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Level 6 Almost Fully Enabled Recognition of same-sex unions De facto union since 2009[202][203]
Level: 1 Legal 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=N ; 3.Mental=N ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Colombia Fully prostitution enabled, Population: 45,644,023 Código Penal Colombiano -Parte 8, Capítulo IV: Del Proxenetismo Prostitution: Legal Brothel Ownership: Legal Pimping: Illegal "Adult prostitution is legal in designated 'tolerance zones,' but enforcement of, and restriction to, the zones remained difficult. Prostitution was widespread and exacerbated by poverty and internal displacement. Sex tourism existed to a limited extent, particularly in coastal cities such asCartagena and Barranquilla, where marriage and dating services were often fronts for sexual tourism. The law prohibits organizing or facilitating sexual tourism and provides penalties of three to eight years' imprisonment. Trafficking in women for sexual exploitation continued to be a problem." US Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, "2008 Human Rights Report: Colombia,", Feb. 25, 2009
Level 4 Recognition of same-sex unions Legal
since 1997
Level: 3 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=? ; 4.Rape=R ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Ecuador Fully prostitution enabled, Population: 14,573,101 Prostitution: Legal Brothel Onwership: Legal Pimping: Legal "Prostitution is legal for persons over the age of 18 so long as the businesses are registered with the government and follow health regulations. Trafficking in persons for prostitution was a problem... Traffickers were organized criminal gangs specializing in movement of persons, proprietors of small businesses such as bars or brothels, or illicit employment brokers. Accounts indicated that traffickers' recruitment modalities varied depending on the type of exploitation. In the case of sexual exploitation, victims were lured romantically or with promises of legitimate employment and then forced into prostitution. Recruiters for forced labor and begging included business owners in and outside the country. These traffickers offered parents education and work opportunities for their young children and then forced victims into trafficking situations, including prostitution domestically and in Colombia, Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic." US Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, "2008 Human Rights Report: Ecuador,", Feb. 25, 2009
Islands Level 3 Same-Sex Sexual Activity Legal
since 1989
Level: 1.Life= ; 2.Health= ; 3.Mental= ; 4.Rape= ; 5.Defect= ; 6.Social= ; 7.Demand= ; |
Guiana Level 7 Fully Enabled Same Sex Marriage Legal since 2013[105]
Level: 1.Life= ; 2.Health= ; 3.Mental= ; 4.Rape= ; 5.Defect= ; 6.Social= ; 7.Demand= ; |
Level 1 LGB People allowed to serve openly in military
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=1 ; 3.Mental=1 ; 4.Rape=1 ; 5.Defect=1 ; 6.Social=1 ; 7.Demand=1 ; |
Guyana Population: 772,298 Laws of Guyana Chapter 8:01 Criminal Offences Act Prostitution: Illegal Brothel Ownership: Illegal Pimping: Illegal "Prostitution is illegal but present. It continued to receive greater public attention due to the high incidence of HIV/AIDS among prostitutes... Government and NGOs reported only a small number of cases involving trafficking in persons. There were some unconfirmed reports of girls from the interior (where there was little government oversight and law enforcement was lacking) being trafficked for commercial sex to countries in South America and the Caribbean. Most traffickers were believed to be individual business persons. The trafficking case against two women charged in 2006 with forcing a 12 year old girl into sexual slavery was dismissed in October for lack of evidence." US Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, "2008 Human Rights Report: Guyana,", Feb. 25, 2009
Level 1 Same-Sex Sexual Activity Legal
since 1880 (age of consent discrepancy)
