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that explore new effective Ways to produce healthy
food and supply clean water and air to all of
Humanity; and also it is one of our Goals in Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics to remove the
mandatory requirement that causes Humanity to
eat food for survival, at a greater evolutionary level
Humanity will not need to eat food to survive, but
will only need to intake material to give birth to
offspring. Humanity shall become a Nourishment
Food-Less, Particle to Wave Recyclable Pleasure
Food, deathless, metamorphosis race that does not
need any food to survive, but only eat harmless
food for pleasure.
4.The danger of running out of natural resources
must be avoided and we must not forget that
Qualified, and Compatible, and Applicable Humanity
is also valuable, and Applicable Humanity is even
more valuable then the Natural Resources and the
Planet Itself. We must preserve Humanity as well as
we preserve the rest of the Planet. We must
preserve the planetary resources for the well being
and happiness of Humanity and for all Qualified
and Compatible life on Earth. Humanity must insure
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that no being or race eat Humanity as a food
source. According to my investigations there are
races that dwell in invisibility and visibility on the
planet Earth that eat Humanity as a food source,
Humanity must gain the Knowledge, Ability, and
Power, to protect Humanity from any race that can
eat Humanity as a food source, Humanity must be
willing to terminate anything that eats Humanity as
a food source.
329-(6-21-3-18-6).( "sincrime" )
1.To Avoid Law Makers and Punishers of Criminals
From Being Faulty and From Becoming Vulnerable
to Accusation When Punishing Sincriminals and the
Guilty Law Makers and Punishers of Sincriminals
should never get a demerit while punishing
offenders the Most Perfect form of punishment are
equivalent like punishments in this Equivalent
Punishments there is no demerit because the
person is absolutely the causer of the harm that is
done to them in punishment and vengeance and
the harm is equivalently the same harm that the
sincriminal caused to occur to the victim;
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1-1.(MindBox Punishments: are punishments that
are created by collecting the memory files from the
victim or sincriminal who committed the ( "sincrime"
) and the collected memory is used to punish the
sincriminal in an exact manner as they harmed the
victim of ( "sincrime" ); Mind Box Punishments
repeat the same exact act with slight adjustments
and modifications to fit the sincriminal such
punishments can occur in mind box punishment
realities, or Mind Box Punishment Realistic Virtual
Worlds, or in the Dreams of the sincriminal, or
While the sincriminal is Unconscious, Or While the
sincriminal is awake; mind box punishments often
involve the very sincriminal punishing themselves in
the same way the harmed the victim of
( "sincrime" ). );
1-2.(MindBox Scripts: Involve using another being
or thing to fallow the same exact script a sincriminal
used to harm the sincriminal back in the same exact
way the sincriminal harmed the victim of
( "sincrime" ). );
1-3.(MindBox Reversals: Involve reversing the
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thoughts and intention of sincriminals back to them
before they occur to the targeted victim of
( "sincrime" ), when this occurs the intention of the (
"sincrime" ) returns back to the sincriminal who
thought of it or who intended to cause it to occur
and the ( "sincrime" ) occurs to the sincriminal
instead of the targeted innocent victim of
( "sincrime" ). );
1-4.(MindBox Entanglements: is the usage of
entanglement methods to tangle the evil intentions
of sincriminals back to them and so if a sincriminal
was about to commit a ( "sincrime" ) the intention
and will of the sincriminal is reversed upon them by
the very thought and intention of the sincriminal
tangling them and harming them instead of the
intended victim of ( "sincrime" ). );
1-5.Taparaiote Struggles: Are Obstacle Courses
Designed to Punish sincriminals if they fail the
Taparaiote Struggle or because of their sincriminal
deeds they are punished at the Taparaiote Struggle
or because of their Perfect Deeds and Closer
Towards Perfect Deeds they are as a sincriminal
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after running without harm because of Benefits
given to them to complete the Taparaiote Struggle.
1-6.Vengeance Tribunals: Vengeance Tribunals are
Tribunals that come together to grant vengeance to
those who ( "sincrime" ) and harm occurred to.
1-7.Prison Sentences and Rehabilitation: Prison
sentenced allow sincriminals to be kept in prison
institutions while receiving rehabilitation.
1-8.MindBox Punishments, MindBox Scripts,
MindBox Reversals, MindBox Entanglements,
Taparaiote Struggles, Vengeance Tribunals, Prison
Sentences andRehabilitation Series: Are a Perfect
Way to Punish sincriminals and those who do illegal
harm to others in a guilty manner; Wither a
legitimate ( "sincrime" ) is committed against the
self, a friend, or an enemy it is still a ( "sincrime" ).
The lack of security from ( "sincrime" ) causes fear
and anti-pleasure. Proper measures must be taken
to prevent Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics from committing
( "sincrime" ) against each other.
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2.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must
be educated at all conscious levels of their Existence
to avoid committing ( "sincrime" ). ( "sincrime" ) are
preventable if Beings are educated consciously in
the proper way to avoid committing ( "sincrime" ).
