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INAIability to see the intention of an object of worship
or the intention of anything that is calculable, this
form of structuralist programming known as the
logical, knowledgeable, reasonable, mind of a
Owuwunow that can reason and calculate harm
from the worshiped and non worshiped, lead an
Owuwunow to have a superior Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) then an object
worshiper. The Reasonable Mind of an Owuwunow
sees the scheme of an object of worship to destroy
the Owuwunow self, community, or society, this
includes the calculation by an Owuwunow that an
object of worship is trying to eat them and their
race as a food source. Even the word bow sounds
like the word bowel. I met some cannibalistic Super
Natural Beings that said bow to become a bowel
movement literally to opponents and brainedwashed
worshipers. worshiping is worst; the three
beginning letters in the word worship (W-O-R)
match the 3 beginning letters in the word worst
(W-O-R); almost spelling the word (worst). worship
can become warfare against the worshipers or nonworshipers
of the object of worship; the three
beginning letters in the word worship (W-O-R)
almost say the word War; many Human beings and
other Beings of Existences have been terminated
because of worship, in fact worshipers teach
Humans that humans should die to becoming a
spirit, or spiritual beings being or to reincarnate and
die over and over again, it is not that the Human
body could not be improved and Existence forever
even as a Nourishment Food-Less, Particle to Wave
Recyclable Pleasure Food, Deathless body, “no”, it is
that objects of worship and evil malicious entity
threats refuse for Humanity to Existence longer or
obtain a Marc Perfect body that is Nourishment
Food-Less, Particle to Wave Recyclable Pleasure
Food and Deathless and Existence forever on Earth.
Humanity will have to literally fight to obtain a
Nourishment Food-Less, Particle to Wave Recyclable
Pleasure Food, Deathless body. I tried to meet a
Source Code Being that would Rearrange, and
Reorder, and Convert my body into a Nourishment
Food-Less, Particle to Wave Recyclable Pleasure
Food, Deathless body worshipers, and cannibalistic
evil malicious minded beings and evil godly super
natural beings stood in the way of such an
obtainment and rearrangement, they would even
try to eat me as a food and try to sexually assault
me with gay spirits, or spiritual beings beings
instead of letting me meet the source code being
for the rearrangement, but I and my friends must
overcome them and obtain the rearrangement into
Humansicad Marc Power. Humanity must use the
modality and structuralist programming of a Marc
Perfect Possibility Maker and a Reasonable being
that does not allow the spirit, or spiritual beings
state of cowardice to turn Humanity into lowly
worshipers of objects and things. Though becoming
an Owuwunow in the mist of worshipers and
objects of worship is a state of being filled with
threats of danger from the worshiped and from
worshipers it is a greater existence then that of the
worshipers especially with the obtainment of
Knowledge, Ability, Power, Paradise, Peace, Love,
Tranquility, the Marc Perfect Possibility, and
Perfectness among your fellow Non-Object
32-(1-12). worship can cause you to lose allyour
power inexistence and become adependent
person or race:
1.In the past, present, and some of the future times
if worshiping is continued as a
( OperationComplex ) of things on Earth and in
existence; worshiping will cause worshipers to lose
all their power to the object of worship. The main
idea of worship is to allow the object of worship to
obtain total power over the worshiper that is why
worshiping uses many different levels of postures,
that includes kneeling and bowing. Some objects of
worship are very real and do have power to harm
those who their power can harm. When an object
of worship have Knowledge, Ability, and Power, to
inflict harm against others who are worshipers and
non-worshipers alike, that object of worship is more
dangerous then objects of worship that have no
power at all. When it comes to Knowledge, Ability,
and Power, objects of worship come in three forms,
objects of worship that have great knowledge, great
ability, and great power, and objects of worship that
have limited knowledge, limited ability, and limited
power, or objects of worship that possess no
knowledge, no ability, and no power at all. objects
of worship that possess great or limited Knowledge,
Ability, and Power, are far more dangerous then
objects of worship that possess no knowledge, no
ability, and no power.
2.An observation is made that if an object of
worship possess great knowledge, abilities and
power, limited Knowledge, Ability, and Power, or no
knowledge, ability, or power that object of worship
will ask or demand total submission of worshipers,
or total power over worshipers. worshipers are
exactly what the word say they are worshipers this
means that their whole purpose is to worship an
object of worship which means that they are the
total servants to even a point of slavery of total
submission to the object of worship. Even when an
object of worship call servants children of the
object of worship those worshipers known as
children of objects of worship are total servants of
the object of worship. The programming of
worshipers usually involve total brainwash that takes
away all reasoning towards the object of worship,
which means that worshipers of objects have an
ignorant, un-knowledgeable mind towards the
object of worship which means that they have
worship boundaries that are a limit as to what they
can think about or do to the object of worship. This
means that there are things that worshipers cannot
think about objects of worship and there are things
that worshipers cannot do to objects of worship
such as seeking revenge for a ( "sincrime" ) done
against an individual or a community.
