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2-3.Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against traditional fatal pornography of Humanity:
In 2006, 16 countries around the world made 97.06 billion dollars in revenue selling pornography. China made 27.40 billion dollars selling pornography, South Korea made 25.73 billion dollars selling pornography, Japan made 19.98 billion dollars selling pornography, the United States made 13.33 billion dollars selling pornography, Australia made 2.00 billion dollars selling pornography, the United Kingdom made 1.97 billion dollars selling pornography, Italy made 1.40 billion dollars selling pornography, Canada made 1.00 billion dollars selling pornography, the Philippines made 1.00 billion dollars selling pornography, Taiwan made 1.00 billion dollars selling pornography, Germany made 64 million dollars selling pornography, Finland made 60 million dollars selling pornography, Czech Republic made 46 million dollars selling pornography, Russia made 25 million dollars selling pornography, Netherlands made 20 million dollars selling pornography, Brazil made 10 million dollars selling pornography. Every second $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography, every second 28,258 internet users are viewing pornography, every second 372 internet users are typing adult search terms into search engines, every 39 minutes a new pornographic video is being created in the United States. There are 4.2 million pornographic websites which equates to 12 percent of all websites on the internet; there are 420 million pornographic web pages on the internet, there are 38 million daily pornographic search engine request which equates to 25 percent of the total search engine requests; everyday 2.5 billion emails are sent in reference to pornography which equates to 8 percent of all emails; 42.7 of all internet viewers use the internet to view pornography that is almost half of all internet users. 34 percent of internet users receive unsolicited pornographic material; 1.5 billion daily downloads of internet files are pornographic this equates to 35 percent of all internet downloads; children are also being abused through pornography daily pornographic request of children is in the range of 116,000; there are approximately 100,000 websites offering illegal child pornography; 89 percent of youths on the internet have been solicited for pornography; every month 72 million visitors visit pornographic web sites; the internet sales in pornography ranges in the rate of 4.9 billion dollars. The average age a person first view pornographic material on the internet is 11 years old; the largest consumer of internet pornography are the 35 to 49 years age group; 15 to 17 years old have viewed hard core pornographic material and 90 percent of them do so while doing their homework; after viewing pornographic material 14-29 percent of 7-17 year olds would freely give out their home address or email address over the internet to strangers they just met over the internet; there are also many children characters that are linked to pornographic images including superheros. 20 percent of Men admit to accessing pornography at work; 40 million US adults regularly visit internet pornographic websites; 53 percent of men view pornography on a weekly bases, many religious people ranging in the amount of 47 percent such as christian view pornography and it is a problem in their homes; 10 percent of adults admitted that they are addicted to pornography; 72 percent of pornography viewers are males and 28 percent of pornography viewers are female. Because of pornography watching 70 percent of woman keep their internet activity a secret; 17 percent of woman struggle with addiction to pornography; Women are 2 times more likely to favor chat rooms; 1 out of 3 visitors of adult websites are women; 9.4 million women access adult pornographic websites each month; 13 percent of women access pornography at work. We shall now see which nations are most responsible for producing pornography throughout the world. Number 1 on the list is the United States and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Vivid Entertainment, Hustler, Playboy, Wicked Pictures, Red Light District; Number 2 on the list is Brazil and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Frenesi Films, Pau Brazil, MarcoStudio; Number 3 on the list is The Netherlands and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Erostream, Midhold Media, Your Choice, Seventeen; Number 4 on the list is Spain and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Private Media Group, Woodman Entertainment; Number 5 on the list is Japan and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Soft on Demand, Moodyz; Number 6 on the list is Russsia and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Beate Uhse, SP-Company, Dolphin Entertainment; Number 7 on the list is Germany and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Trimax, SG-Video, GGG, VideoRama, Zip Production; Number 8 on the list is the United Kingdom and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Hot Rod Productions, JoyBear Pictures, Blue Juice TV, Rude Britannia, Fresh SX; Number 9 on the list is Canada and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Wild Rose Productions, Eromodel Group, Dugmor; Number 10 on the list is Australia and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report is Pistol Media; Number 11 on the list is Sweden and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report is Maxs Video; Number 12 on the list is Italy and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report is Adamo Entertainment; Number 13 on the list is Denmark and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report is Color Climax Corporation; Number 14 on the list is France and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Euro Choc, Eil du Cochon, Ragtime, Video Marc Dorce, JTC Video, Colmax, Cadinot; Number 15 on the list is Switzerland and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Gordi Films, Ikarus; Number 16 on the list is Belgium and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report is GM Videos; Number 17 on the list is Romania and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report is Floyd-Agency; Number 18 on the list is Portugal and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report is Natural Video; Number 19 on the list is Israel and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report is Sex Style; Number 20 on the list is Serbia and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report is Hexor; Number 21 on the list is Czech-Republic and the major producers of pornography in that country during the time of this report are Lupus Pictures, Bel Ami. The Cities are most important to Pornography are, Number 1 most important City is Los Angeles because of Adult Production