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Zooaphilia Case #6: Zooaphilie genocide does not afford inteligence to be human females this have been this way for thousands of years contracts that leaders of races and religions sign to worship non human entities; have led to complete zooaphile women who even think stink dog dicks taste good; women being raped and killed think they are having the best time of their lives sucking dogs dicks; what racists say is impossible to do with white women mere dogs of every color is doing fucking white women and women of every race and color they even see a dog as a god; gods name say dog backward and its no coincidence for god even dwell in mere dogs and have sex with them;
Zooaphilia Case #4: Stink stable barns is what zooaphile racists from mere animals think they would put human females that are browner skin females but this evil is not only limited to browner skin females it is all females zooaphiles are seeking for; the lies of zooaphiles are like a deep ocean an abyse of darkness or a blinding light that no one who do not have the powers or tools can see past; zooaphiles are the greatest thief of the wealth of mankind as women and as all that they own, zooaphilia must be made to pay for all they have done to Humanity;
Zooaphilia Case #14: The blood mixing between whites who are zooaphiles and negro blacks as they call themselves was not a clean child but was the same sinful person who fucksex animals and is as nasty as the whites infact if the whites nigered negro blacks the child came out twice more nasty as a white and a negro black making the child more nasty with animals and even choosing large size dogs as this one to fucksex;
Zooaphilia Case #1: This is an Example of Spreading Genocide of Zooaphilia; wicked men and wicked animal reincarnates are fucksexing women who are browner skin women; they sense the dog and themselves fucksexing women; they are many from the animals themselves reincarnating into the human form; MarcGPL dissagree with this evil zooaphilia genocide that is occurring thoughout the community;
Zooaphilia Case #11: ("Vintage is a white from the age of 1950 till now even who is hell bent on saying they are moral but are the worsts immoral among whites eversince whites began their existences they have had a vintage to thank for how immoral and plaguin they are they have killed many kinds in the past and present saying they are moral but in reality they are some of the most immoral evil people that will ever exists forever, note, vintage cant type but they will steal typing forever from Moderns if they can if the Modern is an Owuwunow or Middl Brown they will steal all his gears his eyes even they would have stolen if he do not see they are naked in front of animals most or all them time 24 hour 7 days per week vintage people suck dick of animals like pigs even vintage whites are the most evil among all whites that will ever eixists because of a case of 1942 when they killed all blacks in america but fucking them in the behind and leaving all of them for dead in streets called philadelphia burning philadelphia the blacks wrote without revealing that whites raped all blacks in philadelphia leaving them all naked and burned to death even, whites know about it but blacks as they call them do not know anything about whites in the past that they ate all people who saw them fucking animals all day long and all night long in vintage white worlds called south and norths who were both guilty as white vingtage people for all whites knew how to sin that way during the age of vintage");
Zooaphilia Case #8: Zooaphilia is the taking away of all wives and spouses of browner skin modern men, while modern men are busy loving their women their women are busy fucking animals in places unknown to husbands who do not know that they fight against gods, devils, demons and even universe entities who wish to take away their female spouses for themselves as non human cannibalistic genocidal entities, human females minds are eaten as mere food to sabotage their brains into mere fuck for stink dirty cannibalistic animals who fuck and eat womenkind as mere food to themselves to grow their own kind as beasts and demonic animals; MarcGPL is working on rescuing Humanity from the grip of wicked gods, devils, demons, devas and univeses and transformers etc., and the animals they become;
Zooaphilia Case #2: Madness is the brain destruction that is done to females to make them into a crazy zooaphile, horses are monsters of the planet earth and are not friendly nor friends of humanity horses are monsters of the pangea women are made to lose their mind to fucksex horses, horses even kill them with large dicks and wicked blundgoening of horses penis; MarcGPL is Against zooaphilia and is working on the case to end zooaphilia;
Zooaphilia Case #13: ("1970s are racists whites still who have sex with animals to enjoy pastimes even all day long they seem to suck dog dicks, note whites of the vintage are responsible for genocide they are not only responsible the holocaust but are also responsible for untold genocide the whites of the past known as vintage whites are some of the most evil whites that have ever existed and where responsible for the holocaust such as crakar and burkenul but they have been proven to be zooaphiles killing all humanity but its not only whites who are guilty its all races among humanity who have zooaphilia gods rulling over them to have sex with them this started for example "and the daughters of men who ravished by the sons of god, those days there were gaints on earth, the human males having seen that they had no more wives among them became madness and angry at god for taking them away and that is when the man name noah was born among them, this story of gods ravishing the daughter of men through animals is not new, and god saw that all his animals had sin with men and women and decided to kill all of them except for 2 pairs of each animal; this means that all animals had sinned with men and women and had fucksex with them as sons of gods who are none human beings who feel all things by being omnipresent in all things and feeling all tings this means that not only did the women sin with forests animals along with sons of gods who came from heavens but were omnipresent in all things and felt the fucksex that took place between all the women and the sons of gods as animal transformers and all form transformers, as things, and reality"[note Marc GPL is ot christian or of god but is a None Object Worshiper in Operations], many gods are animal transformers and transform to animals and take demonic forms;"); vintage is a nestsite for such demonic activity; and must be stopped from robbing and killing the present tense or Modernity;
