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to farm the lessor power ones as a food. Life
became a food source and food sources became
dung when they could not be retained. Even higher
intelligent lifeforms become food and dung. The
end result of higher intelligent lifeforms in
baphamotomorphoses illegal hell is to become a
sustenance and a dung. I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis
came up with a ( OperationComplex ) known as the
Nourishment Food-Less, Particle to Wave Recyclable
Pleasure Food,
deathless, body, and the metamorphoses as a
formula to fight against the ( OperationComplex )
of turning
intelligent lifeforms into dung, which is the
baphamotomorphoses ( OperationComplex ) of one
eat the other
as a food for sustenance and survival. The
baphamotomorphoses ( OperationComplex )
compels us without
contest to eat or die those who do not participate
who have a hungry stomach will die if they do not
fallow their hunger cravings and pains to devour a
foe also known as a food source.
Baphamotormorphoses illegal hell is one of the
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most evil
illegal hells that have been created for it forces
being to turn each other into dung and into a
sustenance that can never end until death and
those who die become a food source, a sustenance,
and a dung. To make matters worst the illegal hell
Perfect in the mouth of the eaters and those who
participate and are captives of it until it is their turn
to be eaten and turned into a sustenance and a
dung, and the smell of dung give us a clue of how
stink baphamotomorphoses illegal hell is it is as
stink as
dung. For many fields of baphamotomorhoses are
filled with stinking dung, and many sewers of
baphamotomorphoses are filled with stinking
rotting flesh of living beings that is dung. Dung is a
illegal hell. illegal hell rescuers must teach
inhabitants of
baphamotomorphoses worlds that their food is a
illegal hell ( OperationComplex ) and that they
would be Marc Perfect off
with a Nourishment Food-Less, Particle to Wave
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Recyclable Pleasure Food, Deathless,
Humansicad Marc Power Body that Existence
forever and
never die nor need any food to survive. The
Humansicad Marc Power Body is Greater then the
Spirit Nor The Flesh.
577-(7-1-3-24-4-10-90).The absence of abody
that does notneedfood to survive asatool to
give illegal hell to those without such abody:
1.At times it is persons body that is used to torture
them. A body that needs food to survive is a fragile
( OperationComplex ) that constantly need to be
fed food in order to survive and function well. The
absence of a body that does not need to eat food
to survive can become a living illegal hell to those
with a body that need food to survive. Bodies that
need food to survive need a constant source of
food to survive. Many times this food is another
living being such as an animal or a plant. This
requires for farming or hunting to take place to
feed the run on food body in order for the run on
food body to survive. This causes a large amount of
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death for animals and plants. If the run on food
body cannot find food to eat it becomes a torture
of malnutrition, loss of weight, starvation, hunger,
health problems, mental illness, illegal hell, and
death. To make matters worst sometimes it is an
evil malicious being with very little understanding of
what Higher Intelligent Lifeforms are that have a
run on food body, and so sometimes an evil
malicious being start to farm Higher Intelligent
Lifeforms as a food source, because they have a run
on food body, this is very illegal because Higher
Intelligent Lifeforms are not a food and must not be
used as a food source, When higher intelligent
lifeforms are used as a food it becomes a illegal hell
for them because they have understanding of loss
and gain, pain and pleasure, right and wrong, and
these aspects of the Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) of Higher Intelligent
Lifeforms makes them hate to be used as a food
source, and they will rebel against the eater of their
kind. When Higher Intelligent Lifeforms are used as
a food source illegal hell rescuers must rescue them
from being used as a Food Source and prosecute
the eater. In order for illegal hells that are causes by
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run on food bodies to end Beings that use run on
food bodies must have their bodies upgraded to a
Nourishment Food-Less, Particle to Wave Recyclable
Pleasure Food, deathless, energy cure body. That
have a never ending source of energy that recycles
itself internally.
578-(7-1-3-24-4-10-91).The use offamineand
hunger asa(OperationComplex)ofillegalhell
against victims ofillegalhell:
1.At times famine and hunger is used as
( OperationComplex ) of illegal hell for victims of
illegal hell. Sometimes a illegal hell Creator have
power over nature this power over nature and
natural phenomenon such as rain can cause a
illegal hell Creator to cause it not to rain over a
population when this occurs a famine takes place
and food does not grow and populations cannot
find water to drink this causes large scale death;
anti-pleasure, painfulness, and illegal hell to take
place over populations. When the illegal hell of
famine takes place populations slowly starve and
thirst to death and become living bones that
eventually die out a horrible death of illegal hell
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and starvation. illegal hell rescuers must make sure
that illegal hell Humanatorcreators do not cause
famine to occur as a ( OperationComplex ) of illegal
hells over populations it is also helpful for a
population to have a Nourishment Food-Less,
Particle to Wave Recyclable Pleasure Food, deathless
body in order to survive famine; furthermore,
populations must have power over certain natural
phenomenon such as making it rain and making
food grow in order to win over famine illegal hell.
