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of Human Woman that are his own race and the 
closest color that is his own color or the same color 
as he is, to avoid evil malicious from occurring to 
him such as std's, homosexuality, beastiality, rape 
from invisible and visible sodomites and beast, to 
avoid having sex with diseased "traditional fatal 
prostitute"s that transfer std's to their customers, to 
avoid cannibalistic necrophilia munging woman that 
lure a man into sex only to eat him before or after 
the sex; and other evil malicious that occur from 
having sex with a person or thing.”; such usage of a 
sex toy or artificial humans are a temporary solution 
to avoid a pending danger by not going to the 
source of the pending danger but using their hands 
to masturbate for woman or realistic sex doll for 
men or ones own hands to masturbate instead of 
going to the source of the pending danger and 
falling prey to the sexual predator that leads to a 
victims doom by sexual copulation; after using their 
hands for masturbation for women, or realistic sex 
dolls or virtual woman for men; a Human Being 
must find a Real Human Being that it is safe to be 
with to continue their Existence as safe Procreation 
Espoused partners that have sex in safety.” 

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1-6.Traffic and pedestrian violations; 

1-7.Watching Non-Against-Abomination Public Non 
Private Pornography “instructional note on 
pornography and exotic dancers and strippers” 
people who watch pornography get a lessor 
sentencing and level of ( "sincrime" ) then people 
who produce, sell, and perform in pornographic 
movies and materials. People who watch 
pornography are a level 1 criminal, but people who 
produce, sell, and perform in pornographic movies 
are a level 3 criminal; “instructional note on seeing 
pornography”, honest investigators of pornographic 
works and prosecutors who watch pornography to 
charge or accuse others of the act are not guilty of 
any criminal action and cannot be prosecuted by 
the Law for seeing such pornographic works; 

1-8.Being a Muscle Women, Being Too Skinny or 

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Anorexic, Being Too Fat or Obese: “instructional 
note, A women cannot lift too much weight and 
become masculine looking and must be given a 
ticket to court to stop lifting weight and reduce the 
muscle mass by not lifting weight anymore, 
furthermore a women can only lift the proper 
amount of weight for strength training only to 

make her feminine looking body stronger, but not 
to change the feminine body into a masculine 
muscular body; A person who is too skinny or 
anorexic can be given a ticket to court to order the 
person to eat food and increase their body mass; A 
person that is too fat or obese can be given a ticket 
to court to decrease their body mass and remove 
the extra weight and fat off of their body, through 
exercise programs and diets.”; 

1-9.Putting perm or wearing perm in ones hair and 
weave in ones hair, or wearing a wig (note on 
putting perms, weave and wigs, a judge can order 
that a persons hair be returned to their natural 
state by the removal of perms by the cutting and 
regrowing of hair, by the removal of weave, and the 
removal of wigs); 

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1-11.Driving under the influence; minors under the 
age of 21 drinking wine; 

1-12.Violating someones privacy without justifiable 
cause; Trespassing or spying without a Perfect 
reason to do so; 

1-13.Non-Against-Abomination Premarital Sex; 

1-14.Public Nudity; (note, It is required that Marc-G-
P-L Creatics demand all Humanoid Creatures wither 
they are Human or not to wear clothing publicly so 
that they may not appear nude before the public.); 

1-15.Having Sex In Public; 

1-16.Non Medical Piercings of the body such as 
tongue holes, lip holes, nose holes, belly holes, ear 
holes, cheek holes, private part piercings, breast 
piercings, or any other piercing of the body. (note 
those who pierced their bodies before this Law was 

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written do not have to pay a sentencing but shall 
stop using such holes in their bodies or the hole 
shall be repaired if possible in a humane manner, 
through a harmless process); 

