledge to diminish
sickness and death to the lowest level possible. For
our goal is to eliminate sickness and death totally.
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9.Where one generation shall fail, another
generation shall succeed. The living generation shall
gain the knowledge from the dying generation.
Future generations shall prosper from the work of
past generations until our mission and goal is
attained, but we shall seek to achieve the purpose
and plan in this generation for the sooner we
achieve the purpose and plan the less casualty of
death and disease we shall have as Humanity.
10.We should not be discouraged by any religion or
Leadershipment institution for our work is for the
Liberation and Paradise of all Humanity; indeed
many Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
and of the Qualified, Compatible Universes stand to
gain from our achievements.
11.Some may work against us out of evil malicious
will and desire, but we must never give up; we must
attain the goal of our mission, for we stand to gain
loosuncapturety from sickness and death.
12.The applicable wish of our dead ancestors, the
applicable wish of our generation and the
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applicable wish of our future generations and
children we shall begin the work to answer, grant
and achieve.
13.A Man or Women that is a Human cannot be
comfortable in his or her Physical Body and his or
her physical body is taken away through death so
that his spirit that was comfortably inside of his
body may live only; yet the physical body once
upgraded is able to achieve the Greatest Things;
1.The Marc-G-P-L Creatic Advanced Community and
the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Nations and
Communities must be secure from natural
catastrophes. Natural catastrophes can cause a
tremendous amount of anti-pleasure
and death.
Harmful viruses, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis,
volcanic eruptions, famine, comets and meteors,
pestilence, plagues, tornados, droughts,
thunderstorms, blizzards, ice age, ozone depletion,
global warming and all other natural catastrophes.
2.The Marc-G-P-L Creatic Advanced Community
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must be prepared for all natural catastrophes. High
sciences must be developed to give Humanity and
other Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
the ability to avoid and survive natural catastrophes.
3.Forecasting technology and abilities must be
optimized to the highest level possible. Humanity
must think of the here and now and of the future.
Calamities such as the death of our Sun, Planet and
Galaxy must be thought of. We must be prepared
for Eternity for anything that occurs.
4.All natural disasters must be survivable. againstpleasure
and death that is caused by natural
disasters must be diminished to the lowest level
5.We must be aware of all natural and unnatural
things that can cause natural disasters. Certain
natural disasters can occur on their own through
self-existent disorder; other natural disasters can
occur through self-initiated disorder because of the
will of a conscious being. We must be prepared for
all causes of natural disasters. An Invention must be
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invented to stop Self Existent Disorder that cause
Natural Disasters:
6.We must not pollute the Planet enough to cause
an unnatural disaster, because of our self-initiated
acts. We must take precautions and we must
prepare safety measures to diminish againstpleasure
and death in case a natural disaster occurs.
7.We must be aware that certain invisible beings
whose sciences and abilities have evolved to a
higher level can cause unnatural disasters, that
appear to be natural disasters such as earthquakes.
We must take precautions not to become
superstitious and blame real natural disasters on the
will of unknown beings, but we must evolve our
reconnaissance knowledge to a level in which we
will know all visible and invisible beings that have
the sciences and abilities to cause unnatural
disasters through self-initiated acts.