579-(7-1-3-24-4-10-92). The use of the lost of
loved ones, the theft of loved ones and failed
love affairs anddivorce asa
( OperationComplex ) of illegal hell against
victims ofillegalhell:
1.At times it is strong emotions such as sadness,
derision, and fatality caused the loss of loved ones,
the theft of loved ones, and failed love affairs, and
divorce that is used against victims of illegal hell.
When a person loses a loved one this can cause
great sadness depending on the person. Some
people cannot handle the sadness and loneliness
that is caused by the loss of loved ones, this
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inability to handle the loneliness and lost that is
caused by the lost of loved ones causes a great
amount of sadness, stress, derision, and fatality to
take place; such emotions become the illegal hell of
sadness. illegal hell Humanatorcreators often
program certain illegal hells to be the illegal hell of
the lost of loved ones so that they may cause illegal
hell to occur to victims of illegal hell. illegal hell
Humanatorcreators often cause couples to fall in
love only to break them apart and cause the illegal
hell of the lost of loved ones to take place. illegal
hell Humanatorcreators often cause a loved one to
be stolen through warfare or deceit this causes
illegal hell to occur to lovers, often illegal hell
Humanatorcreators cause failed love affairs to take
place this cause illegal hell to occur to lovers; often
illegal hell Humanatorcreators cause divorce to take
place this causes illegal hell to occur to lovers.
Failed loved relationships are used to cause great
sadness, pain, tears, fatality, and death to take place
to lovers. In order to avoid such illegal hells that are
caused by separation; illegal hell rescuers must pass
Law that make separation illegal and death illegal.
When separations of lovers, the death of lovers are
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made to be illegal the illegal hell of separations will
be diminished to a lower level; furthermore illegal
hell rescuers must make sure that perfect pairing of
lovers are used so that no arguments can be made
to steal spouses from on another.
580-(7-1-3-24-4-10-93).The use of the cuttings
oflimbs andbodyparts of victimsofillegalhell:
1.At times illegal hell machines are used to use
severe weapon ( OperationComplex )s against illegal
hell victims. Severe weapon ( OperationComplex )s
such as knives, saws, cutting machines, and other
sharp objects are used to cut limbs and body parts
of victims of illegal hells off. Victims of illegal hells
are slowly tortured to death by the cutting of limbs
and body parts. Victims of illegal hells are often
slowly tortured by the cutting off of body parts and
this causes great pain and illegal hell to take place
to screaming and moaning victims of illegal hells of
cutting off of limbs and body parts. illegal hell
rescuers must rescue victims of illegal hells of the
cutting of of limbs; victims must be put back
together if possible or given a new body with all
body parts attached. illegal hell machines that are
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used to butcher illegal hell victims must be
discontinued if they are unchangeable.
581-(7-1-3-24-4-10-94). The use of child abuse
and child molestation against victims of illegal
1.At times it is children that are given illegal hell. At
times children are molested by illegal hell beings to
hurt the feelings of their parents and to damage
the emotions and bodies of children. Child abuse is
an evil malicious thing because of the innocence of
children and their underdeveloped bodies and
minds that cannot chose or make clear secessions;
Child abuse damages the mental and physical
integrity of children and is a heinous ( "sincrime" )
against children, parents, and society. Often it is not
a illegal hell being that is used to molests children
but a parent, relative, or stranger is used to molest
children such people that molests children must be
brought to justice for their ( "sincrime" ) against
children. illegal hell rescuers must rescue all children
that are being tortured and molested by illegal hell
beings wither the illegal hell Humanatorcreators use
non illegal hell creatures or illegal hell creatures to
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molest children all children that are being molested
by illegal hell Humanatorcreators, illegal hell
machines, and illegal hell creatures must be
rescued; and such molesters of children must face
justice for their ( "sincrime" ) against innocent
582-(7-1-3-24-4-10-95).The use of adwelling
place such asahouse or aworld asatormentor
for the dwellers of suchplaces:
1.At times it is the dwelling places of Realitors that
are used against them to give illegal hell to them.
At times houses and worlds are given a malevolent
mind to torture those who Existence in them. These
illegal hells that are caused by houses and worlds
can become very degrading and horrifying because
inhabitants of houses and worlds usually use such
places to find safety from the environment and so
when the safety homes and worlds of Relitors are
used against them as a illegal hell this becomes one
of the most horrible forms of illegal hells that could
take place for Realitors cannot find safety in a
house nor a world this causes a illegal hell world to
come into existence that tortures Realitors and
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inhabitants of worlds and homes. In order for such
illegal hells to come to an end houses and world
( MindOperationCausation )s that are a illegal hell
must be shut down and made to be mute and
Realitors must dwell in their homes and worlds
without such worlds being able to harm them,
because such worlds and homes will have no
consciousness and no awareness that can cause
them to harm inhabitants and Realitors.
