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Entanglements, Taparaiote Struggles, Vengeance
Tribunals, Prison Sentences and Rehabilitation that
apply for Level (5) ( "sincrime" ) Shall Be Applied By
Judgment or Self-Defense if Qualified. )
335-(10).Level(6)( "sincrime" ):
6-1.Children born with abnormal sexual organs such
as baby girls with male penises, young boys with
vaginas or breast, women with beards, are a level 6
birth ( "sincrime" ) and it is mandatory by Law to
properly remove the abnormal sexual organ by
force without torture and without the consent of
parents or society; wither the person born with the
abnormal sexual organ is a child or an adult the
abnormal sexual organ must be removed by
surgical means or rearrangement by force without
any consent of the person, nor the parents of the
person, nor the society. Women with extremely
small breast cannot be charged with a ( "sincrime" )
nor are they allowed to have surgical implants, but
when rearrangement knowledge, ability, and power
is available their breast shall be rearanged to the
appropriate size without surgery; and also fatty
tissue in the breast and body of men and women
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because of overweight problem is not a ( "sincrime"
) they can remove such fatty tissue with exercise,
diet, or rearrangement.
6-2.Sexual Bondage: Bondage is when a person tie
up a sexual partner with torturous tools, ropes, and
paraphernalia, and whip them, or Mid Size-torture
them while at the same time having perverted sex
with them to achieve some kind of a perverted,
immoral, painful sexual gratification.
6-3.Troubled Sexual Modality Propaganda: No one
is to make any propaganda advertising the approval
of any sexual modality which is written to be a
trouble in this book this includes trouble sexual
modality 5 to 17 which are are Sexual Modality 5
Are Greysexuals, Sexual Modality 6 Bi-Sexuals,
Sexual Modality 7 Agalmatophilia, Sexual Modality 8
A Living Human Head Without a Body Entity, Sexual
Modality 9. homosexuality, Sexual Modality 10.
objectum sexuals, Sexual Modality, 11 Pedophilia,
sexual Modality 12 Necrophilia, Sexual Modality 13.
In-compatible Cross Humanoid Beast Mode Shape
Heterosexual Breeding, Sexual Modality 14.
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Beastiality, Sexual Modality 15. Necrophilia-
Cannibalism or Munging, Sexual Modality 16. pansexuals
and eco-sexuals, Sexual Modality 17. illegal
hell monger torturer sexual pervert;
6-4.Child Pornography;
6-5.Sexual Molestation;
6-6.Forcing (nopemsec) on someone, by doing
illegal sexual acts that cause (nopemsec) and
forcing a victim to watch the act against their own
freewill or giving them the (nopemsec) agitations,
emotions, and feelings by force against their own
freewill; and also forcing sperm or vaginal fluids out
of someone against their own loosuncapturety will:
(nopemsec) is outrageous, frightening, sexually toxic
and radioactive, uncomfortable, extremely evil
malicious, agitating and negative trembling, or
negative vibration, negative nasty feeling “negative
ominous perversion evil malicious mood shift
excitement causing” (nopemsec), and (nopemsec) is
an abomination attack; and immoral sexual
( "sincrime" ) such as beastiality, or a grown adult
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having sex with a little child, or any sexual
( "sincrime" ) that is too negatively obscene,
negatively offensive, negatively nasty, or agitatingly
evil malicious for the public to see and bare witness
to, and that give the public wicked hedonistic
negative excitement or and fright that is caused by
wicked toxic contaminating perversion such as a
dog, or beast, or animal copulating with a human
female or male; another way to say (nopemsec) is
6-7.Adults Having Sex with little Children/ Child
Sexual Abuse;
6-8.Sex Change Surgery; In the case of those who
have Sex Chang Surgery both the doctor and the
patient shall receive 20 to 30 years imprisonment
and the implants shall be removed by force in a
humane manner.