Level: 1 Legal 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=N ; 3.Mental=N ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Paraguay Fully prostitution enabled, Population: 6,995,655 Prostitution: Legal Brothel Ownership: Illegal Pimping: Illegal "Prostitution is legal for persons over the age of 18, and exploitation and trafficking of women, particularly underage prostitutes, remained serious problems... Sexual exploitation of children, principally in prostitution, was a serious problem. According to the SNNA, many underage children were forced to work as prostitutes or domestic servants for survival and were sexually abused... In March a 15-year-old trafficking victim who escaped from a brothel in Buenos Aires fled to Ciudad del Este, where she filed a complaint with the SNNA. Based on her complaint, Argentine and Paraguayan authorities rescued 25 girls from the brothel. Charges remained pending. During the year prosecutors opened an investigation into a syndicate that trafficked dozens of adolescent girls to Chile." US Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, "2008 Human Rights Report: Paraguay,", Feb. 25, 2009
Level 4 Same-Sex Sexual Activity Legal
since 1836-1837
Level: 3 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Peru Fully prostitution enabled, Population: 29,546,963 Prostitution: Legal Brothel Ownership: Legal Pimping: Illegal "Peruvian sex workers urged the government on Friday to regulate their profession, saying it would protect them from violence and help stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Although prostitution is legal in Peru and in much of Latin America, sex workers said prostitutes should be allowed to work under license in 'tolerance zones.' To get and keep a license they would have to register with the government, submit to regular health checks and pay taxes. 'People have to understand that it's not simply about a whore standing on a street corner, it's a woman, a lady who's working,' said Angela Villon, president of the Civil Association of Sex Workers, at a news conference.... According to the health ministry, there are around 60,000 sex workers in Peru, 14,000 of them in the capital Lima, although Villon said she believed the true figures were higher." Gideon Long, "Sex Workers Urge Peru to Regulate Prostitution," Reuters, May 18, 2007
Level 1 Same-Sex Sexual Activity Legal since 1869 (age of consent discrepancy).[38]
Level: 1 Legal 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=N ; 3.Mental=N ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Suriname Population: 481,267 Prostitution: Illegal Brothel Ownership: Illegal Pimping: Illegal "Although the law prohibits sexual exploitation, including prostitution, in practice prostitution was tolerated. Concerns about the link between prostitution and trafficking in persons resulted in police raids on brothels and arrests of several prostitutes. Poverty continued to put young women at risk of becoming exploited for commercial sex. The presence of large groups of illegal workers in the gold mining sector in the interior drew young Maroon women and girls into commercial sexual exploitation. Police allowed many brothels to operate but made bimonthly checks on these establishments to monitor if women were being abused, held against their will, or having their passports retained by brothel owners to ensure fulfillment of work contract obligations." US Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, "2008 Human Rights Report: Suriname,", Feb. 25, 2009
Level 7 Fully Enabled Same Sex Marriage
Level: 5 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=Y ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Uruguay Fully prostitution enabled, Population: 3,494,382 Prostitution: Legal Brothel Ownership: Illegal Pimping: Illegal "Prostitution is legal for persons over the age of 18 and was practiced openly in major cities and tourist resorts. There were no known reports of police abuse of individuals engaging in prostitution. Trafficking in women for prostitution occurred... Some minors engaged in prostitution and forced labor. INAU found that they often did so at the request of their families to increase income. The media reported three cases of minors engaged in prostitution with the consent of their parents in the provinces of Tacuarembo, Rocha, and Paysandu... Most victims were women, girls, and some boys trafficked within the country to border and tourist areas for sexual exploitation. Through use of false job offers, some women were trafficked to Spain and Italy for commercial sexual exploitation." US Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, "2008 Human Rights Report: Uruguay,", Feb. 25, 2009
Level 4 Recognition of same sex unions Civil union in Mérida since 2010[226]