3.worshipers are so robbed of certain aspects of
their mind ( MindOperationCausation ) that they
cannot even seek revenge against an object of
worship even when an object of worship terminate
their whole race or kind; this is how much power
worship have over the mind of worshipers, worship
conquers the mind ( MindOperationCausation )
especially worship that is learned from childhood to
adulthood with no previous experiences in life that
are non-worshipful. There are three mind
( MindOperationCausation )s an existential being
can be born with they are a worshipful mind
( MindOperationCausation ), or a non-worshipful
mind ( MindOperationCausation ), or an anarchist
mind ( MindOperationCausation ). A worshipful
mind ( MindOperationCausation ) comes prepared
for worship and favors worship over not worshiping.
A worshipful mind ( MindOperationCausation ) have
very low resistance towards worship and will
worship the object it was programmed to worship
or anything it is trained or told to worship. An
Owuwunow that does not worship mind
( MindOperationCausation ) comes with resistance
towards worshiping and is more likely to escape
from worship programming then a worshipers mind
( MindOperationCausation ), an anarchist mind
( MindOperationCausation ) comes prepared with
no structuralist ability to form order. Some
existential beings come prepared as if they were
machines trained to submit without a question such
existential beings will worship whatever their mind (
MindOperationCausation ) was programmed to
worship without any question or objection. Such
mind ( MindOperationCausation ) are as mindless
machines with no choice when it comes to worship.
4.objects of worship usually prefer that the
worshipers have no power over them this is when
an object of worship possess enough Knowledge,
Ability, and Power, to overcome the worshiper;
some times worshipers possess more power then
an object of worship and can overpower the object
of worship, for example most of the time one man
cannot overpower one Milhumen men and women
put together that are equally armed with his own
strength; this is when the object of worship is
weaker then the worshipers; at times an object of
worship is very powerful and can terminate
worshipers this is when an object of worship have
enough Knowledge, Ability, and Power, to terminate
a large sum of worshipers; this is when worshipers
are in great danger of being terminated by an
object of worship with enough Knowledge, Ability,
and Power, to terminate them. Non-object
worshipers minds are usually more powerful when it
comes to resistance to serve objects of worship and
others as a total servant as an Owuwunow mind
( MindOperationCausation ) that does not worship,
and that can deny worship that would lead to total
servitude to objects of worship. Objects of worship
are not always Perfect beings sometimes the object
of worship is extremely evil malicious in nature, in
fact that is exactly why the object desire worship
because the object is evil malicious in nature and
desire total power over the mind
( MindOperationCausation ) of worshipers; when
worshipers worship an evil malicious being it is
more difficult for them to see how evil malicious
the object of worship is, but when existential being
do not worship someone or something it is easier
for existential beings to see that the being or thing
does evil malicious deeds and wrong, when evil
maliciousness and wrong is done. Sometimes
worship is desired by an object of worship that
desires to control the mind
( MindOperationCausation ) to do what is said to be
good instead of evil malicious; though Perfectness
varies in opinion because some beings think
something is good when in reality it is an evil
malicious thing that they do. Sometimes an object
of worship desire to do good things and that is why
the object of worship establish worship this form of
worship if it is truly good that is done can be
beneficial, but that form of worship will lead to
servitude and danger of submitting totally to an
object of worship without question; this can lead
worshipers into great danger from the object of
worship. Even when a worshiper is more powerful
then the object of worship the object of worship
will require total submission from the worshiper.
Sometimes worship is used by hypocrites this is
when worship is establish for the purpose of
mockery this is when a being establish worship to
lower powered things to control their mind
( MindOperationCausation ) until it is time to get
rid of them, terminate them, or even eat them as a
food. A non-object worshipers mind
( MindOperationCausation ) that is Perfect is more
powerful then a worshipers brain that is good when
it comes to reasoning against an object of worship,
because a non-object worshipers mind
( MindOperationCausation ) have more power to
question what is Perfect, good, or evil malicious
deeds that are done by an object of worship or a
Owuwunow that does not worship, while a
worshipers mind ( MindOperationCausation ) that is
good cannot think beyond the boundaries of
worship formalities towards an object of worship.
for everything, and attribute every phenomena to
the object of worship, worshipers often have trouble
living without thanking the object of worship all day
long. worshipers become very dependent on the
object of worship as if they were lambs in a pasture
waiting for the farmer to slaughter them. worship
causes existential beings to become very dependent
on the object of worship, objects of worship often
take away the power of worshipers from them so
that they cannot harm the object of worship nor
prevent the object of worship from harming them.