1-17.Vandalism of the body such as Putting Tattoos, 
Branding, or Cutting Marks on a person or receiving 
Tattoos, Branding, or Cutting Marks on your body 
(note on tattoos a person who have tattoos, 
branding, or cutting marks can be ordered by a 
judge to remove the tattoo, branding, or cutting 
marks through a harmless process, but sometimes it 
is legal to put harmless temporary tattoos to 
identify deadly transferable diseases; and not too 
aggressive or present ( "sincrime" ) tattoos to 
identify ( "sincrime" ) on a persons body such as if a 
person was committing beastiality a secret agent of 
the mind can cause the person to get a tattoo of a 
dog paw so that investigators may know that the 
person have committed beastiality with an animal; 
and Military Tattoos to keep up with a person in 
case of loss in combat warfare such as a tattoo of a 
serial number on soldiers that is invisible or visible 
on the part of the body that is least likely to be 

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damages such a tattoo can have a tracing device 
added to it such as thin layer, and HumanSicad 
layer technology to keep up with their dead body ); 
There should be Law put that specify that no tattoo 
put on a person can be more then 2 inches by 2 
inches large with the spacing of .25 of an inch from 
each other and no person can get more then 4 of 
such tattoos or the tattoo artists and the person 
can be charged with vandalism of the Human Body; 
except in the cases when a person is horrible 
criminal or ( sincriminal ) and need to be ID'd with 
more than 4 tattoos to identify that the person is a 
dangerous criminal or ( sincriminal ). 

1-18.Persecuting someone harmlessly who have 
been rehabilitated for past deeds and ( "sincrime" ) 
without justifiable cause to bring up past deeds that 
were harmful or criminal; also a person who is a 
former criminal cannot keep bringing up 
conversations about their past ( "sincrime" ) to 
advertise the deeds that they did as a criminal or to 
spread rumors that they were a former criminal. 
“instructional note on persecution”, justifiable cause 
to bring up past deeds of a rehabilitated criminal or 

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for past wrongful deeds are legal if the former 
criminal or wrongful deed doer is, or have, or will 
commit harm against the concerned person, others, 
or the persons self; also sometimes it is legal for a 
former criminal to give advisory on how not to 
commit a ( "sincrime" ) using media, such media 
must be approved; 

1-19.Females drinking harmful alcohol at all; and 
males and females drinking too much harmful 
alcohol pass the prescription limit of drinking; “note, 
harmful alcohol are alcoholic beverages that can 
cause side affects, diseases, or death if drunken 
incorrectly.; currently only Human Males can drink 
alcohol at all, Human Females cannot drink any 
alcohol at all because of breast cancer causing 
agents which do not affect males at all; the 
prescribe drinking of alcohol for Males is 3 (5 ounce 
cups) of wine, or 3 (22 U.S. Fl oz)” (“fl” stands for 
fluid ounce “oz” stands for ounce) (650.6 ml; 22.9 
imp fl oz (“imp” stands for imperial gallon, “ml” 
millilitres )) bottles of beer; if a person drinks more 
than 6 cups of wine, or more than 6 bottles of beer 
it is a ( "sincrime" ), but to be in prescription the 

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person should try to only drink the prescribed 
drinking which are 3 cups of wine, or 3 bottles of 
beer., there is a margin of error for those that make 
a mistake which is 3 extra cups or bottles of beer or 
wine so that they may not be given a ticket to trial 
for a small margin of error, but in order to receive 
the proper benefit from drinking alcohol it is 
strongly recommended that men only drink the 
prescribed drinking of 3 cups of wine, or 3 bottles 
of beer.” 

1-20.Heterosexual Anal Sex; 

Sentencingfor Level1Offenses: Beings that 
commit level 1 offenses shall receive a ticket to 
court to receive mandatory non-incarcerated 
humane counseling for less then 1 year. Those who 
commit level one infractions shall be approached 
with leniency and careful scrutiny. If a criminal who 
is sentenced to non-incarcerated counseling repeats 
the same offense during counseling, or miss 30 
percent of counseling the criminal shall be 
sentenced to 1 extra year of incarcerated counseling 
and shall be placed inside of a counseling 

