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438-(6-21-3-22-9-1-22).The establishment of
personal rearrangement powers to rearrange
ones world environment,particles, andall
necessaryobjectsneededfor onessurvivalto
diminish anti-pleasure
1.One of the Greatest things Humanity will ever
possess to diminish anti-pleasure
and painfulness
to the lowest level possible is Knowledge, Ability,
and Power. One of the Greatest Knowledge, Ability,
and Power is the Knowledge, Ability, and Power to
rearrange Particles everything
including time and space is made of Particles the
ability to control, rearrange, code, and decode such
particles is the obtainment of the Greatest Power.
When Humanity gain the Knowledge, Ability, and
Power to control the particles of our bodies and all
aspects of our bodies and the Knowledge, Ability,
and Power to Control, rearrange, Code, and Decode
the Particles around us and of Qualified and
Compatible Existences and the Universe, Humanity
shall gain the Greatest Power, now everything that
is possible to be done in existences will be able to
be done by Humanity, not all things are possible to
be done, but the things that are possible to be
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done shall be able to be done by Humanity when
Humanity gain the Knowledge, Ability, and Power to
Control, rearrange, Code, and Decode Personal and
Existential Particles. Currently Humanity mainly use
manual labor of assembly and chemical reactions to
build the environment, but when Humanity gain the
Knowledge, Ability, and Power to rearrange Particles
Humanity shall become among the Greatest
Builders of their environment and Protectors and
Procreaters of their kind in Existences.
439-(6-21-3-22-9-1-23).The security ofyour race
asaheterosexual race that protectsits right to
Procreate andreproduce its own kindin the form
of offspringfor its survivalandbenefit:
1.Heterosexuality is Marc Perfect then any other
sexual modality. Heterosexuality allow both the
Male Aspect Codex of Humanity and the Female
Aspect Codex of Humanity to Existence, Procreate,
and Existence in Harmony with each other.
Humanity is Perfect when it comes to aspect codex
interaction, because both the Male and Female
Aspect of Humanity Existence in harmony and
matrimony with each other. Both the Male and
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Female Aspect Codex of Humanity are born in the
household of Humanity. Humanity must forever
protect for the Male Human to Mate with the
Female Human for we are perfect together.
Humanity must forever protect the Human Race as
a Heterosexual Race of Humans that Procreate with
each other to make offspring. Humanity must also
obtain a Deathless Body that will never die but heal
itself of all illnesses and damage. The Human Body
is already made of eternal particles that are
sovereign to the Human Body once a Human body
is formed a Human must protect the Human Body
as Perfect as Possible to Existence forever. Humanity
must protect Humanities right to Procreate
whenever any being or thing including a fellow
Human seek to remove Humanities right to
Procreate Humanity must defend Humanities right
to Procreate even by protests and force. The most
beneficial form of Procreate of Humanity is Perfect
Pair Procreation Espouses between a Male and a
Female. When two Humans are Perfect for each
other in a heterosexual manner they are more able
to protect their Union. A Human male must be
masculine and a Human female must be feminine.
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Human heterosexual pair matching can be Perfect
Pair Modality which is when two Heterosexual
Humans a Male and a Female are Perfectly made
for each other with the consideration of race, facial
features, color, body features, age, and height being
made perfect for each other even before birth; the
second modality is the Closer Pair Modality which is
when a computer or existential being matches a set
group of people in a heterosexual manner male and
female with each other based on closer
comparisons with each other that compares values
of race, facial features, color, body features, age,
and height and matches those who are most closely
compatible with each other into a Procreation
Espouse; the third modality is the free inquiry
Modality which is when individuals are
loosuncapturety to mate with each other despite of
differences of race, facial features, color, body
features, age, and height free inquiry matches are
only Perfect when they are done in a heterosexual
manner between males and females. Humanity
must be able to use our own bodies to produce
offspring even when we are Permanent Life and
cannot die. The Human Body must be fit enough to
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build its own kind from a single particle into a
network of particles that becomes Human Kind.
Humanity must be able to become only Perfect in
Nature and so Humanity must program all
themselves and their young to be Perfect towards
each other. Humanity must also must never become
a cannibal race against its own kind, because no
race is qualified as a race so long as it commits
cannibalism against its own kind, such a race that
commits cannibalism against its own kind must be
classified as a barbaric lower conscious race that
eats its own kind as a food. Under no circumstances
must a Humans eat another Humans as a food;
even during a famine or starvation, a Human must
never eat another Human as a food. If there is a
famine Humanity is allowed to practice Waking Up
From Your Sleep To See Invisible Worlds
“Wufystsiw”, to see if they can find someone in the
Invisible world to give them food or a Nourishment
Food-Less, Particle to Wave Recyclable Pleasure
Food, deathless, body, or someone to make it rain
for them; when a person does not sleep for over 3,
5, 8, 10, 13, 15, 18, or 20 days they will be able to
see invisible beings that may be able to help them
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find food to eat. Humans must be careful who they
trust in Wufystsiw world and it is safer to trust Non-
Object worships then worships and also Humans
must trust non cannibalistic beings instead of
cannibalistic beings; Humans must also trust Perfect
Beings instead of evil malicious beings; it is also
helpful for Humans to trust Human Form things
more so then Non-Human form things. Humanity
must one day become a Nourishment Food-Less,
Particle to Wave Recyclable Pleasure Food,
Deathless, Race of Beings in order for Humanity to
defeat the constant hunger for food and the deaths
that occur because of malnutrition and starvation
brought upon by famine and other reasons. Until
Humanity becomes a Nourishment Food-Less,
Particle to Wave Recyclable Pleasure Food, deathless
race Humanity must eat food that are not Higher
Conscious in nature such Higher Consciousness is
measured as Human or Higher in Consciousness.
