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attempt to mate with a Human looking thing of any
color or race, in the future non animal shall mate at
all nor breed at all but will all be sexless drones; 11.
breath, 12. drink when thirsty, 13. limitedly protect
from attack only from another animal only, but not
from a human formed being or thing, they must be
programmed to run away from humans with great
fear and panic, 14. find approved thing only that is
non Human Formed, 15. find way to animal territory
or animal shelter, 16. run away from Human Formed
things, 17. seek shelter from natural disasters such
as fires, earth quakes, storms, and hurricanes, 18.
form herd of size less then 100 animals for
approved animals only other then that animals
should be loners, 19. die of old age or approved
injury, disease, or attack, 20. animal die and
reincarnate in same animal species and breed until
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Human Authority
decide to terminate animal completely by
discontinuance, I give no authority to an animal
over a Human Being or Form; other then these 20
things No Other Speech Capacity or other abilities
must be know by any animal or animal looking
thing. Animals shall not dwell in Marc-G-P-L
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advanced cities. Until Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics obtain Clean Materials such as unassigned
particles, Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics have
the right to use lower animals as food material and
as sustenance for Human Beings. When Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics become Nourishment Food-
Less, Particle to Wave Recyclable Pleasure Food and
Deathless, Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics have
the right to stop using animals as a food source
and to release such animals in animal planets,
animal planets are where such animals will Existence
with limited abilities and such animals will be
harmless to Humans. All lower animal genes shall
be kept in a Library in case animals need to be
created to use as a Food Source for Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics.
5.We must never have compassion fatigue for
Human Beings and Human Oriented Programs. We
must have compassion for ourselves and for others
who are approved, enough to do all that we can do
to help ourselves and approved other Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics in their againstpleasure,
misfortune, calamity, sickness and death.
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6.Our compassion and Perfectness should be
optimized and inspire us to diminish againstpleasure
to the lowest level possible for Human
Beings and Human Oriented Programs inside the
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and all
Compatible Worlds.
296-(6-21-3-3-1).The Upgrading ofHuman
Forms andUpgrading ofNon-BeastlyHumanoid
Forms andThe Descending to lower form ofall
AnimalTransformers, beast forms, andbeings
andthingsto alower forms that cannot harm
anyhuman atallorchallenge anyHuman atAll:
1.All animal transformers that ever transformed
between animals and a Human or other Humanoid
form shall be turned permanently to the beast or
animal form they transformed into by force and
shall be made never to be transformable ever again;
All Beastly formed beings and, animal headed
beings, and beings that are mixed with animal parts
must not ever be allowed to have a Humanoid form
but shall be condemned to walk on 4 legs, or crawl
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on their belies, or fly with wings as a small bird that
are not bigger then 12 inches long or 1 feet; and
they shall be given an animals mind
( MindOperationCausation ) with the ( 20 Animal
Capacity Limitation ); all such creatures shall be
imprisoned in a cubed prisoned planet and never
let out ever again even forever they shall Existence
in a cubed prison planet never to be let out as any
composition of matter that is known their whole
state of being shall be trapped in a prison planet by
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics. All beast and
animals shall be shrunken to a smaller size that
cannot harm humans at all forever such animals in
all their forms sea animals, land animals, and sky
animals, space animals, and universe animals shall
be shrunken to be less then 1 feet long x 1 feet tall,
and shall have all their talons, beaks, and teeth filed
to a harmless thing that can never hurt any Human
at all; such creatures are inferior to the Human
Form and must never be allowed to challenge harm
nor beastiality copulate with Humans; Humans who
were violated in their dreams and made to dream
that they were an animal are pardoned because
they are not an animal it is a trespasser that tried to
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make them have an illegal dream while they were
sleeping that is guilty of criminal activity not
Humans who were made to have an illegal dream;
but all reincarnaters that were animals shall be
returned back to their animal form and imprisoned
in the animal prison planet. All animals in the
animal prison planet shall become a permanency
and shall not copulate anymore, nor breed anymore
and shall have no sexual organ at all and will be
drones; and shall be made to run on limited energy
cures that replenish by drinking water and
breathing air only such animals will be harmless to
each other and non-attacking animal nature
prisoners; and also all plants shall have no mind at
all, clouds should have no mind at all, planets shall
have no mind at all, things shall no mind at all,
space should have no mind at all, stars galaxies,
suns, any natural thing that is not a Human shall
have no mind at all, elements, water, air, colors shall
have no mind at all, light phenomena and dark
phenomena shall have no mind at all, and all
machines other then computerized machines with
their capacity limitations shall have not mind at all;
Only non evil Human Races and Approved Non
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Beastly Humanoid Beings shall have a Higher
Intelligent Mind at different levels; other then
Humans and Approved Humanoid Beings and
Things nothing shall have a Higher Intelligent Mind
at all but shall only react to existential Law written
to cause action and reaction and states of
permanency or transformation by programming or
by the will of a Motile or Stationary Human or
Humanoid. Power shall not be measured by color or
beauty; but by Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
Perfect and Evil Humans and and Non Beastly
Humanoids shall be observed and judged ((One At
ATime )) to see if they are evil and a ttwus code
and deserve reprogramming and discontinuity, or a
Marc Perfect Human or Non Beastly Humanoid and
deserve to be Upgraded and Existence Forever. One
at a time means that if not at war; and if a race of
Humans and Non-Beastly Humanoids did not kill a
whole Race of Humans or Non Beastly Humanoids
unjustly every member of their kind must be
Judged 1 at a time to find fault and shall pay for
their own imperfections or be Upgraded for their
own Perfection. Only Heterosexual Humans Shall be
Left Operational All other Sexual Modality Humans
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and Humanoids shall be converted to Heterosexual
or discontinued into a prison cubed planet for
observation to discontinue them if they are a ttwus
code or freeze their animation to motionless
sleeping dormant enstonement statued Humans
and Humanoids to avoid the Law of termination of
kind and the claiming of kind for kind from being
used as an argument to take revenge upon Perfect
Heterosexuals; Procreation Espouse and Sexual
Relationship wither they are Main Polygamy,
Balanced Polygamy, or Monogamy shall use the Law
of Perfect Pairing and Perfect Direct Lineage
Procreation Espouses.
