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occur even with the Marc Perfect prevention and
7.As the way teaches corrective-ness is the Marc
Perfect way to fix mistakes and accidents. Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and
Communities must practice corrective-ness. When a
mistake or accident occur, Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must seek to correct that
mistake the Marc Perfect way they can.
8.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
also seek to diminish sorrow and anti-pleasure
the lowest level possible while correcting mistakes
and accidents. The way to fix all errors is correctiveness.
As the way says, “we all make mistakes, it is
the correction of these mistakes, that brings out the
perfection that we are capable of becoming.”
1.Sorrow and anti-pleasure
can be caused by the
will and actions of others. This form of sorrow and
can be caused by the harmful acts
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of others, disappointments from others and
mistakes and accidents that are caused by others.
2.(1) Harmful acts of others: The will and actions of
others can cause one to experience pain mentally
and physically. Mental abuse can be as detrimental
as physical abuse. An example of this is the evil
malicious minded schizoid entities that drive
Humans and other Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and Existences insane with
their verbal abuse.
3.One can be harmed mentally with verbal abuse. It
is very important for Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics to take precautions from
abusing others mentally as well as physically.
4.Parents must take care not to abuse their children
verbally; the same for children. Children and adults
must take precaution not to abuse each other
verbally with curse words or demeaning language.
5.Extremely important is that Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must take precaution not to
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abuse each other physically. Physical abuse caused
by aggression and assault can cause a large amount
of sorrow and anti-pleasure
to occur to others.
Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
practice the way not to strike first against each other
which is the way of restraint.
6.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
value the happiness, well being and safety of other
Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics. Sorrow
that is caused by the harmful acts of others must
be avoided, prevented and diminished. Harmful acts
are a main cause of sorrow and anti-pleasure.
7.(2) Disappointments from others: Sadly, others may
cause sorrow and anti-pleasure
when they do acts
that disappoint others. Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must take precaution not to
do acts that will disappoint family, friends and self.
8.When a Being put his or her trust in another
Being, when that trust is violated, disappointments
may soon fallow. This disappointment may wound
emotions and strain relationships. Beings Of Marc
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G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must take care not to
disappoint those who have trust in them.
9.Very importantly is that Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and existences who have been
disappointed must control their emotions, so that
they may diminish anti-pleasure
and sorrow.
Forgiveness and reparations of trust can heal the
wounded emotions of others, who have been
10.(3) Mistakes and accidents of others: Occasionally
the mistakes and accidents of others may
unintentionally cause one to experience pain. In the
event of unintentional anti-pleasure
caused by the
mistakes and accidents of others, both party must
have empathy for each other. The one who causes
the anti-pleasure
must especially take responsibility
to diminish the anti-pleasure
of the victim to the
lowest level possible. Compassion must be used to
diminish hatred and enmity.
11.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
be careful not to be careless in order to
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prevent, preventable mistakes and accidents.
Forgiveness and reparation should be used when
possible to heal the wounded heart and mind of
Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and
Existences who are victims of accidents and
12.There are components in the Human Body that
cause preventable mistakes and accidents to occur
programmingly by their own will and evil malicious
intention. These components are named by me as
default spirit, or spiritual beings; default spirit, or
spiritual beings cause a Human Being or other
Being to fail in fulfilling or satisfying an
engagement, to fail in fulfilling a claim, or to fail in
fulfilling an obligation, to fail in fulfilling an action,
to fail in fulfilling a speech, to fail in fulfilling a
thought, to fail in fulfilling a purpose, to fail in
fulfilling a plan, to fail in fulfilling protection, to fail
in fulfilling preservation, to fail in fulfilling a
leadership, to fail in fulfilling an instruction, and to
fail in fulfilling a relationship or friendship. Default
spirit, or spiritual beings cause a person to make
faults and mistakes and causes failure and sabotage
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to occur to the person whenever the default spirit,
or spiritual beings desire to cause an error, fault,
failure, or sabotage to occur. Many unintentional
accidents are caused by default spirit, or spiritual
beings. For example a person could be taking a
shower and the soap drop from their hands; the
person may think that the person made an accident
by dropping the soap, but in reality it is the default
spirit, or spiritual beings that have dropped the
soap when the person was not paying attention.