Humanity must always choose the mating habit that
requires a Male Human to copulate with a Female
Human. The copulation between a Human Male and
Human Female makes Humans Pure Souls that are
capable of Love for each other, such love gives birth
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to new members of the Human Family, Race, and
440-(6-21-3-22-9-1-24).The protection of the
maleandfemale species asHumanityand other
applicablekindsfrom beingseparatedinto other
variances such asduopairs andasexual clones;
or sexuallydeviantkinds such as homosexuals,
bi-sexuals,beastiality, oranyothertroublesome
modalitytodiminish anti-pleasure
1.Humanity is Perfect for Each other only as a Male
and a Female Modality and Variance. Humanity
must never legalize sexual entityation into other
modalities for such modalities are not Perfect
Modalities for Humanity, but imperfect entityations.
All other sexual modalities except for heterosexuality
are entityations from that which is perfect which is
the Heterosexual Nature of Humanity. Sexual
entityations such as duo pairs which are when a
male and a female share the same body and mate
with each other, asexual clones which are beings
that do not mate with each other at all but clone
each other or refuse to
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replicate at all, or homosexuals which are beings
that have same gender sex with each other, or bisexuals
which are beings that have sex with both
male and females as males and females; or
beastiality which are Human forms that mate with
beast and animals, or any other troublesome
deviant modalities are inferior to the Heterosexual
Nature of Humanity and Humanity must never seek
to become them nor practice them, nor legalize
them. In order for Humanity to diminish againstpleasure
and painfulness, Humanity must be a
Heterosexual Race and Species. The Human male
and female evolved perfect to dwell with each other
and to Procreate and continue the species and race
of Humanity. A male is distinctively a male and a
female is distinctively a female the Human male and
Female are not just a body they are Aspect Codex
of Humanity and each are designed for specific
purposes to continue the race and species of
Humanity and males and females evolved to dwell
with each other perfectly. Humanity must protect
for Humanity to only be a heterosexual race and
species of males and females even by warfare.
Humanity must be willing to terminate to remain a
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heterosexual species, race, and kind for all other
modalities are inferior to Human Heterosexual
Modality of the Male Aspect Codex of Humanity
and the Female Aspect Codex of Humanity mating
with each other in heterosexual Procreation Espouse
and Childbirth.
441-(6-21-3-22-9-1-25). The establishment of a
perfect Procreation Espouse
(OperationComplex) to manage Continue-wenation
so that the family can survive in amore
effective perfectmanner to diminishagainstpleasure
1.The foundation of Human Continue-we-nation is
based on the Human Family and its strength. The
initial formula to form a Human Family must be
guided by Procreation Espouse as the first principal
instead of sex without a formal contract and
Procreation Espoused order. Everything a Human
Child to Adulthood learn in school
( OperationComplex )s and throughout the
experiences of life must be crafted to support the
survival of the self, family, and race of Humanity.
Most knowledge a Human Being learn is to support
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the occupation of an employment to support
Human Continue-we-nations and a family that will
lead to childbirth and new members of the Human
Race Being born into Existences. A Perfect
Procreation Espouse ( OperationComplex ) must be
used by Humanity to order families into existences
and I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis have invented such
a Procreation Espouse ( OperationComplex ) it is
know as Perfect Pair Procreation Espouses into the
School ( OperationComplex ). Perfect Pair
Procreation Espouses into the school
( OperationComplex ) supports the practice of
Procreation Espouseing children into the school
( OperationComplex ) as compatible pairs. Such
compatibility consider the Race, Color Type, Facial
Type, Future Body Type, and Future Height, and the
Age of children when the most compatible pairing
is found Children are Procreation Espoused into the
school ( OperationComplex ) ever since the first
year of schooling into an Eternal Procreation
Espouse Contract that is permanent. When children
that are compatible are Procreation Espoused into
the school ( OperationComplex ) they become
reliable Procreation Espoused partners of each other
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in friendship and teamwork to established a
teammate partnership that become an effective
family unit that is extremely compatible with each
other to achieve employmental duties and a healthy
family environment. The family unit when not
founded on a strong foundation is very breakable
historically the Human family have been a breakable
thing. Divorce and infidelity have been a common
part of the Human family and this have weakened
the Human Family, in fact every culture of Humanity
have provided some form of divorce from a
Procreation Espouse, other unsatisfactory cultures
have allowed Procreation Espoused impurities such
as ( non-main polygamy and non-balance polygamy
), non balanced polyandry, "traditional fatal
prostitution", pornography, exotic dance clubs, little
children Procreation Espouseing grown adults, slave
concubinage and Procreation Espouses, usual
concubinage, dowry ( OperationComplex ) in which
there is a price for a bride or groom, Human and
non-Human Procreation Espouses, girlfriend and
boyfriend dating, orgyous sex, promiscuity, swinging
a partner, objectophilia in which a Human
Procreation Espouses an inanimate object, some evil