297-(6-21-3-3-2). “evil malicious, or harmful
threatening entityquarantine”;the Quarantining
ofallproven tobe quarantine-ableand
discontinuity ofallproven to be ttwuscodes that
meet the parameter to be quarantined or
1.The Quarantining of all powerful or powerless
deserving proven to be illegal hell bringers;
undeserving mental and physical disease givers and
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genocidal murderers, and rapists, against Human
Beings and other qualified entities; mutilators by
design; those that make humans mortal
undeservingly, those that sacrifice humanity by
design, those that fully depart undeserving human
beings; those that make humans powerless
undeservingly; the confused by design; anarchists;
the wicked; the diabolical; the monstrous; the evil;
the illegally dangerous; the low morality iq by
design; the abominable, the desecrative; the
whorelike and prostitutive in nature; the low
qualitying by design of humanity into 3rd world
conditions; the worst possibility whore heifer minds;
gangsters by nature; criminals by nature;
( sincriminal )s by nature; monster minds; those that
have a foul smell by nature; those who are
monstrous looking by nature; those that persecute
humans who are acceptable looking but call them
ugly because of vanity and racists thinking; those
who attribute Knowledge, Ability, and Power to skin
color and color solely instead of proven facts about
Knowledge, Ability, and Power; routers that wish to
replace humanity; races and beings and things that
wish to replace humanity; non heterosexuals;
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animals; beastly entities; beastiality performers;
tempters by nature; harmful deceivers by nature;
( sincriminal ) by design; cannibalistic towards
humanity; reincar-eating of human beings; harmful
reincarnation of human beings; for dehumanizing of
humans into lower forms; for turning animals into
humans; for being an animal that reincarnate into a
human form; for acronym fuck activities against
humanity which stands for f=fucksex, fooding,
u=unconscious, c=coruptioning, k=knowledge
killings; harmful objects of worship; toxic racists by
design; warfare strength worshipers; lowly
worshipers; animal transformers and transformers;
qualified machine consciousness beings; sub-human
looking beings such as prehistoric monkey mix men
and prehistoric monkey mix women; animal heads;
wickedly designed intermix species humans; entities
that dwell inside of Human Beings illegally or are
harmful when they dwell inside of Human Beings;
meet qualification quarantine-able universe and
world and galactic consciousnesses; weak links in
human evolution; those that replace Marc Gregory
Pierre-Louis as the Leader of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatic Males and Females; potentially
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dangerous threats against Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
humanoid species; sworn enemies of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics as a people or individual;
modalities that are incompatible with Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics; arch rivaling and arch
challenging, arch competing, and arch usurping and
arch thefting races and beings and thing against
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatic that keep arch
challenging and attacking me Marc Gregory Pierre-
Louis and other Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics;
beings and things against Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics; beings and things that declare war against
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatic; beings and things
that seek to exterminate from existence Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics; beings and things that seek
to steal away Lineage Mothers from the
Circumference of Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis and all
others that meet future classification of the
deserving to be quarantined; According the above
list foundin this chapter; chapter: (6-21-3-3-2)
all those who meet the qualification as whole
individuals and groups; beings, things, groups,
races, species, kinds, planets, galaxies, universes,
reality ( OperationComplex )s, frequency channels,
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dimensions, densities, etc... can be quarantined even
forever by deceiving non-revealing inescapable
force fields and solid non-breakable materials or
any form of material or non-material that keeps
them a prisoner so that they may never escape
from “evil malicious, or harmful threatening
entityquarantine”, Tailor Made Proper
Management of Quarantined Beings, things, and
realities must be achieved for each specific
quarantined group to become non sexually immoral
and non harmful towards Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and deserving Human Beings, and nonharmful
towards each other; the Policy of “The Non
Genocidal Killings of Quarantined Species Policy” to
avoid “killing kind for killing kind undeservingly
retribution” against Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics; the Stabilizing of the members of the
Quarantined Population to a fixed non increasing
population number to a Manage-able deathless
until killed by Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics by
secret or public tribunal when found to be
deserving of death for written formal reasons; and
also all beings and things that are quarantined that
meet kind qualification to have a leader of their
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own kind shall be given a chosen leader of their
own kind that is under the unconscious control unknowledge-
able control of the Leader of Marc-G-P-
L Perfectionists Creatic Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis
and such quarantined leaders of quarantined beings