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incarceration institution for that 1 extra year. 
Juveniles below the age of 21 years old who 
commit a level 1 ( "sincrime" ) shall receive 
counseling at a minors counseling institution for 1 
year also. ( All Applicable Mind Box Punishments, 
Mind Box Scripts, Mind Box Reversals, Mind Box 
Entanglements, Taparaiote Struggles, Vengeance 
Tribunals, Prison Sentences and Rehabilitation that 
apply for Level (1) ( "sincrime" ) Shall Be Applied By 
Judgment or Self-Defense if Qualified. ) 

331-(6).Level(2)( "sincrime" ): 2-1.Fraud; 



2-4.Non Rout or incipience Ancestor Incest; (note, a 
Rout or incipience Ancestor is the first few people 
that begin a race into existences before there are 
enough people born to Procreation Espouse each 
other without internal family incest. Rout and 
incipience Ancestor incest is only legal between 

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brothers and sisters and cousins in a heterosexual 
manner, but not legal for anyone one else to 
perform that are related to each other. Any sexual 
act between internal family members such as 
parents having sex with children, grandparents 
having sex with grandchildren, brothers having sex 
with sisters, uncles and aunts having sex with 
nephews and nieces, and first, second, third, forth, 
and fifth cousins having sex with each other are 

2-5.Breaking and Entering; 

2-6.Being an Asexual in a species that need to 
reproduce through sexuality to survive its species; 

2-7.Non torturous Fights with a spouse that lead to 
Minor Injuries of a spouse (Physical Spousal Abuse); 

2-8.Being Disloyal to your Spouse or Lifetime 
Procreation Espoused Partner by having a sexual 
affair with someone else who is not your Lifetime 
Procreation Espoused Partner without justifiable 
reasons, such as Against-Abomination Purposes; 

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2-9.Non-Main ( non-main polygamy and nonbalance 
polygamy ), Non-Balance ( non-main 
polygamy and non-balance polygamy ) and Non-
Balance Polyandry, ( note, Non-Main Polygamy “is 
polygamy that is done by a person who is not a 

( Main Leadershipment Law Maker Powerful 
Leader ) or the Leader of a Civilization or Continuewe-
nation; Non-Balance Polygamy is polygamy that 
is designed to steal female sexual partners from 
members of the population, it causes men of the 
community where it is practiced not to be able to 
find a spouse because of unbalance of the 
obtainment of sexual mates; Non-Balance Polyandry 
is polyandry that is designed to steal male sexual 
partners from members of the population, it causes 
women of the community where it is practiced not 
to be able to find a spouse because of unbalance of 
the obtainment of sexual mates.”; ) 

2-10.Owning any animal as a pet or a guard dog or 
animal, or a hunting dog or animal; It is especially 
illegal to own a dog especially a male dog; ( “note” 
those who own a pet animal that have the capacity 

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to breed with them shall face the full sentencing.” ) 

2-11.worship things that are not compatible with 
Human Beings, or that are not compatible with a 
Human Form; worship abomination, and illegal, 
criminal things; 

2-12.Willful Self Inflicted Harm to Oneself; 

2-13.Eating unclean things such as rotting garbage, 
urine, and feces and being extremely unclean such 
as not bathing for over 1 week willfully and 
smelling extremely stink enough to cause sickness, 
and nauseousness in others (note on uncleanliness, 
if a person is in a situation in which they cannot 
bathe because of circumstances beyond their 
control they shall not be charged with 
uncleanliness, but shall be assisted to become 

Sentencingfor Level2Offenses: Beings that 
commit level 2 offenses if found guilty shall receive 
1 to 5 years of incarcerated counseling and shall 
only be released after it is proven that they are 

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rehabilitated from committing the same offense. 
Minors below the age of 21 years old who commit 
a level 2 ( "sincrime" ) shall receive rehabilitation at 
a Juvenile Incarceration Institution for 1 to 3 years if 
the minor become an adult during sentencing the 
minor shall be moved to an adult incarceration 
institution. ( All Applicable Mind Box Punishments, 
Mind Box Scripts, Mind Box Reversals, Mind Box 
Entanglements, Taparaiote Struggles, Vengeance 
Tribunals, Prison Sentences and Rehabilitation that 
apply for Level (2) ( "sincrime" ) Shall Be Applied By 
Judgment or Self-Defense if Qualified. ) 

