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causing the criminal to experience being eaten by
dogs like the female was eaten by dogs, but the
meat of the criminal would not be eaten instead it
would fall to the ground from the bite of the
memory dog. This form of punishment can be used
because it does not involve cannibalism, but involve
the pain caused by cannibalism to be felt by the
heinous criminal that caused it to occur to victims.
End note. ); ( There are 5 illegal things a Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must not commit in warfare,
and vengeance, or ever use in combat unless a
being or thing do 1 or more of those act to
a Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatic, and we must take
revenge using Mind Box Punishments, Mind Box
Scripts, and Mind Box Reversals; and Programming
Revenge sex acts to occur without rapine, with full
mental agreement programming; but the 5th act
cannibalism must never be practiced by our kind or
we will never dwell safe among our own kind or
anything human looking; the 5 semi-forbidden acts
are 1. force someone to become a sex slave, 2.
raping someone, 3. turning the person into a
homosexual, 4. causing something to commit
beastiality on the person, 5. cannibalizing the
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person if they are a higher intelligent life form with
Human or Higher Intelligence; if a Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics use these 5 illegal things in
warfare or for vengeance without someone actually
doing the act to them without them doing the act
to them; any accuser shall find fault in the Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics and may seek to use
accusation for acquisition against the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics to acquire things from the
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics, or acquire the
arrest, or the death of the Marc-G-P-L Creatic;
furthermore the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
will have used lower intelligent decision making
processes by the usage of illegal actions decision
and will be seen as evil malicious; anyone that uses
these 5 illegal things against a Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics which are 1. turning a Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics into a sex slave, 2.
raping a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics, 3.
turning a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics into a
homosexual, 4. causing something to commit
beastiality on a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics,
5. cannibalizing a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
that is a higher intelligent life form with Human or
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Higher Intelligence; must be brought to justice for
war ( "sincrime" ) against the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and pay the sentence for the
( "sincrime" ) found in the 10 Levels of ( "sincrime" )
found in this book, plus Mind Box Punishments,
Mind Box Scripts, and Mind Box Reversals. In severe
cases of extreme abuse against the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics such as illegal hellish cases of
illegal hell versions of these 5 above illegal
( "sincrime" ) against a Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics the death penalty or even discontinuity
may have to be used against the offender of these
5 above mentioned illegal ( "sincrime" ) against a
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics. ); When it come
to defining all acts concerning these methods
Consultation: is an act that is committed with
consultation and loosuncapturety will agreement by
the person that decide to do the act and the
person that decide with loosuncapturety will to do
the act is an accessory to the ( "sincrime" ) or act
consulted; Force is when someone is forced to
commit an act against their own loosuncapturety
will or resistance, a person that is forced to commit
an act against their own loosuncapturety will or
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resistance is not guilty of being an accessory, but is
a victim of the person that forced them to commit
the act; and Slavery is when a person is fully
bonded and ( OperationComplex )atically taken an
advantage of through force and threat of death and
extreme forceful acts to submit through brutality
that is physical and mental in the most severe form
that can lead to death if resisted or seeking to
escape from the physical and mental enslavement
slavery is often done by force and subjugation and
conquest and monetary selling of the enslave to a
buyer or the loosuncapturety obtainment of the
enslave by the offender that have forced the victim
into submission and bond-servant hood; slave are
sometimes traded to co-en-slavers and generations
through illegal processes that are attached to the
( OperationComplex ) of slavery.
9.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
be prepared for all natural and unnatural disasters.
We Existence in a world where things change
constantly and suddenly. A disaster can happen in
the next year, in the next month, in the next week,
in the next day, in the next hour, in the next minute,
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or even in the next second. In our current
( OperationComplex ) it is not “if”, it is “when” will
the disaster happen. We must be prepared in
advance for the “when” that we cannot control and
it is to our survivable advantage to be able to
control and avoid all catastrophes, natural and
10.Exception LanguageAbout Eating: I Marc
Gregory Pierre-Louis that wrote these words my
family, My People, and Acceptable Friend must
Never Be Eaten As A Food. Humankind cannot eat
Humankind for it is cannibalism and evil malicious,
but there is a no other choice situation in which a
Marc-G-P-L Creatic may have to permit a human
looking malevolent entity, malevolent raper,
malevolent torturer, and/(or) malevolent killer,
against Humanity that looks human to be eaten by
( a pre-designed, conscious-less, remote-controlled,
tasteless entity that cannot taste human flesh nor
enjoy the taste of Human Flesh, nor seek after the
flesh of Human Beings on its own power that will
only chew upon a malevolent human formed being
or thing as a last resort eater of a Humankind that
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look human to be eaten because the human is a
formed thing that cannot be destroyed by any
other weapon accept something that chews upon it
and swallows it for keeping or Re-arrangeable into
another form for discarding, but not for pleasure of
taste, nourishment, nor for breeding material );
other then that Human beings should never be
eaten by any being or thing. Humanity cannot eat
Humanity or Human looking things because
Humanity cannot Existence safely among each other
if Humanity eat each other as a food; If an entity
looks Human, Human Marc-G-P-L Creatics cannot
eat the entity because it is cannibalism for a Human
to eat another Human Being. A Human is suppose
to eat something that does not look Human or that
does not think at the level of Human Beings or that
does not think Higher then the level of Human
Beings, but in certain situations a Marc-G-P-L
Creatic Human may have to permit something to
eat someone malevolent that takes a Human Form,
think like a Human, or think Higher then a Human
yet is malevolent against Human Beings and other