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malicious dumb cultures have even allowed a
Human to Procreation Espouse a beast or an animal
as a spouse which is one of the most evil malicious
things that can happen to a Human Being, Humans
copulating with animals is a danger to the existence
of Humanity. The Human family historically have
faced threats that can destroy it and that have
destroyed many Human families, It requires a
Perfect Procreation Espouse ( OperationComplex )
to cause the Human Family to have a Strong
Foundation; such a Strong Foundation is found in
Perfect Pair Procreation Espouses and Closer Pair
Procreation Espouses into the School
( OperationComplex ) which shall form a Strong
Procreation Espoused Foundation and a Great
Partnership between Procreation Espoused Partners
who have formed a familiarity with each other ever
since both of them were children that entered their
first year of schooling and that were trained to be
loyal to each other and to further the interest of
each other educationally, occupationally, and
maritally. The Human Family stands a Marc Perfect
chance of survival when it is founded on the
principals and formulations of Perfect Pair
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Procreation Espouses into the School
( OperationComplex ) and an Eternal Procreation
Espouse Contract that is unbreakable; though
Perfect Pair Procreation Espouse
( OperationComplex ) allow spouses to Existence in
separate housing under certain conditions and
situations such as violence in the home, or
compatibility issues about copulation, it does not
grant a divorce to Procreation Espoused partners
which causes the Union to become permanent;
furthermore because matches are made of
compatible pairs there is no argument to separate
Procreation Espoused couples based on
incompatibility. Human Continue-we-nations are
managed by the labor of Humanity therefore the
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics allows
Procreation Espoused males and females to
accompany each other throughout life and
occupation therefore a Husband and Procreation
Espoused Partner accompany each other to all
locations possible including employment, and
leisure. Perfect Pair Procreation Espouses into the
school ( OperationComplex ) or more effective and
Marc Perfect and they cause the diminishment of
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and painfulness to occur by removing
the usual errors in Procreation Espouse practices
that would have caused an increase in againstpleasure
and painfulness.
442-(6-21-3-22-9-1-26).The establishment of a
Total (Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-
Existence Matrixes )Elemental rearrangement
body that maintainitsHuman form yet have
power over particleand object rearrangement,
andphysicalproperty rearrangement,
preservation andrejuvenation for survivalandfor
1.Humanity have an identity that makes us different
from every other object in the Universe and
different from the Universe around us it is the
Human Form. The Human form is the ultimate user
of all objects in the Universe that is not a
Humanoid Form especially in planetary
environments where Humanity Existence, everything
in a Humans Home and in a Humans Continue-wenation
is designed for the usage of the Human
Form. Humans have invented all those forms for the
Usage of Humanity and for the Survival of the
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Human Species. A Human must be proud of the
Human Form for the Human Form is a Leader and
User of Many things. When Humanity become
( Human Universe Makers Artists Numerics
Scientists Intelligences Coders And Decoders,
( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrix
Creators And Reality Managers ) Astronomical
Reality Humanatorcreators, Particle Orderer World
Elemental Rearranger “Humansicad Marc Power” )s
that have the Knowledge, Ability, and Power to
rearrange themselves and the particles and things
around them; Humanity must try our Marc Perfect
not to rearrange the Human form to anything
except a Human Form the Human Form must be
given priority over all other forms in existence by a
Human Being; a Human Being must be able to give
a Human Form priority over all other forms in order
for a Human to appreciate the Human Form and to
know the worth of the Human Form. The
establishment of a Total ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrixes ) Elemental
rearrangement body that maintain its Human form
yet have power over particle and object
rearrangement, and physical property
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rearrangement, preservation and rejuvenation for
survival and for advanced abilities. Humanity must
seek after a ( Human Universe Makers Artists
Numerics Scientists Intelligences Coders And
Decoders, ( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-
Existence Matrix Creators And Reality Managers )
Astronomical Reality Humanatorcreators, Particle
Orderer World Elemental Rearranger “Humansicad
Marc Power” ) Body, but this body shall not be for
the transformation of the Human form to other
forms, this body shall only use Rearangeations that
are Human Form oriented that are made for the
survival and preservation of the Human Form; this
( Human Universe Makers Artists Numerics
Scientists Intelligences Coders And Decoders,
( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrix
Creators And Reality Managers ) Astronomical
Reality Humanatorcreators, Particle Orderer World
Elemental Rearranger “Humansicad Marc Power” )
Body shall be able to rearrange the particles and
object around it to different forms when necessary,
but it shall not transform the Human Body to other
forms that are non-Human. This new Human Body
shall be for the establishment of Knowledge, Ability,
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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