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Capmarc Schedule that is written by the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics Leadership.
462-(6-21-3-22-9-1-46).The ability to have precognasance
andMarc Perfect PossibilityMakers
andto know of the events of the script oflife in
order to make the Marc Perfect possibility occur
diminish anti-pleasure
andpainfulness tothe
1.To achieve a Marc Perfect possibility Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must seek after greater
Knowledge, Ability, and Power to prevent
catastrophe, harm, and death from occurring
individuals and Marc Perfect Possibility Makers
working together will guide life experiences towards
achieving a Marc Perfect Possibility; by learning of
the Script of Life Marc Perfect Possibility Makers
and Individuals will be able to avoid any
catastrophe or harm that is in the future by having
pre-cognassance of it and avoiding for it to occur
by fallowing a different M-Capmarc schedule that
have averted the danger from occurring, the
department of Marc Perfect Possibility Makers and
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M-Capmarc will work together to avoid harm from
occurring to Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics.
When the department of M-Capmarc and Marc
Perfect Possibility Makers work with individuals and
the ( OperationComplex ) of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics they are able to read the
Script of Life and avert danger for individuals and
( OperationComplex )s of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics, when this occur the Marc Perfect Possibility
occurs and anti-pleasure, painfulness, and illegal hell
is avoided from occurring to individuals and
( OperationComplex )s of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
463-(6-21-3-22-9-1-47).The ability to have a
continuouslifespanand torecoverfromdeath to
diminish anti-pleasure
andpainfulness tothe
1.Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and Humanity
must Existence to our continuities fullness which
means if our bodies are able to Existence forever
they must Existence forever and if our bodies are
able to Existence for a shorter period of time we
must gain our full profit of growth and Existence to
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our continuities fullness; and also Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and Humanity must be able
to recover from death and so if the Human Body
dies Humanity must be able to bring it back to life.
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics seek for a far
more advanced body then Humanity currently
possess though the Human Body as it is could
Existence forever if it was not programmed to die
by cell death, disease and malfunctions, Humanity
must seek for an ever Marc Perfect body known as
a Humansicad Marc Power Body that is able to
rearrange to different elemental properties and
control Reality Codex. Humanity must also be able
to travel to the past and future to avert death from
occurring and so if someone died in the past Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and Humanity must be
able to go back to the past and avoid the death
from occurring or bring the person to the future
before the death occurs; Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and Humanity must also be able to go to
the future to avoid death and disaster from
occurring before it occurs. When death and againstpleasure
is avoided by having the power to go to
the past and future to avert the death from
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occurring the wasting of the Human Body is
avoided from occurring and loved ones can be
reunited with each other.
464-(6-21-3-22-9-1-48).The ability to Existence
defenseandoffense todiminish anti-pleasure
andpainfulness tothelowestlevelpossibility:
1.During defensive and offensive actions a person
must agree to achieve the Marc Perfect Possibility
either way. Wither someone is defending themselves
from harm or is protecting themselves by harming
an attacker the Law of the Marc Perfect Possibility
must be fallowed. The Law of the Marc Perfect
Possibility dictates that the practitioner must One,
diminish anti-pleasure
and painfulness to the lowest
possible; Two, that the practitioner must remove all
illegal hell aggravated illegal hell and vengeance
illegal hell; and Three, that the practitioner must
spread paradise by their action; and so if an
offender is harmed it must not be for the cause of
destroying any of the Three Law of the Marc Perfect
Possibility but to cause them to occur; and so if an
offender is harmed in defense or
©Copyrights All Rights Reserved For
Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis.
HumanAndHumansicad Marc Power Program
Manual Programming Language ©
BOOK: 3 Of 4
Applicable General Public
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must avoid all forms of abomination and must only
seek to achieve the Marc Perfect Possibility. Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics must put great efforts to
avoid being thrown in an abominable world
environment when a world environment is an
abomination the meanest, lowest, evil malicious,
fatal, disagreeable things happen in that nation or
world, and so Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
and Humanity must avoid living in abomination.
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must catalog all
forms of abomination and seek to remove them
from the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics by not
practicing them and by removing them from Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics personal body and
world environments.
470-(7-1-3-24).Purpose Two: The Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics removalOfAllillegalhell
From InsideQualifiedWorlds,(Formula)
1.”Words and ineffective weapons alone can never
turn away a illegal hell machine unless those words
are core programming language that the illegal hell
machine is absolutely commanded by without any
freewill to protest, contest, nor resists those
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commanded words; after all conclusions only
applied absolutely proven to work Knowledge,
Ability, and Power to absolutely persuade, use force
upon, or terminate, or discontinue from existences a
illegal hell machine can turn away, or stop a
programmed or determined illegal hell machine
without any freewill to stop abominating,
desecrating, raping, torturing, tormenting,
terminating, and eating a victim or prey” from
abominating, desecrating, raping, torturing,
tormenting, terminating, and eating a victim or
prey”; Now that you know this you must obtain the
Proper Knowledge, Ability, and Power to Defeat All
illegal hell Machine Humansicad Marc Powers
explained in this book are some of the Greatest
Powers to Defeat illegal hell machines. If I could
leave a report I would say that Humanity is located
in one of the most dangerous places in all of
existences that is why Humans never Existence long
before they die and I suspect that Humans are even
being used as a food source even though we as
Human Beings are Higher Intelligent Lifeforms.