applicable beings; to be eaten by ( a pre-designed,
conscious-less, remote-controlled, tasteless entity
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that cannot taste human flesh nor enjoy the taste of
Human Flesh, nor seek after the flesh of Human
Beings on its own power that will only chew upon a
malevolent human formed being or thing as a last
resort eater of a Humankind that look human to be
eaten because the human is a formed thing that
cannot be destroyed by any other weapon accept
something that chews upon it and swallows it for
keeping or Re-arrangeable into another form for
discarding, but not for pleasure of taste,
nourishment, nor for breeding material ), but we
must not eat the person ourselves because Humans
must not eat Humans, even if we Create something
with lesser intelligence that we absolutely control to
eat the malevolent entity toward Humanity that
took human form we ourselves must never eat
something that look like our own kind ourselves. If
Human Beings must use a thing to destroy a
malevolent human formed thing because it cannot
be destroyed in any other way except if something
chews upon it and eat it then Human
Humanatorcreators of things must Create a
mindless thing that is completely controlled by
Human Operators that cannot enjoy the process of
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eating the malevolent human looking being and
that cannot enjoy the taste of the malevolent
human looking thing but only chew the malevolent
human looking thing and swallow the malevolent
human looking thing by the will of a Human
Operator that is not cannibalistic against Human
Beings and never eat Humans themselves; such
mindless mechanically controlled things that are
controlled to terminate and eat malevolent human
looking things must never be able to eat a Human
Looking thing with their own loosuncapturety will
but must be under the complete control of a
Human Operator that can destroy the thing easily
with will or command of termination and the
process of eating must not be painful if possible
but should occur in a clean manner and the parts
eaten from the malevolent human looking thing
must be discarded into nothing and must not be
used as food for any living being or breeding
material because no existential being should eat
Humans as a food for the protection of Human
Looking Things from being used as a food source
by beings and things that like the taste of the flesh
of men which in actuality should never be eaten.
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Something that does not look like Human Beings
and is malevolent against Human Beings can be
eaten by something that looks Human or don't look
Human, but Human Beings must try not to eat
something with Human or Higher Consciousness,
but under desperate situation when something that
took Human Form and is malevolent towards
Human Formed Beings or when something that
does not look human at all is malevolent against
Human Beings and there is no choice but to eat it
because that is the only weapon that works against
it, Humans must not feel obligated to sacrifice
themselves for the human looking, or non human
looking thing that is malevolent against Humans,
but must permit the thing to be eaten if it is the
only choice to eat it because no other weapon
works against it, a Human cannot perceive things
that are an intelligent life form with Human or
Higher then Human intelligence as a food source or
as a farmed thing because such beings have Higher
intelligence to be against being eaten as a food and
will draft Law against being eaten as a food or
farmed animals or farmed being and will attempt to
terminate Humans and other beings that eat them
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as a food because they are a Higher Intelligent Life
Form; Humans must only eat unintelligent lifeforms
that cannot think at all like a Human, but can only
think like lower intelligent life forms that cannot
perceive that they are a food to a Human, or that
Humans eat them as a food, but such eating must
be temporary because the ultimate goal of Humans
that are a Marc-G-P-L Creatic is to become a
Nourishment Food-Less, Particle to Wave Recyclable
Pleasure Food, Deathless, Metamorphoses,
Humansicad Marc Power Body Being. Some beings
are considered malevolent against Human Beings
because once a Human is their target they only do
evil malicious against that Human even forever they
will only do evil malicious against that Human by
tormenting the Human Forever or doing evil
malicious repeatedly to the Human Forever, some
malevolent beings against Human Beings only
terminate, eat, rape, violate, torture, abominate and
oppress Humans when they come in contact with a
Human and so such a being would be considered
malevolent against Human Beings and Humans
must protect themselves from such entities that are
malevolent against Human Beings. The Normal
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Justice towards Human Beings is the Law
( OperationComplex ) and Punishment not eating a
Human and so if anything try to eat a Human for
( "sincrime" ) it is not legal, but under certain
circumstances an exception language have to be
written to protect Human Beings from predators
that look Human and are malevolent against
Human Beings and the only solution is for ( a predesigned,
conscious-less, remote-controlled,
tasteless entity that cannot taste human flesh nor
enjoy the taste of Human Flesh, nor seek after the
flesh of Human Beings on its own power that will
only chew upon a malevolent human formed being
or thing as a last resort eater of a Humankind that
look human to be eaten because the human is a
formed thing that cannot be destroyed by any
other weapon accept something that chews upon it
and swallows it for keeping or Re-arrangeable into
another form for discarding, but not for pleasure of
taste, nourishment, nor for breeding material ) to
eat such an entity; because it is malevolent against
Humans and look Human at the same time and the
only solution is to eat the entity for some reason or
another because it cannot be terminated in any
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other way but by chewing, and eating, and
swallowing, and so a Human cannot be
handicapped by a malevolent beings if the
malevolent being must be eaten, chewed swallowed
by a mindless being used as a tool for the
protection of Marc Perfect Humans because it is the
only solution a Human cannot stop it from
occurring and sacrifice the Humans own self that is
a Marc Perfect Beings instead of an evil malicious
malevolent being against Human Beings that take a
human form. Something that is malevolent against
Human Beings wither it looks Human or don't look
Human can be chewed upon by the nonnourishment,
non tasting process, non cannibalistic
process of a remote controlled mindless tool, before
it eats Human Beings and can be terminated before
it terminates Human Beings if the only choice to
terminate it is causing it to be eaten because no
other weapon works against it to terminate it
except chewing, swallowing, and Re-arranging the
material. Human Beings are not a food, despite the
fact a malevolent beings that takes Human Form is
eaten or not, Human Beings are not a food, one
day nothing will be allowed to eat a Human Form
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Being or applicable being because there will be
Knowledge, Ability, and Power to imprison or
terminate the Human Form Being appropriately.