Many default accidents occur when the person is
not paying attention. When the victim is not paying
attention the default spirit, or spiritual beings in
their body, or located somewhere in the ( MindActuated-
Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes )
causes them to make a fault or accident. Default
spirit, or spiritual beings can even attempt to
sabotage a persons speech or thought. Default
spirit, or spiritual beings are one of the number one
reasons a Human make mistakes, without default
spirit, or spiritual beings less mistakes would occur
in a Humans life. Default spirit, or spiritual beings
dwell secretly inside of Human Beings and they
attempt to become present in the Mind
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( MindOperationCausation ) of Human Beings so
that they may control the Human Body secretly by
default, when the Human is not paying attention
they cause an error to occur, such errors can lead to
the death of the Human Beings if the Human
Beings is not paying attention. The will of default
spirit, or spiritual beings are mostly secret because
it is by secret means default spirit, or spiritual
beings cause errors to occur because if the person
find out that they have a default spirit, or spiritual
beings they would try to override the default with
their own freewill; that is why default spirit, or
spiritual beings work secretly from the observation
of Human Beings. Human Beings also have friendly
programs in their mind ( MindOperationCausation )
that attempt to calibrate the Human to only make
correct actions such components are an inherent
part of the Human Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) and works
automatically to help Human Beings make perfect
actions. Human Beings are as a computer with
many software programs operational in their (
MindOperationCausation )s many of these software
are a part of the Mind
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( MindOperationCausation ) and Body ( MindActuated-
Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes ) of
the Human Being. Sometimes external programs
that are apart from the Human's personal ( MindActuated-
Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes )
( MindOperationCausation ) help the Human Being
achieve a Marc Perfect Possibility. Many accidents
are caused by default spirit, or spiritual beings such
as car accidents, slip and falls, harming the body by
movement and motion such as hurting the hand on
a surface or object, locking the keys inside a car or
room, slipping of the tongue, forgetfulness of the
memory, missing a punch during a fight, arguments
with a spouse friend or enemy, fornication
extramarital affairs promiscuity abortions the desire
to make and watch pornography the desire to
become a "traditional fatal prostitute" or have sex
with a "traditional fatal prostitute" the desire to
commit rape and murder, sabotaged relationships
and friendships, weird excitements of the heart and
nervous ( OperationComplex ), unintentional farting,
unintentional scratching, typos and miss-spelling
during typing and writing, fainting, homosexual and
beastiality thoughts, indecent thoughts and desires,
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dumbness, the inability to think perfectly, the
inability to draw perfectly, strange actions of the
body that are unintentional, itching and scratching
of the body, sickness and diseases, uneasiness,
untimely over excitements, laziness, sleepiness, the
desire to say curse words and perverted things to
others, weird imaginations and uncontrollable
unintentional imaginations and thoughts, routing of
spit out of the mouth, the desire to spit on others,
attacking images, enmity thoughts and feelings
towards others, abomination attack, cannibalistic
thoughts against others and cannibalistic thoughts
and actions against the User of the Body, and the
destruction and death against the User of the Body
and the Body, and many more unintentional actions,
accidents, and ( "sincrime" ) all programmed to
occur secretly by default spirit, or spiritual beings
that causes faults to occur to Human Beings and
other Existential Beings. Human Beings and other
Existential Beings must be aware of all their actions
and thoughts that are genuinely theirs and that
come from an external or internal source, and
Human Beings and other Beings must remove
default spirit, or spiritual beings that attack them
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constantly, that commit ( "sincrime" ) against them
and causes them to commit ( "sincrime" ), and that
causes them to make mistakes and accidents out of
their body and Mind ( MindOperationCausation )
and thoughts in order to become Marc Perfect and
achieve their desired and true intentions to achieve
a purpose, plan, or action.
384-(6-21-3-18-10-3).Sorrowcausedbythe antipleasure
1.Compassionately, Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics can be effected emotionally
by the anti-pleasure
and death of family, friends
and fellow Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics . In this ( OperationComplex ) of Earth, we
find this form of anti-pleasure
common among
Mortal Beings with a Higher Conscious Mind. Even
Permanent Life Beings can be effected emotionally
by the death and anti-pleasure
of fellow Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and Existences.
2.This form of anti-pleasure
and sorrow must be
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diminished to the lowest level possible. One mission
of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Way is to
discover the Metamorphosis that shall increase the
Universal Computation Knowledge of Humanity.
This Metamorphosis shall change Mortal Humanity
into Permanent Life Humanity. The Metamorphosis
shall be gained through Universal Computation
advancement made by Humanity through the
advancement of All Perfect Sciences.