6-9.Those who practice trouble sexual modalities
found in chapter (6-21-3-18-8-10) such as: Sexual
Modality 5 Are Greysexuals, Sexual Modality 6 Bi-
Sexuals, Sexual Modality 7 Agalmatophilia, Sexual
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Modality 8 A Living Human Head Without a Body
Entity, Sexual Modality 9. homosexuality, Sexual
Modality 10. objectum sexuals, Sexual Modality, 11
6-11.Sexual Modality 12 Necrophilia, Sexual
Modality 13. In-compatible Cross Humanoid Beast
Mode Shape Heterosexual Breeding, Sexual
Modality 14. Beastiality, Sexual Modality 15.
Necrophilia-Cannibalism or Munging, Sexual
Modality 16. pan-sexuals and eco-sexuals.
“instructional note those who practice 2 of the
worst case scenario of sexual evil malicious behavior
which is sexual modality 15 & 16.; 15. necrophiliacannibalism
munging, and 16. pan-sexuals and ecosexuals
can be given the death penalty if they are
practicing murder, combined with rape, combined
with cannibalism, combine with defecation of a
Human corps.” “note on pan-sexuals and ecosexuals”
pan-sexuals and eco-sexuals are omnisexual
perverts there is not an indecent sexual thing
they won't practice. pan-sexuals and eco-sexuals are
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among the most perverted people that shall ever
Existence in existence when they are Human they
are among the dumbest people on earth, no matter
how intelligent they are in the sciences and the arts
they cannot make a logical decision to Existence a
clean sexual life, they will copulate with just about
anything and anyone, they are far worst then
"traditional fatal prostitute"s, could ever be when
traditional fatal prostitutes have sex with men only,
such a person as pan-sexuals or eco-sexuals can be
given the death penalty if the person is not
rehabilitable. All pan-sexuals and eco-sexuals must
be placed under arrest when found. They must be
given rehabilitation to see if their mind
( MindOperationCausation ) can be modified to
prefer non abominable sexual conduct, if they
cannot be rehabilitated then they are to be given
the death penalty. No pan-sexuals and eco-sexuals
is allowed to distribute any form of propaganda to
promote pan-sexuals and eco-sexualsism any form
of propaganda from a pan-sexuals and eco-sexuals
the pan-sexuals and eco-sexuals must be placed
under arrest immediately and all such propaganda
must be destroyed, or saved as evidence; and also
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any person that promotes propaganda that
promotes and support evil malicious sexual
modality 5 to 17 as a legality is arrest-able; Not to
forget to mention that pan-sexuals and eco-sexuals
and necrophilia-cannibalism or munging criminals
that are rehabilitated should only be Procreation
Espoused to another rehabilitated pan-sexuals and
eco-sexuals. The worst case scenario of sexual
indecency and ( "sincrime" ) are Sexual Modality 17.
illegal hell monger torturer sexual pervert is a level
10 ( "sincrime" ) and shall be dealt with according
to level 10 ( "sincrime" ) punishments and
6-12.homosexuality; In the case of those who
commit the ( "sincrime" ) of homosexuality and
those who commit the ( "sincrime" ) of beastiality;
offenders who commit homosexuality and
beastiality that can prove to authorities that they
are under an invisible or visible abomination attack
by proving that an external or internal being, thing,
spirit, or spiritual beings, force, or proxy is causing
them to be homosexual or beastiality against their
own loosuncapturety will through force, or through
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manipulation shall receive non-incarcerated
rehabilitation, cleanup, reprogramming, and
counseling until they are clean and loosuncapturety
of the abomination attacker or the abomination
attacker is terminated or imprisoned, if the offender
who is a proxy or victim of manipulation is a threat
to the general public or to themselves they shall be
rehabilitated in a secure location; offenders who are
mortal who willfully, appreciatively, or ill-will-fully
commit homosexuality and beastiality shall receive
20-30 years imprisonment. homosexuals and
beastiality offenders who declare war against
authorities when authorities come to place them
under arrest, or organize protest in a combative
manner against against-homosexual and beastiality
Law shall be shot to death or terminated by the
Law in self defense from death by homosexuals and
beastiality combatants if homosexuals and
beastiality offenders and combatants become a
death threat against authority figures and against
citizens of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
Nations and Worlds. If beastiality practitioners,
homosexuals, bisexuals, or any trouble sexual
modalities found in chapter (6-21-3-18-8-10) from
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trouble sexual modalities number 5 to 17 cause the
life of the race of Humanity or society to become
endangered such a person or persons can be
sentenced to death as an individual or group. When
a homosexual race is found that is not a Human