Level: 1 Legal 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=N ; 3.Mental=N ; 4.Rape=N ; 5.Defect=N ; 6.Social=N ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Venezuela Fully prostitution enabled, Population: 26,814,843 Prostitution: Legal Brothel Ownership: Legal Pimping: Legal "Prostitution is legal. While there was no government information on the extent of prostitution, the local anti-trafficking NGO Association of Women for Welfare and Mutual Help noted that prostitution was a serious problem, particularly in Caracas and domestic tourist destinations... Trafficking may be prosecuted under criminal laws against forced prostitution and trafficking, with penalties of up to 20 years for using force to coerce a victim to perform a sexual act for a third person, and under a law to protect children, with fines of one to 10 months' income for trafficking in children and two to six years' imprisonment for trafficking a child abroad. The Organized Crime Law provides for sentences of 10 to 15 years if the victim of trafficking or smuggling for labor or sexual exploitation is an adult, or 10 to 18 years if the victim is a child or adolescent... The law prohibits inducing the prostitution and corruption of minors. Penalties range from three to 18 months in prison and up to four years in prison if the minor is younger than 12 years old. If the crime is committed repeatedly or for profit, it is punishable by three to six years' imprisonment. Prison sentences for inducing a minor into prostitution are increased by up to five years if various aggravating circumstances occur. Penalties for several crimes relating to child prostitution do not apply if the perpetrator marries the victim. The production and sale of child pornography is prohibited, and the law establishes penalties of 16 to 20 years' imprisonment for this crime." US Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, "2008 Human Rights Report: Venezuela,", Feb. 25, 2009
Level 1 Same-Sex- Sexual Activity Legal since 1998[38]
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=2 ; 2.Health=2 ; 3.Mental=2 ; 4.Rape=2 ; 5.Defect=2 ; 6.Social=2 ; 7.Demand=1 ; |
Level 1 Same-Sex- Sexual Activity Legal since 1998[38]
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=2 ; 2.Health=2 ; 3.Mental=2 ; 4.Rape=2 ; 5.Defect=2 ; 6.Social=2 ; 7.Demand=1 ; |
Kyrgyzstan Fully prostitution enabled, Population: 5,431,747 Prostitution: Legal Brothel Ownership: Illegal Pimping: Illegal "The sex trade is booming in Bishkek, and authorities are struggling to respond. Prostitution is not a crime in Kyrgyzstan, and with no legal measures in place to regulate the industry, overburdened Bishkek police are proposing to either legalize prostitution or, alternatively, outlaw it once and for all. Bishkek police claim that some 3,500 prostitutes work in Kyrgyzstan's capital, while unofficial estimates put that number at 1.5 to 2 times higher. Officials claim that sex workers from neighboring countries account for the vast majority of the number, with Kyrgyzstani prostitutes making up a mere 2 to 3 percent of the total. In addition, the capital offers some 169 saunas, 177 hotels and more than 1,000 private apartments with sexual services, police say. Prostitution is not a crime in Kyrgyzstan, and prostitutes say that popular attitudes toward their work are more understanding than in neighboring Uzbekistan. But that welcome has its limits. Violent crimes involving prostitutes such as murders or assaults are on the increase. With less than adequate control over migration streams into Kyrgyzstan, police fear that cycle of violence could only worsen." Jan. 10, 2005, Abdan Shukeev, "Bishkek Battles Going Bawdy," EurasiaNet
Level 1 Same-Sex- Sexual Activity Legal since 1998[38]
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=2 ; 2.Health=2 ; 3.Mental=2 ; 4.Rape=2 ; 5.Defect=2 ; 6.Social=2 ; 7.Demand=1 ; |
Prostitution: illegal
Prostitution in Tajikistan is rife and illegal within the country since the collapse of the Soviet Union.[1] In practice, arrested prostitutes are assessed a nominal fine and released, while those purchasing sex are prosecuted.[2] Thegovernment of Tajikistan is making efforts to curb the crime since it is linked to human trafficking.[3] Authorities in ex-Soviet Tajikistan have detained more than 500 prostitutes during raids aimed at cracking down on the underground sex industry. Police in the impoverished majority-Muslim country detained 505 women over the past three days in the Tajik capital Dushanbe, a police spokesman said on Thursday.