Zooaphilia Case #16: The women seemed more like a killed person being pushed down by a dumb brut monster who is more of a cave dweller then live in a city; that which eat the flesh and bones and children of Mankind; note, this women a brown skin women is killed mostly during the day but not the night its called Martin Luther Kind as in Kingdoms who are luthed in broad daylight that is what a coretta women is a women who lutes herself with men and animals day and night in the sky and in the ground and everywhere she goes while having a career; women are not for havng sex with zoo animals and kingdoms of men who are whites and all colors of zooaphilles but mainly white skin colored all day long; but that is what they did in 1942 to 1964 all negros called carettas which had 3 careers only having telephone signals sent back and forth called tellnet, being a maid, being laundry mat attendent, and cooking food at restaurants and serving it; they did that well enough for the next job called corretta; they then started having sex with white men and all died of rape in 1945 by being killed from all states of the south by whites being animal people in human bodies mainly and lessere a human being; decifing to kill all of them in broad daylight by even shooting them while walking down the street, but the kill was usually a blunt hit in the head by hammers; to say they do not care about blacks they always had sex with whites but whites decided to say they looked too pretty to be negros and killed all of them to steal their beauty and wear instead as white children and girls; the behind was what the whites most liked to fuck with mere animals but the whites killed all the women one at a time in holes in the ground and all over the united states still this day zooaphile men as gods devils and demons kill all corettas in holes; all correttas are from 1942 till 1954 they are women at arms to work for whites and have sex with them at the same time but all wind up dead in holes except for a few who wind up having sex with whites differently by integrating into their kinds as widows and wives to have sex with them forever even in heavens of animals, but the men called jimblow sam get upset and kill corettas also if they do not have sex with them and only whites as animal transformer and all form transformers do; Career Seekers for theft against future Moderns are corettas in that they kill modern brown skin peoples to enter the US and World to have careers instead by blaming modern for zooaphilia in the african american community but zooaphilia have been going on in africa for thousands of years along with anywhere else on the planet earth; zooaphilia is an alien invasion of a creature called an animal; the animal literally is an alien creature from a place called the universe becoming animals all the time to travel in time and space to eat mankind as foodsource and to steal Mankinds female spouses. Note animals kill all animals under them during sex and all corettas start bleeding from dogs bakulum so much in 1962 that they shrunk the bakulum of dogs which is a sharp knife in the dogs penis by reingeneering in time and space the animal; the alien animal is from seria and reptilia as aliens they who deposited all the animals are the universe in all human worlds we are Humans who own worlds since the begining of time as Netalies and Marcs Kind for designing them along with Us but we did not know Marcs kind Exists a Mankind who can design on Computers until we met Marc as a child and this is when all the troubles began in Marcs Life even Forever with the none human and human troubles in his life who do not like a Human Creator of His Own Kind and Reality; women who are under brainwash to lose the quality in life that they hang on to as a Mind and Body so Deerly do not know the radiation and missery and disease none humans and animals bring when they fucksex denizens instead of decent Men who are Actual Humans who have Life Energy instead of the death energy none human monsters and animals have; the evil denizens must be stopped from slaughtering all women in existences known as Modern Women as Marcias, and Natalies and other Women.
Zooaphilia Case #12: ("Vintage latinos are just as sick as vintage whites"; vintage lations were found to have fucksex with dogs and animals also all day long the age of vintage wites racists was full of zooaphilia in its sytem of things vintage is just as evil as ancient or any age in the past present or even modern and future age the war against zooaphile gods devil demons etc. is in all ages of mankind and have not gone away until the none human beings, things and reality that are fucksexing human females and even human males whith mere animals have gone away permanently. )
Zooaphilia Case #7: Zooaphile males and zooaphilia animals are among the biggests racists that will ever exists they stole sorcery of the world long time ago ever since bc the zooaphiles think they are gods over humanity they appreciate glowing white skin to put over white women to make them look as white as possible, then they put all monsters and animals and themselves as animal transformers and all form transformers and mere animals to fucksex white women all day long; they get a high telling browner skin Actual Mankind do not touch any white women while they put mere dogs and animals and monsters upon white women; they are born as white racists men and racists men of every color to rape every women who are of browner skin or any of the skin colors of actual mankind; zooaphiles use gods, devils, demons, devas, animals and animal transformers and even whole universes to fucksex human beings and have declared total extermination war against humanity as Actual Human Males forever they as mere animals wish to mate human females instead of Actual Human Males they fight with every unfairness to win mating human females; MarcGPL is working to get rid of all zooaphilia males and all animals and non humans to stop them from fucking Actual Human Females and Human Bodies;
Zooaphilia Case #3: Introduction to zooaphilia; women losing their minds into great heafers and abnormality nastiness this is the work of gods and devils and devas etc. the human female mind is made to be completely lost in zooaphilia and we do not know if many of them will ever get their minds back, the darkness of zooaphilia blinding them like the pitch night of spaces where evil dwell in secrecy from the eyes of mankind seeing them, while they rape all humanity;