race, but an all homosexual race, Humanity shall
quarantine the all homosexual race and limit
communication with them; and put a boundary
between the all homosexual race and Humanity,
Humanity shall not attempt to give females to the
race if it is all male and shall not attempt to give
males to the race if it is all female, but shall
quarantine the all homosexual race and put a
boundary between the all homosexual race to
protect the Human race from an all homosexual
race. If the all homosexual race shall become
homosexual combatants against Humanity and
declare war against Humanity, Humanity shall take
action to protect Humanity by declaring war against
the all homosexual race in self-defense of Humanity
against genocide and violations from an all
homosexual race that is at war against Humanity
and heterosexuals and shall terminate them. If
Heterosexual Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
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Humanity shall find an all beastiality race of Human
forms copulating with beast in a country, or world,
or galaxy, or dimension, or Universe; if it is proven
that the whole people copulate with beast as
Human forms wither they are Re-arrangeable or not
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics have the right to
terminate the whole beastiality practicing Human
forms as a people and all the beast they lay with
and the world they Existence in. “note, eating and
processing animals as a food is not beastiality only
having sex with animals as a Human form is
beastiality.” Any quarantined planet that is
quarantined because the whole population practices
level 6 ( "sincrime" ) infractions that are sexually
immoral if not challenged, the whole doomed
abominable people of the planet shall quietly
without any warning or torture be turned into
dormant enstonement statues until the whole
planet is discontinued, but if there is a power
structure to challenge the enstonement then a war
shall take place killing the power structure if any
fatality is incurred on our part we shall taser the
whole population of doomed abominations 3 times
taser strength then turn them into dormant
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enstonement statues then quarantine the planet
until we discontinue the planet; note, anytime 95%
of a population practices something it can be
considered that the whole population practices it.
Sentencingfor Level6Offenses: Beings that
commit level 6 offenses if found guilty shall receive
20 to 30 years of incarcerated counseling and shall
only be released after it is proven that they are
rehabilitated from committing the same offense.
“instructional note those who practice 2 of the
worst case scenario of sexual evil malicious behavior
which is sexual modality 15 & 16.; 15. necrophiliacannibalism
munging, and 16. pan-sexuals and ecosexuals
can be given the death penalty if they are
practicing murder, combined with rape, combined
with cannibalism, combine with defecation of a
Human corps.”; In the case of (nopemsec) which is
an outrageous, frightening, sexually toxic and
radioactive, uncomfortable, extremely evil malicious,
agitating and negative trembling, or negative
vibration, negative nasty feeling “negative ominous
perversion evil malicious mood shift excitement
causing” (nopemsec), and (nopemsec) is an
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abomination attack; and immoral sexual ( "sincrime"
) such as beastiality, or a grown adult having sex
with a little child, or any sexual ( "sincrime" ) that is
too negatively obscene, negatively offensive,
negatively nasty, or agitatingly evil malicious for the
public to see and bare witness to, and that give the
public wicked hedonistic negative excitement or and
fright that is caused by wicked toxic contaminating
perversion such as a dog, or beast, or animal
copulating with a human female or male; another
way to say (nopemsec) is (nopemsickness); only
selected members of Leadership, selected members
of Valid Employment, and selected members of the
Police Force shall be allowed to bare witness to
such negative, sexually explicit ( "sincrime" ) to
cause arrest, or rehabilitation of offenders, because
the General Public should not be enticed negatively
in an immoral nor sexually enticed in an illegal
hedonistic sexual dirty perverted manner to see
such immoral sexual acts.; Minors below the age of
21 years old who commit a level 6 ( "sincrime" )
shall receive rehabilitation at a Juvenile Incarceration
Institution for 15 years, if the minor become an
adult during sentencing the minor shall be moved
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to an adult incarceration institution. ( All Applicable
Mind Box Punishments, Mind Box Scripts, Mind Box
Reversals, Mind Box Entanglements, Taparaiote
Struggles, Vengeance Tribunals, Prison Sentences
and Rehabilitation that apply for Level (6)
( "sincrime" ) Shall Be Applied By Judgment or Self-
Defense if Qualified. )
336-(11).Level(7)( "sincrime" ):
7-1.Slavery in the form of mental slavery, sexual
slavery, and physical slavery.