Marc-G-P-L Creatics seek to Existence in a No EAT
World that is Nourishment Food-Less, Particle to
Wave Recyclable Pleasure Food, Deathless,
Metamorphoses, and Humansicad Marc Power
Enabled, Marc-G-P-L Creatics must leave all eat
worlds where beings that are a Human are eaten as
a food to Existence in a Marc-G-P-L Creatic World
where no Human is eaten as a food because there
is enough Knowledge, Ability, and Power to protect
Human things that are deserving and to terminate
or imprison all things that deserve to be terminated
or imprisoned. Humans must never allow a being or
thing to use Humans as a farm animal or as
something to be eaten as a food; Humans cannot
be raised as something to be eaten as a food; the
teaching that a malevolent Human formed thing
that is malevolent against Human Beings can be
eaten as a last resort when there is no other
weapon ( OperationComplex ) to terminate the
malevolent human looking thing have nothing to
do with eating Humans for nourishment which is
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illegal and we should never permit Human Looking
Things to be farmed as a food source for Humans
or for any other Being. Malevolent thinking and
malevolent action Human Looking things must
ultimately be discontinued and cannot be used as
farmed beings for food, but must be discontinued
from existences so that Human looking things in
general may not be used as a food source nor be
perceived to be a food source to any being or
thing. If Marc Perfect Human Looking things permit
Malevolent thinking and malevolent action Human
Looking things to be farmed as a food source
whatever is farming such Malevolent thinking and
malevolent action Human Looking things as a food
will also view Marc Perfect Human Looking things
as a food source and so human looking things that
are Marc Perfect must never allow human looking
things to be farmed as a food source even if they
are malevolent but must terminate malevolent
human looking things from existences instead. If
any entity that read this teaching that a Human
Looking thing that cannot be terminated in any
other way, but to allow an entity to eat the
malevolent human looking being or thing as a last
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resort abuses our teaching and try to deceive
Human Beings by becoming a predator against
Human looking beings or things to eat Human
Looking Beings or things such a cannibalistic
predator against Human Beings must be terminated
for deceivingly seeking to eat Human Beings as a
food source for its nourishment or for termination
and genocide against Human Beings and Human
Looking Things. Though this ( OperationComplex )
of Law cover the termination of a being that cannot
be killed in any other way except by chewing,
swallowing, and Re-arrangeable to another form,
another way to terminate difficult to kill things is to
dissipate or dematerialize them.
328-(6-21-3-18-5).Lack ofNaturalResources
1.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
have security from the lack of natural resources.
Proper Scientific and Social measures must be taken
to preserve natural resources, these sciences must
be physical, spirit, or spiritual beings, matrical,
worldly, and Universal Computationly understood
and practices to preserve natural resources.
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2.When natural resources run out people experience
pain and die, that is why proper measures must be
put in place to preserve the resources of the planet.
I caution Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics to be careful not to become as those who
want to exterminate large portions of Humanity and
call it population control. Such evil malicious people
use preservation of natural resources as an excuse
to exterminate and murder Humanity. Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must put safety
measures in place that are carefully planed and
executed to benefit Humanity and the Planet Earth.
Such programs as recycling, waste management, the
stop of deforestation, planting trees and the
diminishment of pollution and dangerous solid, gas
and liquid waste that are dangerous to the
Planetary Environment are effective and Perfect for
the environment and for the inhabitants of the
Planet Earth.
3.The knowledge gathered by Human resources,
such as scientific data must be used to preserve the
planet for the present and future generations of
Humanity. Time must be spent on High Sciences
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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