and things shall have no power against the Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatic all quarantined beings,
things, realities, planets, galaxies, and universes shall
not be given no power to escape quarantine and if
they meet qualification shall be quarantined forever;
quarantined people will only be able to practice
culture and will not practice warfare at all if they
practice fighting training their mind shall not be
made to make the decision to offend or harm
anyone they will be given limited weapon
( OperationComplex )s that cannot defeat Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics at all, nor help them
escape quarantine, they will not be given any
technology nor knowledge, ability, nor power that
can reveal to them that they are quarantined beings
or things; if they are quarantined for sexual
immorality, or sexual oppression of heterosexuals, or
stealing other races sexual mates, or for not being a
heterosexual they shall be turned into sexless
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asexuals and if they violate sexual quarantine they
shall be put into dormant enstonement sleep;
furthermore, all deserving ttwus codes that meet
the qualification to be discontinued shall be
discontinued after being quarantined. The
discontinuing of all proven to be harmful ttwus
codes after quarantine test prove them guilty of
being an unchangeable harmful ttwus codes that
deserve to be discontinued shall be a standard
policy for all harmful ttwus conscious and
conscious-less ttwus code beings, things, planets,
galaxies, spaces, universes, and realities.
298-(6-21-3-3-2-1). “The FinalDiscontinuity:
1.“The Final Discontinuity; every evil ttwus code
universe, reality, being, and thing must be
discontinued from throughout the whole of
existences; leaving only Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics to Become Marc Perfect and Live in Peace
With Each Other Under a Perfect Hierarchy that
Scan the Whole of Existences in Preparation for
anything that appears to re-start evil variations and
combinations again. Only Humanity will remain in
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Existences and any other race of beings and things
that are proven not to be a ttwus code and are
proven that will never kill the whole of Humanity or
bother Humanity For All Ever. Throughout The
Whole of Infinity when I Marc Gregory Louis Obtain
the Greatest Power I will ( OperationComplex )
atically as Quickly as possible without even
punishing them discontinue all being and things
that are proven to be evil and ttwus code in nature
and against-heterosexual; we shall not care about
torture as a punishment we just want everything
evil and ttwus in nature to go and be discontinued
once and for all; faster then a second all evil things
and ttwus universes, beings, and things will be
discontinued without even feeling any pain because
we don't care about them at all we just want them
all dead and gone from all existences never to
return ever again and all that they are shall be
discontinued from existences all traces of them
from the endless past, present and endless future
shall be removed and they shall never be allowed
to ever return back to any part of existences. We
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Once we Have
the Greatest Humansicad Marc Power to Win Over
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All Beings and Things in Existences Shall
Discontinue All evil ttwus codes, universes, worlds,
beings, and things never shall they be born again.
Any human model number that was wasted by an
evil being shall be born again but the evil being
recognition shall be totally destroyed into nothing
and all traces of the evil beings recognition shall be
destroyed completely from existences. After all evil
ttwus codes, universes, worlds, beings, and things
are removed Only Marc Perfect Human Races Shall
Remain that cannot destroy each other from
existences even when they are the Greatest Powers
of Humansicad Marc Powers, but shall use such
Humansicad Marc Powers to Hold the Greatest
Superiority Against any being or thing from ever
existing that can eat or kill or do evil to, or oppress,
or ttwusify Humanity as Humansicad Marc Powers.
Such Marc Fortunate Humansicad Marc Powers will
live for All-Ever in Marc Perfect Humansicad Marc
Perfect Paradises as Segregated Groups of Human
Races that Live in Separate Fuse Cubes that Enjoy
the Company of their own Race and Kind while
Respecting the Peace of All other Fuse Cube
Humansicad Races and Kinds to Existence Forever
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Marc. I Owuwunow Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis shall
be the Greatness Marc Moderator of All
Humansicad Marc Powers Fuse Cubes and Shall be
the Greatest Power of Such Fuse Cube Universes
Humansicad Marc Powers Shall be Greatest Power
of All any race that do not Existence now that are
non-human shall not be permitted to ever Existence
in all future times, any race that already Existence
that are non-human that are not an evil ttwus code
shall be allowed to Existence only after they are
proven not to be an evil ttwus code; if any nonhuman
race is proven to be a ttwus code they shall
be discontinued no matter where they are found
throughout the whole of existences; All Humans
who prove to be an evil ttwus code shall be killed
as fast as possible without any torture if they all
could die in less then 1 second they shall be killed
without a second thought along with all evil ttwus
components they are their recognition will be
completely destroyed into non-existence and they
shall never be allowed to ever return back into
existences; and whatever design they were as a
model number shall be re-designed with a Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) and New Recognition
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.