3.It is healthy to have compassion and emotions for
fellow Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
and Existences that are experiencing againstpleasure
and dying, but Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics must take precautions not to
allow these emotions to become harmful towards
their physical and mental health.
4.Instead of uncontrollable sorrow, Beings Of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics should rearrange that
energy into purpose and resolution to fix the cause
of sorrow, anti-pleasure
and death. In seeking to
accomplish The Three Marc Perfect Marc-G-P-L
Purposes And Plan, we shall diminish against
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pleasure and death to the lowest level possible and
only the Marc Perfect possibility shall Existence
throughout Qualified and Compatible Infinity.
385-(6-21-3-18-10-4).Sorrow andagainst
pleasure causedby health related reasons
1.Commonly, we find on Earth anti-pleasure
that is
caused by health related problems. Health related
problems can be caused by internal causes and
external causes. Internal causes are various such as
cancers, heart attacks, genetics and many more
causes. External causes are various, such as germs,
viruses, unhealthy environments and many more.
Both internal and external causes cause againstpleasure,
sorrow and death.
2.Humanity and all Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics that experience pain from
health related reasons, must devote time and
resources in Higher Scientific research and
knowledge to gain efficient scientific abilities that
will help heal all health problems.
3.With Higher Knowledge and abilities most health
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problems can be cured. As the way reveals, the
Health of Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics and Existences are their True Wealth.
386-(6-21-3-18-10-5).Sorrow causedby the
1.Seasonally, Humanity find ourselves in a struggle
with bad weather and natural catastrophes. Beings
Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and of the
Earth in our sphere experience bad weather such as
too much rain or too little rain, famine, pestilence,
storms, hurricanes, snowy weather, blizzards,
earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, meteors, comets,
fires and other natural catastrophes.
2.At their worst levels these natural catastrophes
can cause mass death and anti-pleasure. With
proper scientific forecasting technology and Higher
All Perfect Sciences, Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics can diminish anti-pleasure
and death that is caused by the environment to a
very low level.
3.Universal Computation Communities must take
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proper preparation and develop necessary
institutions to protect the Marc-G-P-L Creatic
Advanced Community from natural catastrophes.
387-(6-21-3-18-10-6).Sorrow causedby
preventableandunpreventable accidents,
controllable,and uncontrollable sorrow
Accidents and sorrow can be preventable and one
can seek to control anti-pleasure
by diminishing all
causesthatmay causeaccidents, 7Z±Jn’*[7&?
and sorrow to
occur. Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics must take proper precautions to diminish
and avoid unnecessary anti-pleasure, sorrow and
The anti-pleasure, sorrow and accidents we cannot control nor
prevent, we must learn to survive them and diminish the harm
that they cause to the lowest level possible. Knowledge, Ability,
and Power such
as the suspension of the animation of beings and things that are
about to make an accident or the generation of suspension force
fields to stop accidents from occurring or killing Human Beings
and Applicable Entities must be used
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to prevent and end all accidents.
3.The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan is
achievable. Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics must seek, plan and work diligently and
( OperationComplex )atically to achieve them.
388-(6-21-3-18-11).Securityfrom illegalhell
1.In order for anti-pleasure
to be diminished to the
lowest level possible, Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics and Qualified, Compatible
Existence have to be safe and secure from all forms
of illegal hell. There are two main categories of
illegal hell that all forms of illegal hell fall below.
The first category is Aggressors illegal hell; the
second category is vengeance illegal hell.
2.Aggressors illegal hell is illegal hell that is caused
by the aggressor or wrongdoer; vengeance illegal
hell is illegal hell that is caused by retribution. Both
Aggressors illegal hell and vengeance illegal hell
cause great anti-pleasure
and painfulness.
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3.Wisely, purposefully and strategically both forms of
illegal hell must be discouraged and prevented for
the More Perfectment and security of the Universe
and Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics .
4.Aggressors illegal hell can be caused when
extreme anti-pleasure
is experienced because of a
heinous criminal act, or because of war, or because
of natural catastrophes and catastrophic accidents,
or any aggravating act that causes extreme torture
in a illegal hellish way.
5.Vengeance illegal hell is illegal hell that is
intentionally created as a form of punishment,
retribution or revenge. Vengeance illegal hell can
become very evil malicious because it causes Beings
Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and Existences
to purposefully torture, degrade and do tormenting
things to each other for a illegal hellish amount of
time sometimes until death.
6.Vengeance illegal hell can become places of
unspeakable torture and torment. Vengeance illegal
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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