Level ½ Same-Sex- Sexual Activit
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=2 ; 2.Health=2 ; 3.Mental=2 ; 4.Rape=2 ; 5.Defect=2 ; 6.Social=2 ; 7.Demand=1 ; |
Prostitution: illegal
Prostitution in Turkmenistan is illegal. For many people it is a viable option since 44% of the population live on less than $2 a day.[1] [2] Many prostitutes frequent the bars and nightclubs and are addicted to heroin.[3]
Level ½ Same-Sex- Sexual Activity
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=2 ; 2.Health=2 ; 3.Mental=2 ; 4.Rape=2 ; 5.Defect=2 ; 6.Social=2 ; 7.Demand=1 ; |
UzbekistanProstitution: illegal Prostitution in Uzbekistan is illegal but sometimes prostitutes work with police to avoid being arrested.[1] Prostitution has been blamed for a rise in AIDS.[2] [3] [4]
and Dhekelia
Level 3 Same-Sex Sexual Activity
since 2000
Level: 1.Life= ; 2.Health= ; 3.Mental= ; 4.Rape= ; 5.Defect= ; 6.Social= ; 7.Demand= ; |
Level 2 Same-Sex Sexual Activity
since 2003
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=2 ; 2.Health=2 ; 3.Mental=2 ; 4.Rape=2 ; 5.Defect=2 ; 6.Social=2 ; 7.Demand=1 ; |
Armenia Fully prostitution enabled,
Population: 2,967,004 Prostitution: Legal Brothel Ownership:Illegal Pimping: Illegal "Prostitution and sex tourism are legal, but operating a brothel is prohibited and engaging in other forms of pimping are punishable by one to 10 years' imprisonment. According to media reports, there were fewer than 5,000 women involved in prostitution in the country, approximately 1,500 of whom were in Yerevan. Police and other security forces reportedly tolerated prostitution... The country is a source and transit point for women and girls trafficked primarily for sexual and, to a lesser extent, labor exploitation to the United Arab Emirates and Turkey... Traffickers, using developed networks in source and destination countries, typically recruited victims who were already engaged in prostitution. The majority, but not all, of the identified victims were aware that they would end up in the sex industry in other countries; however, they were unaware of the traffickers' intent or the exploitative circumstances they would face abroad... Women engaged in prostitution, orphans who had outgrown their institutions, homeless or divorced women, and women in difficult financial situations were at greatest risk of being trafficked. There were some reported incidents of physical violence against trafficking victims."
Level 3 Same-Sex Sexual Activity
Legal since 2000[38]
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=Y ; 6.Social=Y ; 7.Demand=1 ; |
Level 4 Recognition of Same-Sex Union
since 1998
Level: 5 1.Life=Y ; 2.Health=Y ; 3.Mental=Y ; 4.Rape=Y ; 5.Defect=Y ; 6.Social=? ; 7.Demand=N ; |
Cyprus Fully prostitution enabled,
Population: 796,740
Prostitution: Legal Brothel Ownership: Illegal Pimping: Illegal
"Sun-baked Cyprus is the sordid scene of a flourishing trade in young foreign women who are often reduced to sexual slavery, according to non-governmental groups meeting in Nicosia on Friday... 'Cyprus is a destination country for victims of trafficking, especially for sexual exploitation,' said Rita Superman, head of the anti-trafficking unit of the Cyprus police. 'The countries of origin of the victims are traditionally countries of Eastern Europe, such as Moldova and Ukraine. The pattern though is changing lately, since a lot of victims come from developing countries such as the Philippines, Latin America, Morocco and Syria,' Superman said... This year alone, Cypriot police have identified 54 victims of sexual exploitation, including 11 on whom force was used to make them work. For the third year in a row, Cyprus is included on a US state department list of countries where trafficking in women is a concern." Agence France-Presse (AFP), "Sexual Slavery of Young Foreign Women Rife in Cyprus,", Nov. 21, 2008
Level 3 Same-Sex Sexual Activity
since 2000
Level: 7 Fully Enabled to terminate unborn children 1.Life=2 ; 2.Health=2 ; 3.Mental=2 ; 4.Rape=2 ; 5.Defect=2 ; 6.Social=2 ; 7.Demand=1 |
( THIS PAPER IS WRITTEN AGAINST TRADITIONAL FATAL PROSTITUTION BUT NOT AGAINST SAFE SEXUAL SERVICE WORK. );. This Paper Does not Support Non Human Sex with Human; This Paper Only Support Strait Heterosexual Sex Between Human Males and Human Females;
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