illegal hell is the worst possibility of acts and states
of existences and must not be supported by Marc
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G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics nor caused by Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics illegal hell comes in two
forms Aggressors illegal hell which are illegal hells
that are caused by an aggravater of harm and
illegal hell also comes in the form of vengeance
illegal hell which are illegal hells that are caused by
taking revenge against someone who inflicted some
form of harm against another. Both Aggression
illegal hell, and Vengeance illegal hell are evil
malicious because they are usually on the extreme
end of ( "sincrime" ) or punishment. Many victims
are given illegal hell when they are contain-able
and restrain-able this means that they could be
imprisoned with very little difficulty without escape,
but are instead tortured to death or even tortured
forever in illegal hell ( OperationComplex )s or
illegal hell situations. Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics must not practice aggressors illegal hell nor
vengeance illegal hell against anyone. A Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics have the right to self defense
from harm and can harm an attacker to subdue the
attacker, but a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
must imprison those who are capable of being
imprisoned instead of torturing them by giving
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them illegal hell. All illegal hell must be removed
from the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and
Universe all the way unto Infinite Existence
Existence, but if Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
do not have power to win over a illegal hell Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must not risks their life
nor safety in failed attempts to end the illegal hell,
but must wait until they are fit to remove the illegal
hell from existences and will surely win over the
illegal hell in combat otherwise Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must not attempt to lose
their Existence in failed attempts to end illegal hell,
but must make sure that they will win the battle
against the illegal hell and illegal hell keepers to
rescue those who deserve to be rescued from illegal
hells especially Human Beings and their Compatible
Allies must be rescued from illegal hells because
Humans are contain-able, restrain-able, and retrainable.
When Humanity become ( Human Universe
Makers Artists Numerics Scientists Intelligences
Coders And Decoders, ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrix Creators And Reality
Managers ) Astronomical Reality Humanatorcreators,
Particle Orderer World Elemental Rearranger
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“Humansicad Marc Power” )s or Humansicad Marc
Powers; when a “Human Universe Makers Artists
Numerics Scientists Intelligences Coders And
Decoders”, ( Humansicad ), “Conscious Organizer
Network Sciences Connective Intelligent Orderer
Universe Simulator” ( Conscious ), and “Power
Health Yarer Super Intelligent Calibrator
Astronomical Leader” ( Physical ) cannot be stopped
the Humansicad Conscious and Physical must be
surrounded by the appropriate amount of
Humansicad Conscious and Physicals and they must
put a barrier that is unbreakable and strong enough
to imprison the Humansicad Conscious and Physical
and the prison and Humansicad Conscious and
Physicals that capture the harmful or criminal
Humansicad Conscious and Physical must sustain
the prison around the Humansicad Conscious and
Physical for as long as it takes to disable the
harmful Humansicad Conscious and Physical and
remove its all variant and combinant particles. If the
all variant and combinant particles cannot be
removed the Capturing Humansicad Conscious and
Physicals must put prison guards that are
Humansicad Conscious and Physicals around the
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harmful Humansicad Conscious and Physical until
the harmful Humansicad Conscious and Physical is
harmless and disabled, but illegal hell must be
avoided from being used by Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and Humanity especially
illegal hell must be avoided from being used
against each other.
2.All things hellish shall dwell in hell until
discontinuity; all things nerakash shall dwell in
neraka; all things taturus shall dwell in taturus until
discontinuity; all thing that are a ttwus worst
possibility shall be discontinued; All Things Paradise
shall dwell in Paradise; All things of the Highest
Level of Paradise shall dwell in the Highest Level of
Paradise; All things Marc Perfect Shall Dwell in
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics; All things Three
Marc Perfect Possibility Shall have Permanent Life.