8.I must forewarn you not to worship nor become
servants of beings because they can cause natural
disasters, because many Beings Of Existence will
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develop the sciences to even cause earthquakes to
occur. Humanity is well on its way to gain this
scientific ability, but I hope Humanity is not evil
malicious enough nor foolish enough to cause
natural disasters to occur without justification,
because of hatred and warfare. Such behavior as
making a natural or unnatural disaster to occur
without justification must be banned and avoided in
order for anti-pleasure
and painfulness to be
diminished to the lowest level possible. In certain
cases an enemy or evil malicious being will cause for
example an unnatural disaster to occur such as an
earthquake that terminate 300,000 people or more,
the question is should a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics take revenge and cause an earthquake to
occur also, we must consider that the aggravater
who caused the initial earthquake to occur have
murdered men, woman, children, old and young
unjustly by causing the initial act of war and murder
by causing an earthquake to occur to murder
inhabitant of a city, nation, or world; in this case
should the people who have been murdered take
revenge against the persons who caused the initial
act of war in the form of an earthquake to
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terminate 300,000 people men, women, children,
old, and young; this is a difficult answer for a Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics because we actually
believe that each person should pay for their own
criminal activity, but when an enemy have caused
an earthquake to terminate 300,000 innocent men,
women, and children to a group of people the
effected and murdered people may have the right
to take revenge and cause a counter act of warfare
to occur this counter act of warfare may question
our morality because it is a civilian attack against an
enemy that have caused an unethical civilian attack
without discrimination as to who it affect and who
dies from the attack as the initial act of causing an
earthquake to occur was against to whole
population and disregarded whither men, women,
children, old and young died as a result of the
attack. Usually Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
fight warfare against enemy combatants who are
armed with weapons that can terminate them not
the unarmed or civilian who are not actively
participating in warfare against them. This causes a
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics to break his or
her own moral principals and combat rules and
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strike back against an unlawful enemy that have
caused an Earthquake to occur that have
terminated over 300,000 people the answer to this
question is actually difficult for a Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics to answer because Marc-G-P-
L Perfectionists Creatics believe that each person
must pay for their own criminal activity; but I would
say that this Law that each person must pay for
their own criminal activity can sometimes be
trespassed against under conditions of mass warfare
in which nations are fighting war against each other
and there is no mechanism to issue out punishment
to those who are specifically guilty of a
( "sincrime" ) in this case innocent civilians that are
terminated would be casualties of war that occur
because the Law that dictates that each person
should pay for their own ( "sincrime" ) could not be
upheld and is broken because of insufficient
knowledge to avoid innocent civilian from dying
during times of war and disorder. During times of
war when an aggravater is causing unnatural or
natural disasters to occur Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics may have the right to overwrite the Law
that dictate each person may pay for their own
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( "sincrime" ) and cause a counter attack that may
result in the death of unarmed civilians because of
a weapon that is in-discriminant such as an
earthquake an earthquake is not like a soldier that
can discriminate as to who to terminate in combat
an earthquake does not discriminate when it
rumbles men, women, children, old, and young can
die as a result of broken homes that fall upon them;
yet sometimes beings with certain Knowledge,
Ability, and Power can even order who shall die and
who shall Existence even in an Earthquake by
setting them up un-beknowing to their own
knowledge of the setup to be terminated by an
Earthquake. As a result of this calculation in the
event that an enemy nation or people shall cause a
natural disaster or unnatural disaster such as an
earthquake to occur to a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics people; the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics people have the right to temporarily
overwrite and suspend the Law that each person
must pay for their own ( "sincrime" ) and fight
warfare against the enemy nation by causing an
earthquake to occur also, an earthquake can be
caused to occur if there is justification to take
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revenge for a large quantity of death resulting from
acts of war against a people resulting from an initial
earthquake which they caused to occur through
aggravations of war against a people. This Law I
have written is not appreciated by me, because I
truly believe that each person should pay for their
own ( "sincrime" ), but under certain conditions the
Law that each person should pay for their own
( "sincrime" ) fails to render justice and fails to
protect a people from harm and death by an enemy
combatant. For example in certain cases a murderer
is acting on behalf of a people and commit
genocide against another people; an example of
this is if a person were to terminate an entire
planet filled with people therefore resulting in mass
genocide that terminates an entire race; if a single
member of the murdered race survive should the
member of that race take revenge against the race
that have terminated that persons entire people
and terminate them also; Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics does not believe in genocide, nor do we