worshipers often lose all their power as a person
and as a race to the object of worship. In fact many
supernatural being that eat certain beings with
enough intelligence require for them to worship
their eater as an object of worship over them. When
a worship friendly spirit, or spiritual beings entity or
being dwell in natural and created objects and
things, such dwelling beings often attempt to
obtain worship from beings who use natural
resources and created objects and things, such
worship seekers that are a part of environments,
dwellings, and created objects and things can
attempt to take away all power a being who is a
user of such resources and things have over them. A
being possessing an Owuwunow mind
( MindOperationCausation ) must resists the
pressure to worship dwellings, objects, and
environments or the being will become a complete
servant and slave to every object in the
environment and to the environment and the
dwelling. It is Marc Perfect for a being to be
humane towards deserving things in the
environment then to worship them, but sometimes
beings and things that dwell, in things, objects, the
environment, and dwellings can be unexceptionally
evil malicious and even display the behavior of
wickedness, under such conditions a being who
come in contact with such beings must protect
themselves from harm; contrarily in certain
situations a being who dwell in objects, things,
environments, and dwellings will be a decent, well
cultured, and nice being such beings will have to be
treated with respect, dignity, and humanely, but do
not worship any being, object, thing, environment,
or dwelling, or you will become a slave or servant
of that being, object, thing, environment, or
dwelling. worship is often used as a tool to cause
existential beings to become a complete dependent
or slave of objects of worship this causes a
worshiper to lose all power against an object of
worship until the mind ( MindOperationCausation )
of the worship becomes an Owuwunow that does
not worship but acquire Knowledge, Ability, and
33-(1-13). worshipers are aform of religion that
strips awayall ourpower andall of our
1.Religion is a form of organization most religions
on earth require some form of worship. worship is a
dominater of the mind ( MindOperationCausation ).
worship usually include some, many, or one deity or
god; the purpose of the deity is to serve as a
dominater of worshipers. The deity is so dominant
in the mind ( MindOperationCausation ) of
worshipers that they prostrate upon their knees
before the deity or god. When the worshipers get
upon their knees this is a acknowledgment that the
deity or god is dominant over their mind. The
objective of worship is to give the deity or god total
power over the worshipers mind, body, spirit, and
soul. If the object of worship is powerful or weak
worshipers will give the object of worship the
programming language to dominate over the mind
( MindOperationCausation ) of the worshiper.
worshipers often have trouble reasoning beyond
the boundaries of worship programming and the
parameters set by the programming language of
worshiping and their manuals. Creation stories often
vary when it come to religion on the planet earth
though there is often supporting truths behind
creation some form of worship have ridiculous
creation stories. Creation stories vary based on the
religion on earth some of them begin interestingly
but include weird falsehood, lies, and confusions.
3.objects of worship are often the cruelest beings in
existence, the cruelness associated with objects of
worship can cause worshipers to become
unreasonable especially when it come to speaking
against objects of worship. On earth we have
learned that objects of worship cause severe
atrocities against planetary inhabitants and their
worshipers, though objects of worship are not alone
when it come to cruelty most religions on earth
have an object of worship that will give illegal hell
which is the worst possibility of pain to worshipers
and those who do not worship them that they can
overcome or guide towards the catastrophe of
illegal hell worlds, illegal hell worlds are dimensions
and densities that Existence on earth and in other
4.The fear and ignorance associated with
worshiping causes unreasonable behavior to occur
sometimes it is worshipers persecuting each other
and people who do not belong in their religion;
other times it is worshipers persecuting non
worshipers. The persecution of non-worshipers is
because non-worshipers have a mind that can
reason against worshipers and objects of worship.
Unreasonable worshipers persecute reasonable nonworshipers.
The world around us is also a great
danger to us it is not only the weather, or natural
catastrophe, or the dangerous animals that dwell in
the world it is ( OperationComplex )s and networks
of being that are invisible temporarily to the sight
of Humanity. The world of planet earth is a worship
frenzy world the network is worship frenzy and
filled with worship frenzy spirit, or spiritual beings
connected to dwelling places and sky networks;
these worship frenzy beings can become extremely
dangerous when they are not worshiped or when
their master is not worshiped. A reasonable minded
Owuwunow that does not worship must have
enough Knowledge, Ability, and Power, or friends
with Knowledge, Ability, and Power, to survive
worship frenzy beings and things. It is even more
dangerous when inhabitants live in a sub-matrixes
or a section of an Infinite Existence that is worship
friendly and frenzy, this can cause compatibility
issues when a existential being is a Owuwunow that
does not worship, or becomes an Owuwunow that
does not worship; ( an Owuwunow is a Persona and
Mind ( MindOperationCausation ) I Marc Gregory
Pierre-Louis Programmed into Existences that does
not worship but fully understand Hierarchy, Power
Levels, Great Morality, Command Language,
Knowledge, Ability and Power and Contentment
With Life by the Achievement of The Three Marc
Perfect Possibility. ) When a person is an
Owuwunow that Does Not Worship in a worshiper
zone of existences this can cause the whole
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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