332-(7).Level(3)( "sincrime" ): 

3-1.Just Being a Gangster or Singing Gangster 
Music, or Promoting Committing ( "sincrime" ) In 
Any Form of Media or Entertainment, “instructional 
note on the promotion of ( "sincrime" ) using media 
and entertainment; it is legal for entertainers and 
media to promote how to end ( "sincrime" ) 

through media and entertainment, but they cannot 
glorify committing ( "sincrime" ) nor promote 
committing ( "sincrime" ), portrayals of criminals can 
only be done with the intention of proving that 

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they are criminals and worthy of capture and 
punishment, but not for glorification purposes, 
promoting criminals as a Perfect thing through 
media and entertainment is illegal, and also it is the 
artists, promoters, vendors, and the management 
and media that shall be arrested not the people 
who listen to such music, movies, entertainment, 
and media, media and entertainment that promote 

( "sincrime" ) are required to be confiscated and 
discontinued; ( notes; a person does not have to 
commit any ( "sincrime" ) as a gangster; just being a 
gangster even if they did not commit a 

( "sincrime" ) is criminal and punishable by being 
charged with a level 3 ( "sincrime" ); youths 
becoming neighborhood ( "sincrime" ) watch, block 
visor families as agents to receive training to 
become future police officers are to replace gang 
members that roam neighborhoods as criminals, 
and are to be selected for such jobs by state 
authorities. ) 

3-2.People who produce public ( immoral non-( 
"Calculate All Safety Before Sexual Service is 
Granted, Compatible Kind Guaranty to Mate; 

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Completely Safe From Fatality”; "Against 
Abomination Female Sexual Dancing, Against 
Abomination Female Sexual Services for Men, 
Against Abomination Female Sexual Images For 
Men, Against Abomination Female Sexual Movies 
For Men, Against Abomination Sexual Virtual 
Realities Females for Men, and Against Abomination 
Realistic Female Sex Dolls For Men" ); ), sell 

( immoral non-( "Calculate All Safety Before Sexual 
Service is Granted, Compatible Kind Guaranty to 
Mate; Completely Safe From Fatality”; "Against 
Abomination Female Sexual Dancing, Against 
Abomination Female Sexual Services for Men, 
Against Abomination Female Sexual Images For 
Men, Against Abomination Female Sexual Movies 
For Men, Against Abomination Sexual Virtual 
Realities Females for Men, and Against Abomination 
Realistic Female Sex Dolls For Men" ); ), and 

perform in public ( immoral non-( "Calculate All 
Safety Before Sexual Service is Granted, Compatible 
Kind Guaranty to Mate; Completely Safe From 
Fatality”; "Against Abomination Female Sexual 
Dancing, Against Abomination Female Sexual 
Services for Men, Against Abomination Female 

11/10/2017 4:15:17 PM

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Sexual Images For Men, Against Abomination 
Female Sexual Movies For Men, Against 
Abomination Sexual Virtual Realities Females for 
Men, and Against Abomination Realistic Female Sex 
Dolls For Men" ); ) movies and materials, 
“instructional note on public ( immoral non

( "Calculate All Safety Before Sexual Service is 
Granted, Compatible Kind Guaranty to Mate; 
Completely Safe From Fatality”; "Against 
Abomination Female Sexual Dancing, Against 
Abomination Female Sexual Services for Men, 
Against Abomination Female Sexual Images For 
Men, Against Abomination Female Sexual Movies 
For Men, Against Abomination Sexual Virtual 
Realities Females for Men, and Against Abomination 
Realistic Female Sex Dolls For Men" ); )” people who 
watch public ( immoral non-( "Calculate All Safety 
Before Sexual Service is Granted, Compatible Kind 
Guaranty to Mate; Completely Safe From Fatality”; 
"Against Abomination Female Sexual Dancing, 
Against Abomination Female Sexual Services for 
Men, Against Abomination Female Sexual Images 
For Men, Against Abomination Female Sexual 
Movies For Men, Against Abomination Sexual 

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