believe in terminating unarmed innocent men,
women, children, young and old, but sometimes a
person whose entire race have been murdered have
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the right to seek revenge against the terminators of
his or her race and may even have the license to
terminate them also. Perhaps there is a Marc
Perfect calculation I would say that someone might
come to the conclusion that if a person terminates
10% of a population unjustly, that 10% of that
persons population must be terminated also in a
justified way, but someone else might say no that
each person must pay for their own ( "sincrime" )
that if 1 person terminate 100 people that only
that 1 person must be terminated; that if 100
people terminate 1 person that all 100 people
must be terminated for that 1 person that they
terminated; another person might say no if 100
persons terminate 1 person because the person
was only 1 person that they terminated only 1 of
the 100 murderers must die. Many say that the
innocent shall not pay for the guilty and that only
the guilty should pay for their own ( "sincrime" )
perhaps the Law that dictates that each person
must pay for their own ( "sincrime" ) is supreme
over all of them. I would say that the Law that
dictates that each person should pay for their own (
"sincrime" ) is supreme over all of them because it
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is the most justifiable, but this Law that each person
must pay for their own ( "sincrime" ) cannot protect
a person all the time sometimes during warfare
casualties of war occur to the innocent because the
Law that dictates that each person must pay for
their own ( "sincrime" ) cannot be fallowed, because
of open uncontrollable warfare, open uncontrollable
warfare sabotages the Law that dictates that each
person must pay for their own ( "sincrime" ). If an
option is available the Law that dictates that each
person should pay for their own ( "sincrime" )
should supersede and be superior over all other
Law of justice so long as the actual criminal that
caused the ( "sincrime" ) is apprehended and pay
for their own ( "sincrime" ). In this case if 1 person
causes an earthquake to occur and it terminates
300,000 people and there is an option to bring that
1 person to justice and terminate that person for
the ( "sincrime" ) of causing an earthquake to occur
that resulted in the death of 300,000 people then
that person shall be the sole person to be
terminated for that persons own criminal activity
that resulted in the death of 300,000 people. In this
case the optional formulations would say if causing
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an earthquake becomes a weapon of war then the
victims of such weapons of war as earthquakes have
the right to use the same weapon of war in counter
warfare which is earthquakes in self-defense for
unjustified earthquake attacks; but if 1 person or a
few persons are causing earthquakes to terminate a
population for some reason or another then that 1
person or those few persons must be apprehended
and terminated for the death that they caused
through the use of earthquakes; but this is not the
final formulation; ( many times persons that are
guilty by association have to pay for the harmful
acts of others of their kind because of their cultural
upbringing or genetic and mental formulations that
causes their kind to behave in a trespassive harmful
manner towards others; an optional argument
would state that a certain being, thing, or reality
only caused the earthquake that killed 300,000
innocent peoples because of their cultural
upbringing, their racial programming, or their color
biases, or their racial mental type or mental
programming or their racial upbringing and
because of this their kind is guilty by association
because they share the same mind type with the
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offender; therefore, their kind must be attacked
because they are guilty by association; therefore, if
a member of their kind were to kill 300,000 people
with an earthquake wrongfully then the victimized
kind must take absolute revenge and cause an
earthquake to kill 300,000 members of the guilty
kind also because they are absolutely guilty by
association because they are the very cultural mind
type that orchestrated the attack by earthquake;
therefore, their guilty cultural mind type, and guilty
culture, must be attacked in return as the very
people that gave birth to members of their kind
that attack innocent cultures with earthquakes;
under such circumstances each person shall pay for
their own crime cannot cause only the few to be
punished for their own sincrime, but shall cause
also the guilty by association to pay for their crime
of belonging to the very cultural upbringing that
causes the innocent to die, and when innocents, die
innocents shall have to be killed in certain
circumstances of being guilty by association. );
( Note, this exception language applies everywhere
these next five thing are forbidden; Exception
Language: one out of those five forbidden things
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can be used against a heinous criminal during
Memory Box Punishment which is “Number 5.
cannibalizing the person if they are a higher
intelligent life form with Human or Higher
Intelligence;” If a person ate someone alive and the
person is punished with the memory of the victim
the person can be made to feel and hear and
experience being cannibalized alive just like the
person cannibalized the victim alive, but it would be
the memory of the victim which they would have
experienced from themselves doing the
( "sincrime" ) to the victim which would be their
own act they would feel but they would not be
eaten for real instead the meat would just fall off of
them after they bit themselves like they bit the
victim or caused an entity to bite the victim from
their memory causing the meat to fall off of them
to the floor or on or inside a surface which mean
they were not eaten but experienced the pain and
feeling of being eaten, without the meat being
eaten but falling to the floor or on or inside a
surface; for example if a criminal caused dogs to
eat a female the females memory of the ( "sincrime"
) could be transferred to the criminals memory
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.