3.I have calculated the severity of certain
( "sincrime" ). These ( "sincrime" ) are categorized
from the level 1-10 in their severity. Preferably when
possible no one should be put to death unless they
violate the Marc GPL Perfectionists Creatic Laws Of
Death which is if they murder another Higher
Conscious Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics, or are about to commit the murder and
are terminated in self defense on the scene of the
( "sincrime" ), but in certain cases that are deserving
the death penalty shall be used even if the Marc
GPL Perfectionists Creatic Laws Of Death was not
violated yet because the ( "sincrime" ) was heinous
enough to deserve a death penalty.
4.Level one is the least grave level; level ten is the
most grave level. In a lawful environment with very
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little ( "sincrime" ), evil malicious, or danger,
watchful eyes and surveillance equipment does not
need to be set up everywhere and people shall
Existence in Maximum Privacy; but in a ( "sincrime" )
infested, evil malicious, dangerous environment
watchful eyes, surveillance, and security must be set
up everywhere. As far as the privacy of sexuality is
concerned in the event that someone is safe
watchful eyes and security shall give them their
privacy to copulate in the event that someone is in
danger and cannot copulate legally because of a
preventer and infringer of their legal right to
copulate, watchful eyes and security shall protect
them to copulate legally against the infringer and
preventer of their legal right to copulate. In the case
of illegal copulation, rape, and sexual violations
watchful eyes and security shall prevent such
copulation from taking place at all. It shall be a
Human form that is properly trained not to
participate in sex with mating pairs, but the Human
form's own Procreation Espoused Pair, that shall be
called to the location to protect Humans as mating
pairs. Mindless emotionless, senseless cameras shall
be put in key locations to hear and see information
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for authorities and users when necessary, unless
approved authorities do the monitoring themselves.
The fallowing lists of ( "sincrime" ) is in order of
severity from least grave to most grave.
5.Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and people that
fall under their jurisdiction are only allowed to face
4 forms of punishments for ( "sincrime" ):
Punishment 1: Imprisonment and humane
rehabilitation; Punishment 2: the Clean, Humane
Death Penalty that is Continue-able from;
Punishment 3: to be turned into a small or to scale
chained and imprisoned non damages-able stone
or medal statue and put into recoverable stasis, or
totally discontinued as a stone or medal statue that
are kept at the prison facility of statued criminals; 4:
Total and Clean and Humane Discontinuity into
basic particles in the case that the person is
unrehabilitable and extremely deadly to others such
as an unchangeable illegal hell machine being
6.In the case that Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
are at war Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics can
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use weapons that hurt, or terminate enemy
combatants in Existence warfare; once they are
captured they can be treated humanely and face;
Punishment 1: Imprisonment and humane
rehabilitation; Punishment 2: the Clean, Humane
Death Penalty that is Continue-able from;
Punishment 3: to be turned into a small or to scale
chained and imprisoned non damages-able stone
or medal statue and put into recoverable stasis, or
totally discontinued as a stone or medal statue that
are kept at the prison facility of statued criminals; 4:
Total and Clean and Humane Discontinuity into
basic particles in the case that the person is
unrehabilitable and extremely deadly to others such
as an unchangeable illegal hell machine being
7.It is the Law that in order to keep Marc-G-P-L
Creatic prison institutions loosuncapturety of violent
criminals that fight against prison authorities to
cause a repairable crippling disability to occur to
prisoners. There are several methods to cause this
to occur. Method 1: is to Create a cripple drug that
is administered through needle into the prisoners
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( OperationComplex ) which then causes the
prisoner to become crippled waist down, when the
sentencing of the criminal is complete then the
criminal is given the antidote which will then cause
the crippled prisoner to become fully enabled and a
non-cripple. Method 2: is to use super natural
power to cripple or un-cripple a prisoner by turning
off all components in the nervous
( OperationComplex ) or brain that operate the
lower body waist down. Prison institutions shall
have appropriate sized halls to accommodate
automatic wheelchairs that are remote controlled by
prison authorities or controlled by the wheel
chaired person. There shall also be virtual tracks for
automatic wheel chairs to fallow.