Sentencingfor Level7Offenses: Beings that
commit level 7 offenses if found guilty shall receive
30 to 40 years of incarcerated counseling and shall
only be released after it is proven that they are
rehabilitated from committing the same offense.
Minors below the age of 21 years old who commit
a level 7 ( "sincrime" ) shall receive rehabilitation at
a Juvenile Incarceration Institution for 20 years, if
the minor become an adult during sentencing the
minor shall be moved to an adult incarceration
institution. ( All Applicable Mind Box Punishments,
Mind Box Scripts, Mind Box Reversals, Mind Box
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Entanglements, Taparaiote Struggles, Vengeance
Tribunals, Prison Sentences and Rehabilitation that
apply for Level (7) ( "sincrime" ) Shall Be Applied By
Judgment or Self-Defense if Qualified. )
337-(12).Level(8)( "sincrime" ):
8-1.The practice of “Temptation into actual
entrapment fatal state of being”: “Instructional Note,
the Practice of “Temptation into actual entrapment
fatal state of being” is the practice of testing,
couching, convincing, deceiving, brainwashing,
tempting, leading, suggesting, running through an
obstacle course, giving evil malicious choices, doing
a sting operation that lead to the actual harmful
( "sincrime" ) being committed and acted upon, and
changing faith of human nature by any being in
existences to cause an actual negative harmful
change in behavior, a negative harmful state of
mind and state of being that is dooming in nature,
catastrophic, extremely worst then before, causing
the Human to become criminal like, causing the
Human to become an actual ( sincriminal ), causing
the Human to become an actual faulty, defective, or
actual wrong doer, causing the Human to become
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an actual immoral person is illegal and a
( "sincrime" ) against Humanity; because without
such manipulation that lead to the actual practicing
of corruption by the Human individual or group,
such a Human individual or group have or high
chance that no such actual practicing corruption of
the Human individual or group would have
occurred this actual chance of aversion of actual
practicing of corruption by the Human individual or
group have a chance that it could have been
averted even forever therefore such practicing of
“Temptation into actual entrapment fatal state of
being” is Highly illegal and a ( "sincrime" ) against
Humanity. The practice of “Temptation into actual
entrapment fatal state of being” is often used by
those that want to ruin others Existence, but mask
their intention as a test of faith which actually lead
to the actual damnation and condemnation of the
target individual or group. The practice of
“Temptation into actual entrapment fatal state of
being” can be seen as a state of illegal hell and
torture that is put upon an individual or group and
is Highly illegal.”, If the ( "sincrime" ) of “Temptation
into actual entrapment fatal state of being” lead to
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the (death) and, (or) the eternal illegal hell of the
individual the causer of the ( "sincrime" ) can be
given the Higher applicable punishment that is
Higher then a Level 8 ( "sincrime" ) Punishment, a
Level (9) ( "sincrime" ) Punishment, or Level (10)
( "sincrime" ) Punishment.” “Instructional note,
Academic test to excel to the next school grade, or
to obtain an academic degree, or to obtain
employment positions, or to obtain a re-certification
of privileges, degrees, or employment are perfectly
legal, and are not classified as the ( "sincrime" ) of
“Temptation into actual entrapment fatal state of
8-2.Reincarnation; Those who cause humans to
reincarnate into lower forms such as animals, plants,
beast, demons, pretas, things, food, or similar lower
things; or those who repeatedly reincarnate humans
when they could have lived forever, but give them
seasonal life as a human being by punishing them
or deceiving them into living a reincarnation of
seasonal life; those who also reincarnate, or those
who reincarnate as an animal, animal head, beast,
demon, or animal transformer, or similar to such
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I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
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