Zooaphilia Case #15: jim blow sam are blacks from 1942 to present tense with guns drawn on all blacks they say to kill them if they can speak against almighty god with gods having fucksex with men and women and children and animals, jimblow sam are all animals who look human wearing a human body for all ages they plan to live killing any ActualMankind who is Brown Skin and wish not for women to have sex with animals or demons of devils or any wicked looking creatures or abomination or demonic and monstrosity; jim blow sams even have gunk and skunk wich means their sperm stink like shit even and their body have radiation as large as the ability to be an atom bomb that went off in a field that is how poluted whites as transformers are, jim blow sam are white all form tranform wearing a dark chocolate skin color usually browny to kill middle brown people if they can with guns usually as big as a desert eagle to shoot them for not allowing gods devils demons etc. to have fucksex and eat women as food; jim blow sams are out to get you all if you do not kill jimblow sam jim blow sam will kill you if they can only; jim blow sam will suck any dog dick if they see one on hard jim blow they call you do not agree that mean that they are trying to make the male person suck all animal dicks literally; deceivers are they called hindus and all religions they will literally get specific target to become jimblow or jimblow sam if they can but not for gods power like jim blow sams are who suck dick of animals only they allow in certain secret society to give great evil power to move reality, this is because reality was once in the hand of normers which a men who transform to animals and become gods after they become women and men which is bi decewaks and they have fucksex with animals and transform to animals at the same time they also eat women as a foodsource and fuck and eat women at the same time; jim blow sams are also in white skin but they usually just brainwash women or ttwus code them into dog sex and animal sex women along with having sex with white all form tranform or black animals transform
black and white forms of transformation is used by both skin color that is lighter whiter and darker blacker an in between when they are evilurcking in worlds but they are mainly whiter lighter and darker blacker skin colors; im blow sams are the reason no ActualMankind as Mainly Middle Brown skin Men can find any women to haves sex with they the jim blow always sell whites as transformer women turned out by trusting them to a colorful skin person jim blow are any skin color among nogro blacks, but the jim blow is an emposter and is not an ActualMankind jim blow sams are not ActualMankind they are animals encarnating into human form to rape women with themselves and with dogs mainly to then sell them to their own kind as whites who are actually animal transformers and all form transformers wearing a white mans body; jim blow sams acution the women along with slave owners to have sex and be eaten as food, jim blow sams deceive women jim blow sams eat the women also just like their kind as white all form transforms do; jim blow sam always think they hear a message from god telling to fuck and kill and eat the women and sell her and think they themselves are gods or under god to do what they do for a living, jim blow sams have no brain as to not be evil and are absolutely and evil walking and the stinch of they and the radiation gunk they are prove how evil a jim blow sam is; jim blow sams cannot swim in pools even or the whole pool turn into green gunk radiation that is how toxic jim blow sams as any skin color or any race are they are radiative and radiocative and are a gunk and skunk and are deadly to women that are Actual Womenkind. Jim Blow Sams Must Die and be killed; Jim blow sams are the enemy ob Brown Skin Men and are thieves of Brown Skin Men women but the biggest thief of Brown Skin Mens women are white all form tranform who are a whiter lighter and beigy and yellowy skin men and also darker blacker skin men they are all all form transform and animal reincarnate stealing all women that belong to ActualMankind as Middle Brown Men. This must be stopped Middl Brown Actual Mankind must regain their polywomen back;
Zooaphilia Case #10: Upright standing animals was an invention of ancient sorcery of humans and gods working together in worship these monsters that are upright standing animals have become a nightmare and a rape and murder against human females and human males they have taken the human female for fuck and food, while blundgoening them until they die they turn human life into minute souls to just fuck and kill and eat the human body from them and turn them into souls after; Human life under religion especially have become a secret genocide killing whole civilization by zooaphilia demonic godmonic creatures who hate to be seen by the eyes of Mankind to be known to be real usurpers of Mankind Property as womenkind and as all that they own; but this cannot be; MarcGPL is working on the case to remove upright animals from existneces and discontinue them forever;
Zooaphilia Case #9: Pretty things that men love to admire that are of their own kind are taken away by wicked gods, devils, demons, and devas etc., men do not have sex rarely while demonic animals they saw as mere animals before them are now taking the god posture over their women to fucksex them in many places were human females are downgraded to mere fuck and food, the eyes of mankind blinded by religion and goverment and media and entertainment does not know that women who they find pretty and admire to be their own have become mere fuck and food and blundgoening to mere monsters and animals who stand upright or who crawly like animals do; in wicked places stink and defiling they take beautiful things that belong to Actual Mankind to downgrade them into mere fuck and food; MarcGPL is Working on this case to rescure human females from wicked places known and unknow to Actual Mankind;
Zooaphilia Case #5: Zooaphilia awaits the day when there will be no eye witnesses that are Actual Human Beings with Morality enough to judge them and that is when all women will be in the streets fucking every animal; many world frequencies work that way there is no shelter for humanity anymore to have sex they just throw them all out into the streets and jungles and open fields to fucksex animalbase creatures; MarcGPL eye witness to the evil of zooaphilia is looking to resolve this issue as soon as possible;
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
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