8.All the Law found in this documentation about
( "sincrime" ) are legitimate ( "sincrime" ) and are
not to be deleted as ( "sincrime" ). No Leadership or
Citizen is allowed to delete any Law found on this
document to be ( "sincrime" ). All written
( "sincrime" ) in this documentation are certified
( "sincrime" ). No Leadership or Citizen is allowed to
change any level of ( "sincrime" ) found here by
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deleting levels of ( "sincrime" ) so that the
Leadership or citizen can commit any ( "sincrime" )
found in this document; it would be better if the
Leadership or citizen commit such acts on the
Leadership or citizen's own self acting without
deleting any level of ( "sincrime" ) found in this
document displaying the levels of ( "sincrime" )
instead of minus-sing or adding documentation to
this documentation on different levels of
( "sincrime" ) to commit certified ( "sincrime" ). If the
Leadership or citizen deserve forgiveness and
counseling the Leadership or citizen shall be given
forgiveness and counseling if the Leadership or
citizen deserved prosecution the Leadership or
citizen shall be prosecuted, but in no way is a
Leadership or Citizen allowed to change this
document to commit levels of ( "sincrime" ) found
in this documentation. It would be much Marc
Perfect if the Leadership or citizen does not write
any documentation nor hold any personal belief to
commit any written ( "sincrime" ) found in this
documentation, and such Leadership or citizen
should not Create any new legitimate ( "sincrime" )
to commit that is not written in this documentation;
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no Leadership or citizen should ever delete any
( "sincrime" ) found in this documentation that is a
certified ( "sincrime" ) so that the Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatic may commit such ( "sincrime" )
legally illegally; for all ( "sincrime" ) found on this
documentation are legitimate ( "sincrime" ). No
non-compliant private illegitimate documentation
supersede certified Law found in this
documentation such documentation shall be found
to be non-compliant and against certified Law of
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics, and are nonlegal
documentation written as other options away
from this legal documentation of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics to conserve the authenticity
of this certified documentation of Law so that
decedents of the Law may not petition to change
certified legitimate Law in order to commit illegal
acts found in this documentation, such
documentation when found can or may be
confiscated by the Leadership of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics, if such illegitimate personal
documentation are found to be high ( "sincrime" )
the Leadership or the citizen that have written such
documentation can or may face prosecution. New
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levels of ( "sincrime" ) can be written and added to
this documentation, but any written ( "sincrime" )
found in this documentation shall not be removed
from this documentation. ( Leadership and Citizens
must understand when the Perfect Law of This
document cannot be sustained in an imperfect
environment nor manifest itself in its Perfect Form
leniency and overview of cases of violations of
Perfect Law must be made in the case a Leadership
or Citizen violate a Law because the environment or
reality ( OperationComplex ) or their Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) were in an imperfect or
less perfect form, or less perfect environment, or
evil malicious environment, that caused the
infraction against Perfect Law to occur. In the case
that it is proven that it is an evil malicious imperfect
reality, or situation, or evil malicious set up for
failure that have caused a Leadership or Citizen to
violate a Perfect Law and it is proven that the
Leadership or Citizen is not evil malicious to the
core, or rotting evil malicious, criminal in core
foundational nature, malevolent, ominous, nor
intentionally a designer of their own fate to be
intentionally at fault, nor an evil malicious
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intentional worst possibility Maker, nor a illegal hell
machine; then a case of exoneration shall be heard
in the favor of the set up for failure Leadership or
Citizen to be forgiven for forgive-able offenses
against Perfect Law. )
9.The practice of mob justice is illegal in Marc-G-PL-
Perfectionists Creatics; mob justice is when by
standers and citizens take the law into their own
hand and arrest and judge sincriminals on their own
and punish ( "sincrime" ) criminals on their own
without the usage of the local police or local or
state Leadership and authority; citizens have the
right to detain criminals and to protect themselves
from criminals, but they are not to be the final
judge of criminals, but must call the local police
when criminals are caught by them or observed by
them; citizens cannot be the final judge of criminals,
but the justice system of Marc-G-P-L-Perfectionists
Creatic shall be the final justice against criminals in
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics; for example
citizens cannot gather around a criminal and beat
and burn to death a criminal unless they are
practicing self defense from deadly harm; if they are
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not in danger of deadly harm once the sincriminal
is restrained, citizens must call the local police to
take away the criminal to imprisonment and legal
trial and judgment.
330-(5).Level(1)( "sincrime" ):
1-1.Violating any belief, or recommendation, or
writing in this book that is not written as a level of (
"sincrime" ).
1-2.Harmful lies that does not lead to physical and
mental harm;
1-3.Masturbation without the presence of the
opposite sex in person or in the form of an image,
or in the form of a mental image, or in the form of
a remote connection or in the form of a desire;
Using a Sex Toy or artificial sex organ, or sex toy
that is not human in nature, that is not a copy of a
persons actual spouse penis if they are Procreation
Espoused when it is possible to build such things;
or a copy of the actual female spouses body when
it is possible to do build such a thing. “Note; such
sexual artificial sex organ, or sex toys and realistic
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artificial surrogate spouses, or sex doll are not
Agalmatophilia, but actual realistic copies of
spouses sexuality that was designed specifically for
sexual purposes and not for statue purposes, a
woman to avoid std's and other diseases, to avoid
death, to avoid torture, to avoid "traditional fatal
prostitution", to avoid sexual slavery, to avoid evil
malicious, to avoid homosexuality, to avoid
beastiality, and to avoid other unnamed evil
malicious that occur from having sex with someone
or something; to avoid the above mentioned worst
possibility things from occurring to her a woman
can temporarily use her hands only for
masturbation unless the artificial penis is a copy of
her husbands penis; without being charged with a
( "sincrime" ), because it is evil malicious results she
have avoided from occurring to her, but she cannot
think as a homosexual but must think as a
Heterosexual while she is performing against-evil
maliciousness masturbation with her hands or with
an artificial penis of a Human Male that is her own
husband's and her own color. A Human Male Can
Temporarily Use a Realistic Human Female Sex Doll,
or Realistic Virtual Woman, or Realistic Pornography
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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