Companies; Number 2 most important City is Las Vegas because of Adult Stars, Sin City Chamber of Commerce; Number 3 most important City is New York because of Adult Entrepreneurs, Erotica; Number 4 most important City is Chicago because of Playboy; Number 5 most important City is San Francisco because of Adult Websites, Adult Companies; Number 6 most important City is Miami/South Florida because of Adult Websites, Penthouse; Number 7 most important City is Seattle/Pacific Northwest because of Adult Websites; Number 8 most important City is San Diego because of Adult Websites, Strip Clubs; Number 9 most important City is Phoenix /Tucson/ Scottsdale because of Phoenix /Tucson/ Scottsdale; Number 10 most important City is Hillsborough, NC. because of Adam & Eve; Number 11 most important City is Boulder, CO. because of New Frontier; Number 12 most important City is Pittsburgh because of DVD Sales; Number 13 most important City is Portland because of Strip Clubs. Some Countries are most responsible for Pornography being spread around the world based on the number of pornographic websites they host and produce here is the list of the most responsible countries for the production and hosting of pornographic websites; Number 1 Country United States Number of pornographic web pages hosted 244,661,900 pages; Number 2 Country Germany Number of pornographic web pages hosted 10,030,200 pages; Number 3 Country United Kingdom Number of pornographic web pages hosted 8,506,800 pages; Number 4 Country Australia Number of pornographic web pages hosted 5,655,800 pages; Number 5 Country Japan Number of pornographic web pages hosted 2,700,800 pages; Number 6 Country the Netherlands Number of pornographic web pages hosted 1,883,800 pages; Number 7 Country Russia Number of pornographic web pages hosted 1,080,600 pages; Number 8 Country Poland Number of pornographic web pages hosted 1,049,600 pages; Number 9 Country Spain Number of pornographic web pages hosted 852,800 pages. These statistics show all the countries responsible for pornography and the statistics of the users of pornography and the wealth pornographers make by producing pornography. Pornography is illegal because it is a form of prostitution and and prostitution is one of the most deadly trades Humans have ever been involved in most porn stars would prostitute themselves for money because that is what they do by producing pornography for sale. Most people that watch pornography are more susceptible to fall into the trap of having sex with a prostitute because pornography teaches them how to be more promiscuous and how to have sex with total strangers which are porn stars; pornography also teach people who watch it how to see what would mainly remain a private aspect of Human life which is sexuality. Sexuality would mostly remain a private aspect of Human Life but pornography expose that privacy to all people that have the ability to see such a private aspect of Human Life and this places Humanity in great danger from observers that are both Humans and Non-Human because pornography causes them to see the private copulation of Human Beings which makes Humanity become vulnerable to attacks based on accusation of being immoral because of pornography. Pornography also break every law of perfect pairing and compatible mating by putting just about any one in pornography which causes just about anyone that have the ability to gain access to any race or any nationality in the nude over the internet, through television, through magazines, and through video sales. This causes incompatible match making in a prostitutive manner. Pornographic women are bow down to all men women because any men can just see them in the nude for free for, or for a price; Pornography is one of the most promiscuous activities that have ever occurred in the history of Humanity; pornography causes easy access to sex trough sexual images, videos, and live sex cam girls this hold truthful for both cam girls and cam boys that are in pornography over the internet. Pornography causes humanity to become accuse-able by other humans and especially by spiritual being and alien that see Humanity in our most private moment which is when Humanity is having sex. Such beings as other Humans, spirits, and aliens were not suppose to ever see Humanity having sex, but pornography offer an easy way for them to access pornographic sexual pictures of Humanity having sex. Pornographers also make billions of dollars a year through perverted videos of Human Sexuality; furthermore many of these videos and images are an abomination against Humanity because they display abominable behavior during sexuality, even beastiality and homosexuality pornography exposes viewers too; furthermore pornography causes multiracial sex to occur frequently causing incompatible race mixing between Human Cultures and races and kinds. Pornography causes Human Beings to become very promiscuous and whore like. Pornography also display child pornography to viewers which is very illegal and child abuse; furthermore 75 percent of all pornographic stars are homosexuals which means that pornography is a gateway to homosexual behavior to those with a weak mind that is copious of what is seen in pornography; furthermore to support this fact many pornographic videos display homosexual sex between homosexual women and woman and homosexual men and men. Pornography is also profane and frequently uses insulting names about sexual beings. Unfortunately the anti-human races that dwell in the Human environment have been spying on Humanity and they see pornographic images of Humanity and devious, immoral behavior this causes them to say immoral evil things about Humanity. Such anti-human being were never suppose to see anything about the private life of Humanity neither do they belong in the private body, home, nor world of Humanity. Anti-Human Beings are a great threat to Humanity because they have seen the private mating life of Humanity; Humanity must fight for the right to have privacy in our lives free from anti-human races that are not our kind. Marc-G-P-L Creatic is declaring warfare against pornography when the Marc-G-P-L Creatic is established all pornographic works will be illegalized and collected all evil, immoral pornographic works shall be destroyed and recycled; and also Humanity shall be pardoned for all the pornographic mistakes that have been made by Humanity and effective retraining shall be given to Humanity to illegalized pornography and to end the age of pornography which began in the 1960's CE to the age when I am writing this paper which is 2015 CE. The Marc-G-P-L Creatic shall establish maximum privacy for Human Sexuality no being shall be allowed to spy on or display Humans having sex because Humans shall only have sex in a private room free from spying eyes.
Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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