583-(7-1-3-24-4-10-96).The use ofillegalhell
machinesandillegalhell evil malicious entity
threat that cannot change their mindsfrom
tormenting victims ofillegalhells asatool
against victimsofillegalhells:
1.At times illegal hell Keepers use illegal hell
machines and illegal hell evil malicious entity threat
that cannot change their minds from tormenting
victims of illegal hells as a tool against victims of
illegal hells because such being have no mercy, no
mind, and no conscience to stop torturing and
tormenting victims of illegal hells. Such beings that
are used by illegal hell keepers are malevolent
illegal hell machines that have a set mind set to
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torment and torture victims of illegal hell they are
dumb illegal hell machines that can never change
their mind from tormenting victims. Such illegal hell
machines that cannot change their minds from
torturing illegal hell victims are as a production line
of torture that never ends. illegal hell Rescuers must
have the Knowledge, Ability, and Power to terminate
such illegal hell beings because if a illegal hell
Rescuer is captured by such illegal hell machines
that cannot change their mind from torturing
victims of illegal hell they will never stop torturing a
illegal hell rescuer if they catch a illegal hell rescuer
and so illegal hell rescuers must have Great
Knowledge, Great Ability, and Great Power to
terminate and contain such illegal hell machines in
order to defeat illegal hell machines and illegal hell
evil malicious entity threat that cannot change their
mind from torturing others who are their victims.
584-(7-1-3-24-4-10-97).The use of temporary
andpermanent illegalhell asatoolagainst
victims ofillegalhells:
1.At times temporary illegal hells and even worst
permanent illegal hells are used against victims of
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illegal hell. Permanent illegal hells are far worst then
temporary illegal hells, because they are planned to
never end. Both permanent and temporary illegal
hells are damaging to a victim often victims of
temporary illegal hells get out eventually wherever
the illegal hell began; sometimes it is death that
delivers a illegal hell victim from temporary illegal
hells, temporary illegal hells must be prevented
from occurring and must be removed from
existences. Permanent illegal hells on the other
hand are some of the greatest evil maliciouss that
could occur to a Human Beings especially or Higher
Intelligent Lifeforms. Permanent illegal hells are
designed by illegal hell Humanatorcreators and
illegal hell creatures to be labyrinths of doom, antipleasure,
painfulness, illegal hell, torment, and the
greatest fatality emotions, thoughts, and states of
being. Any Being that is capable of being Perfect
that is sent to a permanent or temporary illegal hell
must be rescued. All evil malicious beings that are
incapable of being Perfect that are malevolent must
be discontinued and the permanent illegal hell must
also be discontinued because it is also malevolent in
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585-(7-1-3-24-4-10-98).The use of the lost of
memory of the torments one experienced atthe
hand of tormentorsasatool to fool victims of
illegalhellintothinkingit never occurred asa
toolagainst victims ofillegalhells:
1.At time illegal hell victims are deceived into
thinking that the illegal hell never occurred; their
memories are erased after illegal hell is given to
them by illegal hell keepers and illegal hell
creatures. The lost of memory is tool that is used
against victims of illegal hell so that illegal hell
keepers can get away with the ( "sincrime" ) they
commit against illegal hell victims for when illegal
hell victims cannot remember all the cruelty that
have been used against them they cannot take
revenge nor seek to outlaw the illegal hell
( OperationComplex ) that was used against them
and others. Victims of illegal hells must never forget
the great evil malicious that was done against them
by evil malicious illegal hell creatures so that they
may know how to defend themselves from such
illegal hell creatures and teach others of their
experiences under the cruelty of illegal hell keepers
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and illegal hell creatures. Tormentors who are of
illegal hell must be brought to justice for the illegal
hell ( "sincrime" ) they commit against illegal hell
victims especially when the illegal hell ( "sincrime" )
are immoral and unjust.
586-(7-1-3-24-4-10-99).The use of moneyand
poverty asa(OperationComplex) ofillegalhell
against those who are avictim of suchpractices:
1.At times the monetary ( OperationComplex ) and
poverty is used to give illegal hell to others. In a
capitalistic ( OperationComplex ) where money, bills,
and payments are used those who have little money
or no money at all can find themselves in a illegal
hell situation quickly. In a capitalistic
( OperationComplex ) everything have a cost and a
price, and if a person does not have any money no
service will be offered for loosuncapturety unless
the community and Leadership provide alternatives
that help the poor and needy. When money cannot
be found for essentials of survival such as homes,
food, water, healthcare, education, and other things
necessary victims find themselves in a illegal hell
situation of near death and homelessness, and the
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I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
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