Existence is not Perfect only a Perfectionists will get
Perfection out of Existences by Building Perfect
Realities; By Being Born Perfect in a Perfect World
Reality; or by Requesting Perfection; Existence is not
a Singularity by an Infinite Division; All things
Compatible shall dwell among their compatibles; all
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things incompatible shall be divided from each
2-1.((WhatAre “NamedPendingWorst
PossibilityDanger Worlds” )doomed earth-like
planets;israel; reptilian;syrian;mayas;
budhasitva; nationsof the planet earth; evildark
andevillight worlds; or anyevil worlds; worlds
where humans are mortal, eaten andfarmed,
wasted, orachieve the worst possibility;777gods
worlds, islamic worlds, christian worlds, jew
worlds;666 worlds, lucifer worlds, devil worlds,
demon worlds, angelsworld;divinitylayer;
brahman layer;doomedalien worlds;tantra
cannibal worlds;animal worlds;democracy or any
government of the planet earth that isnot Marc
GPLPerfectionists Creatics currently; nature
realms; transformer worlds;illuminatilumin
worlds; constantfightinghero world; worlds
where constant warfare are found without peace
or power to winabsolutelyover evil with ease
andfindlastingpeace; racists human worlds
where theydoom allother human races;worlds
where humans eateach other;gayhomosexual
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worlds, pan-sexualsand eco-sexuals worlds,
beastiality worlds;gods that eateach other and
humans worlds; evilupstairs worlds;armors
worlds; evilhigher worldsthat doom humanity
worlds; evillower worlds that doom humanity
worlds; aum,oum, om, um,vishnu,shiva, kali,
ghanesh; evilque world;any worstpossibility
worlds;and the worst ofall total ttwus ttwus
worldswhich are worlds that are designedfor
the worst possibility only worlds, all these worlds
mentioned are ( “Named Pending Worst Possibility
Danger Worlds” )) and are not worlds where
Humans have a Lasting Permanent Paradise without
a pending danger over the heads of the occupants;
apendingdangerisawaitingpredator that is
waiting to showthe Humansof the world the
worst possibility asits other hand solution then
the cheap temporaryrest initsdoomed reality
that itshowed them before asareality
experience or iswaiting to eathumansafter
running them through ancheap temporary
realityexperience, or has deceived them into a
cheap temporary rest only to claim them soon
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after forthe worst possibility, intarturuses,
nerakas,total ttwus experiences, andother
unnamedplaces of worst possibilities ttwus hells.
( The Rejection of ( Named Pending Worst
Possibility Danger Worlds ) as a friend and the
viewing of ( Named Pending Worst Possibility
Danger Worlds ) in a suspicious manner and the
keeping away of ( Named Pending Worst Possibility
Danger Worlds ) at a distance from Marc GPL
Perfectionists Creatics and Humanity: ) If anyone
read anything in this manual that approves of any
( Named Pending Worst Possibility Danger Worlds )
it does not mean I Greatness Marc am a friend or
associate or approve-er of any ( Named Pending
Worst Possibility Danger Worlds ) or anything that
thinks and behaves like hells including tarturus,
neraka, or ttwus codes; because if anyone or
anything innocent or deserving, is found in
( Named Pending Worst Possibility Danger Worlds )
they shall be rescued by Marc GPL Perfectionists
Creatics out of such evil illegal places; ( Named
Pending Worst Possibility Danger Worlds ) wither it
is to punish the guilty or innocent are nothing to
admire because there are other systems of effective
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temporary punishments that could be used instead
of such places, but there is always the ttwus code
imperfection that something ttwus code will cause (
Named Pending Worst Possibility Danger Worlds )
to be used as an except-able thing for some kind of
a “fatal abominating tormenting and terminating on
contact denizen” entity to be tangled inside of
( Named Pending Worst Possibility Danger Worlds );
therefore never admire ( Named Pending Worst
Possibility Danger Worlds ) always view them as a
threat to the life of any being or thing for if at any
time ( Named Pending Worst Possibility Danger
Worlds ) are given a chance to tangle, entrap, and
en-capture any living or non-living being as a prey
to be given ( Named Pending Worst Possibility
Danger Worlds ) the worst possibility shall be their
life until rescueanation, reparation, or
2-3.Fishermen and delay capture micheal agent of
hells, nice tarturus agent of tarturus, opulent in
thought neraka, or negative negative positive
mental type ttwus, god who eat menkind, deceiver
false friend christ who eat menkind, alah who eat
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menkind, conniving heifer vishnu who eat menkind,
heifer kali who eat menkind, maya who eat
menkind, heifer evil oum who eat menkind, heifer
shiva who eat menkind, dark entities who eat
menkind, black men who eat menkind, heifer
mother nature who eat menkind, white men who
eat mankind, white entities who eat mankind,
imbedment dark tempters, white harpooners who
eat menkind, hillbilly befriended enders who eat
menkind, invisible entities that spit on you but say
they are your friend who eat menkind, devils that
befriend you who eat menkind, evil aum that say
she is your mom but only want to eat you who eate
menkind; governors of the dead that eat their
whole nation who eat menkind, death that act like a
friend who eat menkind, any hindu devi devil god
who act like a friend who eat menkind, lucifer who
act like a friend who eat menkind, any demon who
act like a friend who eat menkind, transformers in
general who act like a friend who rape and eat
menkind, transformer imagy who rape and eat
menkind, all animal transformers who act like a
friend who rape and eat menkind, reptilians who act
like a friend who rape and eat menkind, syrians who
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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